[Rt-commit] r18088 - in rt/3.999/branches/merge_to_3.8.2: .
sunnavy at bestpractical.com
sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Thu Jan 29 23:24:29 EST 2009
Author: sunnavy
Date: Thu Jan 29 23:24:29 2009
New Revision: 18088
rt/3.999/branches/merge_to_3.8.2/ (props changed)
r19347 at sunnavys-mb: sunnavy | 2009-01-30 12:12:24 +0800
added t/approval/basic.t
Added: rt/3.999/branches/merge_to_3.8.2/t/approval/basic.t
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/3.999/branches/merge_to_3.8.2/t/approval/basic.t Thu Jan 29 23:24:29 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+ eval { require Email::Abstract; require Test::Email; 1 }
+ or plan skip_all => 'require Email::Abstract and Test::Email';
+plan tests => 38;
+use RT;
+use RT::Test;
+use RT::Test::Email;
+RT->Config->Set( log_to_screen => 'debug' );
+RT->Config->Set( use_transaction_batch => 1 );
+my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+my $q = RT::Model::Queue->new( current_user => RT->system_user );
+my %users;
+for my $user_name (qw(minion cfo ceo )) {
+ my $user = $users{$user_name} = RT::Model::User->new( current_user => RT->system_user );
+ $user->create( name => uc($user_name),
+ privileged => 1,
+ email => $user_name.'@company.com');
+ my ($val, $msg);
+ ($val, $msg) = $user->principal_obj->grant_right(object =>$q, right => $_)
+ for qw(ModifyTicket OwnTicket ShowTicket);
+# XXX: we need to make the first approval ticket open so notification is sent.
+my $approvals =
+'===Create-Ticket: for-CFO
+Queue: ___Approvals
+Type: approval
+Owner: CFO
+Requestors: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Requestors}
+Refers-To: TOP
+Subject: CFO Approval for PO: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->id} - {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Subject}
+Due: {time + 86400}
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Content: Your approval is requested for the PO ticket {$Tickets{"TOP"}->id}: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Subject}
+===Create-Ticket: for-CEO
+Queue: ___Approvals
+Type: approval
+Owner: CEO
+Requestors: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Requestors}
+Subject: PO approval request for {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Subject}
+Refers-To: TOP
+Depends-On: for-CFO
+Depended-On-By: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->id}
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Your CFO approved PO ticket {$Tickets{"TOP"}->id} for minion. you ok with that?
+my $apptemp = RT::Model::Template->new(current_user => RT->system_user);
+$apptemp->create( content => $approvals, name => "PO Approvals", queue => "0");
+$q = RT::Model::Queue->new(current_user => RT->system_user);
+$q->create(Name => 'PO');
+ok ($q->id, "Created PO queue");
+my $scrip = RT::Model::Scrip->new(current_user => RT->system_user);
+my ($sval, $smsg) =$scrip->create( ScripCondition => 'On Create',
+ scrip_action => 'Create Tickets',
+ template => 'PO Approvals',
+ queue => $q->id,
+ description => 'Create Approval Tickets');
+ok ($sval, $smsg);
+ok ($scrip->id, "Created the scrip");
+ok ($scrip->template_obj->id, "Created the scrip template");
+ok ($scrip->condition_obj->id, "Created the scrip condition");
+ok ($scrip->action_obj->id, "Created the scrip action");
+my $t = RT::Model::Ticket->new(current_user => RT->system_user);
+my ($tid, $ttrans, $tmsg);
+mail_ok {
+ ($tid, $ttrans, $tmsg) =
+ $t->create(subject => "PO for stationary",
+ owner => "root", requestor => 'minion',
+ queue => $q->id);
+} { from => qr/RT System/,
+ to => 'cfo at company.com',
+ subject => qr/New Pending Approval: CFO Approval/,
+ body => qr/pending your approval.*Your approval is requested.*Blah/s
+},{ from => qr/PO via RT/,
+ to => 'minion at company.com',
+ subject => qr/PO for stationary/,
+ body => qr/automatically generated in response/
