[Rt-commit] rtir branch, 2.6-trunk, updated. 2.6.1rc1-3-gb678688
Ruslan Zakirov
ruz at bestpractical.com
Wed Aug 10 07:16:21 EDT 2011
The branch, 2.6-trunk has been updated
via b678688bb84c5c5d834a8eea8001ec20c33e701f (commit)
via 85587c406f189b68d15ec9205e3e2646207f7f1b (commit)
via 1856b29eaa872dc7a5c617a1ef75d44d40dc8ac8 (commit)
from be7de2e7dd1c00410fc6d1e828dcb9a70e832a6c (commit)
Summary of changes:
TODO.switch_custom_fields_to_generic_RT_methods | 72 ----
etc/RTIR_Config.pm | 472 +++++++++++++++--------
2 files changed, 307 insertions(+), 237 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 TODO.switch_custom_fields_to_generic_RT_methods
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 1856b29eaa872dc7a5c617a1ef75d44d40dc8ac8
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Tue Aug 9 16:03:48 2011 +0400
remove TODO
diff --git a/TODO.switch_custom_fields_to_generic_RT_methods b/TODO.switch_custom_fields_to_generic_RT_methods
deleted file mode 100644
index f578ae3..0000000
--- a/TODO.switch_custom_fields_to_generic_RT_methods
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-* Suspect that failed custom field validation check or gnupg error that returns back to
- create page will dropp fields to defaults
-* Rename some fields to variants with spaces
-* Custom fields in Incident display are very specific and mixed with generic RT properties
-* Description CF in Incidents had Cols => 60 argument, check if we preserve behaviour
-(update: the answer is no. and seems there's no way to do this except hacking rt's
-/Elements/EditCustomField or /Elements/EditCustomFieldFreeform)
-* On edit State need special treating for Blocks
-* Constituency has special treating on edit depending on constituency propagation mode
-** These two custom fields are still massaged via callback and RTIR has special editor
-Implemented changes:
-* RTIR's custom fields are renamed, no more '_RTIR_' prefix. As well some CFs had two
- word names, spaces have been added. Handled in upgrade script.
-* Autoreply and BlockRemoved templates in blocks queue need changes. Block that adds
- CF values to the mail should be:
- { my $output = "";
- my @mailfields = ( 'IP', 'Netmask', 'Port', 'Where Blocked' );
- my $CustomFields = $Ticket->QueueObj->TicketCustomFields;
- while ( my $CustomField = $CustomFields->Next ) {
- my $name = $CustomField->Name;
- next unless grep lc $_ eq lc $name, @mailfields;
- my $Values = $Ticket->CustomFieldValues( $CustomField->Id );
- while ( my $Value = $Values->Next ) {
- $output .= $name .": ". $Value->Content ."\n";
- }
- }
- return $output;
- }
-* Default values:
-** Reports/SLA/OnCreate: RT::IR::DefaultSLA()
-** Reports/How Reported/OnCreate: $ARGS{'HowReported-Value'} || RT->Config->Get('_RTIR_HowReported_default')
-** the same for 'reporter type'
-** Blocks/Port/OnCreate: $ARGS{'Port-Value'} || RT->Config->Get('_RTIR_Port_default')
-** Blocks/Where Blocked/OnCreate: $ARGS{'WhereBlocked-Value'} || RT->Config->Get('_RTIR_WhereBlocked_default')
-** similar applies to 'Net Mask'
-** Incident/OnCreate:
-*** Description, Classification, Function: RT->Config->Get('_RTIR_Description_default'),
-*** Resolution: no default
-** IP default on Create for children:
-my $ip_default = $ARGS{'IP-Value'};
-if ( !$ip_default && $IncidentObj ) {
- $ip_default = join "\n", grep $_, map $_->Content,
- @{ $IncidentObj->CustomFieldValues( 'IP' )->ItemsArrayRef };
-$ip_default ||= RT->Config->Get('_RTIR_IP_default') || '';
-** IP for incidents:
-my $ip_default = $ARGS{'IP-Value'};
-if ( !$ip_default && $ChildObj ) {
- $ip_default = join "\n", grep $_, map $_->Content,
- @{ $ChildObj->CustomFieldValues( 'IP' )->ItemsArrayRef };
-$ip_default ||= RT->Config->Get('_RTIR_IP_default') || '';
-* Names of custom fields were localized in RT, we should localize them in RTIR as well
-( this is automatically done since we use RT's cf edit component )
-* Stripping of _RTIR_ prefix results in changes of searches: Formats and Queries, write an upgrader for saved searches
-( the script is at etc/upgrade/2.5.1/update_saved_searches.pl, maybe put it somewhere
-better? )
commit 85587c406f189b68d15ec9205e3e2646207f7f1b
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed Aug 10 12:34:56 2011 +0400
sort config options logicaly for PODifcation
diff --git a/etc/RTIR_Config.pm b/etc/RTIR_Config.pm
index c9a212d..702c3f9 100644
--- a/etc/RTIR_Config.pm
+++ b/etc/RTIR_Config.pm
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
-# WebNoAuthRegex - What portion of RT's URLspace should not require
-# authentication. Adjust it according to RTIR paths
-my $rt_no_auth = RT->Config->Get('WebNoAuthRegex');
-Set($WebNoAuthRegex, qr{ (?: $rt_no_auth | ^/+RTIR/+NoAuth/ ) }x);
