[Rt-commit] rt branch, menuing, created. rt-3.9.4-157-g8f6e8f3
Jesse Vincent
jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Oct 18 01:04:15 EDT 2010
The branch, menuing has been created
at 8f6e8f3e3b79a6c0561f4d92c90223434c315146 (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit bf01b0548b0a052fd0775c85a107c94d37ab4953
Author: Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>
Date: Sat Sep 25 09:20:01 2010 -0400
replace RT's menuing library (unusued) with one from jifty
diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm
index 899f209..1665d7b 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm
@@ -47,24 +47,269 @@
package RT::Interface::Web::Menu;
-use warnings;
use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw/Class::Accessor::Fast/;
+use URI;
+use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
+ label sort_order link target escape_label class render_children_inline
+ raw_html
+=head1 NAME
+RT::Interface::Web::Menu - Handle the API for menu navigation
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new PARAMHASH
+Creates a new L<RT::Interface::Web::Menu> object. Possible keys in the
+I<PARAMHASH> are L</label>, L</parent>, L</sort_order>, L</url>, and
+L</active>. See the subroutines with the respective name below for
+each option's use.
sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = bless {}, $class;
- $self->{'root_node'} = RT::Interface::Web::Menu::Item->new();
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $args = ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? shift @_ : {@_};
+ my $parent = delete $args->{'parent'};
+ $args->{sort_order} ||= 0;
+ # Class::Accessor only wants a hashref;
+ my $self = $package->SUPER::new( $args );
+ # make sure our reference is weak
+ $self->parent($parent) if defined $parent;
return $self;
-sub as_hash_of_hashes {
+=head2 label [STRING]
+Sets or returns the string that the menu item will be displayed as.
+=head2 parent [MENU]
+Gets or sets the parent L<RT::Interface::Web::Menu> of this item; this defaults
+to null. This ensures that the reference is weakened.
+=head2 raw_html [STRING]
+Sets the content of this menu item to a raw blob of HTML. When
+asked or output, rather than constructing a link, Jifty will return
+this raw content. No escaping is done.
+sub parent {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ $self->{parent} = shift;
+ weaken $self->{parent};
+ }
+ return $self->{parent};
-sub root {
+=head2 sort_order [NUMBER]
+Gets or sets the sort order of the item, as it will be displayed under
+the parent. This defaults to adding onto the end.
+=head2 link
+Gets or set a L<Jifty::Web::Form::Link> object that represents this
+menu item. If you're looking to do complex ajaxy things with menus,
+this is likely the option you want.
+=head2 target [STRING]
+Get or set the frame or pseudo-target for this link. something like L<_blank>
+=head2 class [STRING]
+Gets or sets the CSS class the link should have in addition to the default
+classes. This is only used if L</link> isn't specified.
+=head2 render_children_inline [BOOLEAN]
+Gets or sets whether children are rendered inline as a menu "group" instead
+of a true submenu. Only used when rendering with YUI for now.
+Defaults to false.
+Note that YUI doesn't support rendering nested menu groups, so having direct
+parent/children render_children_inline is likely not going to do what you
+want or expect.
+=head2 url
+Gets or sets the URL that the menu's link goes to. If the link
+provided is not absolute (does not start with a "/"), then is is
+treated as relative to it's parent's url, and made absolute.
+sub url {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ $self->{url} = shift;
+ $self->{url} = URI->new_abs($self->{url}, $self->parent->url . "/")->as_string
+ if defined $self->{url} and $self->parent and $self->parent->url;
+ $self->{url} =~ s!///!/! if $self->{url};
+ }
+ return $self->{url};
+=head2 active [BOOLEAN]
+Gets or sets if the menu item is marked as active. Setting this
+cascades to all of the parents of the menu item.
+sub active {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ $self->{active} = shift;
+ $self->parent->active($self->{active}) if defined $self->parent;
+ }
+ return $self->{active};
+=head2 child KEY [, PARAMHASH]
+If only a I<KEY> is provided, returns the child with that I<KEY>.
+Otherwise, creates or overwrites the child with that key, passing the
+I<PARAMHASH> to L<RT::Interface::Web::Menu/new>. Additionally, the paramhash's
+L</label> defaults to the I<KEY>, and the L</sort_order> defaults to the
+pre-existing child's sort order (if a C<KEY> is being over-written) or
+the end of the list, if it is a new C<KEY>.
+If the paramhash contains a key called C<menu>, that will be used instead
+of creating a new RT::Interface::Web::Menu.
+sub child {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ my $proto = ref $self || $self;
+ if ( my %args = @_ ) {
+ # Clear children ordering cache
+ delete $self->{children_list};
+ my $child;
+ if ( $child = $args{menu} ) {
+ $child->parent($self);
+ } else {
+ $child = $proto->new(
+ { parent => $self,
+ label => $key,
+ escape_label => 1,
+ %args
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ $self->{children}{$key} = $child;
+ $child->sort_order( $args{sort_order} || (scalar values %{ $self->{children} }) )
+ unless ($child->sort_order());
+ # URL is relative to parents, and cached, so set it up now
+ $child->url( $child->{url} );
+ # Figure out the URL
+ my $url
+ = ( defined $child->link
+ and ref $child->link
+ and $child->link->can('url') )
+ ? $child->link->url
+ : $child->url;
+ # Activate it
+ if ( defined $url and length $url and Jifty->web->request ) {
+ # XXX TODO cleanup for mod_perl
+ my $base_path = Jifty->web->request->path;
+ chomp($base_path);
+ $base_path =~ s/index\.html$//;
+ $base_path =~ s/\/+$//;
+ $url =~ s/\/+$//;
+ if ( $url eq $base_path ) {
+ $self->{children}{$key}->active(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{children}{$key};
+=head2 active_child
+Returns the first active child node, or C<undef> is there is none.
+sub active_child {
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach my $kid ($self->children) {
+ return $kid if $kid->active;
+ }
+ return undef;
+=head2 delete KEY
+Removes the child with the provided I<KEY>.
+sub delete {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ delete $self->{children_list};
+ delete $self->{children}{$key};
+=head2 children
+Returns the children of this menu item in sorted order; as an array in
+array context, or as an array reference in scalar context.
+sub children {
my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'root_node'};
+ my @kids;
+ if ($self->{children_list}) {
+ @kids = @{$self->{children_list}};
+ } else {
+ @kids = values %{$self->{children} || {}};
+ @kids = sort {$a->{sort_order} <=> $b->{sort_order}} @kids;
+ $self->{children_list} = \@kids;
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @kids : \@kids;
diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu/Item.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu/Item.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index e5efa29..0000000
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu/Item.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2010 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
-# <jesse at bestpractical.com>
-# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
-# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
-# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
-# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
-# from www.gnu.org.
-# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
-# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
-# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
-# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
-# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
-# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
-# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
-# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
-# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
-# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
-# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
-# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
-# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
-# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
-# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-package RT::Interface::Web::Menu::Item;
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = bless {},$class;
- $self->{'_attributes'} = {};
- return($self);
-sub label { my $self = shift; $self->_accessor( label => @_) } ;
-sub absolute_url { my $self = shift; $self->_accessor( absolute_url => @_) } ;
-sub rt_path { my $self = shift; $self->_accessor( rt_path => @_) } ;
-sub hilight { my $self = shift; $self->_accessor( hilight => @_);
- $self->parent->hilight(1);
- } ;
-sub sort_order { my $self = shift; $self->_accessor( sort_order => @_) } ;
-sub add_child {
-sub delete {
-sub children {
-sub _accessor {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- if (@_){
- $self->{'attributes'}->{$key} = shift;
- }
- return $self->{'_attributes'}->{$key};
commit 0ea3fa9afe509c109dd6a466cacb7f5ddcd04b28
Author: Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>
Date: Sat Sep 25 20:15:54 2010 -0400
first pass of making the toplevel menu use a new menu object
diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
index c50c1a7..e29e46b 100755
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ package RT::Interface::Web;
use RT::SavedSearches;
use URI qw();
+use RT::Interface::Web::Menu;
use RT::Interface::Web::Session;
use Digest::MD5 ();
use Encode qw();
@@ -284,6 +285,12 @@ sub MaybeShowNoAuthPage {
+sub InitializeMenu {
+ $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->notes('menu', RT::Interface::Web::Menu->new());
=head2 ShowRequestedPage \%ARGS
This function, called exclusively by RT's autohandler, dispatches
@@ -297,6 +304,8 @@ sub ShowRequestedPage {
my $m = $HTML::Mason::Commands::m;
+ InitializeMenu();
# If the user isn't privileged, they can only see SelfService
@@ -810,6 +819,9 @@ package HTML::Mason::Commands;
use vars qw/$r $m %session/;
+sub Menu {
+ return $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->notes('menu');
=head2 loc ARRAY
diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm
index 1665d7b..6f831f4 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ use URI;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
- label sort_order link target escape_label class render_children_inline
+ title sort_order link target escape_title class render_children_inline
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ RT::Interface::Web::Menu - Handle the API for menu navigation
=head2 new PARAMHASH
Creates a new L<RT::Interface::Web::Menu> object. Possible keys in the
-I<PARAMHASH> are L</label>, L</parent>, L</sort_order>, L</url>, and
+I<PARAMHASH> are L</title>, L</parent>, L</sort_order>, L</path>, and
L</active>. See the subroutines with the respective name below for
each option's use.
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ sub new {
-=head2 label [STRING]
+=head2 title [STRING]
Sets or returns the string that the menu item will be displayed as.
@@ -155,23 +155,23 @@ Note that YUI doesn't support rendering nested menu groups, so having direct
parent/children render_children_inline is likely not going to do what you
want or expect.
-=head2 url
+=head2 path
Gets or sets the URL that the menu's link goes to. If the link
provided is not absolute (does not start with a "/"), then is is
-treated as relative to it's parent's url, and made absolute.
+treated as relative to it's parent's path, and made absolute.
-sub url {
+sub path {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
- $self->{url} = shift;
- $self->{url} = URI->new_abs($self->{url}, $self->parent->url . "/")->as_string
- if defined $self->{url} and $self->parent and $self->parent->url;
- $self->{url} =~ s!///!/! if $self->{url};
+ $self->{path} = shift;
+ $self->{path} = URI->new_abs($self->{path}, $self->parent->path . "/")->as_string
+ if defined $self->{path} and $self->parent and $self->parent->path;
+ $self->{path} =~ s!///!/! if $self->{path};
- return $self->{url};
+ return $self->{path};
=head2 active [BOOLEAN]
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ If only a I<KEY> is provided, returns the child with that I<KEY>.
Otherwise, creates or overwrites the child with that key, passing the
I<PARAMHASH> to L<RT::Interface::Web::Menu/new>. Additionally, the paramhash's
-L</label> defaults to the I<KEY>, and the L</sort_order> defaults to the
+L</title> defaults to the I<KEY>, and the L</sort_order> defaults to the
pre-existing child's sort order (if a C<KEY> is being over-written) or
the end of the list, if it is a new C<KEY>.
