[Rt-commit] r12015 - in rt/branches/3.8-TESTING: . t/maildigest
jesse at bestpractical.com
jesse at bestpractical.com
Fri May 2 18:51:23 EDT 2008
Author: jesse
Date: Fri May 2 18:51:22 2008
New Revision: 12015
rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/ (props changed)
rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/sbin/ (props changed)
r30376 at 54: jesse | 2008-05-02 18:51:03 -0400
* There are tests! They were even there first. oops
Added: rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/t/maildigest/attributes.t
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/t/maildigest/attributes.t Fri May 2 18:51:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 31;
+use RT;
+use RT::Test;
+my @users = qw/ emailnormal at example.com emaildaily at example.com emailweekly at example.com emailsusp at example.com /;
+my( $ret, $msg );
+my $user_n = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+( $ret, $msg ) = $user_n->LoadOrCreateByEmail( $users[0] );
+ok( $ret, "user with default email prefs created: $msg" );
+$user_n->SetPrivileged( 1 );
+my $user_d = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+( $ret, $msg ) = $user_d->LoadOrCreateByEmail( $users[1] );
+ok( $ret, "user with daily digest email prefs created: $msg" );
+# Set a username & password for testing the interface.
+$user_d->SetPrivileged( 1 );
+$user_d->SetPreferences($RT::System => { %{ $user_d->Preferences( $RT::System ) || {}}, EmailFrequency => 'Daily digest'});
+my $user_w = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+( $ret, $msg ) = $user_w->LoadOrCreateByEmail( $users[2] );
+ok( $ret, "user with weekly digest email prefs created: $msg" );
+$user_w->SetPrivileged( 1 );
+$user_w->SetPreferences($RT::System => { %{ $user_w->Preferences( $RT::System ) || {}}, EmailFrequency => 'Weekly digest'});
+my $user_s = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+( $ret, $msg ) = $user_s->LoadOrCreateByEmail( $users[3] );
+ok( $ret, "user with suspended email prefs created: $msg" );
+$user_s->SetPreferences($RT::System => { %{ $user_s->Preferences( $RT::System ) || {}}, EmailFrequency => 'Suspended'});
+$user_s->SetPrivileged( 1 );
+is(RT::Config->Get('EmailFrequency' => $user_s), 'Suspended');
+# Make a testing queue for ourselves.
+my $testq = RT::Queue->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+if( $testq->ValidateName( 'EmailDigest-testqueue' ) ) {
+ ( $ret, $msg ) = $testq->Create( Name => 'EmailDigest-testqueue' );
+ ok( $ret, "Our test queue is created: $msg" );
+} else {
+ $testq->Load( 'EmailDigest-testqueue' );
+ ok( $testq->id, "Our test queue is loaded" );
+# Allow anyone to open a ticket on the test queue.
+my $everyone = RT::Group->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+( $ret, $msg ) = $everyone->LoadSystemInternalGroup( 'Everyone' );
+ok( $ret, "Loaded 'everyone' group: $msg" );
+( $ret, $msg ) = $everyone->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'CreateTicket',
+ Object => $testq );
+ok( $ret || $msg =~ /already has/, "Granted everyone CreateTicket on testq: $msg" );
+# Make user_d an admincc for the queue.
+( $ret, $msg ) = $user_d->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'AdminQueue',
+ Object => $testq );
+ok( $ret || $msg =~ /already has/, "Granted dduser AdminQueue on testq: $msg" );
+( $ret, $msg ) = $testq->AddWatcher( Type => 'AdminCc',
+ PrincipalId => $user_d->PrincipalObj->id );
+ok( $ret || $msg =~ /already/, "dduser added as a queue watcher: $msg" );
+# Give the others queue rights.
+( $ret, $msg ) = $user_n->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'AdminQueue',
+ Object => $testq );
+ok( $ret || $msg =~ /already has/, "Granted emailnormal right on testq: $msg" );
+( $ret, $msg ) = $user_w->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'AdminQueue',
+ Object => $testq );
+ok( $ret || $msg =~ /already has/, "Granted emailweekly right on testq: $msg" );
+( $ret, $msg ) = $user_s->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'AdminQueue',
+ Object => $testq );
+ok( $ret || $msg =~ /already has/, "Granted emailsusp right on testq: $msg" );
+# Create a ticket with To: Cc: Bcc: fields using our four users.
