[Rt-commit] r17846 - rt/3.8/trunk/share/html/Search
elacour at bestpractical.com
elacour at bestpractical.com
Tue Jan 20 18:22:23 EST 2009
Author: elacour
Date: Tue Jan 20 18:22:23 2009
New Revision: 17846
Add support for multiple attachments on bulk update (closes: #7192).
Modified: rt/3.8/trunk/share/html/Search/Bulk.html
--- rt/3.8/trunk/share/html/Search/Bulk.html (original)
+++ rt/3.8/trunk/share/html/Search/Bulk.html Tue Jan 20 18:22:23 2009
@@ -146,7 +146,20 @@
&><em><% $CF->FriendlyType %></em></td>
% } # end if while
- <tr><td align="right"><&|/l&>Attach</&>:</td><td><input name="UpdateAttachment" type="file" /></td></tr>
+% if (exists $session{'Attachments'}) {
+<tr><td><&|/l&>Attached file</&>:</td>
+<&|/l&>Check box to delete</&><br />
+% foreach my $attach_name (keys %{$session{'Attachments'}}) {
+<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="DeleteAttach-<%$attach_name%>" value="1" /><%$attach_name%><br />
+% } # end of foreach
+% } # end of if
+ <tr><td align="right"><&|/l&>Attach</&>:</td><td><input name="Attach" type="file" />
+ <input type="submit" class="button" name="AddMoreAttach" value="<&|/l&>Add More Files</&>" />
+ <input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="UpdateAttach" value="1" /></td></tr>
<tr><td class="labeltop"><&|/l&>Message</&>:</td><td>
<& /Elements/MessageBox, Name=>"UpdateContent"&>
@@ -219,6 +232,35 @@
my (@results);
+# {{{ deal with deleting uploaded attachments
+foreach my $key (keys %ARGS) {
+ if ($key =~ m/^DeleteAttach-(.+)$/) {
+ delete $session{'Attachments'}{$1};
+ }
+ $session{'Attachments'} = { %{$session{'Attachments'} || {}} };
+# }}}
+# {{{ store the uploaded attachment in session
+if ($ARGS{'Attach'}) { # attachment?
+ my $attachment = MakeMIMEEntity(
+ AttachmentFieldName => 'Attach'
+ );
+ my $file_path = Encode::decode_utf8("$ARGS{'Attach'}");
+ $session{'Attachments'} = {
+ %{$session{'Attachments'} || {}},
+ $file_path => $attachment,
+ };
+# }}}
+# delete temporary storage entry to make WebUI clean
+unless (keys %{$session{'Attachments'}} and $ARGS{'UpdateAttach'}) {
+ delete $session{'Attachments'};
+# }}}
$Page ||= 1;
$Format ||= RT->Config->Get('DefaultSearchResultFormat');
@@ -273,108 +315,115 @@
my $cf_add_keys;
@$cf_add_keys = grep { /^Bulk-Add-CustomField/ } keys %ARGS;
+unless ( $ARGS{'AddMoreAttach'} ) {
+ # Add session attachments if any to be processed by ProcessUpdateMessage
+ $ARGS{'UpdateAttachments'} = $session{'Attachments'} if ( $session{'Attachments'} );
+ while ( my $Ticket = $Tickets->Next ) {
+ next unless ( $ARGS{ "UpdateTicket" . $Ticket->Id } );
+ #Update the links
+ $ARGS{'id'} = $Ticket->id;
+ $queues{ $Ticket->QueueObj->Id }++;
+ my @updateresults, ProcessUpdateMessage(
+ TicketObj => $Ticket,
+ ARGSRef => \%ARGS,
+ );
+ #Update the basics.
+ my @basicresults =
+ ProcessTicketBasics( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
+ my @dateresults =
+ ProcessTicketDates( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
+ #Update the watchers
+ my @watchresults =
+ ProcessTicketWatchers( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
+ foreach my $type qw(MergeInto DependsOn MemberOf RefersTo) {
+ $ARGS{ $Ticket->id . "-" . $type } = $ARGS{"Ticket-$type"};
+ $ARGS{ $type . "-" . $Ticket->id } = $ARGS{"$type-Ticket"};
+ }
+ @linkresults =
+ ProcessTicketLinks( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
+ foreach my $type qw(MergeInto DependsOn MemberOf RefersTo) {
+ delete $ARGS{ $type . "-" . $Ticket->id };
+ delete $ARGS{ $Ticket->id . "-" . $type };
+ }
-while ( my $Ticket = $Tickets->Next ) {
- next unless ( $ARGS{ "UpdateTicket" . $Ticket->Id } );
- #Update the links
- $ARGS{'id'} = $Ticket->id;
- $queues{ $Ticket->QueueObj->Id }++;
- my @updateresults, ProcessUpdateMessage(
- TicketObj => $Ticket,
- ARGSRef => \%ARGS,
- );
- #Update the basics.
