[Rt-commit] r13565 - in rt/3.8/trunk: .

kyoki at bestpractical.com kyoki at bestpractical.com
Tue Jun 24 14:48:59 EDT 2008

Author: kyoki
Date: Tue Jun 24 14:48:59 2008
New Revision: 13565

   rt/3.8/trunk/   (props changed)

 r23327 at nyx:  kyoki | 2008-06-24 14:44:16 -0400
 link added/deleted message a little more human friendly - type is no longer capitalized runon

Modified: rt/3.8/trunk/lib/RT/Record.pm
--- rt/3.8/trunk/lib/RT/Record.pm	(original)
+++ rt/3.8/trunk/lib/RT/Record.pm	Tue Jun 24 14:48:59 2008
@@ -1179,6 +1179,26 @@
 # }}}
+# {{{ sub FormatType
+=head2 FormatType
+Takes a Type and returns a string that is more human readable.
+sub FormatType{
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %args = ( Type => '',
+		 @_
+	       );
+    $args{Type} =~ s/([A-Z])/" " . lc $1/ge;
+    return $args{Type};
+# }}}
 # {{{ sub FormatLink
 =head2 FormatLink
@@ -1273,8 +1293,9 @@
 				     FallBack => $args{Base});
     my $targettext = $self->FormatLink(Object => $link->TargetObj,
 				       FallBack => $args{Target});
+    my $typetext = $self->FormatType(Type => $args{Type});
     my $TransString =
-      "$basetext $args{Type} $targettext.";
+      "$basetext $typetext $targettext.";
     return ( $linkid, $TransString ) ;
@@ -1332,13 +1353,14 @@
     #it's a real link. 
     if ( $link->id ) {
-	my $basetext = $self->FormatLink(Object => $link->BaseObj,
-				     FallBack => $args{Base});
-	my $targettext = $self->FormatLink(Object => $link->TargetObj,
-				       FallBack => $args{Target});
+        my $basetext = $self->FormatLink(Object => $link->BaseObj,
+                                     FallBack => $args{Base});
+        my $targettext = $self->FormatLink(Object => $link->TargetObj,
+                                       FallBack => $args{Target});
+        my $typetext = $self->FormatType(Type => $args{Type});
         my $linkid = $link->id;
-        my $TransString = "$basetext no longer $args{Type} $targettext.";
+        my $TransString = "$basetext no longer $typetext $targettext.";
         return ( 1, $TransString);

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