[Rt-commit] r18777 - rt/3.999/branches/config-in-db/lib/RT

sunnavy at bestpractical.com sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Fri Mar 13 03:57:24 EDT 2009

Author: sunnavy
Date: Fri Mar 13 03:57:24 2009
New Revision: 18777


insert config to db when run bootstrap

Modified: rt/3.999/branches/config-in-db/lib/RT/Bootstrap.pm
--- rt/3.999/branches/config-in-db/lib/RT/Bootstrap.pm	(original)
+++ rt/3.999/branches/config-in-db/lib/RT/Bootstrap.pm	Fri Mar 13 03:57:24 2009
@@ -53,6 +53,160 @@
 sub run {
     my $self = shift;
+    my %config = (
+        'active_make_clicky'           => [],
+        'active_status'                => [ 'new', 'open', 'stalled' ],
+        'ambiguous_day_in_future'      => 0,
+        'ambiguous_day_in_past'        => 0,
+        'auto_create'                  => undef,
+        'auto_logoff'                  => 0,
+        'canonicalize_email_match'     => '',
+        'canonicalize_email_replace'   => '',
+        'canonicalize_on_create'       => 0,
+        'canonicalize_redirect_ur_ls'  => 0,
+        'chart_font'                   => undef,
+        'comment_address'              => '',
+        'correspond_address'           => '',
+        'custom_field_values_sources'  => [],
+        'dashboard_address'            => '',
+        'dashboard_subject'            => '%s Dashboard: %s',
+        'database_host'                => 'localhost',
+        'database_name'                => 'rt3',
+        'database_password'            => 'rt_pass',
+        'database_port'                => '',
+        'database_require_ssl'         => undef,
+        'database_rt_host'             => 'localhost',
+        'database_type'                => 'SQLite',
+        'database_user'                => 'rt_user',
+        'date_day_before_month'        => 1,
+        'date_time_format'             => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
+        'default_queue'                => 'General',
+        'default_summary_rows'         => 10,
+        'devel_mode'                   => '1',
+        'dont_search_file_attachments' => undef,
+        'drop_long_attachments'        => undef,
+        'email_input_encodings'        => [ 'utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', 'us-ascii' ],
+        'email_output_encoding'        => 'utf-8',
+        'email_subject_tag_regex'      => '{{rtname}}',
+        'enable_reminders'             => 1,
+        'extract_subject_tag_match'    => '\[.+? #\d+\]',
+        'forward_from_user'            => 0,
+        'friendly_from_line_format'    => '"%s via RT" <%s>',
+        'friendly_to_line_format'      => '"%s of {{rtname}} Ticket #%s":;',
+        'gnu_pg'                       => {
+            enable                   => 1,
+            outgoing_messages_format => 'RFC',    # Inline
+            allow_encrypt_data_in_db => 0,
+        },
+        'gnu_pg_options' => {
+            #    homedir => '/home/jesse/svk/3.999-DANGEROUS/var/data/gpg',
+            # URL of a keyserver
+            #    keyserver => 'hkp://subkeys.pgp.net',
+            # enables the automatic retrieving of keys when encrypting
+            #    'auto-key-locate' => 'keyserver',
+            # enables the automatic retrieving of keys when verifying signatures
+            #    'auto-key-retrieve' => undef,
+        },
+        'homepage_components' => [
+            'QuickCreate',   'QuickSearch',
+            'MyAdminQueues', 'MySupportQueues',
+            'MyReminders',   'RefreshHomepage',
+            'Dashboards'
+        ],
+        'inactive_status'              => [ 'resolved', 'rejected', 'deleted' ],
+        'lexicon_languages'            => ['*'],
+        'link_transactions_run1_scrip' => 0,
+        'log_dir'                      => '',
+        'log_stack_traces'             => '',
+        'log_to_file'                  => undef,
+        'log_to_file_named'            => 'rt.log',
+        'log_to_screen'                => 'info',
+        'log_to_syslog'                => 'info',
+        'log_to_syslog_conf'           => [],
+        'logo_url'                         => '{{web_images_url}}bplogo.gif',
+        'loops_to_rt_owner'                => 1,