# Set the name of the RTIR application.
Set($rtirname, RT->Config->Get('rtname') );
@@ -18,147 +12,6 @@ Set($MaxInlineBody, 0);
Set($OverdueAfter, 7);
-# Which research tools should RTIR display for address/domain lookups
-# For each tool listed in this section, RTIR will attempt to display
-# share/html/RTIR/Tools/Elements/ToolForm____
-# and
-# share/html/RTIR/Tools/Elements/ToolResults____
-# on the Tools/Lookup.html
-Set( @RTIRResearchTools, (qw(Traceroute Whois Iframe)));
-# One of the research tools available in RTIR allows you to
-# configure a set of search URLs that incident handlers
-# can use to open searches in IFRAMES. Entries are keyed
-# by integer in the order you'd like to see them in the dropdown
-# on the research page
-# Each entry consists of a hashref containing "FriendlyName" and "URL"
-# The URLs will be evaluated to replace __SearchTerm__ with the
-# user's current search term.
- Set ($RTIRIframeResearchToolConfig, {
- 1 => { FriendlyName => 'Google', URL => 'https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=__SearchTerm__' },
- 2 => { FriendlyName => 'CVE', URL => 'http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=__SearchTerm__'},
- 3 => { FriendlyName => 'TrustedSource.org', URL => 'http://www.trustedsource.org/query/__SearchTerm__'},
- 4 => { FriendlyName => 'McAfee SiteAdvisor', URL => 'http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/__SearchTerm__'},
- 5 => { FriendlyName => 'BFK DNS Logger', URL => 'http://www.bfk.de/bfk_dnslogger.html?query=__SearchTerm__#result'}
- } );
-# Set the hash of whois servers
-# Host is of the form "hostname:port"
-Set($whois, {
- 1 => {
- Host => "whois.iana.org",
- FriendlyName => "IANA",
- },
- 5 => {
- Host => "whois.ripe.net",
- FriendlyName => "RIPE",
- },
- 2 => {
- Host => "whois.internic.net",
- FriendlyName => "INTERNIC",
- },
- 3 => {
- Host => "whois.arin.net",
- FriendlyName => "ARIN",
- },
-} );
-# Set the name of the Business::SLA class
-# Use this if you have a custom SLA module
-# Set($SLAModule, "Business::MySLA");
-# Set the number of minutes for the SLA
-Set($SLA, {
- 'Full service' => { BusinessMinutes => 60, RealMinutes => 0 },
- 'Full service: out of hours' => { BusinessMinutes => 120, RealMinutes => 0 },
- 'Reduced service' => { BusinessMinutes => 120, RealMinutes => 0 },
- 'Now (in business hours)' => { BusinessMinutes => 0, RealMinutes => 0 },
-# '60 Real Minutes' => { BusinessMinutes => undef, RealMinutes => 60 },
-} );
-# Set the SLA for responses
-Set($SLA_Response_InHours, 'Now (in business hours)');
-Set($SLA_Response_OutOfHours, 'Now (in business hours)');
-# Set the SLA for re-opened tickets
-Set($SLA_Reopen_InHours, 'Full service');
-Set($SLA_Reopen_OutOfHours, 'Full service: out of hours');
-# Set the defaults for RTIR custom fields
-# default values are case-sensitive
- %RTIR_CustomFieldsDefaults,
- SLA => {
- InHours => 'Full service',
- OutOfHours => 'Full service: out of hours',
- },
- 'How Reported' => "",
- 'Reporter Type' => "",
- IP => "",
- Netmask => "",
- Port => "",
- 'Where Blocked' => "",
- Function => "",
- Classification => "",
- Description => "",
- Resolution => {
- resolved => "successfully resolved",
- rejected => "no resolution reached",
- },
- Constituency => 'EDUNET',
-# Constituency behaviour
-# read more about constituencies in lib/RT/IR/Constituency.pod
-# Constituency propagation algorithm
-# valid values are 'no', 'inherit', 'reject'
-# Algorithms are defined in lib/RT/IR/Constituency.pod/Changing the value
-Set( $_RTIR_Constituency_Propagation, 'no' );
-# Set the Business Hours for your organization
-# if left unset, defaults are Monday through Friday 09:00 to 18:00
-#Set($BusinessHours, {
-# 0 => { Name => 'Sunday',
-# Start => undef,
-# End => undef},
-# 1 => { Name => 'Monday',
-# Start => '09:00',
