[Rt-commit] r10636 - in rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS: . html/REST/1.0/Forms/user t/web
jesse at bestpractical.com
jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Jan 31 20:41:59 EST 2008
Author: jesse
Date: Thu Jan 31 20:41:55 2008
New Revision: 10636
rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/ (props changed)
r76033 at pinglin: jesse | 2008-01-31 20:41:03 -0500
* REST API runs (and fails many of) its tests
Modified: rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/default
--- rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/default (original)
+++ rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/default Thu Jan 31 20:41:55 2008
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@
my ($c, $o, $k, $e) = ("", [], {}, 0);
my %data = %$changes;
my $ticket = RT::Model::Ticket->new() ;
-my @dates = qw(Created starts Started Due resolved Told LastUpdated);
-my @people = qw(Requestors Cc AdminCc);
-my @create = qw(queue Requestor subject Cc AdminCc Owner Status Priority
+my @dates = qw(created starts started due resolved told last_updated);
+my @people = qw(requestors cc admin_cc);
+my @create = qw(queue requestor subject cc admin_cc owner status priority
initial_priority final_priority time_estimated time_worked
- time_left starts Started Due Resolved);
-my @simple = qw(subject Status Priority disabled time_estimated time_worked
+ time_left starts started due resolved);
+my @simple = qw(subject status priority disabled time_estimated time_worked
time_left initial_priority final_priority);
my %dates = map {lc $_ => $_} @dates;
my %people = map {lc $_ => $_} @people;
@@ -99,23 +99,23 @@
return [
"# Required: id, Queue",
- [ qw(id queue Requestor subject Cc AdminCc Owner Status Priority
+ [ qw(id queue requestor subject cc AdminCc Owner status priority
initial_priority final_priority time_estimated starts Due Text) ],
id => "ticket/new",
queue => $queue->name,
Requestor => Jifty->web->current_user->name,
subject => "",
- Cc => [],
- AdminCc => [],
- Owner => "",
- Status => "new",
- Priority => $queue->initial_priority,
+ cc => [],
+ admin_cc => [],
+ owner => "",
+ status => "new",
+ priority => $queue->initial_priority,
initial_priority => $queue->initial_priority,
final_priority => $queue->final_priority,
time_estimated => 0,
starts => $starts->iso,
- Due => $due->iso,
+ due => $due->iso,
Text => "",
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
push @data, [ Creator => $ticket->creator_obj->name ]
if (!%$fields || exists $fields->{lc 'Creator'});
- foreach (qw(subject Status Priority initial_priority final_priority)) {
+ foreach (qw(subject status priority initial_priority final_priority)) {
next unless (!%$fields || (exists $fields->{lc $_}));
push @data, [$_ => $ticket->$_ ];
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
$n = 1;
if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') {
- unless ($key =~ /^(?:Requestors|Cc|AdminCc)$/i) {
+ unless ($key =~ /^(?:requestors|cc|admin_cc)$/i) {
$n = 0;
$s = "$key may have only one value.";
goto SET;
Modified: rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/links
--- rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/links (original)
+++ rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/links Thu Jan 31 20:41:55 2008
@@ -63,16 +63,16 @@
my ($c, $o, $k, $e) = ("", [], {}, 0);
-my @fields = qw(DependsOn DependedOnBy RefersTo ReferredToBy Members MemberOf);
+my @fields = qw(depends_on depended_on_by refers_to referred_to_by members member_of);
my %fields = map { lc $_ => $_ } @fields;
my %lfields = (
- Members => { type => 'MemberOf', Mode => 'base' },
- ReferredToBy => { type => 'RefersTo', Mode => 'base' },
- DependedOnBy => { type => 'DependsOn', Mode => 'base' },
- MemberOf => { type => 'MemberOf', Mode => 'target' },