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ sub child {
} else {
$child = $proto->new(
{ parent => $self,
- label => $key,
- escape_label => 1,
+ title => $key,
+ escape_title => 1,
@@ -234,28 +234,28 @@ sub child {
unless ($child->sort_order());
# URL is relative to parents, and cached, so set it up now
- $child->url( $child->{url} );
+ $child->path( $child->{path} );
# Figure out the URL
- my $url
+ my $path
= ( defined $child->link
and ref $child->link
- and $child->link->can('url') )
- ? $child->link->url
- : $child->url;
+ and $child->link->can('path') )
+ ? $child->link->path
+ : $child->path;
# Activate it
- if ( defined $url and length $url and Jifty->web->request ) {
+ if ( defined $path and length $path ) {
# XXX TODO cleanup for mod_perl
- my $base_path = Jifty->web->request->path;
+ my $base_path = '';#Jifty->web->request->path;
$base_path =~ s/index\.html$//;
$base_path =~ s/\/+$//;
- $url =~ s/\/+$//;
+ $path =~ s/\/+$//;
- if ( $url eq $base_path ) {
+ if ( $path eq $base_path ) {
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/Menu b/share/html/Elements/Menu
index 9c5f78d..7107599 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/Menu
+++ b/share/html/Elements/Menu
@@ -45,6 +45,15 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+<div id="new-menu">
+% for my $child (Menu->children) {
+<li><a href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/<%$child->path%>"><%$child->title%></a></li>
+% }
<ul<% !$level ? ' id="system-menu"' : ''|n %><% $menu_class ? qq[ class="$menu_class"] : ''|n %>>
<div<% $menu_class ? qq[ class="$menu_class"] : ''|n %>><div class="wrapper">
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/Tabs b/share/html/Elements/Tabs
index 833ab9c..19955d8 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/Tabs
+++ b/share/html/Elements/Tabs
@@ -65,44 +65,29 @@ my $basetopactions = {
B => { html => $m->scomp('/Elements/SimpleSearch')
-my $basetabs = { A => { title => loc('Homepage'),
- path => 'index.html',
- },
- Ab => { title => loc('Simple Search'),
- path => 'Search/Simple.html'
- },
- B => { title => loc('Tickets'),
- path => 'Search/Build.html'
- },
- C => { title => loc('Tools'),
- path => 'Tools/index.html'
- },
- };
-if ($session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowConfigTab',
- Object => $RT::System )) {
- $basetabs->{E} = { title => loc('Configuration'),
- path => 'Admin/',
- };
+Menu->child( A => title => loc('Homepage'), path => 'index.html' );
+Menu->child( Ab => title => loc('Simple Search'), path => 'Search/Simple.html' );
+Menu->child( B => title => loc('Tickets'), path => 'Search/Build.html' );
+Menu->child( C => title => loc('Tools'), path => 'Tools/index.html' );
-if ($session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf',
- Object => $RT::System )) {
- $basetabs->{K} = { title => loc('Preferences'),
- path => 'Prefs/Other.html'
- };
+if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowConfigTab', Object => $RT::System )) {
+ Menu->child( E => title => loc('Configuration'), path => 'Admin/' );
-if ($session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowApprovalsTab',
- Object => $RT::System )) {
- $basetabs->{P} = { title => loc('Approval'),
- path => 'Approvals/'
- };
+if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System )) {
+ Menu->child( K => title => loc('Preferences'), path => 'Prefs/Other.html' );
-if (!defined $toptabs) {
- $toptabs = $basetabs;
+if (
+ $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowApprovalsTab',
+ Object => $RT::System )
+ )
+ Menu->child( P => title => loc('Approval'),
+ path => 'Approvals/' );
if (!defined $topactions) {
$topactions = $basetopactions;
commit 76ef142ff9fd461697dd16a0c6d1acee1757d37e
Author: Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed Oct 13 06:45:07 2010 -0400
first pass at backporting the RT 3.999 stuff
diff --git a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
index 23f2924..6e395ca 100755
--- a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
+++ b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
@@ -2174,6 +2174,8 @@ Set(@JSFilesInHead, qw/
+ superfish.js
+ supersubs.js
=item C<$JSMinPath>
diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
index e29e46b..1c8d276 100755
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ sub MaybeShowNoAuthPage {
sub InitializeMenu {
$HTML::Mason::Commands::m->notes('menu', RT::Interface::Web::Menu->new());
+ $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->notes('page-menu', RT::Interface::Web::Menu->new());
@@ -823,6 +824,10 @@ sub Menu {
return $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->notes('menu');
+sub PageMenu {
+ return $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->notes('page-menu');
=head2 loc ARRAY
loc is a nice clean global routine which calls $session{'CurrentUser'}->loc()
diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm
index 6f831f4..10907b3 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm
@@ -292,6 +292,23 @@ sub delete {
delete $self->{children}{$key};
+=head2 has_children
+Returns true if there are any children on this menu
+sub has_children {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@{ $self->children}) {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
=head2 children
Returns the children of this menu item in sorted order; as an array in
diff --git a/lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm b/lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm
index 5eab2ea..32a515d 100644
--- a/lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/SharedSetting.pm
@@ -295,6 +295,9 @@ sub Id {
return $self->{'Id'};
+*id = \&Id;
=head2 Privacy
Returns the principal object to whom this shared setting belongs, in a string
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/Menu b/share/html/Elements/Menu
index 7107599..184b757 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/Menu
+++ b/share/html/Elements/Menu
@@ -45,85 +45,16 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<div id="new-menu">
-% for my $child (Menu->children) {
-<li><a href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/<%$child->path%>"><%$child->title%></a></li>
+<ul <%$id ? "id=\"$id\"" : '' |n%> class="sf-menu sf-navbar">
+% for my $child ($menu->children) {
+<li><a href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%><%$child->path%>"><%$child->title%></a></li>
+% next unless ($child->has_children);
+<& Menu, menu => $child &>
% }
-<ul<% !$level ? ' id="system-menu"' : ''|n %><% $menu_class ? qq[ class="$menu_class"] : ''|n %>>
-<div<% $menu_class ? qq[ class="$menu_class"] : ''|n %>><div class="wrapper">
- my $sep = 0;
- my $postsep = 0;
- my $accesskey = 1;
- $count = 0;
- $class = {};
-my @tabs = sort keys %$toptabs;
- foreach $tab (@tabs) {
- $count++;
- my $current = $current_toptab || '';
- my $path = $toptabs->{$tab}->{'path'} || "";
- my $target = $toptabs->{$tab}->{'target'} || "";
- $path =~ s#/index.html$##gi;
- $current =~ s#/index.html$##gi;
- $sep = $toptabs->{$tab}->{'separator'} ? 1 : 0;
- my @aclass;
- push @aclass, 'selected' if $path eq $current;
- push @aclass, 'odd' if $level % 2;
- $class->{a} = join ' ', @aclass;
- my @li;
- push @li, 'first' if $count == 1;
- push @li, 'pre-separator' if $sep;
- push @li, 'post-separator' if $postsep;
- push @li, 'last' if ( $tab eq $tabs[-1]);
- $class->{li} = join ' ', @li;
- my $url = ($toptabs->{$tab}->{'path'}||'') =~ /^(?:https?|mailto):/i
- ? $toptabs->{$tab}->{'path'} || ''
- : RT->Config->Get('WebPath') . "/" . $toptabs->{$tab}->{'path'};
- <li<% $class->{'li'} ? qq[ class="$class->{li}"] : ''|n %>><% $count > 1 && !$postsep && qq[<span class="bullet">· </span>]|n%><a href="<% $url %>" <% $class->{a} && qq[ class="$class->{a}"] |n %> <% $target && qq[ target="$target"] |n %> <% !$level && " accesskey='".$accesskey++."'" |n %>><% $toptabs->{$tab}->{'title'}%></a>
-%# Second-level items
-% if ($toptabs->{$tab}->{'subtabs'}
-% and keys %{$toptabs->{$tab}->{'subtabs'}})
-% {
- <& /Elements/Menu, level => $level+1,
- current_toptab => $toptabs->{$tab}->{'current_subtab'},
- toptabs => $toptabs->{$tab}->{'subtabs'},
- last_level => $toptabs->{$tab}->{last_system_menu_level} &>
-% }
- </li>
-% if ($sep) {
- <li class="separator">···</li>
-% }
-% $postsep = $sep;
-% }
-my ($tab, $class, $count, @ul);
-push @ul, 'last-menu-level' if $last_level;
-push @ul, 'odd' if $level % 2;
-my $menu_class = join ' ', @ul;
-$toptabs => {}
-$current_toptab => ''
-$level => 0
-$last_level => 0
+$id => undef
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/PageLayout b/share/html/Elements/PageLayout
index 0ba9529..dc7b8eb 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/PageLayout
+++ b/share/html/Elements/PageLayout
@@ -55,69 +55,20 @@
% if ( $show_menu ) {
-<div id="nav">
-<& /Elements/Menu, toptabs => $toptabs, current_toptab => $current_toptab &>
-% }
+<div id="nav"><& /Elements/Menu, menu => Menu(), id => 'app-nav' &></div>
+<div id="page-navigation"><& /Elements/Menu, menu => PageMenu(), id => 'page-menu' &></div>
+% }
+ jQuery("nav>ul").superfish();
<div id="header">
<h1><% $title %></h1>
-<div id="page-navigation">
% my $sep = 0;
% my $postsep = 0;
% my $count = 0;
% my $class = { };
- <ul id="page-menu" <% (($actions && %$actions) || ($subactions && %$subactions)) && q[ class="actions-present"] | n %>>
- <div><div><div>
- if ($page_tabs) {
- my @tabs = ( sort grep { $_ !~ /^(?:current_toptab|this)$/ } keys %{$page_tabs});
- my $tab_idx = -1;
- foreach my $tab ( @tabs ) {
- $count++;
- $tab_idx++;
- my $current = $page_tabs->{current_toptab} || "";
- my $path = $page_tabs->{$tab}->{'path'} || "";
- $path =~ s#(/index\.html)?(\?)?$##gi;
- $current =~ s#(/index\.html)?(\?)?$##gi;
- $sep = $toptabs->{$tab}->{'separator'} ? 1 : 0;
- my $next_tab = $tabs[$tab_idx+1];
- if ($next_tab && $toptabs->{$next_tab}->{'pre_separator'}) {
- $sep = 1;
- }
- $class->{a} = $path eq $current ? ' class="selected"' : undef;
- my @li;
- push @li, 'first' if $count == 1;
- push @li, 'pre-separator' if $sep;
- push @li, 'post-separator' if $postsep;
- push @li, 'last' if $tab eq $tabs[-1];
- $class->{li} = join ' ', @li;
- my $href = $page_tabs->{$tab}->{'path'} || "";
- $href = RT->Config->Get('WebPath') .'/'. $href
- unless $path =~ /^\w+:/;
- my $target = $page_tabs->{$tab}->{'target'} || '';
- $target = $m->interp->apply_escapes( $target, 'h' );
- <li<% $class->{li} ? qq[ class="$class->{li}"] : ''|n %>><% $count > 1 && !$postsep && "· "|n%><a href="<% $href %>"<%$class->{a}|n%><% $class->{a} ? ' name="focus"' : ''|n %><% $target? " target='$target'": '' |n %>><% $page_tabs->{$tab}->{'title'} %></a></li>
-% if ($sep) {
- <li class="separator">···</li>
-% }
-% $postsep = $sep;
-% }
-% } else {
-% }
- </div></div></div>
- </ul>
% if (($actions && %$actions) || ($subactions && %$subactions)) {
<ul id="actions-menu">
@@ -170,7 +121,6 @@
% }
<div id="body">
% $m->callback( %ARGS, CallbackName => 'BeforeBody' );
% $m->flush_buffer(); # we've got the page laid out, let's flush the buffer;
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/Tabs b/share/html/Elements/Tabs
index 19955d8..1469194 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/Tabs
+++ b/share/html/Elements/Tabs
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
-%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2010 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+%# This software is CopyRight (c) 1996-2010 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
%# <jesse at bestpractical.com>
-%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyRight notices)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the Rights granted
%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
-%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
+%# you are the copyRight holder for those contributions and you grant
%# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
%# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
@@ -58,46 +58,439 @@
<a name="skipnav" id="skipnav" accesskey="8"></a>
-my $action;
-my $basetopactions = {
- A => { html => $m->scomp('/Elements/CreateTicket')
- },
- B => { html => $m->scomp('/Elements/SimpleSearch')
- }
+my $request_path = $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->request_comp->path;
+my $query_string = sub { my %args = @_; my $u = URI->new(); $u->query_form(%args); return $u->query };
+my $PREFS_NAV = RT::Interface::Web::Menu->new( { title => loc('Preferences'), path => '/Prefs/Other.html' } );
+$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('Settings'), path => '/Prefs/Other.html', );
+$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('About me'), path => '/User/Prefs.html', );
+$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('Search options'), path => '/Prefs/SearchOptions.html', );
+$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('RT at a glance'), path => '/Prefs/MyRT.html', );
+if ($request_path =~ qr{.*} ) {
+ Menu->child( loc('Homepage'), path => '/' );
+ my $tickets = Menu->child( loc('Tickets'), path => '/Search/Build.html' );
+ $tickets->child( new => title => loc('New Search') => path => "/Search/Build.html?NewQuery=1" );
+ my $new = $tickets->child(create => title => loc('New ticket'), path => '/Ticket/Create.html');
+ my $q = RT::Queues->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $q->FindAllRows;
+ while (my $queue = $q->Next) {
+ next unless $queue->CurrentUserHasRight('CreateTicket');
+ $new->child( $queue->id => title => $queue->Name, path => '/Ticket/Create.html?Queue='.$queue->id);
+ }
+ my $tools = Menu->child( loc('Tools'), path => '/Tools/index.html' );
+ $tools->child( loc('Dashboards'), path => '/Dashboards/index.html' );
+ my $reports = $tools->child( loc('Reports'), path => '/Tools/Reports/index.html' );
+ $reports->child( loc('Resolved by owner'), path => '/Tools/Reports/ResolvedByOwner.html', );
+ $reports->child( loc('Resolved in date range'), path => '/Tools/Reports/ResolvedByDates.html', );
+ $reports->child( loc('Created in a date range'), path => '/Tools/Reports/CreatedByDates.html', );
+ $tools->child( loc('My Day'), path => '/Tools/MyDay.html' );
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowApprovalsTab', Object => $RT::System ) )
+ {
+ $tools->child( loc('Approval'), path => '/Approvals/' );
+ }
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowConfigTab', Object => $RT::System ) )
+ {
+ my $admin = Menu->child( Config => title => loc('Configuration'), path => '/Admin/' );
+ $admin->child( loc('Users'), path => '/Admin/Users/', );
+ $admin->child( loc('Groups'), path => '/Admin/Groups/', );
+ $admin->child( loc('Queues'), path => '/Admin/Queues/', );
+ $admin->child( loc('Custom Fields'), path => '/Admin/CustomFields/', );
+ $admin->child( loc('Rules'), path => '/admin/rules/', );
+ my $admin_global = $admin->child( loc('Global'), path => '/Admin/Global/', );
+ $admin_global->child( loc('Templates'), path => '/Admin/Global/Templates.html', );
+ my $workflows = $admin_global->child( loc('Workflows'), path => '/Admin/Global/Workflows/index.html', );
+ {
+ $workflows->child( loc('Overview') => path => "/Admin/Global/Workflows/index.html" );
+ $workflows->child( loc('Localization') => path => "/Admin/Global/Workflows/Localization.html" );
+ $workflows->child( loc('Mappings') => path => "/Admin/Global/Workflows/Mappings.html" );
+ }
+ my $cfadmin = $admin_global->child( loc('Custom Fields'), path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html', );
+ {
+ $cfadmin->child(
+ loc('Users') => text => loc('Select custom fields for all users'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Users.html'
+ );
+ $cfadmin->child(
+ loc('Groups') => text => loc('Select custom fields for all user groups'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Groups.html'
+ );
+ $cfadmin->child(
+ loc('Queues') => text => loc('Select custom fields for all queues'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queues.html'
+ );
+ $cfadmin->child(
+ loc('Tickets') => text => loc('Select custom fields for tickets in all queues'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queue-Tickets.html'
+ );
