[Rt-commit] rt branch, admin_ui, updated. 98307689c0e8ef5de787c3cca4aa3c435d7dd4e6
sunnavy at bestpractical.com
sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Thu Jan 7 02:30:16 EST 2010
The branch, admin_ui has been updated
via 98307689c0e8ef5de787c3cca4aa3c435d7dd4e6 (commit)
from a353b3d6d0bcdda0294128a2e236756491866374 (commit)
Summary of changes:
lib/RT/View/CRUD.pm | 96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 98307689c0e8ef5de787c3cca4aa3c435d7dd4e6
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date: Thu Jan 7 15:30:08 2010 +0800
own sort_header template to show cf names
diff --git a/lib/RT/View/CRUD.pm b/lib/RT/View/CRUD.pm
index 1074718..4827777 100644
--- a/lib/RT/View/CRUD.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/View/CRUD.pm
@@ -83,6 +83,102 @@ template 'index.html' => page {
+template 'sort_header' => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $item_path = shift;
+ my $sort_by = shift;
+ my $order = shift;
+ my $record_class = $self->record_class;
+ my $update = $record_class->as_update_action();
+ div {
+ { class is "crud-column-headers" };
+ for my $argument ($self->display_columns($update)) {
+ my $column = $record_class->column($argument);
+ unless ($column) {
+ # in case we want to show a field but it's not a real column
+ div {
+ { class is 'crud-column-header' };
+ if ( $argument =~ /^cf_(\d+)/ ) {
+ my $id = $1;
+ my $cf = RT::Model::CustomField->new;
+ $cf->load($id);
+ 'cf( ' . $cf->name . ' )';
+ }
+ else {
+ $argument;
+ }
+ };
+ next;
+ }
+ div {
+ { class is 'crud-column-header' };
+ ul { attr { class => 'crud-sort-menu', style => 'display:none;' };
+ li {
+ my $imgdown ="<img height='16' width='16' src='/images/silk/bullet_arrow_down.png' alt='down' name='down'>";
+ hyperlink(
+ label => $imgdown,
+ escape_label => 0,
+ onclick =>
+ { args => { sort_by => $argument, order => undef } },
+ );
+ } if (!($sort_by && !$order && $argument eq $sort_by));
+ li {
+ my $imgup ="<img height='16' width='16' src='/images/silk/bullet_arrow_up.png' alt='up' name='up'>";
+ hyperlink(
+ label => $imgup,
+ escape_label => 0,
+ onclick =>
+ { args => { sort_by => $argument, order => 'D' } },
+ );
+ } if (!($sort_by && $order && $argument eq $sort_by));
+ li {
+ my $imgup ="<img height='16' width='16' rc='/images/silk/cancel_grey.png' alt='del' name='del'>";
+ hyperlink(
+ label => $imgup,
+ escape_label => 0,
+ onclick =>
+ { args => { sort_by =>'', order => '' } },
+ );
+ } if ($sort_by && $argument eq $sort_by);
+ };
+ span{
+ {class is "field"};
+ my $label = $record_class->column($argument)->label || $argument;
+ if ( $sort_by && $argument eq $sort_by ) {
+ div { class is 'crud-sort-selected';
+ hyperlink ( label =>$label );
+ my $img = ($order eq 'D')?'up':'down';
+ img { attr {
+ height => 16,
+ width => 16,
+ src => '/images/silk/bullet_arrow_'.$img.'.png' }; };
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ hyperlink(label => $label);
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ outs_raw("<script type=\"text/javascript\">
+ jQuery(document).ready(function() {
+ jQuery('.crud-sort-menu').each(function(){
+ jQuery(this).parent().hover(
+ function(){
+ jQuery(this).children('.crud-sort-menu').show();
+ },
+ function(){
+ jQuery(this).children('.crud-sort-menu').hide();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ </script>");
# no popup update link
private template view_item_controls => sub { };
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