[Rt-commit] rt branch, 3.9-trunk, updated. rt-3.9.4-2-g4bdabf0

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Tue Sep 28 17:43:26 EDT 2010

The branch, 3.9-trunk has been updated
       via  4bdabf0208bb7aa30a4f0cb940a359f227328a2a (commit)
       via  a4ab3629cfa341b5b78b2320c8000c8e302beb3c (commit)
      from  1ade2458e5817cc32b525b646383cd2436d5e58e (commit)

Summary of changes:
 docs/glossary.pod                    |   30 +++++++++++++++
 lib/RT/CustomField_Overlay.pm        |    8 ++--
 lib/RT/Group_Overlay.pm              |   22 +++++------
 lib/RT/Lifecycle.pm                  |    1 +
 lib/RT/Queue_Overlay.pm              |   65 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 lib/RT/System.pm                     |    2 +-
 share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRights |    3 +-
 7 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/glossary.pod

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit a4ab3629cfa341b5b78b2320c8000c8e302beb3c
Author: Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 28 16:20:09 2010 -0400

    Clean up and standardize the wording of right descriptions
    Descriptions should lead with a verb and avoid phrases like "this queue"
    or "this group" since those don't make sense when applied in a global
    context.  They should be concise but helpful.  Rights which are
    logically grouped together should be phrased similarly.
    Begin a glossary of terms, starting with the standard right name