-# End => '18:00'},
-# 2 => { Name => 'Tuesday',
-# Start => '09:00',
-# End => '18:00'},
-# 3 => { Name => 'Wednesday',
-# Start => '09:00',
-# End => '18:00'},
-# 4 => { Name => 'Thursday',
-# Start => '09:00',
-# End => '18:00'},
-# 5 => { Name => 'Friday',
-# Start => '09:00',
-# End => '18:00'},
-# 6 => { Name => 'Saturday',
-# Start => undef,
-# End => undef},
-#} );
# This is the string that indicates a reply, and which will be
# pre-pended to subjects when you reply to tickets.
@@ -197,7 +50,7 @@ Set($RTIRSearchResultFormats, {
'', __Requestors__, __OwnerName__, __ToldRelative__, __DueRelative__, __TimeLeft__},
BlockDefault =>
q{'<b><a href="__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__id__</a></b>/TITLE:#',
'<b><a href="__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__Subject__</a></b>/TITLE:Subject',
@@ -277,15 +130,10 @@ Set($RTIRSearchResultFormats, {
} );
# Enable this option if you want jump to display screen after saving changes
# on the edit screen.
Set($DisplayAfterEdit, 1);
-# path to traceroute command
-Set($TracerouteCommand, '/usr/sbin/traceroute');
# Components that available to add on the first page of the RTIR
Set(@RTIR_HomepageComponents, qw(
@@ -301,14 +149,6 @@ Set(@RTIR_HomepageComponents, qw(
-# if true then Blocks queue functionality inactive and disabled
-Set($RTIR_DisableBlocksQueue, 0);
-# When requestor replies on the block in pending state RTIR
-# changes state, you can set regular expresion so state would
-# be changed only when it matches
-Set($RTIR_BlockAproveActionRegexp, undef);
# Define list of enabled MakeClicky extensions; RTIR extends the
# default 'httpurl', and additionally provides 'ip', 'ipdecimal',
# 'email', 'domain' and 'RIPE'. It is possible to add your own types
@@ -318,4 +158,159 @@ Set($RTIR_BlockAproveActionRegexp, undef);
# other actions don't apply to the same matched text
Set(@Active_MakeClicky, qw(httpurl_overwrite ip email domain));
+# Set the defaults for RTIR custom fields
+# default values are case-sensitive
+ %RTIR_CustomFieldsDefaults,
+ SLA => {
+ InHours => 'Full service',
+ OutOfHours => 'Full service: out of hours',
+ },
+ 'How Reported' => "",
+ 'Reporter Type' => "",
+ IP => "",
+ Netmask => "",
+ Port => "",
+ 'Where Blocked' => "",
+ Function => "",
+ Classification => "",
+ Description => "",
+ Resolution => {
+ resolved => "successfully resolved",
+ rejected => "no resolution reached",
+ },
+ Constituency => 'EDUNET',
+# Constituency behaviour
+# read more about constituencies in lib/RT/IR/Constituency.pod
+# Constituency propagation algorithm
+# valid values are 'no', 'inherit', 'reject'
+# Algorithms are defined in lib/RT/IR/Constituency.pod/Changing the value
+Set( $_RTIR_Constituency_Propagation, 'no' );
+# if true then Blocks queue functionality inactive and disabled
+Set($RTIR_DisableBlocksQueue, 0);
+# When requestor replies on the block in pending state RTIR
+# changes state, you can set regular expresion so state would
+# be changed only when it matches
+Set($RTIR_BlockAproveActionRegexp, undef);
+# Which research tools should RTIR display for address/domain lookups
+# For each tool listed in this section, RTIR will attempt to display
+# share/html/RTIR/Tools/Elements/ToolForm____
+# and
+# share/html/RTIR/Tools/Elements/ToolResults____
+# on the Tools/Lookup.html
+Set( @RTIRResearchTools, (qw(Traceroute Whois Iframe)));
+# One of the research tools available in RTIR allows you to
+# configure a set of search URLs that incident handlers
+# can use to open searches in IFRAMES. Entries are keyed
+# by integer in the order you'd like to see them in the dropdown
+# on the research page
+# Each entry consists of a hashref containing "FriendlyName" and "URL"
+# The URLs will be evaluated to replace __SearchTerm__ with the
+# user's current search term.
