[Rt-commit] rt branch, 3.8-trunk, updated. rt-3.8.6-104-ga9ebe0e
Ruslan Zakirov
ruz at bestpractical.com
Sun Nov 29 20:26:03 EST 2009
The branch, 3.8-trunk has been updated
via a9ebe0e31752ea25dbedd4db6fdee60323af3da1 (commit)
via 7b14bc55065d0968da727506ee20b7e90946755b (commit)
from c10d6c8609698d406a898765c653cdba1049a654 (commit)
Summary of changes:
share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
share/html/Elements/SelectUsers | 4 +-
2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 7b14bc55065d0968da727506ee20b7e90946755b
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Nov 30 04:23:00 2009 +0300
we shouldn't escape selected="selected"
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/SelectUsers b/share/html/Elements/SelectUsers
index e5581cb..b4a3aa0 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/SelectUsers
+++ b/share/html/Elements/SelectUsers
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@
<select name="UserField">
% foreach my $col (RT::User->BasicColumns) {
-<option <% ($UserField eq $col->[0]) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' %> value="<% $col->[0] %>"><% loc($col->[1]) %></option>
+<option <% ($UserField eq $col->[0]) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' |n %> value="<% $col->[0] %>"><% loc($col->[1]) %></option>
% }
% while (my $CF = $CFs->Next) {
% my $val = "CustomField-" . $CF->Id;
-<option <% ($UserField eq $val) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' %> value="<% $val %>"><&|/l&>CustomField</&>: <% $CF->Name %></option>
+<option <% ($UserField eq $val) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' |n %> value="<% $val %>"><&|/l&>CustomField</&>: <% $CF->Name %></option>
% }
<& /Elements/SelectMatch, Name => 'UserOp', Default => $UserOp &>
commit a9ebe0e31752ea25dbedd4db6fdee60323af3da1
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Nov 30 04:23:55 2009 +0300
add simple search on Admin/Queues page
diff --git a/share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html b/share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html
index 727849c..52e7b3b 100755
--- a/share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html
+++ b/share/html/Admin/Queues/index.html
@@ -64,25 +64,51 @@
Format => $Format,
Collection => $queues,
AllowSorting => 1,
- PassArguments => [qw(Format Rows Page Order OrderBy FindDisabledQueues)],
+ PassArguments => [qw(
+ Format Rows Page Order OrderBy
+ FindDisabledQueues QueueString QueueOp QueueField
+ )],
% }
<form method="post" action="<% RT->Config->Get('WebPath') %>/Admin/Queues/index.html">
+% foreach my $field( qw(Format Rows Page Order OrderBy) ) {
+% next unless defined $ARGS{ $field } && length $ARGS{ $field };
+<input type="hidden" name="<% $field %>" value="<% $ARGS{ $field } %>" />
+% }
+<select name="QueueField">
+% foreach my $col (qw(Name Description CorrespondAddress CommentAddress InitialPriority FinalPriority DefaultDueIn)) {
+<option <% $QueueField eq $col ? 'selected="selected"' : '' |n %> value="<% $col %>"><% loc($col) %></option>
+% }
+<& /Elements/SelectMatch, Name => 'QueueOp', Default => $QueueOp &>
+<input size="8" name="QueueString" value="<% $QueueString %>" />
+<br />
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="FindDisabledQueues" value="1" <% $FindDisabledQueues? 'checked="checked"': '' |n%> />
<&|/l&>Include disabled queues in listing.</&>
<div align="right"><input type="submit" class="button" value="<&|/l&>Go!</&>" /></div>
-my ($queue, $caption);
my $queues = new RT::Queues($session{'CurrentUser'});
+$queues->{'find_disabled_rows'} = 1 if $FindDisabledQueues;
-if ($FindDisabledQueues) {
- $caption = loc("All Queues");
- $queues->{'find_disabled_rows'} = 1;
+my ($caption);
+if ( defined $QueueString && length $QueueString ) {
+ $caption = $FindDisabledQueues
+ ? loc("All queues matching search criteria")
+ : loc("Enabled queues matching search criteria");
+ $queues->Limit(
+ FIELD => $QueueField,
+ OPERATOR => $QueueOp,
+ VALUE => $QueueString,
+ );
} else {
- $caption = loc("Enabled Queues");
+ $queues->UnLimit;
+ $caption = $FindDisabledQueues
+ ? loc("All Queues")
+ : loc("Enabled Queues");
$Format ||= q{'<a href="__WebPath__/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id=__id__">__id__</a>/TITLE:#'}
@@ -93,4 +119,8 @@ $Format ||= q{'<a href="__WebPath__/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id=__id__">__id__</
$FindDisabledQueues => 0
$Format => undef
+$QueueField => 'Name'
+$QueueOp => '='
+$QueueString => ''
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