[Rt-commit] r11015 - in rt/branches/3.8-TESTING: lib/RT/Action
ruz at bestpractical.com
ruz at bestpractical.com
Wed Mar 5 18:44:55 EST 2008
Author: ruz
Date: Wed Mar 5 18:44:54 2008
New Revision: 11015
rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/lib/RT/Action/LinearEscalate.pm (contents, props changed)
* integrate RT::Action::LinearEscalate into core
Added: rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/lib/RT/Action/LinearEscalate.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/lib/RT/Action/LinearEscalate.pm Wed Mar 5 18:44:54 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2006 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+# <jesse at bestpractical.com>
+# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from www.gnu.org.
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
+# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
+# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
+# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
+# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
+# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
+# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
+# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
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+# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+=head1 NAME
+RT::Action::LinearEscalate - will move a ticket's priority toward its final priority.
+=head1 This vs. RT::Action::EscalatePriority
+This action doesn't change priority if due date is not set.
+This action honor the Starts date.
+This action can apply changes silently.
+This action can replace EscalatePriority completly. If you want to tickets
+that have been created without Due date then you can add scrip that sets
+default due date. For example a week then priorities of your tickets will
+escalate linearly during the week from intial value towards final.
+=head1 This vs. LinearEscalate from the CPAN
+This action is an integration of the module from the CPAN into RT's core
+that's happened in RT 3.8. If you're upgrading from 3.6 and have been using
+module from the CPAN with old version of RT then you should uninstall it
+and use this one.
+However, this action doesn't support control over config. Read </CONFIGURATION>
+to find out ways to deal with it.
+LinearEscalate is a ScripAction that will move a ticket's priority
+from its initial priority to its final priority linearly as
+the ticket approaches its due date.
+It's intended to be called by an RT escalation tool. One such tool is called
+rt-crontool and is located in $RTHOME/bin (see C<rt-crontool -h> for more details).
+=head1 USAGE
+Once the ScripAction is installed, the following script in "cron"
+will get tickets to where they need to be:
+ rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg \
+ "(Status='new' OR Status='open' OR Status = 'stalled')" \
+ --action RT::Action::LinearEscalate
+The Starts date is associated with intial ticket's priority or
+the Created field if the former is not set. End of interval is
+the Due date. Tickets without due date B<are not updated>.
+Initial and Final priorities are controlled by queue's options
+and can be defined using the web UI via Configuration tab. This
+action should handle correctly situations when initial priority
+is greater than final.
+LinearEscalate's behavior can be controlled by two options:
+=over 4
+=item RecordTransaction - defaults to false and if option is true then
+causes the tool to create a transaction on the ticket when it is escalated.
+=item UpdateLastUpdated - which defaults to true and updates the LastUpdated
+field when the ticket is escalated, otherwise don't touch anything.
+You cannot set "UpdateLastUpdated" to false unless "RecordTransaction"
+is also false. Well, you can, but we'll just ignore you.
+You can set this options using either in F<RT_SiteConfig.pm>, as action
+argument in call to the rt-crontool or in DB if you want to use the action
+in scrips.
+From a shell you can use the following command:
+ rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg \
+ "(Status='new' OR Status='open' OR Status = 'stalled')" \
+ --action RT::Action::LinearEscalate \
+ --action-arg "RecordTransaction: 1"
+This ScripAction uses RT's internal _Set or __Set calls to set ticket
+priority without running scrips or recording a transaction on each
+update, if it's been said to.
+package RT::Action::LinearEscalate;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(RT::Action::Generic);
+our $VERSION = '0.06';
+#Do what we need to do and send it out.
+#What does this type of Action does
+sub Describe {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $class = ref($self) || $self;
+ return "$class will move a ticket's priority toward its final priority.";
+sub Prepare {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ticket = $self->TicketObj;
+ my $due = $ticket->DueObj->Unix;
+ unless ( $due > 0 ) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug('Due is not set. Not escalating.');
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my $priority_range = $ticket->FinalPriority - $ticket->InitialPriority;
+ unless ( $priority_range ) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug('Final and Initial priorities are equal. Not escalating.');
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( $ticket->Priority >= $ticket->FinalPriority && $priority_range > 0 ) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug('Current priority is greater than final. Not escalating.');
+ return 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $ticket->Priority <= $ticket->FinalPriority && $priority_range < 0 ) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug('Current priority is lower than final. Not escalating.');