+my $id;
+my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+( $id, $ret, $msg ) = $ticket->Create( Queue => $testq->Name,
+ Requestor => [ $user_w->Name ],
+ Subject => 'Test ticket for RT::Extension::EmailDigest',
+ );
+ok( $ret, "Ticket $id created: $msg" );
+# Make the other users ticket watchers.
+( $ret, $msg ) = $ticket->AddWatcher( Type => 'Cc',
+ PrincipalId => $user_n->PrincipalObj->id );
+ok( $ret, "Added user_w as a ticket watcher: $msg" );
+( $ret, $msg ) = $ticket->AddWatcher( Type => 'Cc',
+ PrincipalId => $user_s->PrincipalObj->id );
+ok( $ret, "Added user_s as a ticket watcher: $msg" );
+my $obj;
+($id, $msg, $obj ) = $ticket->Correspond(
+ Content => "This is a ticket response for CC action" );
+ok( $ret, "Transaction created: $msg" );
+# Get the deferred notifications that should result. Should be two for
+# email daily, and one apiece for emailweekly and emailsusp.
+my @notifications;
+my $txns = RT::Transactions->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+$txns->LimitToTicket( $ticket->id );
+my( $c_daily, $c_weekly, $c_susp ) = ( 0, 0, 0 );
+while( my $txn = $txns->Next ) {
+ my @daily_rcpt = $txn->DeferredRecipients( 'daily' );
+ my @weekly_rcpt = $txn->DeferredRecipients('weekly' );
+ my @susp_rcpt = $txn->DeferredRecipients( 'susp' );
+ $c_daily++ if @daily_rcpt;
+ $c_weekly++ if @weekly_rcpt;
+ $c_susp++ if @susp_rcpt;
+ # If the transaction has content...
+ if( $txn->ContentObj ) {
+ # ...none of the deferred folk should be in the header.
+ my $headerstr = $txn->ContentObj->Headers;
+ foreach my $rcpt( @daily_rcpt, @weekly_rcpt, @susp_rcpt ) {
+ ok( $headerstr !~ /$rcpt/, "Deferred recipient $rcpt not found in header" );
+ }
+ }
+# Finally, check to see that we got the correct number of each sort of
+# deferred recipient.
+is( $c_daily, 2, "correct number of daily-sent messages" );
+is( $c_weekly, 2, "correct number of weekly-sent messages" );
+is( $c_susp, 1, "correct number of suspended messages" );
+# Now let's actually run the daily and weekly digest tool to make sure we generate those
+# the first time get the content
+{open (my $digester, "-|", $RT::SbinPath."/rt-send-digest --mode daily --print");
+my @results = <$digester>;
+my $content = join ('', @results);
+like($content, qr/in the last day/);
+} {
+# The second time run it for real so we make sure that we get RT to mark the txn as sent
+open (my $digester, "-|", $RT::SbinPath."/rt-send-digest --mode daily");
+my @results = <$digester>;
+my $content = join ('', @results);
+like($content, qr/maildaily\@/);
+# now we should have nothing to do, so no content.
+{open (my $digester, "-|", $RT::SbinPath."/rt-send-digest --mode daily --print");
+my @results = <$digester>;
+my $content = join ('', @results);
+is ($content, '');
+# the first time get the content
+{open (my $digester, "-|", $RT::SbinPath."/rt-send-digest --mode weekly --print");
+my @results = <$digester>;
+my $content = join ('', @results);
+like($content, qr/in the last seven days/);
+} {
+# The second time run it for real so we make sure that we get RT to mark the txn as sent
+open (my $digester, "-|", $RT::SbinPath."/rt-send-digest --mode weekly");
+my @results = <$digester>;
+my $content = join ('', @results);
+like($content, qr/mailweekly\@/);
+# now we should have nothing to do, so no content.
+{open (my $digester, "-|", $RT::SbinPath."/rt-send-digest --mode weekly --print");
+my @results = <$digester>;
+my $content = join ('', @results);
+is ($content, '');
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