+        'mail_command'                     => 'sendmailpipe',
+        'mail_params'                      => [],
+        'mail_plugins'                     => [],
+        'mason_parameters'                 => [],
+        'max_attachment_size'              => 10000000,
+        'max_inline_body'                  => 12000,
+        'message_box_height'               => 15,
+        'message_box_include_signature'    => 1,
+        'message_box_rich_text'            => 1,
+        'message_box_rich_text_height'     => 200,
+        'message_box_width'                => 72,
+        'message_box_wrap'                 => 'HARD',
+        'minimum_password_length'          => '5',
+        'net_server_options'               => [],
+        'notify_actor'                     => 0,
+        'oldest_transactions_first'        => '1',
+        'organization'                     => 'example.com',
+        'owner_email'                      => 'root',
+        'parse_new_message_for_ticket_ccs' => undef,
+        'plain_text_pre'                   => 0,
+        'prefer_rich_text'                 => undef,
+        'preview_scrip_messages'           => 0,
+        'record_outgoing_email'            => 1,
+        'redistribute_auto_generated_messages' => 'privileged',
+        'rt_address_regexp'                    => '^rt\\@example.com$',
+        'rtname'                               => 'example.com',
+        'self_service_regex' => '^(?:\/+SelfService\/)',
+        'sender_must_exist_in_external_database' => undef,
+        'sendmail_arguments'                     => '-oi -t',
+        'sendmail_bounce_arguments'              => '-f "<>"',
+        'sendmail_path'                          => '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
+        'show_bcc_header'                        => 0,
+        'show_transaction_images'                => 1,
+        'show_unread_message_notifications'      => 1,
+        'smtp_debug'                             => 0,
+        'smtp_from'                              => undef,
+        'smtp_server'                            => undef,
+        'standalone_max_requests'                => 50,
+        'standalone_max_servers'                 => 1,
+        'standalone_max_spare_servers'           => 0,
+        'standalone_min_servers'                 => 1,
+        'standalone_min_spare_servers'           => 0,
+        'statement_log'                          => undef,
+        'store_loops'                            => undef,
+        'strict_link_acl'                        => 1,
+        'suppress_inline_text_files'             => undef,
+        'time_zone'                              => 'America/New_York',
+        'truncate_long_attachments'              => undef,
+        'trust_html_attachments'                 => undef,
+        'use_friendly_from_line'                 => 1,
+        'use_friendly_to_line'                   => 0,
+        'use_sql_for_acl_checks'                 => undef,
+        'use_transaction_batch'                  => 1,
+        'username_format'                        => 'concise',
+        'web_base_url'                  => 'http://{{web_domain}}:{{web_port}}',
+        'web_default_stylesheet'        => 'web2',
+        'web_domain'                    => 'localhost',
+        'web_external_auth'             => undef,
+        'web_external_auto'             => undef,
+        'web_external_gecos'            => undef,
+        'web_fallback_to_internal_auth' => undef,
+        'web_flush_db_cache_every_request' => '1',
+        'web_images_url'                   => '{{web_path}}/NoAuth/images/',
+        'web_no_auth_regex' =>
+          '(?x-ism:^ (?:\/+NoAuth\/ | \/+REST\/\d+\.\d+\/NoAuth\/) )',
+        'web_path'            => '',
+        'web_port'            => 80,
+        'web_secure_cookies'  => 0,
+        'web_url'             => '{{web_base_url}}{{web_path}}/',
+        'wiki_implicit_links' => 0
+    );
+    for my $name ( sort keys %config ) {
+        my $config = RT::Model::Config->new( current_user => RT->system );
+        $config->create( name => $name, value => $config{$name} );
+    }
     $self->insert_data( $RT::EtcPath . "/initialdata" );

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