diff --git a/docs/glossary.pod b/docs/glossary.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e058ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/glossary.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+=head1 RT Glossary
+This document is intended to be a glossary of terms used in RT.  Currently it
+doesn't even scratch the surface, but with time it should be expanded.
+=head2 Right names
+RT uses a handful of (mostly) standard prefixes to create right names of the
+form "<action><object>".  The prefixes and their meanings (if not apparent)
+are explained here.
+=over 4
+=item Admin - Create, modify, and delete
+=item Create 
+=item Delete
+=item Edit - Create, modify, and delete
+=item Load - See/show
+=item Modify - Change the content, details and/or metadata
+=item See - Allow viewing of
+=item Show - Allow viewing of, or display in the interface
diff --git a/lib/RT/CustomField_Overlay.pm b/lib/RT/CustomField_Overlay.pm
index bf4dfce..06fef2e 100755
--- a/lib/RT/CustomField_Overlay.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/CustomField_Overlay.pm
@@ -179,10 +179,10 @@ RT::CustomField->_ForObjectType( 'RT::Queue'  => "Queues", );
 RT::CustomField->_ForObjectType( 'RT::Group' => "Groups", );                          #loc
 our $RIGHTS = {
-    SeeCustomField            => 'See custom fields',       # loc_pair
-    AdminCustomField          => 'Create, delete and modify custom fields',        # loc_pair
-    AdminCustomFieldValues    => 'Create, delete and modify custom fields values',        # loc_pair
-    ModifyCustomField         => 'Add, delete and modify custom field values for objects' #loc_pair
+    SeeCustomField            => 'View custom fields',                                    # loc_pair
+    AdminCustomField          => 'Create, modify and delete custom fields',               # loc_pair
+    AdminCustomFieldValues    => 'Create, modify and delete custom fields values',        # loc_pair
+    ModifyCustomField         => 'Add, modify and delete custom field values for objects' # loc_pair
diff --git a/lib/RT/Group_Overlay.pm b/lib/RT/Group_Overlay.pm
index 84d90a6..686f455 100755
--- a/lib/RT/Group_Overlay.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Group_Overlay.pm
@@ -84,18 +84,16 @@ use RT::ACL;
 $RIGHTS = {
-    AdminGroup           => 'Modify group metadata or delete group',  # loc_pair
-    AdminGroupMembership =>
-      'Modify membership roster for this group',                      # loc_pair
-    ModifyOwnMembership => 'Join or leave this group',                 # loc_pair
-    EditSavedSearches => 'Edit saved searches for this group',        # loc_pair
-    ShowSavedSearches => 'Display saved searches for this group',        # loc_pair
-    SeeGroup => 'Make this group visible to user',                    # loc_pair
-    SeeGroupDashboard       => 'View dashboards for this group', #loc_pair
-    CreateGroupDashboard    => 'Create dashboards for this group', #loc_pair
-    ModifyGroupDashboard    => 'Modify dashboards for this group', #loc_pair
-    DeleteGroupDashboard    => 'Delete dashboards for this group', #loc_pair
+    AdminGroup              => 'Modify group metadata or delete group',     # loc_pair
+    AdminGroupMembership    => 'Modify group membership roster',            # loc_pair
+    ModifyOwnMembership     => 'Join or leave group',                       # loc_pair
+    EditSavedSearches       => 'Create, modify and delete saved searches',  # loc_pair
+    ShowSavedSearches       => 'View saved searches',                       # loc_pair
+    SeeGroup                => 'View group',                                # loc_pair
+    SeeGroupDashboard       => 'View group dashboards',                     # loc_pair
+    CreateGroupDashboard    => 'Create group dashboards',                   # loc_pair
+    ModifyGroupDashboard    => 'Modify group dashboards',                   # loc_pair
+    DeleteGroupDashboard    => 'Delete group dashboards',                   # loc_pair
diff --git a/lib/RT/Queue_Overlay.pm b/lib/RT/Queue_Overlay.pm
index 235064e..d2d962d 100755
--- a/lib/RT/Queue_Overlay.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Queue_Overlay.pm
@@ -84,39 +84,38 @@ our @DEFAULT_INACTIVE_STATUS = qw(resolved rejected deleted);
 our $RIGHTS = {
-    SeeQueue            => 'Can this principal see this queue',       # loc_pair
-    AdminQueue          => 'Create, delete and modify queues',        # loc_pair
-    ShowACL             => 'Display Access Control List',             # loc_pair
-    ModifyACL           => 'Modify Access Control List',              # loc_pair
-    ModifyQueueWatchers => 'Modify the queue watchers',               # loc_pair
-    SeeCustomField     => 'See custom field values',                 # loc_pair
-    ModifyCustomField  => 'Modify custom field values',              # loc_pair
-    AssignCustomFields  => 'Assign and remove custom fields',         # loc_pair
-    ModifyTemplate      => 'Modify Scrip templates for this queue',   # loc_pair
-    ShowTemplate        => 'Display Scrip templates for this queue',  # loc_pair
-    ModifyScrips => 'Modify Scrips for this queue',                   # loc_pair
-    ShowScrips   => 'Display Scrips for this queue',                  # loc_pair
-    ShowTicket         => 'See ticket summaries',                    # loc_pair
-    ShowTicketComments => 'See ticket private commentary',           # loc_pair
-    ShowOutgoingEmail => 'See exact outgoing email messages and their recipients',           # loc_pair
-    Watch => 'Sign up as a ticket Requestor or ticket or queue Cc',   # loc_pair
-    WatchAsAdminCc  => 'Sign up as a ticket or queue AdminCc',        # loc_pair
-    CreateTicket    => 'Create tickets in this queue',                # loc_pair
-    ReplyToTicket   => 'Reply to tickets',                            # loc_pair
-    CommentOnTicket => 'Comment on tickets',                          # loc_pair
-    OwnTicket       => 'Own tickets',                                 # loc_pair
-    ModifyTicket    => 'Modify tickets',                              # loc_pair
-    ModifyTicketStatus    => 'Modify ticket status',                              # loc_pair
-    DeleteTicket    => 'Delete tickets',                              # loc_pair
-    RejectTicket    => 'Reject tickets',                              # loc_pair
-    TakeTicket      => 'Take tickets',                                # loc_pair
-    StealTicket     => 'Steal tickets',                               # loc_pair
-    ForwardMessage  => 'Forward messages outside of RT',         # loc_pair
+    SeeQueue            => 'View queue',                                                # loc_pair
+    AdminQueue          => 'Create, modify and delete queue',                           # loc_pair
+    ShowACL             => 'Display Access Control List',                               # loc_pair
+    ModifyACL           => 'Create, modify and delete Access Control List entries',     # loc_pair
+    ModifyQueueWatchers => 'Modify queue watchers',                                     # loc_pair
+    SeeCustomField      => 'View custom field values',                                  # loc_pair
+    ModifyCustomField   => 'Modify custom field values',                                # loc_pair
+    AssignCustomFields  => 'Assign and remove queue custom fields',                     # loc_pair
+    ModifyTemplate      => 'Modify Scrip templates',                                    # loc_pair
+    ShowTemplate        => 'View Scrip templates',                                      # loc_pair
+    ModifyScrips        => 'Modify Scrips',                                             # loc_pair
+    ShowScrips          => 'View Scrips',                                               # loc_pair
+    ShowTicket          => 'View ticket summaries',                                     # loc_pair
+    ShowTicketComments  => 'View ticket private commentary',                            # loc_pair
+    ShowOutgoingEmail   => 'View exact outgoing email messages and their recipients',   # loc_pair
+    Watch               => 'Sign up as a ticket Requestor or ticket or queue Cc',       # loc_pair
+    WatchAsAdminCc      => 'Sign up as a ticket or queue AdminCc',                      # loc_pair
+    CreateTicket        => 'Create tickets',                                            # loc_pair
+    ReplyToTicket       => 'Reply to tickets',                                          # loc_pair
+    CommentOnTicket     => 'Comment on tickets',                                        # loc_pair
+    OwnTicket           => 'Own tickets',                                               # loc_pair
+    ModifyTicket        => 'Modify tickets',                                            # loc_pair
+    ModifyTicketStatus  => 'Modify ticket status',                                      # loc_pair
+    DeleteTicket        => 'Delete tickets',                                            # loc_pair
+    RejectTicket        => 'Reject tickets',                                            # loc_pair
+    TakeTicket          => 'Take tickets',                                              # loc_pair
+    StealTicket         => 'Steal tickets',                                             # loc_pair
+    ForwardMessage      => 'Forward messages outside of RT',                            # loc_pair
diff --git a/lib/RT/System.pm b/lib/RT/System.pm
index 73dd7c8..6a2cb57 100755
--- a/lib/RT/System.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/System.pm
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ use RT::ACL;
 # XXX TODO Can't localize these outside of having an object around.
 our $RIGHTS = {
     SuperUser              => 'Do anything and everything',           # loc_pair
-    AdminUsers     => 'Create, delete and modify users',              # loc_pair
+    AdminUsers     => 'Create, modify and delete users',              # loc_pair
     ModifySelf     => "Modify one's own RT account",                  # loc_pair
     ShowConfigTab => "Show Configuration tab",     # loc_pair
     ShowApprovalsTab => "Show Approvals tab",     # loc_pair