+ Set ($RTIRIframeResearchToolConfig, {
+ 1 => { FriendlyName => 'Google', URL => 'https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=__SearchTerm__' },
+ 2 => { FriendlyName => 'CVE', URL => 'http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=__SearchTerm__'},
+ 3 => { FriendlyName => 'TrustedSource.org', URL => 'http://www.trustedsource.org/query/__SearchTerm__'},
+ 4 => { FriendlyName => 'McAfee SiteAdvisor', URL => 'http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/__SearchTerm__'},
+ 5 => { FriendlyName => 'BFK DNS Logger', URL => 'http://www.bfk.de/bfk_dnslogger.html?query=__SearchTerm__#result'}
+ } );
+# path to traceroute command
+Set($TracerouteCommand, '/usr/sbin/traceroute');
+# Set the hash of whois servers
+# Host is of the form "hostname:port"
+Set($whois, {
+ 1 => {
+ Host => "whois.iana.org",
+ FriendlyName => "IANA",
+ },
+ 5 => {
+ Host => "whois.ripe.net",
+ FriendlyName => "RIPE",
+ },
+ 2 => {
+ Host => "whois.internic.net",
+ FriendlyName => "INTERNIC",
+ },
+ 3 => {
+ Host => "whois.arin.net",
+ FriendlyName => "ARIN",
+ },
+} );
+# Set the name of the Business::SLA class
+# Use this if you have a custom SLA module
+# Set($SLAModule, "Business::MySLA");
+# Set the number of minutes for the SLA
+Set($SLA, {
+ 'Full service' => { BusinessMinutes => 60, RealMinutes => 0 },
+ 'Full service: out of hours' => { BusinessMinutes => 120, RealMinutes => 0 },
+ 'Reduced service' => { BusinessMinutes => 120, RealMinutes => 0 },
+ 'Now (in business hours)' => { BusinessMinutes => 0, RealMinutes => 0 },
+# '60 Real Minutes' => { BusinessMinutes => undef, RealMinutes => 60 },
+} );
+# Set the SLA for responses
+Set($SLA_Response_InHours, 'Now (in business hours)');
+Set($SLA_Response_OutOfHours, 'Now (in business hours)');
+# Set the SLA for re-opened tickets
+Set($SLA_Reopen_InHours, 'Full service');
+Set($SLA_Reopen_OutOfHours, 'Full service: out of hours');
+# Set the Business Hours for your organization
+# if left unset, defaults are Monday through Friday 09:00 to 18:00
+#Set($BusinessHours, {
+# 0 => { Name => 'Sunday',
+# Start => undef,
+# End => undef},
+# 1 => { Name => 'Monday',
+# Start => '09:00',
+# End => '18:00'},
+# 2 => { Name => 'Tuesday',
+# Start => '09:00',
+# End => '18:00'},
+# 3 => { Name => 'Wednesday',
+# Start => '09:00',
+# End => '18:00'},
+# 4 => { Name => 'Thursday',
+# Start => '09:00',
+# End => '18:00'},
+# 5 => { Name => 'Friday',
+# Start => '09:00',
+# End => '18:00'},
+# 6 => { Name => 'Saturday',
+# Start => undef,
+# End => undef},
+#} );
+# WebNoAuthRegex - What portion of RT's URLspace should not require
+# authentication. Adjust it according to RTIR paths
+my $rt_no_auth = RT->Config->Get('WebNoAuthRegex');
+Set($WebNoAuthRegex, qr{ (?: $rt_no_auth | ^/+RTIR/+NoAuth/ ) }x);
commit b678688bb84c5c5d834a8eea8001ec20c33e701f
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed Aug 10 15:15:30 2011 +0400
PODify config
diff --git a/etc/RTIR_Config.pm b/etc/RTIR_Config.pm
index 702c3f9..b322c02 100644
--- a/etc/RTIR_Config.pm
+++ b/etc/RTIR_Config.pm
@@ -1,29 +1,88 @@
-# Set the name of the RTIR application.