+ $cfadmin->child(
+ loc('Ticket Transactions') => text => loc('Select custom fields for transactions on tickets in all queues'),
+ path => 'Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queue-Transactions.html'
+ );
+ }
+ $admin_global->child( loc('Group Rights'), path => '/Admin/Global/GroupRights.html', );
+ $admin_global->child( loc('User Rights'), path => '/Admin/Global/UserRights.html', );
+ $admin_global->child( loc('RT at a glance'), path => '/Admin/Global/MyRT.html', );
+ $admin_global->child( loc('System'), path => '/Admin/Global/System.html', );
+ my $admin_tools = $admin->child( loc('Tools'), path => '/Admin/Tools/', );
+ $admin_tools->child( loc('System Configuration'), path => '/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html', );
+ $admin_tools->child( loc('Shredder'), path => '/Admin/Tools/Shredder', );
+ }
+ if ($session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj
+ && $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight(
+ Right => 'ModifySelf',
+ Object => $RT::System
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System ) ) {
+ Menu->child( 'Preferences' => menu => $PREFS_NAV, order => 99 );
+ }
+ }
-Menu->child( A => title => loc('Homepage'), path => 'index.html' );
-Menu->child( Ab => title => loc('Simple Search'), path => 'Search/Simple.html' );
-Menu->child( B => title => loc('Tickets'), path => 'Search/Build.html' );
-Menu->child( C => title => loc('Tools'), path => 'Tools/index.html' );
+if ($request_path =~ qr'Dashboards/?' ) {
+ require RT::Dashboard; # not a record class, so not autoloaded :/
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Dashboards/index.html" );
+ my $dashboard = RT::Dashboard->new($session{CurrentUser});
+ if ( $dashboard->_PrivacyObjects( create => 1 ) ) {
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Create') => path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?Create=1" );
+ }
-if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowConfigTab', Object => $RT::System )) {
- Menu->child( E => title => loc('Configuration'), path => 'Admin/' );
-if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System )) {
- Menu->child( K => title => loc('Preferences'), path => 'Prefs/Other.html' );
+if ($request_path =~ qr'Dashboards/(\d*)?' ) {
+ if ( my $id = ( $1 || $m->request_args->{'id'} ) ) {
+ my $obj = RT::Dashboard->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $obj->LoadById($id);
+ if ( $obj and $obj->id ) {
+ my $tabs = PageMenu->child( "this" => title => $obj->Name, path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Basics'), path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Queries'), path => "/Dashboards/Queries.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Subscription'), path => "/Dashboards/Subscription.html?dashboard_id=" . $obj->id )
+ if $obj->CurrentUserCanSubscribe;
+ $tabs->child( loc('Show'), path => "/Dashboards/" . $obj->id . "/" . $obj->Name )
+ }
+ }
+if ($request_path =~ qr'/SelfService' ) {
+ my $queues = RT::Queues->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $queues->FindAllRows;
+ my $queue_count = 0;
+ my $queue_id = 1;
+ while ( my $queue = $queues->Next ) {
+ next unless $queue->CurrentUserHasRight('CreateTicket');
+ $queue_id = $queue->id;
+ $queue_count++;
+ last if ( $queue_count > 1 );
+ }
+ my $TOP = Menu();
+ $TOP->child( loc('Open tickets'), path => '/SelfService/', );
+ $TOP->child( loc('Closed tickets'), path => '/SelfService/Closed.html', );
+ if ( $queue_count > 1 ) {
+ $TOP->child( loc('New ticket'), path => '/SelfService/CreateTicketInQueue.html' );
+ } else {
+ $TOP->child( loc('New ticket'), path => '/SelfService/Create.html?queue=' . $queue_id );
+ }
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System ) ) {
+ $TOP->child( loc('Preferences'), path => '/SelfService/Prefs.html' );
+ }
+ #Menu->child( B => html => $m->scomp('GotoTicket'))
+if ($request_path =~ qr'Admin/Queues' ) {
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'AdminQueue' ) ) {
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Queues/" );
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?Create=1" );
+ }
+ if ( my $id = $m->request_args->{'id'} ) {
+ my $queue_obj = RT::Queue->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $queue_obj->Load($id);
+ my $queue = PageMenu->child( $queue_obj->Name => path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
+ $queue->child( loc('Basics'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
+ $queue->child( loc('Watchers'), path => "/Admin/Queues/People.html?id=" . $id );
+ $queue->child( loc('Templates'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Templates.html?id=" . $id );
+ $queue->child( loc('Ticket Custom Fields'),
+ path => '/Admin/Queues/CustomFields.html?sub_type=RT::Ticket&id=' . $id );
+ $queue->child( loc('Transaction Custom Fields'),
+ path => '/Admin/Queues/CustomFields.html?sub_type=RT::Ticket-RT::Transaction&id=' . $id );
+ $queue->child( loc('Group Rights'), path => "/Admin/Queues/GroupRights.html?id=" . $id );
+ $queue->child( loc('User Rights'), path => "/Admin/Queues/UserRights.html?id=" . $id );
+ }
+if ($request_path =~ qr'/Admin/Users' ) {
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'AdminUsers' ) ) {
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Users/" );
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?Create=1", separator => 1 );
+ }
+ if ( my $id = $m->request_args->{'id'} ) {
+ my $obj = RT::User->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $obj->Load($id);
+ my $tabs = PageMenu->child( 'current' => title => $obj->Name, path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?id=" . $id, );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Basics'), path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Memberships'), path => "/Admin/Users/Memberships.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('History'), path => "/Admin/Users/History.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('RT at a glance'), path => "/Admin/Users/MyRT.html?id=" . $id );
+ if ( RT->config->get('gnupg')->{'enable'} ) {
+ $tabs->child( loc('GnuPG'), path => "/Admin/Users/GnuPG.html?id=" . $id );
+ }
+ }
+if ($request_path =~ qr'Admin/Groups' ) {
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Select') => path => "/Admin/Groups/" );
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/Groups/Modify.html?Create=1", separator => 1 );
+ if ( my $id = $m->request_args->{'id'} ) {
+ my $obj = RT::User->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $obj->Load($id);
+ my $tabs = PageMenu->child( $obj->Name, path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Basics') => path => "/Admin/Groups/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Members') => path => "/Admin/Groups/Members.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Group Rights') => path => "/Admin/Groups/GroupRights.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('User Rights') => path => "/Admin/Groups/UserRights.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('History') => path => "/Admin/Groups/History.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ }
+if ($request_path =~ qr'Admin/CustomFields/' ) {
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'AdminCustomField' ) ) {
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/" );
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?Create=1", );
+ }
+ if ( my $id = $m->request_args->{'id'} ) {
+ my $obj = RT::CustomField->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $obj->Load($id);
+ my $tabs = PageMenu->child( $obj->Name, path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Basics') => path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Group Rights') => path => "/Admin/CustomFields/GroupRights.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('User Rights') => path => "/Admin/CustomFields/UserRights.html?id=" . $id );
+ if ( $obj->lookup_type =~ /^RT::Queue-/io ) {
+ $tabs->child( loc('Applies to'), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html?id=" . $id );
+ }
+ }
+if ($request_path =~ qr'Admin/Rules' ) {
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Rules/" );
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Rules/Modify.html?Create=1" );
+if ($request_path =~ qr'(?:Ticket|Search)/' ) {
+ if ( ( $m->request_args->{'id'} || '' ) =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
+ my $id = $1;
+ my $obj = RT::Ticket->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $obj->Load($id);
+ my $tabs = PageMenu(); #->child( "#" . $id => class => "currentnav",path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $id);
+ $tabs->child( loc('Display') => path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('History') => path => "/Ticket/History.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Basics') => path => "/Ticket/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Dates') => path => "/Ticket/ModifyDates.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('People'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyPeople.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Links'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyLinks.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Jumbo'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyAll.html?id=" . $id );
+ my %can = ( ModifyTicket => $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket') );
+ if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'} or $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('ReplyToTicket') ) {
+ $tabs->child( loc('Reply'), path => "/Ticket/Update.html?action=respond&id=" . $id );
+ }
+ if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'} ) {
+ my $current = $obj->Status;
+ my $schema = $obj->QueueObj->lifecycle;
+ my $i = 1;
+ foreach my $next ( $schema->transitions($current) ) {
+ my $action = $schema->transition_action( $current => $next );
+ next if $action eq 'hide';
+ my $url = '/Ticket/';
+ if ($action) {
+ $url .= "Update.html?" . $query_string->( Action => $action, DefaultStatus => $next, id => $id );
+ } else {
+ #$url .= "Display.html?" .$query_string->(Status => $next, id => $id );
+ }
+ $tabs->child( loc( $schema->transition_label( $current => $next ) ) => path => $url );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('OwnTicket') ) {
+ if ( $obj->OwnerObj->id == RT->Nobody->id ) {
+ $tabs->child( loc('Take') => path => "/Ticket/Display.html?action=take&id=" . $id )
+ if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'} or $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('TakeTicket') );
+ } elsif ( $obj->OwnerObj->id != $session{'CurrentUser'}->id ) {
+ $tabs->child( loc('Steal') => path => "/Ticket/Display.html?action=steal&id=" . $id )
+ if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'}
+ or $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('StealTicket') );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'} or $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('CommentOnTicket') ) {
+ $tabs->child( loc('Comment') => path => "/Ticket/Update.html?action=comment&id=" . $id );
+ }
+ # $actions->{'_ZZ'} = { html => $m->scomp( '/Ticket/Elements/Bookmark', id => $obj->id ), };
+ if ( defined $session{"tickets"} ) {
+ # we have to update session data if we get new ItemMap
+ my $updatesession = 1 unless ( $session{"tickets"}->{'item_map'} );
+ my $item_map = $session{"tickets"}->ItemMap;
+ if ($updatesession) {
+ $session{"tickets"}->PrepForSerialization();
+ }
+ # Don't display prev links if we're on the first ticket
+ if ( $item_map->{$id}->{prev} ) {
+ PageMenu->child(
+ '<< ' . loc('First') => class => "nav",
+ path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{first}
+ );
+ PageMenu->child(
+ '< ' . loc('Prev') => class => "nav",
+ path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{$id}->{prev}
+ );
+ # Don't display next links if we're on the last ticket
+ if ( $item_map->{$id}->{next} ) {
+ PageMenu->child(
+ loc('next') . ' >' => class => "nav",
+ path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{$id}->{next}
+ );
+ PageMenu->child(
+ loc('Last') . ' >>' => class => "nav",
+ path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{last}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $args = '';
+ my $has_query = '';
+ my $search = $session{"CurrentSearchHash"} || {};
+ my $search_id = $m->request_args->{'saved_search_id'} || $search->{'searchid'} || '';
+ $has_query = 1 if ( $m->request_args->{'query'} or $search->{'query'} );
+ my %query_args = (
+ saved_search_id => ( $search_id eq 'new' ) ? undef : $search_id,
+ query => $m->request_args->{'query'} || $search->{'query'},
+ format => $m->request_args->{'format'} || $search->{'format'},
+ order_by => $m->request_args->{'order_by'} || $search->{'order_by'},
+ order => $m->request_args->{'order'} || $search->{'order'},
+ page => $m->request_args->{'page'} || $search->{'page'},
+ rows_per_page => (
+ defined $m->request_args->{'rows_per_page'}
+ ? $m->request_args->{'rows_per_page'}
+ : $search->{'rows_per_page'}
+ )
+ );
+ $args = "?" . $query_string->(%query_args);
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Edit Search') => path => "/Search/Build.html" . ( ($has_query) ? $args : '' ) );
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Advanced') => path => "/Search/Edit.html$args" );
+ if ($has_query) {
+ if ($request_path =~ qr|^Search/Results.html| && #XXX TODO better abstraction
+ $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'SuperUser', Object => $RT::System )
+ )
+ {
+ my $shred_args = URI->new->query_param(
+ search => 1,
+ plugin => 'Tickets',
+ 'Tickets:query' => $query_args{'query'},
+ 'Tickets:limit' => $query_args{'rows_per_page'}
+ );
+ PageMenu->child( 'shredder' => title => loc('Shredder'), path => 'Admin/Tools/Shredder/?' . $shred_args );
+ }
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Show Results') => path => "/Search/Results.html$args" );
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Bulk Update') => path => "/Search/Bulk.html$args" );
+ }
+if ( $request_path =~ qr'User/Group' ) {
+ if ( my $id = $m->request_args->{'id'} ) {
+ my $obj = RT::User->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ $obj->Load($id);
+ my $group = PageMenu->child(
+ path => "/User/Groups/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ $group->child( loc('Basics'),
+ path => "/User/Groups/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ $group->child( loc('Members'),
+ path => "/User/Groups/Members.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ }
+ PageMenu( loc('Select') => path => "/User/Groups/index.html" );
+ PageMenu( loc('Create') => path => "/User/Groups/Modify.html?Create=1",
+ separator => 1 );
-if (
- $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowApprovalsTab',
- Object => $RT::System )
- )
- Menu->child( P => title => loc('Approval'),
- path => 'Approvals/' );
-if (!defined $topactions) {
- $topactions = $basetopactions;
+if ($request_path =~ qr'Prefs' ) {
+ PageMenu->child( 'Quick search' => title => loc('Quick search'), path => '/Prefs/Quicksearch.html' );
-# Now let callbacks add their extra tabs
- topactions => $topactions,
- toptabs => $toptabs,
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/main.css b/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/main.css
index af80183..9c63d85 100644
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/main.css
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/main.css
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@
@import "theme-editor.css";
@import "ticket.css";
@import "tablesorter.css";
+ at import "superfish.css";
+ at import "superfish-navbar.css";
+ at import "superfish-vertical.css";
% $m->callback(CallbackName => 'End');
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css
index eb71cdb..82d57e4 100644
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+% return 0;
div#nav {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
commit e9a72e05b8ad1827d5ed935de5fd35bdc3d86b02
Author: Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Oct 18 12:01:34 2010 +0900
basic superfish menuing.
