[Rt-commit] r14599 - in rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS: lib/RT/Action

sunnavy at bestpractical.com sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Tue Jul 29 12:21:25 EDT 2008

Author: sunnavy
Date: Tue Jul 29 12:21:25 2008
New Revision: 14599

   rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/   (props changed)

 r15064 at sunnavys-mb:  sunnavy | 2008-07-30 00:17:30 +0800
 added Install Action

Added: rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/lib/RT/Action/Install.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/3.999-DANGEROUS/lib/RT/Action/Install.pm	Tue Jul 29 12:21:25 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+=head1 NAME
+package RT::Action::Install;
+use base qw/RT::Action Jifty::Action/;
+use UNIVERSAL::require;
+use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/;
+use Regexp::Common qw/Email::Address/;
+use Jifty::Param::Schema;
+use Jifty::Action schema {
+    param 'start';
+    param database_type =>
+        label is 'Database type',
+        render as 'Select',
+        available are defer {
+            my %map = (
+                mysql  => 'MySQL',
+                Pg     => 'PostgreSQL',
+                SQLite => 'SQLite',
+                Oracle => 'Oracle',
+            );
+            for ( keys %map ) {
+                my $m = 'DBD::' . $_;
+                delete $map{$_} unless $m->require;
+            }
+            [ map { { display => $map{$_}, value => $_ } } keys %map ];
+        },
+        default is defer { RT->config->get( 'database_type' ) };
+    param database_host =>
+        label is 'Database host',
+        hints is "The domain name of your database server (like 'db.example.com')", #loc
+        default is defer {
+            RT->config->get('database_host')
+        };
+    param database_port =>
+        label is 'Database port',
+        hints is 'Leave empty to use the default value for your database',    #loc
+        default is defer { RT->config->get('database_port') };
+    param database_name =>
+        label is 'Database name',
+        default is defer {
+            RT->config->get('database_name')
+        };
+    param database_admin =>
+        label is 'DBA username', #loc
+        hints is
+"Leave this alone to use the default dba username for your database type", #loc
+        default is defer {
+            my $type = $RT::Installer->{config}{'database_type'};
+            return unless $type;
+            return 'root' if $type eq 'mysql';
+            return 'postgres' if $type eq 'Pg';
+            return;
+        };
+    param database_admin_password =>
+        label is 'DBA password',                                #loc
+        render as 'Password',
+        hints is
+"You must provide the dba's password so we can create the RT database and user."; #loc
+    param database_user =>
+        label is 'Database username for RT',                     #loc
+        hints is
+'RT will connect to the database using this user.  It will be created for you.'
+, #loc
+        default is defer { RT->config->get( 'database_user' ) };
+    param database_password =>
+        label is 'Database password for RT',                     #loc
+        render as 'Password',
+        hints is 'The password RT should use to connect to the database.';#loc
+    param database_require_ssl =>
+        label is 'Use SSL?', #loc
+        render as 'Radio',
+        default is defer { RT->config->get( 'database_require_ssl' ) };
+    param rtname =>
+        label is 'Site name',
+        hints is
+'RT will use this string to uniquely identify your installation and looks for it in the subject of emails to decide what ticket a message applies to.  We recommend that you set this to your internet domain. (ex: example.com)', #loc
+        default is defer { RT->config->get( 'rtname' ) };
+    param minimum_password_length =>
+        label is 'Minimum password length', #loc
+        default is defer { RT->config->get( 'minimum_password_length' ) };
+    param password =>
+        label is 'Administrative password',    #loc
+        hints is
+'RT will create a user called "root" and set this as their password', #loc
+        render as 'Password',
+        is mandatory;
+    param owner_email =>
+        label is 'RT Administrator Email',     #loc
+        hints is
+"When RT can't handle an email message, where should it be forwarded?", #loc
+        is mandatory;
+    param comment_address =>
+        label is 'Comment address',            #loc
+        hints is
+'the default addresses that will be listed in From: and Reply-To: headers of comment mail.', #loc
+        default is defer { RT->config->get( 'comment_address' ) };
+    param correspond_address =>
+        label is 'Correspond address',    #loc
+        hints is
+'the default addresses that will be listed in From: and Reply-To: headers of correspondence mail.', #loc
+        default is defer { RT->config->get( 'correspond_address' ) };
