[Rt-commit] r18721 - rt/3.999/trunk/lib/RT/Model
ruz at bestpractical.com
ruz at bestpractical.com
Thu Mar 5 20:13:53 EST 2009
Author: ruz
Date: Thu Mar 5 20:13:53 2009
New Revision: 18721
* switch Queue model to HasRoleGroups role
Modified: rt/3.999/trunk/lib/RT/Model/Queue.pm
--- rt/3.999/trunk/lib/RT/Model/Queue.pm (original)
+++ rt/3.999/trunk/lib/RT/Model/Queue.pm Thu Mar 5 20:13:53 2009
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
use RT::Interface::Email;
use RT::StatusSchema;
-use base qw/RT::Record/;
+use base qw/RT::HasRoleGroups RT::Record/;
sub table {'Queues'}
@@ -253,11 +253,6 @@
return ( 0, _('Queue could not be created') );
- my $create_ret = $self->_create_role_groups();
- unless ($create_ret) {
- Jifty->handle->rollback();
- return ( 0, _('Queue could not be created') );
- }
if ( defined $sign ) {
@@ -496,304 +491,7 @@
-=head2 _create_queue_groups
-Create the ticket groups and links for this ticket.
-This routine expects to be called from Ticket->create _inside of a transaction_
-It will create four groups for this ticket: Requestor, Cc, AdminCc and owner.
-It will return true on success and undef on failure.
-sub roles {qw(requestor cc admin_cc)}
-sub _create_role_groups {
- my $self = shift;
- my @types = ( 'owner', $self->roles );
- foreach my $type (@types) {
- my $type_obj = RT::Model::Group->new;
- my ( $id, $msg ) = $type_obj->create_role_group(
- instance => $self->id,
- type => $type,
- domain => 'RT::Model::Queue-Role'
- );
- unless ($id) {
- Jifty->log->error( "Couldn't create a queue group of type '$type' for ticket " . $self->id . ": " . $msg );
- return (undef);
- }
- }
- return (1);
-=head2 add_watcher
-AddWatcher takes a parameter hash. The keys are as follows:
-Type One of Requestor, Cc, AdminCc
-PrinicpalId The RT::Model::Principal id of the user or group that's being added as a watcher
-Email The email address of the new watcher. If a user with this
- email address can't be found, a new nonprivileged user will be Created.
-If the watcher you\'re trying to set has an RT account, set the owner paremeter to their User Id. Otherwise, set the Email parameter to their Email address.
-Returns a tuple of (status/id, message).
-sub add_watcher {
- my $self = shift;
- my %args = (
- type => undef,
- principal_id => undef,
- email => undef,
- @_
- );
- return ( 0, "No principal specified" )
- unless $args{'email'}
- or $args{'principal_id'};
- if ( !$args{'principal_id'} && $args{'email'} ) {
- my $user = RT::Model::User->new;
- $user->load_by_email( $args{'email'} );
- $args{'principal_id'} = $user->principal_id if $user->id;
- }
- # {{{ Check ACLS
- return ( $self->_add_watcher(%args) )
- if $self->current_user_has_right('ModifyQueueWatchers');
- #If the watcher we're trying to add is for the current user
- if ( defined $args{'principal_id'}
- && $self->current_user->id eq $args{'principal_id'} )
- {
- # If it's an AdminCc and they don't have
- # 'WatchAsAdminCc' or 'ModifyTicket', bail
- if ( defined $args{'type'} && ( $args{'type'} eq 'admin_cc' ) ) {
- return ( $self->_add_watcher(%args) )
- if $self->current_user_has_right('WatchAsAdminCc');
- }
- # If it's a Requestor or Cc and they don't have
- # 'Watch' or 'ModifyTicket', bail
- elsif ( $args{'type'} eq 'cc' or $args{'type'} eq 'requestor' ) {
- return ( $self->_add_watcher(%args) )
- if $self->current_user_has_right('Watch');
