[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.0/search-tabs, updated. rt-4.0.0rc6-31-g48ba346
Shawn Moore
sartak at bestpractical.com
Mon Mar 14 14:52:38 EDT 2011
The branch, 4.0/search-tabs has been updated
via 48ba3468a1e6b349943c68ea3826db7cc5940423 (commit)
from d1d03343e95a872434e60004b0d1e74157e8f128 (commit)
Summary of changes:
share/html/Search/Build.html | 215 ++-----------------------------
share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches | 214 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 203 deletions(-)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 48ba3468a1e6b349943c68ea3826db7cc5940423
Author: Shawn M Moore <sartak at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Mar 14 14:28:40 2011 -0400
Move the Search/Build regenerate logic into EditSearches
diff --git a/share/html/Search/Build.html b/share/html/Search/Build.html
index 494bdcf..6cce850 100644
--- a/share/html/Search/Build.html
+++ b/share/html/Search/Build.html
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
<form method="post" action="Build.html" name="BuildQuery" id="BuildQuery">
<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="SavedSearchId" value="<% $saved_search{'Id'} %>" />
-<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="SavedChartSearchId" value="<% $ARGS{'SavedChartSearchId'} %>" />
+<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="SavedChartSearchId" value="<% $SavedChartSearchId %>" />
<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="Query" value="<% $query{'Query'} %>" />
<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="Format" value="<% $query{'Format'} %>" />
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
<div id="pick-criteria">
- <& Elements/PickCriteria, query => $query{'Query'}, cfqueues => $queues &>
+ <& Elements/PickCriteria, query => $query{'Query'}, cfqueues => \%cfqueues &>
<& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc('Add these terms'), Name => 'AddClause'&>
<& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc('Add these terms and Search'), Name => 'DoSearch'&>
@@ -107,212 +107,21 @@
-use RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder;
-use RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree;
-$ARGS{SavedChartSearchId} ||= 'new';
my $title = loc("Query Builder");
-my %query;
-for( qw(Query Format OrderBy Order RowsPerPage) ) {
- $query{$_} = $ARGS{$_};
-my %saved_search;
-my @actions = $m->comp( 'Elements/EditSearches:Init', %ARGS, Query => \%query, SavedSearch => \%saved_search);
-if ( $NewQuery ) {
- # Wipe all data-carrying variables clear if we want a new
- # search, or we're deleting an old one..
- %query = ();
- %saved_search = ( Id => 'new' );
- # ..then wipe the session out..
- delete $session{'CurrentSearchHash'};
- # ..and the search results.
- $session{'tickets'}->CleanSlate if defined $session{'tickets'};
-{ # Attempt to load what we can from the session and preferences, set defaults
- my $current = $session{'CurrentSearchHash'};
- my $prefs = $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->Preferences("SearchDisplay") || {};
- my $default = { Query => '', Format => '', OrderBy => 'id', Order => 'ASC', RowsPerPage => 50 };
- for( qw(Query Format OrderBy Order RowsPerPage) ) {
- $query{$_} = $current->{$_} unless defined $query{$_};
- $query{$_} = $prefs->{$_} unless defined $query{$_};
- $query{$_} = $default->{$_} unless defined $query{$_};
- }
- for( qw(Order OrderBy) ) {
- if (ref $query{$_} eq "ARRAY") {
- $query{$_} = join( '|', @{ $query{$_} } );
- }
- }
- if ( $query{'Format'} ) {
- # Clean unwanted junk from the format
- $query{'Format'} = $m->comp( '/Elements/ScrubHTML', Content => $query{'Format'} );
- }
-my $ParseQuery = sub {
- my ($string, $results) = @_;
- my $tree = RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree->new('AND');
- @$results = $tree->ParseSQL( Query => $string, CurrentUser => $session{'CurrentUser'} );
- return $tree;
-my @parse_results;
-my $tree = $ParseQuery->( $query{'Query'}, \@parse_results );
-# if parsing went poorly, send them to the edit page to fix it
-if ( @parse_results ) {
- push @actions, @parse_results;
- return $m->comp(
- "Edit.html",
- Query => $query{'Query'},
- Format => $query{'Format'},
- SavedSearchId => $saved_search{'Id'},
- actions => \@actions,
- );
-my @options = $tree->GetDisplayedNodes;
-my @current_values = grep defined, @options[@clauses];
-my @new_values = ();
-# Try to find if we're adding a clause
-foreach my $arg ( keys %ARGS ) {
- next unless $arg =~ m/^ValueOf(\w+|'CF.{.*?}')$/
- && ( ref $ARGS{$arg} eq "ARRAY"
- ? grep $_ ne '', @{ $ARGS{$arg} }
- : $ARGS{$arg} ne '' );
- # We're adding a $1 clause
- my $field = $1;
- my ($op, $value);
- #figure out if it's a grouping
- my $keyword = $ARGS{ $field . "Field" } || $field;
- my ( @ops, @values );
- if ( ref $ARGS{ 'ValueOf' . $field } eq "ARRAY" ) {
- # we have many keys/values to iterate over, because there is
- # more than one CF with the same name.