+=head1 NAME
-Set($rtirname, RT->Config->Get('rtname') );
+RT::IR::Config - RTIR specific options and defaults for RT
+=head1 WARNING
+Instead, copy any sections you want to change to F<RT_SiteConfig.pm> and edit them there.
+=head1 Base Configuration
+=over 4
+=item C<$rtirname>
+Set the name of the RTIR application.
+Set( $rtirname, RT->Config->Get('rtname') );
+=head1 Web Interface Configuration
+=over 4
+=item C<$WebNoAuthRegex>
+RTIR serves URLs with F</RTIR/NoAuth/> paths that shouldn't
+be protected by authentication. If you customize this option
+make sure to include this path as well.
+my $rt_no_auth = RT->Config->Get('WebNoAuthRegex');
+Set($WebNoAuthRegex, qr{ (?: $rt_no_auth | ^/+RTIR/+NoAuth/ ) }x);
+=item C<$MaxInlineBody>
+By default, RT only displays text attachments inline up to
+the first 16k. RTIR will display them no matter how long
+they are.
-# By default, RT only displays text attachments inline up to the first 16k
-# RTIR will display them no matter how long they are
Set($MaxInlineBody, 0);
-# Set the number of days a message awaiting an external response
-# may be inactive before the ticket becomes overdue
+=item C<$OverdueAfter>
+Set the number of days a message awaiting an external response
+may be inactive before the ticket becomes overdue
Set($OverdueAfter, 7);
-# This is the string that indicates a reply, and which will be
-# pre-pended to subjects when you reply to tickets.
+=item C<$ReplyString>
+This is the string that indicates a reply, and which will be
+pre-pended to subjects when you reply to tickets, for example:
+ Set($ReplyString, 'Re:');
-# Set($ReplyString , "Re:");
+Set($ReplyString , '');
-# RTIR_OldestRelatedTickets controls how far back, in days, RTIR
-# should look for tickets which might contain a specific string,
-# such as an IP address.
+=item C<$RTIR_OldestRelatedTickets>
+Controls how far back, in days, RTIR should look for tickets which
+might contain a specific string, such as an IP address. Sixty
+days by default.
Set($RTIR_OldestRelatedTickets, 60);
-# Default formats for RTIR search results
+=item C<$RTIRSearchResultFormats>
+Default formats for RTIR search results
Set($RTIRSearchResultFormats, {
Default =>
q{'<b><a HREF="__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__id__</a></b>/TITLE:#',
@@ -130,11 +189,21 @@ Set($RTIRSearchResultFormats, {
} );
-# Enable this option if you want jump to display screen after saving changes
-# on the edit screen.
+=item C<$DisplayAfterEdit>
+Enable this option if you want jump to display screen after saving changes
+on the edit screen.
Set($DisplayAfterEdit, 1);
-# Components that available to add on the first page of the RTIR
+=item C<@RTIR_HomepageComponents>
+Components that available to add on the first page of the RTIR.
Set(@RTIR_HomepageComponents, qw(
@@ -149,17 +218,35 @@ Set(@RTIR_HomepageComponents, qw(
-# Define list of enabled MakeClicky extensions; RTIR extends the
-# default 'httpurl', and additionally provides 'ip', 'ipdecimal',
-# 'email', 'domain' and 'RIPE'. It is possible to add your own types
-# of clicky links using callbacks; see
-# html/Callbacks/RTIR/Elements/MakeClicky/Default for an example.
-# NOTE that list is order-sensetive, when one action matches text
-# other actions don't apply to the same matched text
+=item C<@Active_MakeClicky>
+Define list of enabled MakeClicky extensions; RTIR extends the
+default 'httpurl', and additionally provides 'ip', 'ipdecimal',
+'email', 'domain' and 'RIPE'.