- my @basicresults =
- ProcessTicketBasics( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
- my @dateresults =
- ProcessTicketDates( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
- #Update the watchers
- my @watchresults =
- ProcessTicketWatchers( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
- foreach my $type qw(MergeInto DependsOn MemberOf RefersTo) {
- $ARGS{ $Ticket->id . "-" . $type } = $ARGS{"Ticket-$type"};
- $ARGS{ $type . "-" . $Ticket->id } = $ARGS{"$type-Ticket"};
- }
- @linkresults =
- ProcessTicketLinks( TicketObj => $Ticket, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
- foreach my $type qw(MergeInto DependsOn MemberOf RefersTo) {
- delete $ARGS{ $type . "-" . $Ticket->id };
- delete $ARGS{ $Ticket->id . "-" . $type };
- }
- my @cfresults;
- foreach my $list ( $cf_add_keys, $cf_del_keys ) {
- next unless $list->[0];
+ my @cfresults;
+ foreach my $list ( $cf_add_keys, $cf_del_keys ) {
+ next unless $list->[0];
- my $op;
- if ( $list->[0] =~ /Add/ ) {
- $op = 'add';
- }
- elsif ( $list->[0] =~ /Del/ ) {
- $op = 'del';
- }
- else {
- $RT::Logger->crit(
- "Got an op that was neither add nor delete. can never happen"
- . $list->[0] );
- last;
- }
+ my $op;
+ if ( $list->[0] =~ /Add/ ) {
+ $op = 'add';
- foreach my $key (@$list) {
- my ( $cfid, $cf );
- next if $key =~ /CustomField-(\d+)-Category$/;
- if ( $key =~ /CustomField-(\d+)-/ ) {
- $cfid = $1;
- $cf = RT::CustomField->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
- $cf->Load($cfid);
- else {next}
- my @values =
- ref( $ARGS{$key} ) eq 'ARRAY'
- ? @{ $ARGS{$key} }
- : ( $ARGS{$key} );
- map { s/(\r\n|\r)/\n/g; } @values; # fix the newlines
- # now break the multiline values into multivalues
- @values = map { split( /\n/, $_ ) } @values
- unless ( $cf->SingleValue );
- my $current_values = $Ticket->CustomFieldValues($cfid);
- foreach my $value (@values) {
- if ( $op eq 'del' && $current_values->HasEntry($value) ) {
- my ( $id, $msg ) = $Ticket->DeleteCustomFieldValue(
- Field => $cfid,
- Value => $value
- );
- push @cfresults, $msg;
- }
+ elsif ( $list->[0] =~ /Del/ ) {
+ $op = 'del';
+ }
+ else {
+ $RT::Logger->crit(
+ "Got an op that was neither add nor delete. can never happen"
+ . $list->[0] );
+ last;
+ }
- elsif ( $op eq 'add' && !$current_values->HasEntry($value) ) {
- my ( $id, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue(
- Field => $cfid,
- Value => $value
- );
- push @cfresults, $msg;
+ foreach my $key (@$list) {
+ my ( $cfid, $cf );
+ next if $key =~ /CustomField-(\d+)-Category$/;
+ if ( $key =~ /CustomField-(\d+)-/ ) {
+ $cfid = $1;
+ $cf = RT::CustomField->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ $cf->Load($cfid);
+ }
+ else {next}
+ my @values =
+ ref( $ARGS{$key} ) eq 'ARRAY'
+ ? @{ $ARGS{$key} }
+ : ( $ARGS{$key} );
+ map { s/(\r\n|\r)/\n/g; } @values; # fix the newlines
+ # now break the multiline values into multivalues
+ @values = map { split( /\n/, $_ ) } @values
+ unless ( $cf->SingleValue );
+ my $current_values = $Ticket->CustomFieldValues($cfid);
+ foreach my $value (@values) {
+ if ( $op eq 'del' && $current_values->HasEntry($value) ) {
+ my ( $id, $msg ) = $Ticket->DeleteCustomFieldValue(
+ Field => $cfid,
+ Value => $value
+ );
+ push @cfresults, $msg;
+ }
+ elsif ( $op eq 'add' && !$current_values->HasEntry($value) ) {
+ my ( $id, $msg ) = $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue(
+ Field => $cfid,
+ Value => $value
+ );
+ push @cfresults, $msg;
+ }
- }
- my @tempresults = (
- @watchresults, @basicresults, @dateresults,
- @updateresults, @linkresults, @cfresults
- );
+ my @tempresults = (
+ @watchresults, @basicresults, @dateresults,
+ @updateresults, @linkresults, @cfresults
+ );
- @tempresults =
- map { loc( "Ticket [_1]: [_2]", $Ticket->Id, $_ ) } @tempresults;
+ @tempresults =
+ map { loc( "Ticket [_1]: [_2]", $Ticket->Id, $_ ) } @tempresults;
+ @results = ( @results, @tempresults );
+ }
- @results = ( @results, @tempresults );
+ # Cleanup WebUI
+ delete $session{'Attachments'};
my $TxnCFs = RT::CustomFields->new( $session{CurrentUser} );
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