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # TODO: compute the number of business days until the ticket is due
+ # now we know we have a due date. for every day that passes,
+ # increment priority according to the formula
+ my $starts = $ticket->StartsObj->Unix;
+ $starts = $ticket->CreatedObj->Unix unless $starts > 0;
+ my $now = time;
+ # do nothing if we didn't reach starts or created date
+ if ( $starts > $now ) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug('Starts(Created) is in future. Not escalating.');
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $due = $starts + 1 if $due <= $starts; # +1 to avoid div by zero
+ my $percent_complete = ($now-$starts)/($due - $starts);
+ my $new_priority = int($percent_complete * $priority_range) + $ticket->InitialPriority;
+ $new_priority = $ticket->FinalPriority if $new_priority > $ticket->FinalPriority;
+ $self->{'new_priority'} = $new_priority;
+ return 1;
+sub Commit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $new_value = $self->{'new_priority'};
+ return 1 unless defined $new_value;
+ my $ticket = $self->TicketObj;
+ # if the priority hasn't changed do nothing
+ return 1 if $ticket->Priority == $new_value;
+ # override defaults from argument
+ my ($record, $update) = (0, 1);
+ {
+ my $arg = $self->Argument || '';
+ if ( $arg =~ /RecordTransaction:\s*(\d+)/i ) {
+ $record = $1;
+ $RT::Logger->debug("Overrode RecordTransaction: $record");
+ }
+ if ( $arg =~ /UpdateLastUpdated:\s*(\d+)/i ) {
+ $update = $1;
+ $RT::Logger->debug("Overrode UpdateLastUpdated: $update");
+ }
+ $update = 1 if $record;
+ }
+ $RT::Logger->debug(
+ 'Linearly escalating priority of ticket #'. $ticket->Id
+ .' from '. $ticket->Priority .' to '. $new_value
+ .' and'. ($record? '': ' do not') .' record a transaction'
+ .' and'. ($update? '': ' do not') .' touch last updated field'
+ );
+ my ( $val, $msg );
+ unless ( $record ) {
+ unless ( $update ) {
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $ticket->__Set(
+ Field => 'Priority',
+ Value => $new_value,
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $ticket->_Set(
+ Field => 'Priority',
+ Value => $new_value,
+ RecordTransaction => 0,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $ticket->SetPriority( $new_value );
+ }
+ unless ($val) {
+ $RT::Logger->error( "Couldn't set new priority value: $msg" );
+ return (0, $msg);
+ }
+ return 1;
+eval "require RT::Action::LinearEscalate_Vendor";
+die $@ if ( $@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/Action/LinearEscalate_Vendor.pm} );
+eval "require RT::Action::LinearEscalate_Local";
+die $@ if ( $@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/Action/LinearEscalate_Local.pm} );
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Kevin Riggle E<lt>kevinr at bestpractical.comE<gt>
+Ruslan Zakirov E<lt>ruz at bestpractical.comE<gt>
Added: rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/t/ticket/action_linear_escalate.t
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/t/ticket/action_linear_escalate.t Wed Mar 5 18:44:54 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 16;
+use RT;
+use RT::Test;
+my ($id, $msg);
+my $RecordTransaction;
+my $UpdateLastUpdated;
+my $q = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue( Name => 'Regression' );
+ok $q && $q->id, 'loaded or created queue';
+my $user = RT::Test->load_or_create_user(
+ Name => 'user', Password => 'password',
+ok $user && $user->id, 'loaded or created user';
+$user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'SuperUser' );
+my $current_user = RT::CurrentUser->new($RT::SystemUser);
+($id, $msg) = $current_user->Load($user->id);
+ok( $id, "Got current user? $msg" );
+$RecordTransaction = 0;
+$UpdateLastUpdated = 1;
+my $ticket2 = create_ticket_as_ok($current_user);
+ok( $ticket2->LastUpdatedBy != $user->id, "Set LastUpdated" );
+ok( $ticket2->Transactions->Last->Type =~ /Create/i, "Did not record a transaction" );
+$RecordTransaction = 1;
+$UpdateLastUpdated = 1;
+my $ticket1 = create_ticket_as_ok($current_user);
+ok( $ticket1->LastUpdatedBy != $user->id, "Set LastUpdated" );
+ok( $ticket1->Transactions->Last->Type !~ /Create/i, "Recorded a transaction" );
+$RecordTransaction = 0;
+$UpdateLastUpdated = 0;
+my $ticket3 = create_ticket_as_ok($current_user);
+ok( $ticket3->LastUpdatedBy == $user->id, "Did not set LastUpdated" );
+ok( $ticket3->Transactions->Last->Type =~ /Create/i, "Did not record a transaction" );
+sub create_ticket_as_ok {
+ my $user = shift;
+ my $created = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ $created->Unix(time() - ( 7 * 24 * 60**2 ));
+ my $due = RT::Date->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ $due->Unix(time() + ( 7 * 24 * 60**2 ));
+ my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($user);
+ ($id, $msg) = $ticket->Create( Queue => $q->id,
+ Subject => "Escalation test",
+ Priority => 0,
+ InitialPriority => 0,
+ FinalPriority => 50,
+ );
+ ok($id, "Created ticket? ".$id);
+ $ticket->__Set( Field => 'Created',
+ Value => $created->ISO,
+ );
+ $ticket->__Set( Field => 'Due',
+ Value => $due->ISO,
+ );
+ return $ticket;
+sub escalate_ticket_ok {
+ my $ticket = shift;
+ my $id = $ticket->id;
+ print "rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg \"id = @{[$id]}\" --action RT::Action::LinearEscalate --action-arg \"RecordTransaction:$RecordTransaction; UpdateLastUpdated:$UpdateLastUpdated\"\n";
+ print STDERR `/opt/rt3/bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg "id = @{[$id]}" --action RT::Action::LinearEscalate --action-arg "RecordTransaction:$RecordTransaction; UpdateLastUpdated:$UpdateLastUpdated"`;
+ $ticket->Load($id); # reload, because otherwise we get the cached value
+ ok( $ticket->Priority != 0, "Escalated ticket" );
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