[Rt-commit] rt branch, 3.8/dashboard-chart-with-utf8, created. rt-3.8.10-32-ga42547c

? sunnavy sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 9 14:27:32 EDT 2011

The branch, 3.8/dashboard-chart-with-utf8 has been created
        at  a42547c1e68408510462651db0b93d555a8f2088 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 325a8de836bff28086ea020e835ac477a36edaf2
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 10 02:10:12 2011 +0800

    turn off utf8 as uri string is utf8 encoded, see also #18104

diff --git a/sbin/rt-email-dashboards.in b/sbin/rt-email-dashboards.in
index 50dad2f..68d290d 100644
--- a/sbin/rt-email-dashboards.in
+++ b/sbin/rt-email-dashboards.in
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ sub get_from {
 sub get_resource {
-    my $uri = URI->new(shift);
+    my $uri = URI->new(Encode::encode_utf8(shift));
     my ($content, $filename, $mimetype, $encoding);
     verbose "Getting resource [_1]", $uri;

commit a42547c1e68408510462651db0b93d555a8f2088
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 10 02:10:36 2011 +0800

    test for dashboard chart with utf8

diff --git a/t/mail/dashboard-chart-with-utf8.t b/t/mail/dashboard-chart-with-utf8.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56debcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/mail/dashboard-chart-with-utf8.t
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use RT::Test tests => 13;
+use utf8;
+my $root = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'root' );
+my ( $baseurl, $m ) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+ok( $m->login, 'logged in' );
+my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+    Queue   => 'General',
+    Subject => 'test äöü',
+ok( $ticket->id, 'created ticket' );
+$m->get_ok(q{/Search/Chart.html?Query=Subject LIKE 'test äöü'});
+    form_name => 'SaveSearch',
+    fields    => {
+        SavedSearchDescription => 'chart foo',
+        SavedSearchOwner       => 'RT::User-' . $root->id,
+    },
+    button => 'SavedSearchSave',
+# first, create and populate a dashboard
+$m->field( 'Name' => 'dashboard foo' );
+$m->click_button( value => 'Create' );
+$m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Queries' } );
+my $form  = $m->form_name('Dashboard-Searches-body');
+my @input = $form->find_input('Searches-body-Available');
+my ($dashboards_component) =
+  map { ( $_->possible_values )[1] }
+  grep { ( $_->value_names )[1] =~ /^Chart/ } @input;
+$form->value( 'Searches-body-Available' => $dashboards_component );
+$m->click_button( name => 'add' );
+$m->content_contains('Dashboard updated');
+$m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Subscription' } );
+$m->field( 'Frequency' => 'daily' );
+$m->field( 'Hour'      => '06:00' );
+$m->click_button( name => 'Save' );
+$m->content_contains('Subscribed to dashboard dashboard foo');
+my $c     = $m->get(q{/Search/Chart?Query=Subject LIKE 'test äöü'});
+my $image = $c->content;
+    command => $RT::SbinPath . '/rt-email-dashboards', all => 1
+my @mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+is @mails, 1, "got a dashboard mail";
+# can't use parse_mail here is because it deletes all attachments
+# before we can call bodyhandle :/
+use RT::EmailParser;
+my $parser = RT::EmailParser->new;
+my $mail = $parser->ParseMIMEEntityFromScalar( $mails[0] );
+    $mail->head->get('Subject'),
+    qr/Daily Dashboard: dashboard foo/,
+    'mail subject'
+my ($mail_image) = grep { $_->mime_type eq 'image/png' } $mail->parts;
+ok( $mail_image, 'mail contains image attachment' );
+my $handle = $mail_image->bodyhandle;
+my $mail_image_data = '';
+if ( my $io = $handle->open('r') ) {
+    while ( defined( $_ = $io->getline ) ) { $mail_image_data .= $_ }
+    $io->close;
+is( $mail_image_data, $image, 'image in mail is the same one in web' );


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