+    param sendmail_path =>
+        label is 'Path to sendmail',                       #loc
+        hints is 'Where to find your sendmail binary.',    #loc
+        default is defer { RT->config->get( 'sendmail_path' ) };
+    param web_domain =>
+        label is 'Domain name',                            #loc
+        hints is
+"Don't include http://, just something like 'localhost', 'rt.example.com'"
+            ,                                                        #loc
+        default is defer { RT->config->get( 'web_domain' ) };
+    param web_port =>
+        label is 'Web port',                               #loc
+        hints is
+              'which port your web server will listen to, e.g. 8080',    #loc
+        default is defer { RT->config->get( 'web_port' ) };
+    param timezone =>
+        label is 'Timezone',                                   #loc
+        render as 'Select',
+        available are defer {
+                my %map = ( '' => 'System Default' );
+                use DateTime::TimeZone;
+                use DateTime;
+                my $dt = DateTime->now;
+                for my $tz ( DateTime::TimeZone->all_names ) {
+                        $dt->set_time_zone($tz);
+                        $map{$tz} = $tz . ' ' . $dt->strftime('%z');
+                }
+                [ map { { display => $map{$_}, value => $_ } }
+                      sort keys %map ];
+            };
+    param 'initdb';
+    param 'finish';
+my @available_database_types = grep {
+    my $m = 'DBD::' . $_;
+    $m->require ? 1 : 0
+} qw/mysql Pg SQLite Oracle/;
+sub validate_database_type {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->validation_ok('database_type') unless $self->has_argument(
+            'database_type' );
+    my $type = shift;
+    unless ( grep { $_ eq $type } @available_database_types ) {
+        return $self->validation_error( database_type =>
+              "invalid database_type, valid types are @available_database_types"
+        );
+    }
+    return $self->validation_ok('database_type');
+sub validate_database_port {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->validation_ok('database_port') unless $self->has_argument(
+        'database_port' );
+    my $port = shift;
+    if ( $port && !looks_like_number( $port ) ) {
+        return $self->validation_error( database_port =>
+              'invalid database_port, should be a number or nothing' ); #loc
+    }
+    return $self->validation_ok('database_port');
+sub validate_sendmail_path {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->validation_ok('sendmail_path') unless $self->has_argument(
+        'sendmail_path' );
+    my $path = shift;
+    if ( -e $path ) {
+        return $self->validation_ok( 'sendmail_path' );
+    }
+    else {
+        return $self->validation_error(
+            sendmail_path => "the path seems not exist." );
+    }
+sub _validate_email {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $param = shift;
+    my $email = shift;
+    return $self->validation_ok($param) unless $email && $self->has_argument( $param );
+    if ( $email =~ /^$RE{Email}{Address}$/ ) {
+        return $self->validation_ok( $param );
+    }
+    else {
+        return $self->validation_error(
+            $param => "This does not look like a proper e-mail address." );
+    }
+sub validate_owner_email {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $email = shift;
+    return $self->_validate_email( owner_email => $email );
+sub validate_correspond_address {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $email = shift;
+    return $self->_validate_email( correspond_address => $email );
+sub validate_comment_address {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $email = shift;
+    return $self->_validate_email( comment_address => $email );
+=head2 take_action
+sub take_action {
+    my $self = shift;
+    for my $arg ( $self->argument_names ) {
+        if ( $self->has_argument( 'start' ) ) {
+            $RT::Installer->{config} = {};
+            last;
+        }
+        elsif ( $self->has_argument('initdb') ) {
+### TODO finish this
+            last;
+        }
+        elsif ( $self->has_argument('finish') ) {
+            RT->install_mode(0);
+            RT->init_system_objects();
+            RT->init();
+            my $root = RT::Model::User->new( RT->system_user );
+            $root->load('root');
+            $root->set_password( $RT::Installer->{config}{password} );
+            last;
+        }
+        if ( $self->has_argument( $arg ) ) {
+            $RT::Installer->{config}{$arg} = $self->argument_value($arg);
+        }
+    }
+    $self->report_success if not $self->result->failure;
+    return 1;
+=head2 report_success
+sub report_success {
+    my $self = shift;
+    # Your success message here
+    $self->result->message('Success');

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