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/Menu b/share/html/Elements/Menu
index 184b757..d47abdb 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/Menu
+++ b/share/html/Elements/Menu
@@ -45,11 +45,12 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<ul <%$id ? "id=\"$id\"" : '' |n%> class="sf-menu sf-navbar">
+<ul <%$id ? "id=\"$id\"" : '' |n%> <% $toplevel? 'class="sf-menu sf-js-enabled sf-shadow' : '' |n %>">
% for my $child ($menu->children) {
-<li><a href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%><%$child->path%>"><%$child->title%></a></li>
+<li><a href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%><%$child->path%>"><%$child->title%></a>
% next unless ($child->has_children);
-<& Menu, menu => $child &>
+<& Menu, menu => $child, toplevel => 0 &>
% }
@@ -57,4 +58,5 @@
$id => undef
+$toplevel => 1
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/PageLayout b/share/html/Elements/PageLayout
index dc7b8eb..c330d76 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/PageLayout
+++ b/share/html/Elements/PageLayout
@@ -59,9 +59,12 @@
<div id="page-navigation"><& /Elements/Menu, menu => PageMenu(), id => 'page-menu' &></div>
% }
- jQuery("nav>ul").superfish();
+<script type="text/javascript">
+jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("#app-nav").superfish(); });
+jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("#page-menu").superfish(); });
+jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("#actions-menu").superfish(); });
<div id="header">
<h1><% $title %></h1>
% my $sep = 0;
@@ -70,56 +73,6 @@
% my $class = { };
-% if (($actions && %$actions) || ($subactions && %$subactions)) {
- <ul id="actions-menu">
- <div><div><div>
- $sep = 0;
- $postsep = 0;
- $count = 0;
- $class = { };
- for my $type ($actions, $subactions) {
- if ($type && %$type) {
- my @actions = sort keys %{$type};
- my $action_idx = -1;
- foreach my $action (@actions) {
- $count++;
- $action_idx++;
- $sep = $type->{$action}->{'separator'} ? 1 : 0;
- my $next_action = $actions[$action_idx+1];
- if ($next_action && $type->{$next_action}->{'pre_separator'}) {
- $sep = 1;
- }
- my @li;
- push @li, 'first' if $count == 1;
- push @li, 'pre-separator' if $sep;
- push @li, 'post-separator' if $postsep;
- push @li, 'last' if $action eq $actions[-1];
- $class->{li} = join ' ', @li;
- <li<% $class->{li} ? qq[ class="$class->{li}"] : ''|n %>><% $count > 1 && !$postsep && qq[<span class="bullet">· </span>]|n%>
-% if ($type->{"$action"}->{'html'}) {
- <% $type->{"$action"}->{'html'} | n %>
-% } elsif ($type->{$action}->{path}) {
- <a href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/<%$type->{$action}->{'path'}%>"<% $type->{$action}->{class} && ' class="'.$type->{$action}->{class}.'"' |n %><% $type->{$action}->{id} && ' id="'.$type->{$action}->{id}.'"' |n %>><%$type->{$action}->{'title'}%></a>
-% }
- </li>
-% if ($sep) {
- <li class="separator">···</li>
-% }
-% $postsep = $sep;
-% }
-% }
-% }
- </div></div></div>
- </ul>
-% }
<div id="body">
% $m->callback( %ARGS, CallbackName => 'BeforeBody' );
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar b/share/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar
index f815366..6e4aecd 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar
+++ b/share/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar
@@ -52,9 +52,6 @@ $Prefs => '/Prefs/Other.html'
<span class="hide"><a href="#skipnav"><&|/l&>Skip Menu</&></a> | </span>
% if ($session{'CurrentUser'}->Name) {
<&|/l, "<span>".$session{'CurrentUser'}->Name."</span>" &>Logged in as [_1]</&>
-% if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System ) ) {
- | <a href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%><%$Prefs%>"><&|/l&>Preferences</&></a>
-% }
% } else {
<&|/l&>Not logged in.</&>
% }
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/Tabs b/share/html/Elements/Tabs
index 1469194..1911f0d 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/Tabs
+++ b/share/html/Elements/Tabs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
+%# 02110-1301 or visit their web Page on the internet at
%# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
@@ -61,147 +61,190 @@
my $request_path = $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->request_comp->path;
-my $query_string = sub { my %args = @_; my $u = URI->new(); $u->query_form(%args); return $u->query };
+my $query_string = sub {
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $u = URI->new();
+ $u->query_form(%args);
+ return $u->query;
-my $PREFS_NAV = RT::Interface::Web::Menu->new( { title => loc('Preferences'), path => '/Prefs/Other.html' } );
-$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('Settings'), path => '/Prefs/Other.html', );
-$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('About me'), path => '/User/Prefs.html', );
-$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('Search options'), path => '/Prefs/SearchOptions.html', );
+my $PREFS_NAV = RT::Interface::Web::Menu->new(
+ { title => loc('Preferences'), path => '/Prefs/Other.html' } );
+$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('Settings'), path => '/Prefs/Other.html', );
+$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('About me'), path => '/User/Prefs.html', );
+$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('Search options'),
+ path => '/Prefs/SearchOptions.html', );
$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('RT at a glance'), path => '/Prefs/MyRT.html', );
+if ( $request_path =~ qr{.*} ) {
+ Menu->child( home => title => loc('HomePage'), path => '/' );
+ my $tickets = Menu->child( search => title => loc('Tickets'),
+ path => '/Search/Build.html' );
+ $tickets->child( new => title => loc('New Search') => path =>
+ "/Search/Build.html?NewQuery=1" );
+ my $new = $tickets->child( create => title => loc('New ticket'),
+ path => '/Ticket/Create.html' );
-if ($request_path =~ qr{.*} ) {
- Menu->child( loc('Homepage'), path => '/' );
- my $tickets = Menu->child( loc('Tickets'), path => '/Search/Build.html' );
- $tickets->child( new => title => loc('New Search') => path => "/Search/Build.html?NewQuery=1" );
- my $new = $tickets->child(create => title => loc('New ticket'), path => '/Ticket/Create.html');
- my $q = RT::Queues->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ my $q = RT::Queues->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
- while (my $queue = $q->Next) {
- next unless $queue->CurrentUserHasRight('CreateTicket');
- $new->child( $queue->id => title => $queue->Name, path => '/Ticket/Create.html?Queue='.$queue->id);
+ while ( my $queue = $q->Next ) {
+ next unless $queue->CurrentUserHasRight('CreateTicket');
+ $new->child( $queue->id => title => $queue->Name,
+ path => '/Ticket/Create.html?Queue=' . $queue->id );
my $tools = Menu->child( loc('Tools'), path => '/Tools/index.html' );
$tools->child( loc('Dashboards'), path => '/Dashboards/index.html' );
- my $reports = $tools->child( loc('Reports'), path => '/Tools/Reports/index.html' );
- $reports->child( loc('Resolved by owner'), path => '/Tools/Reports/ResolvedByOwner.html', );
- $reports->child( loc('Resolved in date range'), path => '/Tools/Reports/ResolvedByDates.html', );
- $reports->child( loc('Created in a date range'), path => '/Tools/Reports/CreatedByDates.html', );
+ my $reports = $tools->child( loc('Reports'),
+ path => '/Tools/Reports/index.html' );
+ $reports->child( loc('Resolved by owner'),
+ path => '/Tools/Reports/ResolvedByOwner.html', );
+ $reports->child( loc('Resolved in date range'),
+ path => '/Tools/Reports/ResolvedByDates.html', );
+ $reports->child( loc('Created in a date range'),
+ path => '/Tools/Reports/CreatedByDates.html', );
$tools->child( loc('My Day'), path => '/Tools/MyDay.html' );
- if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowApprovalsTab', Object => $RT::System ) )
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}
+ ->HasRight( Right => 'ShowApprovalsTab', Object => $RT::System ) )
$tools->child( loc('Approval'), path => '/Approvals/' );
- if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ShowConfigTab', Object => $RT::System ) )
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}
+ ->HasRight( Right => 'ShowConfigTab', Object => $RT::System ) )
- my $admin = Menu->child( Config => title => loc('Configuration'), path => '/Admin/' );
- $admin->child( loc('Users'), path => '/Admin/Users/', );
- $admin->child( loc('Groups'), path => '/Admin/Groups/', );
- $admin->child( loc('Queues'), path => '/Admin/Queues/', );
- $admin->child( loc('Custom Fields'), path => '/Admin/CustomFields/', );
- $admin->child( loc('Rules'), path => '/admin/rules/', );
- my $admin_global = $admin->child( loc('Global'), path => '/Admin/Global/', );
- $admin_global->child( loc('Templates'), path => '/Admin/Global/Templates.html', );
- my $workflows = $admin_global->child( loc('Workflows'), path => '/Admin/Global/Workflows/index.html', );
+ my $admin = Menu->child( Config => title => loc('Configuration'),
+ path => '/Admin/' );
+ $admin->child( loc('Users'), path => '/Admin/Users/', );
+ $admin->child( loc('Groups'), path => '/Admin/Groups/', );
+ my $queues = $admin->child( queues => title => loc('Queues'),
+ path => '/Admin/Queues/', );
+ $queues->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Queues/" );
+ $queues->child( loc('Create'),
+ path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?Create=1" );
+ $admin->child( loc('Custom Fields'), path => '/Admin/CustomFields/',
+ );
+ $admin->child( loc('Rules'), path => '/admin/rules/', );
+ my $admin_global
+ = $admin->child( loc('Global'), path => '/Admin/Global/', );
+ $admin_global->child( loc('Templates'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/Templates.html', );
+# my $workflows = $admin_global->child( loc('Workflows'), path => '/Admin/Global/Workflows/index.html', );
+# {
+# $workflows->child( loc('Overview') => path => "/Admin/Global/Workflows/index.html" );
+# $workflows->child( loc('Localization') => path => "/Admin/Global/Workflows/Localization.html" );
+# $workflows->child( loc('Mappings') => path => "/Admin/Global/Workflows/Mappings.html" );
+# }
+ my $cfadmin = $admin_global->child( loc('Custom Fields'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html', );
- $workflows->child( loc('Overview') => path => "/Admin/Global/Workflows/index.html" );
- $workflows->child( loc('Localization') => path => "/Admin/Global/Workflows/Localization.html" );
- $workflows->child( loc('Mappings') => path => "/Admin/Global/Workflows/Mappings.html" );
- }
+ $cfadmin->child( loc('Users') => text =>
+ loc('Select custom fields for all users'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Users.html'
+ );
- my $cfadmin = $admin_global->child( loc('Custom Fields'), path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/index.html', );
- {
- loc('Users') => text => loc('Select custom fields for all users'),
- path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Users.html'
+ loc('Groups') => text =>
+ loc('Select custom fields for all user groups'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Groups.html'
- $cfadmin->child(
- loc('Groups') => text => loc('Select custom fields for all user groups'),
- path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Groups.html'
- );
- $cfadmin->child(
- loc('Queues') => text => loc('Select custom fields for all queues'),
- path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queues.html'
- );
+ $cfadmin->child( loc('Queues') => text =>
+ loc('Select custom fields for all queues'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queues.html'
+ );
- loc('Tickets') => text => loc('Select custom fields for tickets in all queues'),
- path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queue-Tickets.html'
+ loc('Tickets') => text =>
+ loc('Select custom fields for tickets in all queues'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queue-Tickets.html'
- loc('Ticket Transactions') => text => loc('Select custom fields for transactions on tickets in all queues'),
+ loc('Ticket Transactions') => text =>
+ loc(
+ 'Select custom fields for transactions on tickets in all queues'
+ ),
path => 'Admin/Global/CustomFields/Queue-Transactions.html'
- $admin_global->child( loc('Group Rights'), path => '/Admin/Global/GroupRights.html', );
- $admin_global->child( loc('User Rights'), path => '/Admin/Global/UserRights.html', );
- $admin_global->child( loc('RT at a glance'), path => '/Admin/Global/MyRT.html', );
- $admin_global->child( loc('System'), path => '/Admin/Global/System.html', );
- my $admin_tools = $admin->child( loc('Tools'), path => '/Admin/Tools/', );
- $admin_tools->child( loc('System Configuration'), path => '/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html', );
- $admin_tools->child( loc('Shredder'), path => '/Admin/Tools/Shredder', );
+ $admin_global->child( loc('Group Rights'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/GroupRights.html', );
+ $admin_global->child( loc('User Rights'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/UserRights.html', );
+ $admin_global->child( loc('RT at a glance'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/MyRT.html', );
+ $admin_global->child( loc('System'),
+ path => '/Admin/Global/System.html', );
+ my $admin_tools
+ = $admin->child( loc('Tools'), path => '/Admin/Tools/', );
+ $admin_tools->child( loc('System Configuration'),
+ path => '/Admin/Tools/Configuration.html', );
+ $admin_tools->child( loc('Shredder'),
+ path => '/Admin/Tools/Shredder', );
- if ($session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj
- && $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight(
- Right => 'ModifySelf',
- Object => $RT::System
- )
- )
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj
+ && $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf',
+ Object => $RT::System )
+ )
- if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System ) ) {
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}
+ ->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System ) )
+ {
- Menu->child( 'Preferences' => menu => $PREFS_NAV, order => 99 );
+ Menu->child( 'Preferences' => menu => $PREFS_NAV, Order => 99 );
+ }
- }
- };
-if ($request_path =~ qr'Dashboards/?' ) {
+if ( $request_path =~ qr'Dashboards/?' ) {
require RT::Dashboard; # not a record class, so not autoloaded :/