- @ops = @{ $ARGS{ $field . 'Op' } };
- @values = @{ $ARGS{ 'ValueOf' . $field } };
- }
- else {
- @ops = ( $ARGS{ $field . 'Op' } );
- @values = ( $ARGS{ 'ValueOf' . $field } );
- }
- $RT::Logger->error("Bad Parameters passed into Query Builder")
- unless @ops == @values;
- for ( my $i = 0; $i < @ops; $i++ ) {
- my ( $op, $value ) = ( $ops[$i], $values[$i] );
- next if !defined $value || $value eq '';
- if ( $value eq 'NULL' && $op =~ /=/ ) {
- if ( $op eq '=' ) {
- $op = "IS";
- }
- elsif ( $op eq '!=' ) {
- $op = "IS NOT";
- }
- # This isn't "right", but...
- # It has to be this way until #5182 is fixed
- $value = "'NULL'";
- }
- else {
- $value =~ s/'/\\'/g;
- $value = "'$value'" unless $value =~ /^\d+$/;
- }
- my $clause = {
- Key => $keyword,
- Op => $op,
- Value => $value
- };
- push @new_values, RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree->new($clause);
- }
-push @actions, $m->comp('Elements/EditQuery:Process',
+my (%saved_search, %query, $optionlist, %cfqueues, $AvailableColumns, $CurrentFormat);
+my @actions = $m->comp('Elements/EditSearches:Regenerate',
- Tree => $tree,
- Selected => \@current_values,
- New => \@new_values,
+ saved_search => \%saved_search,
+ query => \%query,
+ optionlist => \$optionlist,
+ cfqueues => \%cfqueues,
+ AvailableColumns => \$AvailableColumns,
+ CurrentFormat => \$CurrentFormat,
+ SavedChartSearchId => \$SavedChartSearchId,
-# Rebuild $Query based on the additions / movements
-my $optionlist_arrayref;
-($query{'Query'}, $optionlist_arrayref) = $tree->GetQueryAndOptionList(\@current_values);
-my $optionlist = join "\n", map { qq(<option value="$_->{INDEX}" $_->{SELECTED}>)
- . (" " x (5 * $_->{DEPTH}))
- . $m->interp->apply_escapes($_->{TEXT}, 'h') . qq(</option>) } @$optionlist_arrayref;
-my $queues = $tree->GetReferencedQueues;
-# Deal with format changes
-my ( $AvailableColumns, $CurrentFormat );
-( $query{'Format'}, $AvailableColumns, $CurrentFormat ) = $m->comp(
- 'Elements/BuildFormatString',
- %ARGS,
- cfqueues => $queues,
- Format => $query{'Format'},
-# if we're asked to save the current search, save it
-push @actions, $m->comp( 'Elements/EditSearches:Save', %ARGS, Query => \%query, SavedSearch => \%saved_search);
-# Push the updates into the session so we don't lose 'em
-$session{'CurrentSearchHash'} = {
- %query,
- SearchId => $saved_search{'Id'},
- Object => $saved_search{'Object'},
- Description => $saved_search{'Description'},
-# Show the results, if we were asked.
