[Rt-commit] rt branch, googleish-refactor, updated. rt-3.9.4-451-ga36b63d
Alex Vandiver
alexmv at bestpractical.com
Wed Nov 10 01:25:21 EST 2010
The branch, googleish-refactor has been updated
via a36b63da6e720b46556e3bf7bb207d29f1143e50 (commit)
via 6c7cef2e75525c9cf21b7f3465fd655c3ced4bfe (commit)
via 1212408f3681eef08fb2d28d205cfd4bab5c8677 (commit)
from 6fdf5c259b204a2ebf97e576e58957eaea5735a8 (commit)
Summary of changes:
lib/RT/Search/Googleish.pm | 262 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
t/web/googleish_search.t | 2 +-
2 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 1212408f3681eef08fb2d28d205cfd4bab5c8677
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed Nov 10 01:08:06 2010 -0500
Fix module name in POD
diff --git a/lib/RT/Search/Googleish.pm b/lib/RT/Search/Googleish.pm
index 0910e54..944e7b9 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Search/Googleish.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Search/Googleish.pm
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
=head1 NAME
- RT::Search::Googlish
+ RT::Search::Googleish
commit 6c7cef2e75525c9cf21b7f3465fd655c3ced4bfe
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed Nov 10 01:07:45 2010 -0500
Since we check Content, we need to enable FTS
diff --git a/t/web/googleish_search.t b/t/web/googleish_search.t
index 6afc2f5..3765bd1 100644
--- a/t/web/googleish_search.t
+++ b/t/web/googleish_search.t
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
-use RT::Test tests => 61;
+use RT::Test tests => 61, config => 'Set( %FullTextSearch, Enable => 1, Indexed => 0 );';
my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
my $url = $m->rt_base_url;
commit a36b63da6e720b46556e3bf7bb207d29f1143e50
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed Nov 10 01:21:37 2010 -0500
Refactor parsing and dispatch of Googleish
This allows for greater extensibility, simply by adding HandleFoo
methods to the class. By overriding GuessType, these new types can
also be intuited.
diff --git a/lib/RT/Search/Googleish.pm b/lib/RT/Search/Googleish.pm
index 944e7b9..f85bc6f 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Search/Googleish.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Search/Googleish.pm
@@ -67,7 +67,13 @@ use warnings;
use base qw(RT::Search);
use Regexp::Common qw/delimited/;
-my $re_delim = qr[$RE{delimited}{-delim=>qq{\'\"}}];
+# Only a subset of limit types AND themselves together. "queue:foo
+# queue:bar" is an OR, but "subject:foo subject:bar" is an AND
+our %AND = (
+ content => 1,
+ subject => 1,
sub _Init {
my $self = shift;
@@ -79,49 +85,7 @@ sub _Init {
sub Describe {
my $self = shift;
- return ( $self->loc( "No description for [_1]", ref $self ) );
-sub QueryToSQL {
- my $self = shift;
- my $query = shift || $self->Argument;
- my @keywords = grep length, map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_ }
- split /((?:fulltext:)?$re_delim|\s+)/o, $query;
- my ( @keyvalue_clauses, @status_clauses, @other_clauses );
- for my $keyword (@keywords) {
- my @clauses;
- if ( ( @clauses = $self->TranslateCustom($keyword) )
- || ( @clauses = $self->TranslateKeyValue($keyword) ) )
- {
- push @keyvalue_clauses, @clauses;
- next;
- } elsif ( @clauses = $self->TranslateStatus($keyword) ) {
- push @status_clauses, @clauses;
- next;
- }
- for my $action (qw/Number User Queue Owner Others/) {
- my $translate = 'Translate' . $action;
- if ( my @clauses = $self->$translate($keyword) ) {
- push @other_clauses, @clauses;
- next;
- }
- }
- }
- push @other_clauses, $self->ProcessExtraQueues;
- unless (@status_clauses) {
- push @status_clauses, $self->ProcessExtraStatus;
- }
- my @tql_clauses = join( " AND ", sort @keyvalue_clauses ); # Yes, AND!