PageMenu->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Dashboards/index.html" );
- my $dashboard = RT::Dashboard->new($session{CurrentUser});
+ my $dashboard = RT::Dashboard->new( $session{CurrentUser} );
if ( $dashboard->_PrivacyObjects( create => 1 ) ) {
- PageMenu->child( loc('Create') => path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?Create=1" );
+ PageMenu->child(
+ loc('Create') => path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?Create=1" );
-if ($request_path =~ qr'Dashboards/(\d*)?' ) {
+if ( $request_path =~ qr'Dashboards/(\d*)?' ) {
if ( my $id = ( $1 || $m->request_args->{'id'} ) ) {
- my $obj = RT::Dashboard->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ my $obj = RT::Dashboard->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
if ( $obj and $obj->id ) {
- my $tabs = PageMenu->child( "this" => title => $obj->Name, path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Basics'), path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Queries'), path => "/Dashboards/Queries.html?id=" . $obj->id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Subscription'), path => "/Dashboards/Subscription.html?dashboard_id=" . $obj->id )
+ my $tabs = PageMenu->child(
+ "this" => title => $obj->Name,
+ path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id
+ );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Basics'),
+ path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Queries'),
+ path => "/Dashboards/Queries.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Subscription'),
+ path => "/Dashboards/Subscription.html?dashboard_id="
+ . $obj->id )
if $obj->CurrentUserCanSubscribe;
- $tabs->child( loc('Show'), path => "/Dashboards/" . $obj->id . "/" . $obj->Name )
+ $tabs->child( loc('Show'),
+ path => "/Dashboards/" . $obj->id . "/" . $obj->Name )
-if ($request_path =~ qr'/SelfService' ) {
+if ( $request_path =~ qr'/SelfService' ) {
- my $queues = RT::Queues->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ my $queues = RT::Queues->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
my $queue_count = 0;
@@ -219,130 +262,193 @@ if ($request_path =~ qr'/SelfService' ) {
$TOP->child( loc('Open tickets'), path => '/SelfService/', );
$TOP->child( loc('Closed tickets'), path => '/SelfService/Closed.html', );
if ( $queue_count > 1 ) {
- $TOP->child( loc('New ticket'), path => '/SelfService/CreateTicketInQueue.html' );
+ $TOP->child( loc('New ticket'),
+ path => '/SelfService/CreateTicketInQueue.html' );
} else {
- $TOP->child( loc('New ticket'), path => '/SelfService/Create.html?queue=' . $queue_id );
+ $TOP->child( loc('New ticket'),
+ path => '/SelfService/Create.html?queue=' . $queue_id );
- if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System ) ) {
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}
+ ->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System ) )
+ {
$TOP->child( loc('Preferences'), path => '/SelfService/Prefs.html' );
#Menu->child( B => html => $m->scomp('GotoTicket'))
-if ($request_path =~ qr'Admin/Queues' ) {
- if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'AdminQueue' ) ) {
- PageMenu->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Queues/" );
- PageMenu->child( loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?Create=1" );
+if ( $request_path =~ qr'Admin/Queues' ) {
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}
+ ->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'AdminQueue' ) )
+ {
if ( my $id = $m->request_args->{'id'} ) {
- my $queue_obj = RT::Queue->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ my $queue_obj = RT::Queue->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
- my $queue = PageMenu->child( $queue_obj->Name => path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
- $queue->child( loc('Basics'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
- $queue->child( loc('Watchers'), path => "/Admin/Queues/People.html?id=" . $id );
- $queue->child( loc('Templates'), path => "/Admin/Queues/Templates.html?id=" . $id );
+ my $queue
+ = PageMenu->child(
+ $queue_obj->Name => path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id="
+ . $id );
+ $queue->child( loc('Basics'),
+ path => "/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
+ $queue->child( loc('Watchers'),
+ path => "/Admin/Queues/People.html?id=" . $id );
+ $queue->child( loc('Templates'),
+ path => "/Admin/Queues/Templates.html?id=" . $id );
$queue->child( loc('Ticket Custom Fields'),
- path => '/Admin/Queues/CustomFields.html?sub_type=RT::Ticket&id=' . $id );
+ path => '/Admin/Queues/CustomFields.html?sub_type=RT::Ticket&id='
+ . $id );
$queue->child( loc('Transaction Custom Fields'),
- path => '/Admin/Queues/CustomFields.html?sub_type=RT::Ticket-RT::Transaction&id=' . $id );
- $queue->child( loc('Group Rights'), path => "/Admin/Queues/GroupRights.html?id=" . $id );
- $queue->child( loc('User Rights'), path => "/Admin/Queues/UserRights.html?id=" . $id );
+ path =>
+ '/Admin/Queues/CustomFields.html?sub_type=RT::Ticket-RT::Transaction&id='
+ . $id );
+ $queue->child( loc('Group Rights'),
+ path => "/Admin/Queues/GroupRights.html?id=" . $id );
+ $queue->child( loc('User Rights'),
+ path => "/Admin/Queues/UserRights.html?id=" . $id );
-if ($request_path =~ qr'/Admin/Users' ) {
- if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'AdminUsers' ) ) {
+if ( $request_path =~ qr'/Admin/Users' ) {
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}
+ ->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'AdminUsers' ) )
+ {
PageMenu->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Users/" );
- PageMenu->child( loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?Create=1", separator => 1 );
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Create'),
+ path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?Create=1",
+ separator => 1
+ );
if ( my $id = $m->request_args->{'id'} ) {
- my $obj = RT::User->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ my $obj = RT::User->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
- my $tabs = PageMenu->child( 'current' => title => $obj->Name, path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?id=" . $id, );
- $tabs->child( loc('Basics'), path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Memberships'), path => "/Admin/Users/Memberships.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('History'), path => "/Admin/Users/History.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('RT at a glance'), path => "/Admin/Users/MyRT.html?id=" . $id );
- if ( RT->config->get('gnupg')->{'enable'} ) {
- $tabs->child( loc('GnuPG'), path => "/Admin/Users/GnuPG.html?id=" . $id );
+ my $tabs = PageMenu->child(
+ 'current' => title => $obj->Name,
+ path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?id=" . $id,
+ );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Basics'),
+ path => "/Admin/Users/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Memberships'),
+ path => "/Admin/Users/Memberships.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('History'),
+ path => "/Admin/Users/History.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('RT at a glance'),
+ path => "/Admin/Users/MyRT.html?id=" . $id );
+ if ( RT->Config->Get('GnuPG')->{'enable'} ) {
+ $tabs->child( loc('GnuPG'),
+ path => "/Admin/Users/GnuPG.html?id=" . $id );
-if ($request_path =~ qr'Admin/Groups' ) {
+if ( $request_path =~ qr'Admin/Groups' ) {
PageMenu->child( loc('Select') => path => "/Admin/Groups/" );
- PageMenu->child( loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/Groups/Modify.html?Create=1", separator => 1 );
+ PageMenu->child(
+ loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/Groups/Modify.html?Create=1",
+ separator => 1 );
if ( my $id = $m->request_args->{'id'} ) {
- my $obj = RT::User->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ my $obj = RT::User->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
- my $tabs = PageMenu->child( $obj->Name, path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Basics') => path => "/Admin/Groups/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Members') => path => "/Admin/Groups/Members.html?id=" . $obj->id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Group Rights') => path => "/Admin/Groups/GroupRights.html?id=" . $obj->id );
- $tabs->child( loc('User Rights') => path => "/Admin/Groups/UserRights.html?id=" . $obj->id );
- $tabs->child( loc('History') => path => "/Admin/Groups/History.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ my $tabs = PageMenu->child( $obj->Name,
+ path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Basics') => path => "/Admin/Groups/Modify.html?id="
+ . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child(
+ loc('Members') => path => "/Admin/Groups/Members.html?id="
+ . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Group Rights') => path =>
+ "/Admin/Groups/GroupRights.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child(
+ loc('User Rights') => path => "/Admin/Groups/UserRights.html?id="
+ . $obj->id );
+ $tabs->child(
+ loc('History') => path => "/Admin/Groups/History.html?id="
+ . $obj->id );
-if ($request_path =~ qr'Admin/CustomFields/' ) {
- if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'AdminCustomField' ) ) {
+if ( $request_path =~ qr'Admin/CustomFields/' ) {
+ if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}
+ ->HasRight( Object => $RT::System, Right => 'AdminCustomField' ) )
+ {
PageMenu->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/" );
- PageMenu->child( loc('Create') => path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?Create=1", );
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Create') => path =>
+ "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?Create=1", );
if ( my $id = $m->request_args->{'id'} ) {
- my $obj = RT::CustomField->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ my $obj = RT::CustomField->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
- my $tabs = PageMenu->child( $obj->Name, path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
+ my $tabs = PageMenu->child( $obj->Name,
+ path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Basics') => path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Group Rights') => path => "/Admin/CustomFields/GroupRights.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('User Rights') => path => "/Admin/CustomFields/UserRights.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child(
+ loc('Basics') => path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?id="
+ . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Group Rights') => path =>
+ "/Admin/CustomFields/GroupRights.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('User Rights') => path =>
+ "/Admin/CustomFields/UserRights.html?id=" . $id );
if ( $obj->lookup_type =~ /^RT::Queue-/io ) {
- $tabs->child( loc('Applies to'), path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Applies to'),
+ path => "/Admin/CustomFields/Objects.html?id=" . $id );
-if ($request_path =~ qr'Admin/Rules' ) {
+if ( $request_path =~ qr'Admin/Rules' ) {
PageMenu->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Admin/Rules/" );
- PageMenu->child( loc('Create'), path => "/Admin/Rules/Modify.html?Create=1" );
+ PageMenu->child( loc('Create'),
+ path => "/Admin/Rules/Modify.html?Create=1" );
-if ($request_path =~ qr'(?:Ticket|Search)/' ) {
+if ( $request_path =~ qr'(?:Ticket|Search)/' ) {
+ my $search = Menu()->child('search');
+ my $actions = PageMenu()->child( transitions => title => lc('Actions') );
if ( ( $m->request_args->{'id'} || '' ) =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
my $id = $1;
- my $obj = RT::Ticket->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ my $obj = RT::Ticket->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
- my $tabs = PageMenu(); #->child( "#" . $id => class => "currentnav",path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $id);
+ my $tabs = PageMenu()
+ ; #->child( "#" . $id => class => "currentnav",path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $id);
- $tabs->child( loc('Display') => path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child(
+ loc('Display') => path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('History') => path => "/Ticket/History.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Basics') => path => "/Ticket/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child(
+ loc('History') => path => "/Ticket/History.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child(
+ loc('Basics') => path => "/Ticket/Modify.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Dates') => path => "/Ticket/ModifyDates.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('People'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyPeople.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Links'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyLinks.html?id=" . $id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Jumbo'), path => "/Ticket/ModifyAll.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child(
+ loc('Dates') => path => "/Ticket/ModifyDates.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('People'),
+ path => "/Ticket/ModifyPeople.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Links'),
+ path => "/Ticket/ModifyLinks.html?id=" . $id );
+ $tabs->child( loc('Jumbo'),
+ path => "/Ticket/ModifyAll.html?id=" . $id );
- my %can = ( ModifyTicket => $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket') );
+ my %can
+ = ( ModifyTicket => $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket') );
- if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'} or $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('ReplyToTicket') ) {
- $tabs->child( loc('Reply'), path => "/Ticket/Update.html?action=respond&id=" . $id );
+ if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'}
+ or $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('ReplyToTicket') )
+ {
+ $actions->child( loc('Reply'),
+ path => "/Ticket/Update.html?action=respond&id=" . $id );
if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'} ) {
@@ -356,36 +462,49 @@ if ($request_path =~ qr'(?:Ticket|Search)/' ) {
my $url = '/Ticket/';
if ($action) {
- $url .= "Update.html?" . $query_string->( Action => $action, DefaultStatus => $next, id => $id );
+ $url .= "Update.html?"