commit 4bdabf0208bb7aa30a4f0cb940a359f227328a2a
Author: Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 28 17:44:37 2010 -0400

    Add a right category for Lifecycle status change rights

diff --git a/lib/RT/Lifecycle.pm b/lib/RT/Lifecycle.pm
index 5b7c416..52be418 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Lifecycle.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Lifecycle.pm
@@ -390,6 +390,7 @@ sub register_rights {
             . ( (grep $_ eq '*', @to  )? '' : ' to '. join ', ', @from );
         $RIGHTS->{ $right } = $description;
+        RT::Queue->AddRightCategories( $right => 'Status' );
         $RT::ACE::LOWERCASERIGHTNAMES{ lc $right } = $right;
diff --git a/share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRights b/share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRights
index cfb4745..3856995 100644
--- a/share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRights
+++ b/share/html/Admin/Elements/EditRights
@@ -138,9 +138,10 @@ my %category_desc = (
     'General' => 'General rights',
     'Staff'   => 'Rights for Staff',
     'Admin'   => 'Rights for Administrators',
+    'Status'  => 'Status changes',
-my %catsort = ( General => 1, Staff => 2, Admin => 3, );
+my %catsort = ( General => 1, Staff => 2, Admin => 3, Status => 4 );
 # Find all the current rights
 my %current_rights;


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