- push @tql_clauses, join( " OR ", sort @status_clauses );
- push @tql_clauses, join( " OR ", sort @other_clauses );
- @tql_clauses = grep { $_ ? $_ = "( $_ )" : undef } @tql_clauses;
- return join " AND ", sort @tql_clauses;
+ return ( $self->loc( "Keyword and intuition-based searching", ref $self ) );
sub Prepare {
@@ -134,136 +98,140 @@ sub Prepare {
return (1);
-sub TranslateKeyValue {
+sub QueryToSQL {
my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- if ( $key
- =~ /(subject|cf\.(?:[^:]*?)|content|requestor|id|status|owner|queue|fulltext):(['"]?)(.+)\2/i
- )
- {
- my $field = $1;
- my $value = $3;
- $value =~ s/(['"])/\\$1/g;
- if ( $field =~ /id|status|owner|queue/i ) {
- return "$field = '$value'";
- } elsif ( $field =~ /fulltext/i ) {
- return "Content LIKE '$value'";
- } else {
- return "$field LIKE '$value'";
+ my $query = shift || $self->Argument;
+ my %limits;
+ $query =~ s/^\s*//;
+ while ($query =~ /^\S/) {
+ if ($query =~ s/^
+ (?:
+ (\w+) # A straight word
+ (?:\. # With an optional .foo
+ ($RE{delimited}{-delim=>q['"]}
+ |\w+
+ ) # Which could be ."foo bar", too
+ )?
+ )
+ : # Followed by a colon
+ ($RE{delimited}{-delim=>q['"]}
+ |\S+
+ ) # And a possibly-quoted foo:"bar baz"
+ \s*//ix) {
+ my ($type, $extra, $value) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ $value = $self->Unquote($value);
+ $extra = $self->Unquote($extra) if defined $extra;
+ $self->Dispatch(\%limits, $type, $value, $extra);
+ } elsif ($query =~ s/^($RE{delimited}{-delim=>q['"]}|\S+)\s*//) {
+ # If there's no colon, it's just a word or quoted string
+ my $val = $self->Unquote($1);
+ $self->Dispatch(\%limits, $self->GuessType($val), $val);
- return;
+ $self->Finalize(\%limits);
-sub TranslateNumber {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- if ( $key =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
- return ( "id = '$key'", "Subject LIKE '$key'" );
+ my @clauses;
+ for my $subclause (sort keys %limits) {
+ my $op = $AND{lc $subclause} ? "AND" : "OR";
+ push @clauses, "( ".join(" $op ", @{$limits{$subclause}})." )";
- return;
-sub TranslateStatus {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- my $Queue = RT::Queue->new( $self->TicketsObj->CurrentUser );
- if ( $Queue->IsValidStatus($key) ) {
- return "Status = '$key'";
- }
- return;
+ return join " AND ", @clauses;
-sub TranslateQueue {
+sub Dispatch {
my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- my $Queue = RT::Queue->new( $self->TicketsObj->CurrentUser );
- $Queue->Load($key);
- if ( $Queue->id ) {
- my $quoted_queue = $Queue->Name;
- $quoted_queue =~ s/'/\\'/g;
- return "Queue = '$quoted_queue'";
- }
- return;
+ my ($limits, $type, $contents, $extra) = @_;
+ $contents =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
+ $extra =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g if defined $extra;
+ my $method = "Handle" . ucfirst(lc($type));
+ $method = "HandleDefault" unless $self->can($method);
+ my ($key, $tsql) = $self->$method($contents, $extra);
+ push @{$limits->{$key}}, $tsql;
-sub TranslateUser {
+sub Unquote {
+ # Given a word or quoted string, unquote it if it is quoted,
+ # removing escaped quotes.