+ . $query_string->( Action => $action,
+ DefaultStatus => $next,
+ id => $id
+ );
} else {
- #$url .= "Display.html?" .$query_string->(Status => $next, id => $id );
+ #$url .= "Display.html?" .$query_string->(Status => $next, id => $id );
- $tabs->child( loc( $schema->transition_label( $current => $next ) ) => path => $url );
+ $actions->child(
+ loc( $schema->transition_label( $current => $next ) ) =>
+ path => $url );
if ( $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('OwnTicket') ) {
if ( $obj->OwnerObj->id == RT->Nobody->id ) {
- $tabs->child( loc('Take') => path => "/Ticket/Display.html?action=take&id=" . $id )
- if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'} or $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('TakeTicket') );
+ $actions->child( loc('Take') => path =>
+ "/Ticket/Display.html?action=take&id=" . $id )
+ if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'}
+ or $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('TakeTicket') );
} elsif ( $obj->OwnerObj->id != $session{'CurrentUser'}->id ) {
- $tabs->child( loc('Steal') => path => "/Ticket/Display.html?action=steal&id=" . $id )
- if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'}
- or $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('StealTicket') );
+ $actions->child( loc('Steal') => path =>
+ "/Ticket/Display.html?action=steal&id=" . $id )
+ if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'}
+ or $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('StealTicket') );
- if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'} or $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('CommentOnTicket') ) {
- $tabs->child( loc('Comment') => path => "/Ticket/Update.html?action=comment&id=" . $id );
+ if ( $can{'ModifyTicket'}
+ or $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('CommentOnTicket') )
+ {
+ $actions->child( loc('Comment') => path =>
+ "/Ticket/Update.html?action=comment&id=" . $id );
- # $actions->{'_ZZ'} = { html => $m->scomp( '/Ticket/Elements/Bookmark', id => $obj->id ), };
+# $actions->{'_ZZ'} = { html => $m->scomp( '/Ticket/Elements/Bookmark', id => $obj->id ), };
if ( defined $session{"tickets"} ) {
# we have to update session data if we get new ItemMap
- my $updatesession = 1 unless ( $session{"tickets"}->{'item_map'} );
+ my $updatesession = 1
+ unless ( $session{"tickets"}->{'item_map'} );
my $item_map = $session{"tickets"}->ItemMap;
@@ -395,24 +514,24 @@ if ($request_path =~ qr'(?:Ticket|Search)/' ) {
# Don't display prev links if we're on the first ticket
if ( $item_map->{$id}->{prev} ) {
- PageMenu->child(
- '<< ' . loc('First') => class => "nav",
- path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{first}
- );
- PageMenu->child(
- '< ' . loc('Prev') => class => "nav",
- path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{$id}->{prev}
+ $search->child(
+ '<< ' . loc('First') => class => "nav",
+ path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{first}
+ $search->child( '< ' . loc('Prev') => class => "nav",
+ path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id="
+ . $item_map->{$id}->{prev}
+ );
# Don't display next links if we're on the last ticket
if ( $item_map->{$id}->{next} ) {
- PageMenu->child(
- loc('next') . ' >' => class => "nav",
- path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{$id}->{next}
- );
- PageMenu->child(
+ $search->child( loc('next') . ' >' => class => "nav",
+ path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id="
+ . $item_map->{$id}->{next}
+ );
+ $search->child(
loc('Last') . ' >>' => class => "nav",
- path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{last}
+ path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $item_map->{last}
@@ -421,59 +540,70 @@ if ($request_path =~ qr'(?:Ticket|Search)/' ) {
my $args = '';
my $has_query = '';
- my $search = $session{"CurrentSearchHash"} || {};
- my $search_id = $m->request_args->{'saved_search_id'} || $search->{'searchid'} || '';
+ my $current_search = $session{"CurrentSearchHash"} || {};
+ my $search_id
+ = $m->request_args->{'SavedSearchId'}
+ || $search->{'SearchId'}
+ || '';
- $has_query = 1 if ( $m->request_args->{'query'} or $search->{'query'} );
+ $has_query = 1
+ if ( $m->request_args->{'Query'} or $current_search->{'Query'} );
my %query_args = (
- saved_search_id => ( $search_id eq 'new' ) ? undef : $search_id,
- query => $m->request_args->{'query'} || $search->{'query'},
- format => $m->request_args->{'format'} || $search->{'format'},
- order_by => $m->request_args->{'order_by'} || $search->{'order_by'},
- order => $m->request_args->{'order'} || $search->{'order'},
- page => $m->request_args->{'page'} || $search->{'page'},
- rows_per_page => (
- defined $m->request_args->{'rows_per_page'}
- ? $m->request_args->{'rows_per_page'}
- : $search->{'rows_per_page'}
- )
- );
+ SavedSearchId => ( $search_id eq 'new' ) ? undef : $search_id,
+ Query => $m->request_args->{'Query'} || $current_search->{'Query'},
+ Format => $m->request_args->{'Format'} || $current_search->{'Format'},
+ OrderBy => $m->request_args->{'OrderBy'}
+ || $current_search->{'OrderBy'},
+ Order => $m->request_args->{'Order'} || $current_search->{'Order'},
+ Page => $m->request_args->{'Page'} || $current_search->{'Page'},
+ RowsPerPage => ( defined $m->request_args->{'RowsPerPage'}
+ ? $m->request_args->{'RowsPerPage'}
+ : $current_search->{'RowsPerPage'}
+ )
+ );
$args = "?" . $query_string->(%query_args);
- PageMenu->child( loc('Edit Search') => path => "/Search/Build.html" . ( ($has_query) ? $args : '' ) );
- PageMenu->child( loc('Advanced') => path => "/Search/Edit.html$args" );
+ my $current_search_menu = $search->child( current_search => title => loc('Current Search'));
+ $current_search_menu->child( edit_search => title => loc('Edit Search') => path => "/Search/Build.html" . ( ($has_query) ? $args : '' ) );
+ $current_search_menu->child( loc('Advanced') => path => "/Search/Edit.html$args" );
if ($has_query) {
- if ($request_path =~ qr|^Search/Results.html| && #XXX TODO better abstraction
- $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'SuperUser', Object => $RT::System )
- )
+ if ($request_path =~ qr|^Search/Results.html|
+ && #XXX TODO better abstraction
+ $session{'CurrentUser'}
+ ->HasRight( Right => 'SuperUser', Object => $RT::System )
+ )
- my $shred_args = URI->new->query_param(
- search => 1,
- plugin => 'Tickets',
- 'Tickets:query' => $query_args{'query'},
- 'Tickets:limit' => $query_args{'rows_per_page'}
- );
+ my $shred_args =
+ URI->new->query_param(
+ search => 1,
+ plugin => 'Tickets',
+ 'Tickets:query' => $query_args{'Query'},
+ 'Tickets:limit' => $query_args{'RowsPerPage'}
+ );
- PageMenu->child( 'shredder' => title => loc('Shredder'), path => 'Admin/Tools/Shredder/?' . $shred_args );
+ $current_search_menu->child( 'shredder' => title => loc('Shredder'),
+ path => 'Admin/Tools/Shredder/?' . $shred_args );
- PageMenu->child( loc('Show Results') => path => "/Search/Results.html$args" );
+ $current_search_menu->child( results => title =>
+ loc('Show Results') => path => "/Search/Results.html$args" );
- PageMenu->child( loc('Bulk Update') => path => "/Search/Bulk.html$args" );
+ $current_search_menu->child( bulk => title =>
+ loc('Bulk Update') => path => "/Search/Bulk.html$args" );
if ( $request_path =~ qr'User/Group' ) {
if ( my $id = $m->request_args->{'id'} ) {
my $obj = RT::User->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
my $group = PageMenu->child(
- path => "/User/Groups/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
+ path => "/User/Groups/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
$group->child( loc('Basics'),
path => "/User/Groups/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
$group->child( loc('Members'),
@@ -482,13 +612,14 @@ if ( $request_path =~ qr'User/Group' ) {
PageMenu( loc('Select') => path => "/User/Groups/index.html" );
PageMenu( loc('Create') => path => "/User/Groups/Modify.html?Create=1",
- separator => 1 );
+ separator => 1 );
-if ($request_path =~ qr'Prefs' ) {
+if ( $request_path =~ qr'Prefs' ) {
- PageMenu->child( 'Quick search' => title => loc('Quick search'), path => '/Prefs/Quicksearch.html' );
+ PageMenu->child( 'Quick search' => title => loc('Quick search'),
+ path => '/Prefs/Quicksearch.html' );
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/superfish-navbar.css b/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/superfish-navbar.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68c7135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/superfish-navbar.css
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/*** adding the class sf-navbar in addition to sf-menu creates an all-horizontal nav-bar menu ***/
+.sf-navbar {
+ background: #BDD2FF;
+ height: 2.5em;
+ padding-bottom: 2.5em;
+ position: relative;
+.sf-navbar li {
+ background: #AABDE6;
+ position: static;
+.sf-navbar a {
+ border-top: none;
+.sf-navbar li ul {
+ width: 44em; /*IE6 soils itself without this*/
+.sf-navbar li li {
+ background: #BDD2FF;
+ position: relative;
+.sf-navbar li li ul {
+ width: 13em;
+.sf-navbar li li li {
+ width: 100%;
+.sf-navbar ul li {
+ width: auto;
+ float: left;
+.sf-navbar a, .sf-navbar a:visited {
+ border: none;
+.sf-navbar li.current {
+ background: #BDD2FF;
+.sf-navbar li:hover,
+.sf-navbar li.sfHover,
+.sf-navbar li li.current,
+.sf-navbar a:focus, .sf-navbar a:hover, .sf-navbar a:active {
+ background: #BDD2FF;
+.sf-navbar ul li:hover,
+.sf-navbar ul li.sfHover,
+ul.sf-navbar ul li:hover li,
+ul.sf-navbar ul li.sfHover li,
+.sf-navbar ul a:focus, .sf-navbar ul a:hover, .sf-navbar ul a:active {
+ background: #D1DFFF;
+ul.sf-navbar li li li:hover,
+ul.sf-navbar li li li.sfHover,
+.sf-navbar li li.current li.current,
+.sf-navbar ul li li a:focus, .sf-navbar ul li li a:hover, .sf-navbar ul li li a:active {
+ background: #E6EEFF;
+ul.sf-navbar .current ul,
+ul.sf-navbar ul li:hover ul,
+ul.sf-navbar ul li.sfHover ul {
+ left: 0;
+ top: 2.5em; /* match top ul list item height */
+ul.sf-navbar .current ul ul {
+ top: -999em;
+.sf-navbar li li.current > a {
+ font-weight: bold;
+/*** point all arrows down ***/
+/* point right for anchors in subs */
+.sf-navbar ul .sf-sub-indicator { background-position: -10px -100px; }
+.sf-navbar ul a > .sf-sub-indicator { background-position: 0 -100px; }
+/* apply hovers to modern browsers */
+.sf-navbar ul a:focus > .sf-sub-indicator,
+.sf-navbar ul a:hover > .sf-sub-indicator,
+.sf-navbar ul a:active > .sf-sub-indicator,
+.sf-navbar ul li:hover > a > .sf-sub-indicator,
+.sf-navbar ul li.sfHover > a > .sf-sub-indicator {
+ background-position: -10px -100px; /* arrow hovers for modern browsers*/
+/*** remove shadow on first submenu ***/
+.sf-navbar > li > ul {
+ background: transparent;
+ padding: 0;
+ -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0;
+ -moz-border-radius-topright: 0;
+ -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/superfish-vertical.css b/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/superfish-vertical.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8025b78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/superfish-vertical.css
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/*** adding sf-vertical in addition to sf-menu creates a vertical menu ***/
+.sf-vertical, .sf-vertical li {
+ width: 10em;
+/* this lacks ul at the start of the selector, so the styles from the main CSS file override it where needed */
+.sf-vertical li:hover ul,
+.sf-vertical li.sfHover ul {
+ left: 10em; /* match ul width */
+ top: 0;
+/*** alter arrow directions ***/
+.sf-vertical .sf-sub-indicator { background-position: -10px 0; } /* IE6 gets solid image only */
+.sf-vertical a > .sf-sub-indicator { background-position: 0 0; } /* use translucent arrow for modern browsers*/
+/* hover arrow direction for modern browsers*/
+.sf-vertical a:focus > .sf-sub-indicator,
+.sf-vertical a:hover > .sf-sub-indicator,
+.sf-vertical a:active > .sf-sub-indicator,
+.sf-vertical li:hover > a > .sf-sub-indicator,
+.sf-vertical li.sfHover > a > .sf-sub-indicator {
+ background-position: -10px 0; /* arrow hovers for modern browsers*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/superfish.css b/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/superfish.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc33fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/css/base/superfish.css
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+.sf-menu, .sf-menu * {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ list-style: none;
+.sf-menu {
+ line-height: 1.0;
+.sf-menu ul {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: -999em;
+ width: 10em; /* left offset of submenus need to match (see below) */
+.sf-menu ul li {
+ width: 100%;
+.sf-menu li:hover {
+ visibility: inherit; /* fixes IE7 'sticky bug' */
+.sf-menu li {
+ float: left;
+ position: relative;
+.sf-menu a {
+ display: block;
+ position: relative;
+.sf-menu li:hover ul,
+.sf-menu li.sfHover ul {
+ left: 0;
+ top: 2.5em; /* match top ul list item height */
+ z-index: 99;
+ul.sf-menu li:hover li ul,
+ul.sf-menu li.sfHover li ul {
+ top: -999em;
+ul.sf-menu li li:hover ul,
+ul.sf-menu li li.sfHover ul {
+ left: 10em; /* match ul width */
+ top: 0;
+ul.sf-menu li li:hover li ul,
+ul.sf-menu li li.sfHover li ul {
+ top: -999em;
+ul.sf-menu li li li:hover ul,
+ul.sf-menu li li li.sfHover ul {
+ left: 10em; /* match ul width */
+ top: 0;
+/*** DEMO SKIN ***/
+.sf-menu {
+ float: left;
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
+.sf-menu a {
+ border-left: 1px solid #fff;
+ border-top: 1px solid #CFDEFF;
+ padding: .75em 1em;
+ text-decoration:none;
+.sf-menu a, .sf-menu a:visited { /* visited pseudo selector so IE6 applies text colour*/
