[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.2/links_in_validator, created. rt-3.8.8-250-g685d8c8
Ruslan Zakirov
ruz at bestpractical.com
Fri Feb 11 23:24:17 EST 2011
The branch, 4.2/links_in_validator has been created
at 685d8c8614f752be8a127d54f426ffc54fcdc979 (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 685d8c8614f752be8a127d54f426ffc54fcdc979
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Sat Feb 12 07:21:12 2011 +0300
validate links
* deal with basic errors and historical RT bugs
* delete links to missing local object
diff --git a/sbin/rt-validator.in b/sbin/rt-validator.in
index 42b9296..90c4657 100644
--- a/sbin/rt-validator.in
+++ b/sbin/rt-validator.in
@@ -678,19 +678,8 @@ push @CHECKS, 'Transactions -> other' => sub {
-# XXX: Links need more love, uri is stored instead of id
-# # type = DeleteLink
-# check_integrity(
-# 'Transactions', 'OldValue' => 'Links', 'id',
-# condition => 's.Type = ?',
-# bind_values => [ 'DeleteLink' ],
-# );
-# # type = AddLink
-# check_integrity(
-# 'Transactions', 'NewValue' => 'Links', 'id',
-# condition => 's.Type = ?',
-# bind_values => [ 'AddLink' ],
-# );
+# type = DeleteLink or AddLink
+# handled in 'Links: *' checks as {New,Old}Value store URIs
# type = Set, Field = Queue
@@ -889,6 +878,171 @@ push @CHECKS, 'LastUpdatedBy and Creator' => sub {
+push @CHECKS, 'Links: wrong organization' => sub {
+ my @URI_USES = (
+ { model => 'Transaction', column => 'OldValue', Additional => { Type => 'DeleteLink' } },
+ { model => 'Transaction', column => 'NewValue', Additional => { Type => 'AddLink' } },
+ { model => 'Link', column => 'Target' },
+ { model => 'Link', column => 'Base' },
+ );
+ my $rt_uri = RT::URI::fsck_com_rt->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ my $scheme = $rt_uri->Scheme;
+ my $prefix = $rt_uri->LocalURIPrefix;
+ foreach my $use ( @URI_USES ) {
+ my $table = m2t( $use->{'model'} );
+ my $column = $use->{'column'};
+ my $query = "SELECT id, $column FROM $table WHERE"
+ . " $column LIKE ? AND $column NOT LIKE ?";
+ my @binds = ($scheme ."://%", $prefix ."%");
+ while ( my ($k, $v) = each %{ $use->{'Aditional'} || {} } ) {
+ $query .= " AND $k = ?";
+ push @binds, $v;
+ }
+ my $sth = execute_query( $query, @binds );
+ while ( my ($id, $value) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
+ print STDERR "Record #$id in $table. Value of $column column most probably is an incorrect link\n";
+ my ($wrong_org) = ( $value =~ m{^\Q$scheme\E://(.+)/[^/]+/[0-9]*$} );
+ next unless my $replace_with = prompt(
+ 'Replace',
+ "Column $column in $table is a link. Local links has scheme '$scheme'"
+ ." followed by organization name from the config file. There is record"
+ ." #$id that has scheme '$scheme', but organization is '$wrong_org'."
+ ." Most probably you changed organization, but didn't update links."
+ ." It's ok to replace these wrong links.\n",
+ "Links: wrong organization $wrong_org"
+ );
+ print "Updating record(s) in $table\n" if $opt{'verbose'};
+ my $wrong_prefix = $scheme . '://'. $wrong_org;
+ my $query = "UPDATE $table SET $column = ". sql_concat('?', "SUBSTR($column, ?)")