my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- if ( $key =~ /\w+\@\w+/ ) {
- $key =~ s/(['"])/\\$1/g;
- return "Requestor LIKE '$key'";
+ my ($token) = @_;
+ if ($token =~ /^$RE{delimited}{-delim=>q['"]}{-keep}$/) {
+ my $quote = $2 || $5;
+ my $value = $3 || $6;
+ $value =~ s/\\(\\|$quote)/$1/g;
+ return $value;
+ } else {
+ return $token;
- return;
-sub TranslateOwner {
+sub Finalize {
my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
+ my ($limits) = @_;
- my $User = RT::User->new( $self->TicketsObj->CurrentUser );
- $User->Load($key);
- if ( $User->id && $User->Privileged ) {
- my $name = $User->Name;
- $name =~ s/(['"])/\\$1/g;
- return "Owner = '" . $name . "'";
+ # Apply default "active status" limit if we don't have any status
+ # limits ourselves
+ if (not $limits->{status}
+ and RT::Config->Get('OnlySearchActiveTicketsInSimpleSearch', $self->TicketsObj->CurrentUser)) {
+ $limits->{status} = [map {s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; "Status = '$_'"} RT::Queue->ActiveStatusArray()];
- return;
-sub TranslateOthers {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- $key =~ s{^(['"])(.*)\1$}{$2}; # 'foo' => foo
- $key =~ s/(['"])/\\$1/g; # foo'bar => foo\'bar
- return "Subject LIKE '$key'";
-sub ProcessExtraQueues {
- my $self = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- # restrict to any queues requested by the caller
- my @clauses;
- for my $queue ( @{ $self->{'Queues'} } ) {
- my $QueueObj = RT::Queue->new( $self->TicketsObj->CurrentUser );
- next unless $QueueObj->Load($queue);
- my $quoted_queue = $QueueObj->Name;
- $quoted_queue =~ s/'/\\'/g;
- push @clauses, "Queue = '$quoted_queue'";
+ # Respect the "only search these queues" limit if we didn't
+ # specify any queues ourselves
+ if (not $limits->{queue}) {
+ for my $queue ( @{ $self->{'Queues'} } ) {
+ my $QueueObj = RT::Queue->new( $self->TicketsObj->CurrentUser );
+ next unless $QueueObj->Load($queue);
+ my $name = $QueueObj->Name;
+ $name =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
+ push @{$limits->{queue}}, "Queue = '$name'";
+ }
- return @clauses;
-sub ProcessExtraStatus {
+sub GuessType {
my $self = shift;
+ my ($val) = @_;
- if (RT::Config->Get(
- 'OnlySearchActiveTicketsInSimpleSearch',
- $self->TicketsObj->CurrentUser
- )
- )
- {
- return join( " OR ",
- map "Status = '$_'",
- RT::Queue->ActiveStatusArray() );
+ my $Queue = RT::Queue->new( $self->TicketsObj->CurrentUser );
+ my $User = RT::User->new( $self->TicketsObj->CurrentUser );
+ if ($val =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ # Simple numeric => id or subject
+ return "number";
+ } elsif ($val =~ /\w+\@\w+/) {
+ # email => requestor address
+ return "requestor";
+ } elsif ( $Queue->IsValidStatus($val) ) {
+ # a valid status
+ return "status";
+ } elsif ($Queue->Load($val) && $Queue->Id ) {
+ # Matches a queue name (or id, but we dealt with that above)
+ return "queue";
+ } elsif ($User->Load($val) && $User->Id && $User->Privileged ) {
+ # Matches a privileged username
+ return "owner";
+ } else {
+ # Fall through to the default
+ return "default";
- return;
-sub TranslateCustom {
- my $self = shift;
- return;
+sub HandleDefault { return subject => "Subject LIKE '$_[1]'"; }
+sub HandleSubject { return subject => "Subject LIKE '$_[1]'"; }
+sub HandleFulltext { return content => "Content LIKE '$_[1]'"; }
+sub HandleContent { return content => "Content LIKE '$_[1]'"; }
+sub HandleId { return id => "Id = '$_[1]'"; }
+sub HandleStatus { return status => "Status = '$_[1]'"; }
+sub HandleOwner { return owner => "Owner = '$_[1]'"; }
+sub HandleRequestor { return requestor => "Requestor LIKE '$_[1]'"; }
+sub HandleQueue { return queue => "Queue = '$_[1]'"; }
+sub HandleNumber { return number => "(Id = '$_[1]' OR Subject LIKE '$_[1]')"; }
+sub HandleCf { return "cf.$_[2]" => "CF.'$_[2]' LIKE '$_[1]'"; }
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