+ color: #13a;
+.sf-menu li {
+ background: #BDD2FF;
+.sf-menu li li {
+ background: #AABDE6;
+.sf-menu li li li {
+ background: #9AAEDB;
+.sf-menu li:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover,
+.sf-menu a:focus, .sf-menu a:hover, .sf-menu a:active {
+ background: #CFDEFF;
+ outline: 0;
+/*** arrows **/
+.sf-menu a.sf-with-ul {
+ padding-right: 2.25em;
+ min-width: 1px; /* trigger IE7 hasLayout so spans position accurately */
+.sf-sub-indicator {
+ position: absolute;
+ display: block;
+ right: .75em;
+ top: 1.05em; /* IE6 only */
+ width: 10px;
+ height: 10px;
+ text-indent: -999em;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ background: url('../images/arrows-ffffff.png') no-repeat -10px -100px; /* 8-bit indexed alpha png. IE6 gets solid image only */
+a > .sf-sub-indicator { /* give all except IE6 the correct values */
+ top: .8em;
+ background-position: 0 -100px; /* use translucent arrow for modern browsers*/
+/* apply hovers to modern browsers */
+a:focus > .sf-sub-indicator,
+a:hover > .sf-sub-indicator,
+a:active > .sf-sub-indicator,
+li:hover > a > .sf-sub-indicator,
+li.sfHover > a > .sf-sub-indicator {
+ background-position: -10px -100px; /* arrow hovers for modern browsers*/
+/* point right for anchors in subs */
+.sf-menu ul .sf-sub-indicator { background-position: -10px 0; }
+.sf-menu ul a > .sf-sub-indicator { background-position: 0 0; }
+/* apply hovers to modern browsers */
+.sf-menu ul a:focus > .sf-sub-indicator,
+.sf-menu ul a:hover > .sf-sub-indicator,
+.sf-menu ul a:active > .sf-sub-indicator,
+.sf-menu ul li:hover > a > .sf-sub-indicator,
+.sf-menu ul li.sfHover > a > .sf-sub-indicator {
+ background-position: -10px 0; /* arrow hovers for modern browsers*/
+/*** shadows for all but IE6 ***/
+.sf-shadow ul {
+ background: url('../images/shadow.png') no-repeat bottom right;
+ padding: 0 8px 9px 0;
+ -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 17px;
+ -moz-border-radius-topright: 17px;
+ -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 17px;
+ -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 17px;
+.sf-shadow ul.sf-shadow-off {
+ background: transparent;
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/images/arrows-ffffff.png b/share/html/NoAuth/css/images/arrows-ffffff.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..995df52
Binary files /dev/null and b/share/html/NoAuth/css/images/arrows-ffffff.png differ
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/images/shadow.png b/share/html/NoAuth/css/images/shadow.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c04d21b
Binary files /dev/null and b/share/html/NoAuth/css/images/shadow.png differ
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/layout.css b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/layout.css
index c1f2eb3..75a7b32 100644
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/layout.css
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/layout.css
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ div#body {
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0.5em;
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0.5em;
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5em;
- margin-left: 10.5em;
+ margin-left: 1em;
margin-top: 5.6em;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0em;
@@ -217,8 +217,9 @@ div#quick-personal {
div#header h1 {
position: absolute;
- left: 7.25em;
+ left: 0.5em;
right: 20em;
+ top: 3em;
overflow: hidden;
height: 1em;
font-size: 1.4em;
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css
index 82d57e4..f4cc392 100644
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css
@@ -45,161 +45,22 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-% return 0;
-div#nav {
- position: absolute;
- left: 0;
- font-size: 0.9em;
- top: 3.2em;
- width: 10.5em;
- background: #fff;
- -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0.5em;
- -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 0.5em;
- border-left: 1px solid #999;
-border-top: 1px solid #999;
- -moz-border-radius-topright: 0.5em;
- -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 0.5em;
- z-index: 99;
-#nav #system-menu {
- overflow: hidden;
-div#nav ul {
- padding-left: 0.75em;
- margin-left: 0;
- padding-right: 0.75em;
- list-style-type: none;
-div#nav li:first-child {
- border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
- padding-top: 0.25em;
-div#nav li {
- padding: 0.125em;
- padding-bottom: 0.25em;
- margin-bottom: 0.25em;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
- padding-left: 0.5em;
- margin-right: 0.25em;
- margin-left: 0em;
-div#nav li li:first-child {
- margin-top: 0.25em;
-div#nav li li {
- margin-left: -0.5em;
- padding-left: 0.25em;
- margin-right: -0.5em;
-div#nav li li:last-child {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- padding-bottom: 0;
- border: none;
-div#nav .bullet {
- display: none;
-div#nav .separator {
-display: none;
-div#nav a, div#page-navigation a{
- text-decoration: none;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #000;
-div#nav a:hover, div#page-navigation a:hover {
- text-decoration: underline;
-div#nav a.selected, div#page-navigation a.selected {
- font-weight: bold;
-div#nav a.selected:after {
-/* content: " > " */
-div#page-navigation {
- background: white;
- position: relative;
- width:100%;
- z-index: 10;
-div#page-navigation ul#page-menu {
- display: block;
- position: absolute;
- left: 8em;
- font-size: 0.9em;
- top: 2.3em;
- background-color: white;
- right: 0em;
- padding-top:0.3em;
- padding-bottom:0.5em;
- border-top: 1px solid #aaa;
- overflow: auto;
+#nav {
+ background: #fff;
-/* ie hack */
-* html div#page-navigation ul#page-menu {
- left: 6.5em;
- top: 3.2em;
- padding-left: 2em;
- width: 88%;
+.sf-menu {
+ z-index: 9999;
+ width: 100%;
-div#page-navigation ul#actions-menu {
- position: absolute;
- right: 0em;
- top: 5.6em;
- margin-top: 0em;
- padding: 0.25em;
- padding-left: 0.5em;
- padding-right: 0.5em;
- background: #dedede;
- border-left: 1px solid #aaa;
- border-bottom: 2px solid #aaa;
- -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0.5em;
- -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5em;
- -moz-border-radius-topright: 0.25em;
- -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 0.25em;
+.sf-menu a {
+ padding-top: 0.5em;
+ padding-bottom: 0.5em;
-div#page-navigation ul li{
- display: inline;
+.sf-menu li:hover {
+ background-color: #fff;
-ul.page-navigation ul.page-menu {
- float: right;
+.sf-menu li, .sf-menu li li, .sf-menu li li li {
+ background-color: #ccc;
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/js/superfish.js b/share/html/NoAuth/js/superfish.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6a9c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/js/superfish.js
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ * Superfish v1.4.8 - jQuery menu widget
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 Joel Birch
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+ *
+ * CHANGELOG: http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/changelog.txt
+ */
+ $.fn.superfish = function(op){
+ var sf = $.fn.superfish,
+ c = sf.c,
+ $arrow = $(['<span class="',c.arrowClass,'"> »</span>'].join('')),
+ over = function(){
+ var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$);
+ clearTimeout(menu.sfTimer);
+ $$.showSuperfishUl().siblings().hideSuperfishUl();
+ },
+ out = function(){
+ var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$), o = sf.op;
+ clearTimeout(menu.sfTimer);
+ menu.sfTimer=setTimeout(function(){
+ o.retainPath=($.inArray($$[0],o.$path)>-1);
+ $$.hideSuperfishUl();
+ if (o.$path.length && $$.parents(['li.',o.hoverClass].join('')).length<1){over.call(o.$path);}
+ },o.delay);
+ },
+ getMenu = function($menu){
+ var menu = $menu.parents(['ul.',c.menuClass,':first'].join(''))[0];
+ sf.op = sf.o[menu.serial];
+ return menu;
+ },
+ addArrow = function($a){ $a.addClass(c.anchorClass).append($arrow.clone()); };
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var s = this.serial = sf.o.length;
+ var o = $.extend({},sf.defaults,op);
+ o.$path = $('li.'+o.pathClass,this).slice(0,o.pathLevels).each(function(){
+ $(this).addClass([o.hoverClass,c.bcClass].join(' '))
+ .filter('li:has(ul)').removeClass(o.pathClass);
+ });
+ sf.o[s] = sf.op = o;
+ $('li:has(ul)',this)[($.fn.hoverIntent && !o.disableHI) ? 'hoverIntent' : 'hover'](over,out).each(function() {
+ if (o.autoArrows) addArrow( $('>a:first-child',this) );
+ })
+ .not('.'+c.bcClass)
+ .hideSuperfishUl();
+ var $a = $('a',this);
+ $a.each(function(i){
+ var $li = $a.eq(i).parents('li');
+ $a.eq(i).focus(function(){over.call($li);}).blur(function(){out.call($li);});
+ });
+ o.onInit.call(this);
+ }).each(function() {
+ var menuClasses = [c.menuClass];
+ if (sf.op.dropShadows && !($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7)) menuClasses.push(c.shadowClass);
+ $(this).addClass(menuClasses.join(' '));
+ });
+ };
+ var sf = $.fn.superfish;
+ sf.o = [];
+ sf.op = {};
+ sf.IE7fix = function(){
+ var o = sf.op;
+ if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version > 6 && o.dropShadows && o.animation.opacity!=undefined)
+ this.toggleClass(sf.c.shadowClass+'-off');
+ };
+ sf.c = {
+ bcClass : 'sf-breadcrumb',
+ menuClass : 'sf-js-enabled',
+ anchorClass : 'sf-with-ul',
+ arrowClass : 'sf-sub-indicator',
+ shadowClass : 'sf-shadow'
+ };
+ sf.defaults = {
+ hoverClass : 'sfHover',
+ pathClass : 'overideThisToUse',
+ pathLevels : 1,
+ delay : 800,
+ animation : {opacity:'show'},
+ speed : 'normal',
+ autoArrows : true,
+ dropShadows : true,
+ disableHI : false, // true disables hoverIntent detection
+ onInit : function(){}, // callback functions
+ onBeforeShow: function(){},
+ onShow : function(){},
+ onHide : function(){}
+ };
+ $.fn.extend({
+ hideSuperfishUl : function(){
+ var o = sf.op,
+ not = (o.retainPath===true) ? o.$path : '';
+ o.retainPath = false;
+ var $ul = $(['li.',o.hoverClass].join(''),this).add(this).not(not).removeClass(o.hoverClass)
+ .find('>ul').hide().css('visibility','hidden');
+ o.onHide.call($ul);
+ return this;
+ },
+ showSuperfishUl : function(){
+ var o = sf.op,
+ sh = sf.c.shadowClass+'-off',
+ $ul = this.addClass(o.hoverClass)
+ .find('>ul:hidden').css('visibility','visible');
+ sf.IE7fix.call($ul);
+ o.onBeforeShow.call($ul);
+ $ul.animate(o.animation,o.speed,function(){ sf.IE7fix.call($ul); o.onShow.call($ul); });
+ return this;
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/js/supersubs.js b/share/html/NoAuth/js/supersubs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4522151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/js/supersubs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Supersubs v0.2b - jQuery plugin
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 Joel Birch
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+ *
+ *
+ * This plugin automatically adjusts submenu widths of suckerfish-style menus to that of
+ * their longest list item children. If you use this, please expect bugs and report them
+ * to the jQuery Google Group with the word 'Superfish' in the subject line.
+ *
+ */
+;(function($){ // $ will refer to jQuery within this closure
+ $.fn.supersubs = function(options){
+ var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.supersubs.defaults, options);
+ // return original object to support chaining
+ return this.each(function() {
+ // cache selections
+ var $$ = $(this);
+ // support metadata
+ var o = $.meta ? $.extend({}, opts, $$.data()) : opts;
+ // get the font size of menu.
+ // .css('fontSize') returns various results cross-browser, so measure an em dash instead
+ var fontsize = $('<li id="menu-fontsize">—</li>').css({
+ 'padding' : 0,
+ 'position' : 'absolute',
+ 'top' : '-999em',
+ 'width' : 'auto'
+ }).appendTo($$).width(); //clientWidth is faster, but was incorrect here
+ // remove em dash
+ $('#menu-fontsize').remove();
+ // cache all ul elements
+ $ULs = $$.find('ul');
+ // loop through each ul in menu
+ $ULs.each(function(i) {
+ // cache this ul
+ var $ul = $ULs.eq(i);
+ // get all (li) children of this ul
+ var $LIs = $ul.children();
+ // get all anchor grand-children
+ var $As = $LIs.children('a');
+ // force content to one line and save current float property
+ var liFloat = $LIs.css('white-space','nowrap').css('float');
+ // remove width restrictions and floats so elements remain vertically stacked
+ var emWidth = $ul.add($LIs).add($As).css({
+ 'float' : 'none',
+ 'width' : 'auto'
+ })
+ // this ul will now be shrink-wrapped to longest li due to position:absolute
+ // so save its width as ems. Clientwidth is 2 times faster than .width() - thanks Dan Switzer
+ .end().end()[0].clientWidth / fontsize;
+ // add more width to ensure lines don't turn over at certain sizes in various browsers
+ emWidth += o.extraWidth;
+ // restrict to at least minWidth and at most maxWidth
+ if (emWidth > o.maxWidth) { emWidth = o.maxWidth; }
+ else if (emWidth < o.minWidth) { emWidth = o.minWidth; }
+ emWidth += 'em';
+ // set ul to width in ems
+ $ul.css('width',emWidth);
+ // restore li floats to avoid IE bugs
+ // set li width to full width of this ul
+ // revert white-space to normal
+ $LIs.css({
+ 'float' : liFloat,
+ 'width' : '100%',
+ 'white-space' : 'normal'
+ })
+ // update offset position of descendant ul to reflect new width of parent
+ .each(function(){
+ var $childUl = $('>ul',this);
+ var offsetDirection = $childUl.css('left')!==undefined ? 'left' : 'right';
+ $childUl.css(offsetDirection,emWidth);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ // expose defaults
+ $.fn.supersubs.defaults = {
+ minWidth : 9, // requires em unit.
+ maxWidth : 25, // requires em unit.
