[Rt-commit] r12635 - rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/lib/RT/Interface

sunnavy at bestpractical.com sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Fri May 23 05:42:09 EDT 2008

Author: sunnavy
Date: Fri May 23 05:42:06 2008
New Revision: 12635


we don't need ProcessSearchQuery any more

Modified: rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
--- rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm	(original)
+++ rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm	Fri May 23 05:42:06 2008
@@ -743,227 +743,6 @@
 # }}}
-# {{{ sub ProcessSearchQuery
-=head2 ProcessSearchQuery
-  Takes a form such as the one filled out in webrt/Search/Elements/PickRestriction and turns it into something that RT::Tickets can understand.
-TODO Doc exactly what comes in the paramhash
-sub ProcessSearchQuery {
-    my %args = @_;
-    ## TODO: The only parameter here is %ARGS.  Maybe it would be
-    ## cleaner to load this parameter as $ARGS, and use $ARGS->{...}
-    ## instead of $args{ARGS}->{...} ? :)
-    #Searches are sticky.
-    if ( defined $session{'tickets'} ) {
-        # Reset the old search
-        $session{'tickets'}->GotoFirstItem;
-    }
-    else {
-        # Init a new search
-        $session{'tickets'} = RT::Tickets->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
-    }
-    #Import a bookmarked search if we have one
-    if ( defined $args{ARGS}->{'Bookmark'} ) {
-        $session{'tickets'}->ThawLimits( $args{ARGS}->{'Bookmark'} );
-    }
-    # {{{ Goto next/prev page
-    if ( $args{ARGS}->{'GotoPage'} eq 'Next' ) {
-        $session{'tickets'}->NextPage;
-    }
-    elsif ( $args{ARGS}->{'GotoPage'} eq 'Prev' ) {
-        $session{'tickets'}->PrevPage;
-    }
-    elsif ( $args{ARGS}->{'GotoPage'} > 0 ) {
-        $session{'tickets'}->GotoPage( $args{ARGS}->{GotoPage} - 1 );
-    }
-    # }}}
-    # {{{ Deal with limiting the search
-    if ( $args{ARGS}->{'RefreshSearchInterval'} ) {
-        $session{'tickets_refresh_interval'} =
-          $args{ARGS}->{'RefreshSearchInterval'};
-    }
-    if ( $args{ARGS}->{'TicketsSortBy'} ) {
-        $session{'tickets_sort_by'}    = $args{ARGS}->{'TicketsSortBy'};
-        $session{'tickets_sort_order'} = $args{ARGS}->{'TicketsSortOrder'};
-        $session{'tickets'}->OrderBy(
-            FIELD => $args{ARGS}->{'TicketsSortBy'},
-            ORDER => $args{ARGS}->{'TicketsSortOrder'}
-        );
-    }
-    # }}}
-    # {{{ Set the query limit
-    if ( defined $args{ARGS}->{'RowsPerPage'} ) {
-        $RT::Logger->debug(
-            "limiting to " . $args{ARGS}->{'RowsPerPage'} . " rows" );
-        $session{'tickets_rows_per_page'} = $args{ARGS}->{'RowsPerPage'};
-        $session{'tickets'}->RowsPerPage( $args{ARGS}->{'RowsPerPage'} );
-    }
-    # }}}
-    # {{{ Limit priority
-    if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfPriority'} ne '' ) {
-        $session{'tickets'}->LimitPriority(
-            VALUE    => $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfPriority'},
-            OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'PriorityOp'}
-        );
-    }
-    # }}}
-    # {{{ Limit owner
-    if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfOwner'} ne '' ) {
-        $session{'tickets'}->LimitOwner(
-            VALUE    => $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfOwner'},
-            OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'OwnerOp'}
-        );
-    }
-    # }}}
-    # {{{ Limit requestor email
-     if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfWatcherRole'} ne '' ) {
-         $session{'tickets'}->LimitWatcher(
-             TYPE     => $args{ARGS}->{'WatcherRole'},
-             VALUE    => $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfWatcherRole'},
-             OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'WatcherRoleOp'},
-        );
-    }
-    # }}}
-    # {{{ Limit Queue
-    if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfQueue'} ne '' ) {
-        $session{'tickets'}->LimitQueue(
-            VALUE    => $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfQueue'},
-            OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'QueueOp'}
-        );
-    }
-    # }}}
-    # {{{ Limit Status
-    if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfStatus'} ne '' ) {
-        if ( ref( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfStatus'} ) ) {
-            foreach my $value ( @{ $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfStatus'} } ) {
-                $session{'tickets'}->LimitStatus(
-                    VALUE    => $value,
-                    OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'StatusOp'},
-                );
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            $session{'tickets'}->LimitStatus(
-                VALUE    => $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfStatus'},
-                OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'StatusOp'},
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    # }}}
-    # {{{ Limit Subject
-    if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfSubject'} ne '' ) {
-        my $val = $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfSubject'};
-        if ($args{ARGS}->{'SubjectOp'} =~ /like/) {
-            $val = "%".$val."%";
-        }
-        $session{'tickets'}->LimitSubject(
-            VALUE    => $val,
-            OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'SubjectOp'},
-        );
-    }
-    # }}}    
-    # {{{ Limit Dates
-    if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfDate'} ne '' ) {
-        my $date = ParseDateToISO( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfDate'} );
-        $args{ARGS}->{'DateType'} =~ s/_Date$//;
-        if ( $args{ARGS}->{'DateType'} eq 'Updated' ) {
-            $session{'tickets'}->LimitTransactionDate(
-                VALUE    => $date,
-                OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'DateOp'},
-            );
-        }
-        else {
-            $session{'tickets'}->LimitDate(
-                FIELD => $args{ARGS}->{'DateType'},
-                VALUE => $date,
-                OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'DateOp'},
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    # }}}    
-    # {{{ Limit Content
-    if ( $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfAttachmentField'} ne '' ) {
-        my $val = $args{ARGS}->{'ValueOfAttachmentField'};
-        if ($args{ARGS}->{'AttachmentFieldOp'} =~ /like/) {
-            $val = "%".$val."%";
-        }
-        $session{'tickets'}->Limit(
-            FIELD   => $args{ARGS}->{'AttachmentField'},
-            VALUE    => $val,
-            OPERATOR => $args{ARGS}->{'AttachmentFieldOp'},
-        );
-    }
-    # }}}   
- # {{{ Limit CustomFields
-    foreach my $arg ( keys %{ $args{ARGS} } ) {
-        next unless ( $args{ARGS}->{$arg} );
-        next unless $arg =~ /^CustomField(\d+)$/;
-        my $id = $1;
-        my $form = $args{ARGS}->{ $arg };
-        my $oper = $args{ARGS}->{ "CustomFieldOp" . $id } || '';
-        foreach my $value ( ref($form) ? @{$form} : ($form) ) {
-            my $quote = 1;
-            if ($oper =~ /like/i) {
-                $value = "%".$value."%";
-            }
-            if ( $value =~ /^null$/i ) {
-                #Don't quote the string 'null'
-                $quote = 0;
-                # Convert the operator to something apropriate for nulls
-                $oper = 'IS'     if $oper eq '=';
-                $oper = 'IS NOT' if $oper eq '!=';
-            }
-            $session{'tickets'}->LimitCustomField(
-                CUSTOMFIELD => $id,
-                OPERATOR    => $oper,
-                QUOTEVALUE  => $quote,
-                VALUE       => $value,
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    # }}}
-# }}}
 # {{{ sub ParseDateToISO
 =head2 ParseDateToISO

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