+It is possible to add your own types of clicky links using callbacks;
+see F<html/Callbacks/RTIR/Elements/MakeClicky/Default> for an example.
+B<NOTE> that list is order-sensetive, when one action matches text
+other actions don't apply to the same matched text.
+By default RTIR enables 'httpurl_overwrite', 'ip', 'email' and 'domain'.
Set(@Active_MakeClicky, qw(httpurl_overwrite ip email domain));
-# Set the defaults for RTIR custom fields
-# default values are case-sensitive
+=head1 Custom Fields
+=over 4
+=item C<%RTIR_CustomFieldsDefaults>
+Set the defaults for RTIR custom fields. Values are case-sensitive.
@@ -183,55 +270,102 @@ Set(
Constituency => 'EDUNET',
-# Constituency behaviour
-# read more about constituencies in lib/RT/IR/Constituency.pod
+=item C<$_RTIR_Constituency_Propagation>
+Set constituency propagation algorithm. Valid values are 'no',
+'inherit' and 'reject', by default 'no' propagation happens.
+Read more about constituencies in F<lib/RT/IR/Constituency.pod>.
+Algorithms are described in 'Changing the value' chapter.
-# Constituency propagation algorithm
-# valid values are 'no', 'inherit', 'reject'
-# Algorithms are defined in lib/RT/IR/Constituency.pod/Changing the value
Set( $_RTIR_Constituency_Propagation, 'no' );
-# if true then Blocks queue functionality inactive and disabled
+=head1 Blocks
+=over 4
+=item C<$RTIR_DisableBlocksQueue>
+If true then Blocks queue functionality inactive and disabled.
Set($RTIR_DisableBlocksQueue, 0);
-# When requestor replies on the block in pending state RTIR
-# changes state, you can set regular expresion so state would
-# be changed only when it matches
+=item C<$RTIR_BlockAproveActionRegexp>
+When requestor replies on the block in pending state RTIR
+changes state, you can set regular expresion so state would
+be changed only when content matches the regexp.
Set($RTIR_BlockAproveActionRegexp, undef);
-# Which research tools should RTIR display for address/domain lookups
+=head1 Research Tools
+RTIR comes with a few research tools available at F<Tools/Lookup.html>.
+=over 4
+=item C<@RTIRResearchTools>
+Which research tools should RTIR display for address/domain lookups.
+For each tool listed in this section, RTIR will attempt to display
+using the following mason components:
+ html/RTIR/Tools/Elements/ToolForm____
+ html/RTIR/Tools/Elements/ToolResults____
-# For each tool listed in this section, RTIR will attempt to display
-# share/html/RTIR/Tools/Elements/ToolForm____
-# and
-# share/html/RTIR/Tools/Elements/ToolResults____
-# on the Tools/Lookup.html
Set( @RTIRResearchTools, (qw(Traceroute Whois Iframe)));
-# One of the research tools available in RTIR allows you to
-# configure a set of search URLs that incident handlers
-# can use to open searches in IFRAMES. Entries are keyed
-# by integer in the order you'd like to see them in the dropdown
-# on the research page
-# Each entry consists of a hashref containing "FriendlyName" and "URL"
-# The URLs will be evaluated to replace __SearchTerm__ with the
-# user's current search term.
- Set ($RTIRIframeResearchToolConfig, {
- 1 => { FriendlyName => 'Google', URL => 'https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=__SearchTerm__' },
- 2 => { FriendlyName => 'CVE', URL => 'http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=__SearchTerm__'},
+=item C<$RTIRIframeResearchToolConfig>
+One of the research tools available in RTIR allows you to
+configure a set of search URLs that incident handlers
+can use to open searches in IFRAMES.
+Entries are keyed by integer in the order you'd like to see
+them in the dropdown on the research page. Each entry consists
+of a hashref containing "FriendlyName" and "URL". The URLs will
+be evaluated to replace __SearchTerm__ with the user's current
+search term.