- RefersTo => { type => 'RefersTo', Mode => 'target' },
- DependsOn => { type => 'DependsOn', Mode => 'target' },
+ members => { type => 'MemberOf', Mode => 'base' },
+ referred_to_By => { type => 'RefersTo', Mode => 'base' },
+ depended_on_by => { type => 'DependsOn', Mode => 'base' },
+ member_of => { type => 'MemberOf', Mode => 'target' },
+ refers_to => { type => 'RefersTo', Mode => 'target' },
+ depends_on => { type => 'DependsOn', Mode => 'target' },
if ($changes) {
Modified: rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/take
--- rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/take (original)
+++ rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/take Thu Jan 31 20:41:55 2008
@@ -69,67 +69,19 @@
my @comments;
-($action = $changes{Action}) =~ s/^(.)(.*)$/\U$1\L$2\E/;
-unless ($action =~ /^(?:Take|Steal|Untake)$/) {
+($action = $changes{Action}) =~ s/^(.)(.*)$/\U$1\L$2\E/;
+unless ($action =~ /^(?:take|steal|untake)$/i) {
$e = 1;
$c = "# Invalid action: `$action'.";
goto OUTPUT;
+$action =lc $action;
my ($status, $msg) = $ticket->$action();
$c = "# $msg";
$e = 1 unless $status;
goto OUTPUT;
-#unless ($ticket->current_user_has_right('ModifyTicket') ||
-# ( ($action eq "Take" || $action eq 'Untake') &&
-# $ticket->current_user_has_right("TakeTicket")) ||
-# ($action eq "Steal" &&
-# $ticket->current_user_has_right("StealTicket")))
-# $e = 1;
-# $c = "# You are not allowed to $action ticket $id.";
-# goto OUTPUT;
-#if ( keys %changes ) {
-#else {
-# # process the form data structure
-# my ($key, $val);
-# foreach $key (keys %data) {
-# $val = $data{$key};
-# if ($key =~ /^force$/i) {
-# if ($val !~ /^(?:0|1)$/) {
-# push(@comments, "# invalid value for 'force': $val");
-# goto DONE;
-# }
-# my ($ret_id, $msg);
-# ### take
-# if ($val == 0) {
-# ($ret_id, $msg) = $ticket->take;
-# if (!$ret_id) {
-# push(@comments, "# Couldn't take ticket $id: $msg");
-# goto DONE;
-# }
-# push(@comments, "# Ticket $id taken.");
-# }
-# ### steal
-# else {
-# ($ret_id, $msg) = $ticket->steal;
-# if (!$ret_id) {
-# push(@comments, "# Couldn't steal ticket $id: $msg");
-# goto DONE;
-# }
-# push(@comments, "# Ticket $id stolen.");
-# }
-# }
-# }
return [ $c, $o, $k, $e ];
Modified: rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/html/REST/1.0/Forms/user/default
--- rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/html/REST/1.0/Forms/user/default (original)
+++ rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/html/REST/1.0/Forms/user/default Thu Jan 31 20:41:55 2008
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
my ($c, $o, $k, $e) = ("", [], {}, 0);
my %data = %$changes;
my $user = RT::Model::User->new() ;
-my @fields = qw(real_name nickname gecos organization Address1 Address2 City
- State Zip Country HomePhone WorkPhone MobilePhone PagerPhone
- freeform_contact_info comments Signature lang email_encoding
+my @fields = qw(real_name nickname gecos organization Address1 Address2 city
+ state zip country home_phone work_phone mobile_phone pager_phone
+ freeform_contact_info comments signature lang email_encoding
web_encoding ExternalContactInfoId ContactInfoSystem
ExternalAuthId auth_system);
my %fields = map { lc $_ => $_ } @fields;
Modified: rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/t/web/command_line.t
--- rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/t/web/command_line.t (original)
+++ rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/t/web/command_line.t Thu Jan 31 20:41:55 2008
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
# add attachments to a ticket
# text attachment
- check_attachment("$RT::BASE_PATH/lib/t/data/lorem-ipsum");
+ check_attachment("$RT::BASE_PATH/lib/RT.pm");
# binary attachment
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