+ extraWidth : 0 // extra width can ensure lines don't sometimes turn over due to slight browser differences in how they round-off values
+ };
+})(jQuery); // plugin code ends
commit 93790f52eca7f922d128af97dbf17262168d8a07
Author: Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Oct 18 12:28:22 2010 +0900
dashboard nav cleanup
diff --git a/share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html b/share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html
index c4eb1d3..dc17cd7 100644
--- a/share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html
+++ b/share/html/Dashboards/Subscription.html
@@ -47,14 +47,13 @@
<& /Elements/Header, Title => $title &>
<& /Dashboards/Elements/Tabs,
- current_subtab => $current_subtab,
Title => $title,
DashboardObj => $DashboardObj &>
<& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@results &>
<form action="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/Dashboards/Subscription.html" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="SubscribeDashboard">
-<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="DashboardId" value="<% $fields{'DashboardId'} %>" />
+<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="Id" value="<% $fields{'Id'} %>" />
<table width="100%" border="0">
@@ -183,8 +182,6 @@
-my $current_subtab = 'Dashboards/Subscription.html?DashboardId=' . $DashboardId;
my ($title, @results);
my ($val, $msg);
my $Loaded = 0;
@@ -197,20 +194,20 @@ my $SubscriptionObj = RT::Attribute->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
# first let's see if we already have a subscription to this DashboardId
for my $sub ($session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->Attributes->Named('Subscription')) {
- next unless $sub->SubValue('DashboardId') == $DashboardId;
+ next unless $sub->SubValue('DashboardId') == $id;
$SubscriptionObj = $sub;
-$DashboardId = $SubscriptionObj->Id
+$id = $SubscriptionObj->Id
? $SubscriptionObj->SubValue('DashboardId')
- : $ARGS{'DashboardId'};
+ : $ARGS{'id'};
-($val, $msg) = $DashboardObj->LoadById($DashboardId);
-$val || Abort(loc("Couldn't load dashboard [_1]: [_2].", $DashboardId, $msg));
+($val, $msg) = $DashboardObj->LoadById($id);
+$val || Abort(loc("Couldn't load dashboard [_1]: [_2].", $id, $msg));
my %fields = (
- DashboardId => $DashboardId,
+ DashboardId => $id,
Frequency => 'daily',
Hour => '06:00',
Dow => 'Monday',
@@ -238,9 +235,9 @@ for my $field (keys %fields) {
if (defined $ARGS{Save}) {
# update
if ($SubscriptionObj->Id) {
- $DashboardId = delete $fields{'DashboardId'}; # immutable
+ $id = delete $fields{'DashboardId'}; # immutable
($val, $msg) = $SubscriptionObj->SetSubValues(%fields);
- $fields{'DashboardId'} = $DashboardId;
+ $fields{'DashboardId'} = $id;
# not so good to spew base64-encoded data at the user :)
if ($msg =~ /^Content changed from/) {
@@ -251,12 +248,12 @@ if (defined $ARGS{Save}) {
# create
else {
- Abort(loc("Unable to subscribe to dashboard [_1]: Permission denied", $DashboardId))
+ Abort(loc("Unable to subscribe to dashboard [_1]: Permission denied", $id))
unless $DashboardObj->CurrentUserCanSubscribe;
my ($val, $msg) = $SubscriptionObj->Create(
Name => 'Subscription',
- Description => 'Subscription to dashboard ' . $DashboardId,
+ Description => 'Subscription to dashboard ' . $id,
ContentType => 'storable',
Object => $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj,
Content => \%fields,
@@ -281,7 +278,7 @@ else {
-$DashboardId => undef
+$id => undef
$Frequency => undef
$Hour => undef
$Dow => undef
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/Tabs b/share/html/Elements/Tabs
index 1911f0d..93004f8 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/Tabs
+++ b/share/html/Elements/Tabs
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
<a name="skipnav" id="skipnav" accesskey="8"></a>
-my $request_path = $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->request_comp->path;
+my $request_path = $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->uri;
my $query_string = sub {
my %args = @_;
@@ -94,8 +94,13 @@ if ( $request_path =~ qr{.*} ) {
my $tools = Menu->child( loc('Tools'), path => '/Tools/index.html' );
- $tools->child( loc('Dashboards'), path => '/Dashboards/index.html' );
+ my $dashes = $tools->child( loc('Dashboards'), path => '/Dashboards/index.html' );
+ $dashes->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Dashboards/index.html" );
+ my $dashboard = RT::Dashboard->new( $session{CurrentUser} );
+ if ( $dashboard->_PrivacyObjects( create => 1 ) ) {
+ $dashes->child( loc('Create') => path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?Create=1" );
+ }
my $reports = $tools->child( loc('Reports'),
path => '/Tools/Reports/index.html' );
$reports->child( loc('Resolved by owner'),
@@ -208,32 +213,18 @@ if ( $request_path =~ qr{.*} ) {
-if ( $request_path =~ qr'Dashboards/?' ) {
- require RT::Dashboard; # not a record class, so not autoloaded :/
- PageMenu->child( loc('Select'), path => "/Dashboards/index.html" );
- my $dashboard = RT::Dashboard->new( $session{CurrentUser} );
- if ( $dashboard->_PrivacyObjects( create => 1 ) ) {
- PageMenu->child(
- loc('Create') => path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?Create=1" );
- }
-if ( $request_path =~ qr'Dashboards/(\d*)?' ) {
+if ( $request_path =~ qr'Dashboards/(\d+)?' ) {
if ( my $id = ( $1 || $m->request_args->{'id'} ) ) {
my $obj = RT::Dashboard->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
if ( $obj and $obj->id ) {
- my $tabs = PageMenu->child(
- "this" => title => $obj->Name,
- path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id
- );
+ my $tabs = PageMenu;
$tabs->child( loc('Basics'),
path => "/Dashboards/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
- $tabs->child( loc('Queries'),
+ $tabs->child( loc('Content'),
path => "/Dashboards/Queries.html?id=" . $obj->id );
$tabs->child( loc('Subscription'),
- path => "/Dashboards/Subscription.html?dashboard_id="
- . $obj->id )
+ path => "/Dashboards/Subscription.html?id=" . $obj->id )
if $obj->CurrentUserCanSubscribe;
$tabs->child( loc('Show'),
path => "/Dashboards/" . $obj->id . "/" . $obj->Name )
@@ -415,7 +406,7 @@ if ( $request_path =~ qr'Admin/Rules' ) {
if ( $request_path =~ qr'(?:Ticket|Search)/' ) {
my $search = Menu()->child('search');
- my $actions = PageMenu()->child( transitions => title => lc('Actions') );
+ my $actions = PageMenu()->child( transitions => title => loc('Actions'), sort_order => 99 );
if ( ( $m->request_args->{'id'} || '' ) =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
my $id = $1;
my $obj = RT::Ticket->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
@@ -598,23 +589,6 @@ if ( $request_path =~ qr'(?:Ticket|Search)/' ) {
-if ( $request_path =~ qr'User/Group' ) {
- if ( my $id = $m->request_args->{'id'} ) {
- my $obj = RT::User->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
- $obj->Load($id);
- my $group = PageMenu->child(
- path => "/User/Groups/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
- $group->child( loc('Basics'),
- path => "/User/Groups/Modify.html?id=" . $obj->id );
- $group->child( loc('Members'),
- path => "/User/Groups/Members.html?id=" . $obj->id );
- }
- PageMenu( loc('Select') => path => "/User/Groups/index.html" );
- PageMenu( loc('Create') => path => "/User/Groups/Modify.html?Create=1",
- separator => 1 );
if ( $request_path =~ qr'Prefs' ) {
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css
index f4cc392..345d96a 100644
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css
@@ -48,6 +48,14 @@
#nav {
background: #fff;
+#page-navigation {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 7.8em;
+ right: 0em;
+ left: auto;
+ z-index: 9999;
.sf-menu {
z-index: 9999;
width: 100%;
commit 1651353ab24df7dff7626ce60c8d3568d6cc8726
Author: Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Oct 18 12:31:40 2010 +0900
prefs nav rectification
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/Tabs b/share/html/Elements/Tabs
index 93004f8..e442a35 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/Tabs
+++ b/share/html/Elements/Tabs
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ $PREFS_NAV->child( loc('About me'), path => '/User/Prefs.html', );
$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('Search options'),
path => '/Prefs/SearchOptions.html', );
$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('RT at a glance'), path => '/Prefs/MyRT.html', );
+$PREFS_NAV->child( 'Quick search' => title => loc('Quick search'), path => '/Prefs/Quicksearch.html' );
if ( $request_path =~ qr{.*} ) {
Menu->child( home => title => loc('HomePage'), path => '/' );
@@ -590,11 +591,7 @@ if ( $request_path =~ qr'(?:Ticket|Search)/' ) {
-if ( $request_path =~ qr'Prefs' ) {
- PageMenu->child( 'Quick search' => title => loc('Quick search'),
- path => '/Prefs/Quicksearch.html' );
commit 8f6e8f3e3b79a6c0561f4d92c90223434c315146
Author: Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Oct 18 14:00:39 2010 +0900
move menu to the upper right-hand corner
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/Logout b/share/html/Elements/Logout
index 3f5bca7..e69de29 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/Logout
+++ b/share/html/Elements/Logout
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2010 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
-%# <jesse at bestpractical.com>
-%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
-%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
-%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
-%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
-%# from www.gnu.org.
-%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-%# General Public License for more details.
-%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
-%# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
-%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
-%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
-%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
-%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
-%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
-%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
-%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
-%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
-%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
-%# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
-%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
-%# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
-%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
- | <a href="<% RT->Config->Get('WebPath') %>/NoAuth/Logout.html<% $URL ? "?URL=". $URL : '' %>"><&|/l&>Logout</&></a>
-$URL => undef
-my $show = 0;
-if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->Name
- && ( !RT->Config->Get('WebExternalAuth')
- || RT->Config->Get('WebFallbackToInternalAuth')
- )
-) {
- $show = 1;
-$m->callback( %ARGS, URL => \$URL, show => \$show );
-return unless $show;
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/PageLayout b/share/html/Elements/PageLayout
index c330d76..98cbaf2 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/PageLayout
+++ b/share/html/Elements/PageLayout
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
% if ( $show_menu ) {
-<div id="nav"><& /Elements/Menu, menu => Menu(), id => 'app-nav' &></div>
+<div id="main-navigation"><& /Elements/Menu, menu => Menu(), id => 'app-nav' &></div>
<div id="page-navigation"><& /Elements/Menu, menu => PageMenu(), id => 'page-menu' &></div>
% }
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar b/share/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar
index 6e4aecd..0c6893e 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar
+++ b/share/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar
@@ -51,10 +51,8 @@ $Prefs => '/Prefs/Other.html'
<div id="quick-personal">
<span class="hide"><a href="#skipnav"><&|/l&>Skip Menu</&></a> | </span>
% if ($session{'CurrentUser'}->Name) {
- <&|/l, "<span>".$session{'CurrentUser'}->Name."</span>" &>Logged in as [_1]</&>
% } else {
<&|/l&>Not logged in.</&>
% }
% $m->callback( %ARGS );
-<& Logout, %ARGS &>
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/Tabs b/share/html/Elements/Tabs
index e442a35..75ad0d1 100755
--- a/share/html/Elements/Tabs
+++ b/share/html/Elements/Tabs
@@ -68,15 +68,6 @@ my $query_string = sub {
return $u->query;
-my $PREFS_NAV = RT::Interface::Web::Menu->new(
- { title => loc('Preferences'), path => '/Prefs/Other.html' } );
-$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('Settings'), path => '/Prefs/Other.html', );
-$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('About me'), path => '/User/Prefs.html', );
-$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('Search options'),
- path => '/Prefs/SearchOptions.html', );
-$PREFS_NAV->child( loc('RT at a glance'), path => '/Prefs/MyRT.html', );
-$PREFS_NAV->child( 'Quick search' => title => loc('Quick search'), path => '/Prefs/Quicksearch.html' );
if ( $request_path =~ qr{.*} ) {
Menu->child( home => title => loc('HomePage'), path => '/' );
my $tickets = Menu->child( search => title => loc('Tickets'),
@@ -198,22 +189,29 @@ if ( $request_path =~ qr{.*} ) {
$admin_tools->child( loc('Shredder'),
path => '/Admin/Tools/Shredder', );
+ my $about_me = Menu->child( 'preferences' => title => loc("Logged in as [_1]", $session{'CurrentUser'}->Name), sort_rder => 99 );
if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj
&& $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf',
Object => $RT::System )
+$about_me->child( loc('Settings'), path => '/Prefs/Other.html', );
+$about_me->child( loc('About me'), path => '/User/Prefs.html', );
+$about_me->child( loc('Search options'),
+ path => '/Prefs/SearchOptions.html', );
+$about_me->child( loc('RT at a glance'), path => '/Prefs/MyRT.html', );
+$about_me->child( 'Quick search' => title => loc('Quick search'), path => '/Prefs/Quicksearch.html' );
- if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}
- ->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System ) )
- {
- Menu->child( 'Preferences' => menu => $PREFS_NAV, Order => 99 );
- }
+if ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->Name
+ && ( !RT->Config->Get('WebExternalAuth')
+ || RT->Config->Get('WebFallbackToInternalAuth')
+ )
+) {
+ $about_me->child(logout => title => loc('Logout'), path =>'NoAuth/Logout.html');
if ( $request_path =~ qr'Dashboards/(\d+)?' ) {
if ( my $id = ( $1 || $m->request_args->{'id'} ) ) {
my $obj = RT::Dashboard->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/layout.css b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/layout.css
index 75a7b32..511418e 100644
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/layout.css
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/layout.css
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ div#body {
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0.5em;
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5em;
margin-left: 1em;
- margin-top: 5.6em;
+ margin-top: 3em;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0em;
min-height: 10%;
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ div#header h1 {
position: absolute;
left: 0.5em;
right: 20em;
- top: 3em;
+ top: 1.6em;
overflow: hidden;
height: 1em;
font-size: 1.4em;
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css
index 345d96a..652a38e 100644
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/nav.css
@@ -45,19 +45,22 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-#nav {
- background: #fff;
+#main-navigation {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto;
+ z-index: 9999;
#page-navigation {
position: absolute;
- top: 7.8em;
+ top: 5.5em;
right: 0em;
left: auto;
- z-index: 9999;
+ z-index: 9995;
.sf-menu {
- z-index: 9999;
width: 100%;
@@ -70,5 +73,5 @@
.sf-menu li, .sf-menu li li, .sf-menu li li li {
- background-color: #ccc;
+ background-color: #eee;
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