- } else {
- Jifty->log->warn("$self -> add_watcher got passed a bogus type");
- return ( 0, _('Error in parameters to Queue->add_watcher') );
- }
- }
- return ( 0, _("Permission Denied") );
-#This contains the meat of AddWatcher. but can be called from a routine like
-# Create, which doesn't need the additional acl check
-sub _add_watcher {
- my $self = shift;
- my %args = (
- type => undef,
- silent => undef,
- principal_id => undef,
- email => undef,
- @_
- );
- my $principal = RT::Model::Principal->new;
- if ( $args{'principal_id'} ) {
- $principal->load( $args{'principal_id'} );
- } elsif ( $args{'email'} ) {
- my $user = RT::Model::User->new;
- $user->load_by_email( $args{'email'} );
- $user->load( $args{'email'} )
- unless $user->id;
- if ( $user->id ) { # If the user exists
- $principal->load( $user->principal_id );
- } else {
- # if the user doesn't exist, we need to create a new user
- my $new_user = RT::Model::User->new( current_user => RT->system_user );
- my ( $Address, $name ) = RT::Interface::Email::parse_address_from_header( $args{'email'} );
- my ( $Val, $Message ) = $new_user->create(
- name => $Address,
- email => $Address,
- real_name => $name,
- privileged => 0,
- comments => 'AutoCreated when added as a watcher'
- );
- unless ($Val) {
- Jifty->log->error( "Failed to create user " . $args{'email'} . ": " . $Message );
- # Deal with the race condition of two account creations at once
- $new_user->load_by_email( $args{'email'} );
- }
- $principal->load( $new_user->principal_id );
- }
- }
- # If we can't find this watcher, we need to bail.
- unless ( $principal->id ) {
- return ( 0, _("Could not find or create that user") );
- }
- my $group = RT::Model::Group->new;
- $group->create_role_group( # XXX: error checks
- object => $self,
- type => $args{'type'},
- );
- if ( $group->has_member($principal) ) {
- return ( 0, _( 'That principal is already a %1 for this queue', $args{'type'} ) );
- }
- my ( $m_id, $m_msg ) = $group->_add_member( principal_id => $principal->id );
- unless ($m_id) {
- Jifty->log->error( "Failed to add "
- . $principal->id
- . " as a member of group "
- . $group->id . ": "
- . $m_msg );
- return ( 0, _( 'Could not make that principal a %1 for this queue', $args{'type'} ) );
- }
- return ( 1, _( 'Added principal as a %1 for this queue', $args{'type'} ) );
-=head2 delete_watcher { type => TYPE, principal_id => PRINCIPAL_ID }
-Deletes a queue watcher. Takes two arguments:
-Type (one of Requestor,Cc,AdminCc)
-and one of
-principal_id (an RT::Model::Principal id of the watcher you want to remove)
- OR
-Email (the email address of an existing wathcer)
-sub delete_watcher {
- my $self = shift;
- my %args = (
- type => undef,
- principal_id => undef,
- email => undef,
- @_
- );
- unless ( $args{'principal_id'} || $args{'email'} ) {
- return ( 0, _("No principal specified") );
- }
- if ( !$args{principal_id} and $args{email} ) {
- my $user = RT::Model::User->new;
- my ( $rv, $msg ) = $user->load_by_email( $args{email} );
- $args{principal_id} = $user->principal_id if $rv;
- }
- my $principal = RT::Model::Principal->new;
- if ( $args{'principal_id'} ) {
- $principal->load( $args{'principal_id'} );
- }
- else {
- my $user = RT::Model::User->new;
- $user->load_by_email( $args{'email'} );
- $principal->load( $user->id );
- }
- # If we can't find this watcher, we need to bail.