+ok ($tid,$tmsg);
+is ($t->referred_to_by->count,2, "referred to by the two tickets");
+my $deps = $t->depends_on;
+is ($deps->count, 1, "The ticket we created depends on one other ticket");
+my $dependson_ceo= $deps->first->target_obj;
+ok ($dependson_ceo->id, "It depends on a real ticket");
+like($dependson_ceo->subject, qr/PO approval request.*stationary/);
+$deps = $dependson_ceo->depends_on;
+is ($deps->count, 1, "The ticket we created depends on one other ticket");
+my $dependson_cfo = $deps->first->target_obj;
+ok ($dependson_cfo->id, "It depends on a real ticket");
+like($dependson_cfo->subject, qr/CFO Approval for PO.*stationary/);
+is_deeply([ $t->status, $dependson_cfo->status, $dependson_ceo->status ],
+ [ 'new', 'open', 'new'], 'tickets in correct state');
+mail_ok {
+ my $cfo = RT::CurrentUser->new;
+ $cfo->load( $users{cfo} );
+ $dependson_cfo->current_user($cfo);
+ my $notes = MIME::Entity->build(
+ Data => [ 'Resources exist to be consumed.' ]
+ );
+ RT::I18N::set_mime_entity_to_utf8($notes); # convert text parts into utf-8
+ my ( $notesval, $notesmsg ) = $dependson_cfo->correspond( mime_obj => $notes );
+ ok($notesval, $notesmsg);
+ my ($ok, $msg) = $dependson_cfo->set_status( Status => 'resolved' );
+ ok($ok, "cfo can approve - $msg");
+} { from => qr/RT System/,
+ to => 'ceo at company.com',
+ subject => qr/New Pending Approval: PO approval request for PO/,
+ body => qr/pending your approval.*CFO approved.*ok with that\?/s
+},{ from => qr/RT System/,
+ to => 'minion at company.com',
+ subject => qr/Ticket Approved:/,
+ body => qr/approved by CFO.*notes: Resources exist to be consumed/s
+is ($t->depends_on->count, 1, "still depends only on the CEO approval");
+is ($t->referred_to_by->count,2, "referred to by the two tickets");
+is_deeply([ $t->status, $dependson_cfo->status, $dependson_ceo->status ],
+ [ 'new', 'resolved', 'open'], 'ticket state after cfo approval');
+mail_ok {
+ my $ceo = RT::CurrentUser->new;
+ $ceo->load( $users{ceo} );
+ $dependson_ceo->CurrentUser($ceo);
+ my $notes = MIME::Entity->build(
+ Data => [ 'And consumed they will be.' ]
+ );
+ RT::I18N::set_mime_entity_to_utf8($notes); # convert text parts into utf-8
+ my ( $notesval, $notesmsg ) = $dependson_ceo->Correspond( mime_obj => $notes );
+ ok($notesval, $notesmsg);
+ my ($ok, $msg) = $dependson_ceo->set_status( status => 'resolved' );
+ ok($ok, "ceo can approve - $msg");
+} { from => qr/RT System/,
+ to => 'minion at company.com',
+ subject => qr/Ticket Approved:/,
+ body => qr/approved by CEO.*Its Owner may now start to act on it.*notes: And consumed they will be/s,
+}, { from => qr'CEO via RT',
+ to => 'root at localhost',
+ subject => qr/Ticket Approved/,
+ body => qr/The ticket has been approved, you may now start to act on it/,
+is_deeply([ $t->status, $dependson_cfo->status, $dependson_ceo->status ],
+ [ 'new', 'resolved', 'resolved'], 'ticket state after ceo approval');
+ column => 'status',
+ value => 'open');
+ column => 'status',
+ value => 'new');
+mail_ok {
+ my $cfo = RT::CurrentUser->new;
+ $cfo->load( $users{cfo} );
+ $dependson_cfo->CurrentUser($cfo);
+ my $notes = MIME::Entity->build(
+ Data => [ 'sorry, out of resources.' ]
+ );
+ RT::I18N::set_mime_entity_to_utf8($notes); # convert text parts into utf-8
+# my ( $notesval, $notesmsg ) = $dependson_cfo->Correspond( mime_obj => $notes );
+# ok($notesval, $notesmsg);
+ my ($ok, $msg) = $dependson_cfo->set_status( status => 'rejected' );
+ ok($ok, "cfo can approve - $msg");
+} { from => qr/RT System/,
+ to => 'minion at company.com',
+ subject => qr/Ticket Rejected: PO for stationary/,
+ body => qr/rejected by CFO/
+is_deeply([ $t->status, $dependson_cfo->status, $dependson_ceo->status ],
+ [ 'rejected', 'rejected', 'deleted'], 'ticket state after cfo rejection');
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