+ ." WHERE $column LIKE ?";
+ execute_query( $query, $prefix, length($wrong_prefix)+1, $wrong_prefix .'/%' );
+ $redo_check{'Links: wrong organization'} = 1;
+ $redo_check{'Links: LocalX for non-ticket'} = 1;
+ last; # plenty of chances we covered all cases with one update
+ }
+ }
+push @CHECKS, 'Links: LocalX for non-ticket' => sub {
+ my $rt_uri = RT::URI::fsck_com_rt->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ my $scheme = $rt_uri->Scheme;
+ my $prefix = $rt_uri->LocalURIPrefix;
+ my $table = m2t('Link');
+ foreach my $dir ( 'Target', 'Base' ) {
+ my $where = "Local$dir > 0 AND $dir LIKE ? AND $dir NOT LIKE ?";
+ my @binds = ($scheme ."://%", $prefix ."/ticket/%");
+ my $sth = execute_query( "SELECT id FROM $table WHERE $where", @binds );
+ while ( my ($id, $value) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
+ print STDERR "Record #$id in $table. Value of Local$dir is not 0\n";
+ next unless my $replace_with = prompt(
+ 'Replace',
+ "Column Local$dir in $table should be 0 if $dir column is not link"
+ ." to a ticket. It's ok to replace with 0.\n",
+ );
+ print "Updating record(s) in $table\n" if $opt{'verbose'};
+ execute_query( "UPDATE $table SET Local$dir = 0 WHERE $where", @binds );
+ $redo_check{'Links: wrong organization'} = 1;
+ last; # we covered all cases with one update
+ }
+ }
+push @CHECKS, 'Links: LocalX != X' => sub {
+ my $rt_uri = RT::URI::fsck_com_rt->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ my $scheme = $rt_uri->Scheme;
+ my $prefix = $rt_uri->LocalURIPrefix .'/ticket/';
+ my $table = m2t('Link');
+ foreach my $dir ( 'Target', 'Base' ) {
+ # we limit to $dir = */ticket/* so it doesn't conflict with previouse check
+ # previouse check is more important as there was a bug in RT when Local$dir
+ # was set for not tickets
+ my $where = "Local$dir > 0 AND $dir LIKE ? AND $dir != ". sql_concat('?', "Local$dir");
+ my @binds = ($prefix ."%", $prefix);
+ my $sth = execute_query( "SELECT id FROM $table WHERE $where", @binds );
+ while ( my ($id, $value) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
+ print STDERR "Record #$id in $table. Value of $dir doesn't match ticket id in Local$dir\n";
+ next unless my $replace_with = prompt(
+ 'Replace',
+ "For ticket links column $dir in $table table should end with"
+ ." ticket id from Local$dir. It's probably ok to fix $dir column.\n",
+ );
+ print "Updating record(s) in $table\n" if $opt{'verbose'};
+ execute_query(
+ "UPDATE $table SET $dir = ". sql_concat('?', "Local$dir") ." WHERE $where",
+ $prefix, @binds
+ );
+ last; # we covered all cases with one update
+ }
+ }
+push @CHECKS, 'Links: missing object' => sub {
+ my @URI_USES = (
+ { model => 'Transaction', column => 'OldValue', Additional => { Type => 'DeleteLink' } },
+ { model => 'Transaction', column => 'NewValue', Additional => { Type => 'AddLink' } },
+ { model => 'Link', column => 'Target' },
+ { model => 'Link', column => 'Base' },
+ );
+ my $rt_uri = RT::URI::fsck_com_rt->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ my $scheme = $rt_uri->Scheme;
+ my $prefix = $rt_uri->LocalURIPrefix;
+ foreach my $use ( @URI_USES ) {
+ my $stable = m2t( $use->{'model'} );
+ my $scolumn = $use->{'column'};
+ foreach my $tmodel ( @models ) {
+ my $tclass = 'RT::'. $tmodel;
+ my $ttable = m2t($tmodel);
+ my $tprefix = $prefix .'/'. ($tclass eq 'RT::Ticket'? 'ticket' : $tclass) .'/';
+ my $query = "SELECT s.id FROM $stable s LEFT JOIN $ttable t "
+ ." ON t.id = ". sql_str2int("SUBSTR(s.$scolumn, ?)")
+ ." WHERE s.$scolumn LIKE ? AND t.id IS NULL";
+ my @binds = (length($tprefix) + 1, $tprefix.'%');
+ while ( my ($k, $v) = each %{ $use->{'Aditional'} || {} } ) {
+ $query .= " AND s.$k = ?";
+ push @binds, $v;
+ }
+ my $sth = execute_query( $query, @binds );
+ while ( my ($sid) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
+ print STDERR "Link in $scolumn column in record #$sid in $stable table points"
+ ." to not existing object.\n";
+ next unless prompt(
+ 'Delete',
+ "Column $scolumn in $stable table is a link to an object that doesn't exist."
+ ." You can delete such records, however make sure there is no other"
+ ." errors with links.\n",
+ 'Link to a missing object in $ttable'
+ );
+ delete_record($stable, $sid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
@do_check = do { my $i = 1; grep $i++%2, @CHECKS };
@@ -945,7 +1099,8 @@ sub check_integrity {
print STDERR "\t$scols[$i] => '$set[$i]' => $tcols[$i]\n";
print STDERR "\t". describe( $stable, $sid ) ."\n";
- $args{'action'}->( $sid, map { $scols[$_] => $set[$_] } (0 .. (@scols-1)) ) if $args{'action'};
+ $args{'action'}->( $sid, map { $scols[$_] => $set[$_] } (0 .. (@scols-1)) )
+ if $args{'action'};
@@ -1059,6 +1214,24 @@ sub execute_query {
return $sth;
+sub sql_concat {
+ return $_[0] if @_ <= 1;
+ my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+ if ( $db_type eq 'Pg' ) {
+ return '('. join( ' || ', @_ ) .')';
+ }
+ return sql_concat('CONCAT('. join( ', ', splice @_, 0, 2 ).')', @_);
+sub sql_str2int {
+ my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+ if ( $db_type eq 'Pg' ) {
+ return "($_[0])::integer";
+ }
+ return $_[0];
{ my %cached_answer;
sub prompt {
my $action = shift;
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