- unless ( $principal->id ) {
- return ( 0, _("Could not find that principal") );
- }
- my $can_modify_queue = $self->current_user_has_right('ModifyQueueWatchers');
- # {{{ Check ACLS
- #If the watcher we're trying to add is for the current user
- if ( defined $args{'principal_id'}
- and $self->current_user->principal->id eq $args{'principal_id'} )
- {
- # If it's an AdminCc and they don't have
- # 'WatchAsAdminCc' or 'ModifyQueue', bail
- if ( $args{'type'} eq 'admin_cc' ) {
- unless ( $can_modify_queue
- or $self->current_user_has_right('WatchAsAdminCc') )
- {
- return ( 0, _('Permission Denied') );
- }
- }
- # If it's a Requestor or Cc and they don't have
- # 'Watch' or 'ModifyQueue', bail
- elsif (( $args{'type'} eq 'cc' ) or ( $args{'type'} eq 'requestor' ) ) {
- unless ( $can_modify_queue
- or $self->current_user_has_right('Watch') )
- {
- return ( 0, _('Permission Denied') );
- }
- } else {
- Jifty->log->warn("$self -> delete_watcher got passed a bogus type");
- return ( 0, _('Error in parameters to Queue->delete_watcher') );
- }
- }
- # If the watcher isn't the current user
- # and the current user doesn't have 'ModifyQueueWathcers' bail
- else {
- unless ($can_modify_queue) {
- return ( 0, _("Permission Denied") );
- }
- }
- # }}}
- # see if this user is already a watcher.
- my $group = RT::Model::Group->new;
- $group->load_role_group(
- object => $self,
- type => $args{'type'},
- );
- unless ( $group->id ) {
- return ( 0, _( 'That principal is not a %1 for this queue', $args{'type'} ) );
- }
- unless ( $group->has_member($principal) ) {
- return ( 0, _( 'That principal is not a %1 for this queue', $args{'type'} ) );
- }
- my ( $m_id, $m_msg ) = $group->_delete_member( $principal->id );
- unless ($m_id) {
- Jifty->log->error( "Failed to delete "
- . $principal->id
- . " as a member of group "
- . $group->id . ": "
- . $m_msg );
- return ( 0, _( 'Could not remove that principal as a %1 for this queue', $args{'type'} ) );
- }
- return ( 1, _( "%1 is no longer a %2 for this queue.", $principal->object->name, $args{'type'} ) );
+sub roles { qw(requestor cc admin_cc) }
=head2 role_group $role
@@ -813,53 +511,6 @@
-# a generic routine to be called by IsRequestor, IsCc and is_admin_cc
-=head2 is_watcher { type => TYPE, principal_id => PRINCIPAL_ID }
-Takes a param hash with the attributes type and principal_id
-Type is one of Requestor, Cc, AdminCc and owner
-principal_id is an RT::Model::Principal id
-Returns true if that principal is a member of the group type for this queue
-sub is_watcher {
- my $self = shift;
- my %args = (
- type => 'cc',
- principal_id => undef,
- @_
- );
- # Load the relevant group.
- my $group = RT::Model::Group->new;
- $group->load_role_group(
- object => $self,
- type => $args{'type'},
- );
- return 0 unless $group->id;
- # Ask if it has the member in question
- my $principal = RT::Model::Principal->new;
- $principal->load( $args{'principal_id'} );
- unless ( $principal->id ) {
- return (undef);
- }
- return $group->has_member( $principal, recursively => 1 );
sub _set {
my $self = shift;
@@ -869,8 +520,6 @@
return ( $self->SUPER::_set(@_) );
sub _value {
my $self = shift;
@@ -881,8 +530,6 @@
return ( $self->__value(@_) );
=head2 current_user_has_right
Takes one argument. A textual string with the name of the right
@@ -935,4 +582,34 @@
return $principal->has_right( %args, object => ( $self->id ? $self : RT->system ), );
+sub current_user_can_modify_watchers {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (
+ action => 'add',
+ type => undef,
+ principal_id => undef,
+ email => undef,
+ @_
+ );
+ # ModifyTicket works in any case
+ return 1 if $self->current_user_has_right('ModifyQueueWatchers');
+ # if it's a new user in the system then user must have ModifyTicket
+ return 0 unless $args{'principal_id'};
+ # If the watcher isn't the current user then the current user has no right
+ return 0 unless $self->current_user->id == $args{'principal_id'};
+ # If it's an admin_cc and they don't have 'WatchAsadmin_cc', bail
+ if ( $args{'type'} eq 'admin_cc' ) {
+ return 0 unless $self->current_user_has_right('WatchAsadmin_cc');
+ }
+ # otherwise check 'Watch'
+ else {
+ return 0 unless $self->current_user_has_right('Watch');
+ }
+ return 1;
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