+Set($RTIRIframeResearchToolConfig, {
+ 1 => { FriendlyName => 'Google', URL => 'https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=__SearchTerm__' },
+ 2 => { FriendlyName => 'CVE', URL => 'http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=__SearchTerm__'},
3 => { FriendlyName => 'TrustedSource.org', URL => 'http://www.trustedsource.org/query/__SearchTerm__'},
4 => { FriendlyName => 'McAfee SiteAdvisor', URL => 'http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/__SearchTerm__'},
5 => { FriendlyName => 'BFK DNS Logger', URL => 'http://www.bfk.de/bfk_dnslogger.html?query=__SearchTerm__#result'}
- } );
+} );
+=item C<$TracerouteCommand>
+Path to traceroute command.
-# path to traceroute command
Set($TracerouteCommand, '/usr/sbin/traceroute');
+=item C<$whois>
+Whois servers for the research tool.
+Host is of the form "hostname:port"
-# Set the hash of whois servers
-# Host is of the form "hostname:port"
Set($whois, {
1 => {
Host => "whois.iana.org",
@@ -251,66 +385,79 @@ Set($whois, {
} );
+=head1 Service Level Agreements (SLA)
+RTIR comes with very basic SLA implementation. Depending on the following
+options Due date of tickets is maintained.
+=over 4
+=item C<$SLAModule>
+Set the name of the Business::SLA class. Use this if you have
+a custom SLA module, for example:
-# Set the name of the Business::SLA class
-# Use this if you have a custom SLA module
-# Set($SLAModule, "Business::MySLA");
+ Set($SLAModule, 'Business::MySLA');
-# Set the number of minutes for the SLA
+Set($SLAModule, '');
+=item C<$SLA>
+Define service levels and set the number of minutes.
Set($SLA, {
'Full service' => { BusinessMinutes => 60, RealMinutes => 0 },
'Full service: out of hours' => { BusinessMinutes => 120, RealMinutes => 0 },
'Reduced service' => { BusinessMinutes => 120, RealMinutes => 0 },
'Now (in business hours)' => { BusinessMinutes => 0, RealMinutes => 0 },
-# '60 Real Minutes' => { BusinessMinutes => undef, RealMinutes => 60 },
+ '60 Real Minutes' => { BusinessMinutes => undef, RealMinutes => 60 },
} );
-# Set the SLA for responses
+=item C<$BusinessHours>
+Set the Business Hours for your organization, for example:
+ Set($BusinessHours, {
+ 0 => { Name => 'Sunday', Start => undef, End => undef },
+ 1 => { Name => 'Monday', Start => '09:00', End => '18:00' },
+ 2 => { Name => 'Tuesday', Start => '09:00', End => '18:00' },
+ ...
+ } );
+If left unset, defaults are Monday through Friday 09:00 to 18:00
+Set( $BusinessHours, undef );
+=item C<$SLA_Response_InHours> and C<$SLA_Response_OutOfHours>
+Set service levels for responses in business hours and out,
Set($SLA_Response_InHours, 'Now (in business hours)');
Set($SLA_Response_OutOfHours, 'Now (in business hours)');
-# Set the SLA for re-opened tickets
+=item C<$SLA_Reopen_InHours> and C<$SLA_Reopen_OutOfHours>
+Set service levels for tickets re-opened in business hours and out,
Set($SLA_Reopen_InHours, 'Full service');
Set($SLA_Reopen_OutOfHours, 'Full service: out of hours');
-# Set the Business Hours for your organization
-# if left unset, defaults are Monday through Friday 09:00 to 18:00
-#Set($BusinessHours, {
-# 0 => { Name => 'Sunday',
-# Start => undef,
-# End => undef},
-# 1 => { Name => 'Monday',
-# Start => '09:00',
-# End => '18:00'},
-# 2 => { Name => 'Tuesday',
-# Start => '09:00',
-# End => '18:00'},
-# 3 => { Name => 'Wednesday',
-# Start => '09:00',
-# End => '18:00'},
-# 4 => { Name => 'Thursday',
-# Start => '09:00',
-# End => '18:00'},
-# 5 => { Name => 'Friday',
-# Start => '09:00',
-# End => '18:00'},
-# 6 => { Name => 'Saturday',
-# Start => undef,
-# End => undef},
-#} );
-# WebNoAuthRegex - What portion of RT's URLspace should not require
-# authentication. Adjust it according to RTIR paths
-my $rt_no_auth = RT->Config->Get('WebNoAuthRegex');
-Set($WebNoAuthRegex, qr{ (?: $rt_no_auth | ^/+RTIR/+NoAuth/ ) }x);
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