-if ( $ARGS{'DoSearch'} ) {
- $m->comp( 'Results.html', %query, SavedChartSearchId => $ARGS{'SavedChartSearchId'}, );
- $m->comp( '/Elements/Footer' );
- $m->abort;
-# Build a querystring for the tabs
-my $QueryString = '';
-if ($NewQuery) {
- $QueryString = 'NewQuery=1';
-elsif ( $query{'Query'} ) {
- $QueryString = $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', %query );
-$NewQuery => 0
- at clauses => ()
+$SavedChartSearchId => 'new'
diff --git a/share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches b/share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches
index 7f2f9f6..c87a1b4 100644
--- a/share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches
+++ b/share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches
@@ -321,3 +321,217 @@ return @results;
+<%METHOD Regenerate>
+$NewQuery => 0
+ at clauses => ()
+use RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder;
+use RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree;
+$$SavedChartSearchId ||= 'new';
+for( qw(Query Format OrderBy Order RowsPerPage) ) {
+ $query->{$_} = $ARGS{$_};
+my @actions = $m->comp( 'EditSearches:Init', %ARGS, Query => $query, SavedSearch => $saved_search);
+if ( $NewQuery ) {
+ # Wipe all data-carrying variables clear if we want a new
+ # search, or we're deleting an old one..
+ %$query = ();
+ %$saved_search = ( Id => 'new' );
+ # ..then wipe the session out..
+ delete $session{'CurrentSearchHash'};
+ # ..and the search results.
+ $session{'tickets'}->CleanSlate if defined $session{'tickets'};
+{ # Attempt to load what we can from the session and preferences, set defaults
+ my $current = $session{'CurrentSearchHash'};
+ my $prefs = $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->Preferences("SearchDisplay") || {};
+ my $default = { Query => '', Format => '', OrderBy => 'id', Order => 'ASC', RowsPerPage => 50 };
+ for( qw(Query Format OrderBy Order RowsPerPage) ) {
+ $query->{$_} = $current->{$_} unless defined $query->{$_};
+ $query->{$_} = $prefs->{$_} unless defined $query->{$_};
+ $query->{$_} = $default->{$_} unless defined $query->{$_};
+ }
+ for( qw(Order OrderBy) ) {
+ if (ref $query->{$_} eq "ARRAY") {
+ $query->{$_} = join( '|', @{ $query->{$_} } );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $query->{'Format'} ) {
+ # Clean unwanted junk from the format
+ $query->{'Format'} = $m->comp( '/Elements/ScrubHTML', Content => $query->{'Format'} );
+ }
+my $ParseQuery = sub {
+ my ($string, $results) = @_;
+ my $tree = RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree->new('AND');
+ @$results = $tree->ParseSQL( Query => $string, CurrentUser => $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ return $tree;
+my @parse_results;
+my $tree = $ParseQuery->( $query->{'Query'}, \@parse_results );
+# if parsing went poorly, send them to the edit page to fix it
+if ( @parse_results ) {
+ push @actions, @parse_results;
+ return $m->comp(
+ "Edit.html",
+ Query => $query->{'Query'},
+ Format => $query->{'Format'},
+ SavedSearchId => $saved_search->{'Id'},
+ actions => \@actions,
+ );
+my @options = $tree->GetDisplayedNodes;
+my @current_values = grep defined, @options[@clauses];
+my @new_values = ();
+# Try to find if we're adding a clause
+foreach my $arg ( keys %ARGS ) {
+ next unless $arg =~ m/^ValueOf(\w+|'CF.{.*?}')$/
+ && ( ref $ARGS{$arg} eq "ARRAY"
+ ? grep $_ ne '', @{ $ARGS{$arg} }
+ : $ARGS{$arg} ne '' );
+ # We're adding a $1 clause
+ my $field = $1;
+ my ($op, $value);
+ #figure out if it's a grouping
+ my $keyword = $ARGS{ $field . "Field" } || $field;
+ my ( @ops, @values );
+ if ( ref $ARGS{ 'ValueOf' . $field } eq "ARRAY" ) {
+ # we have many keys/values to iterate over, because there is
+ # more than one CF with the same name.
+ @ops = @{ $ARGS{ $field . 'Op' } };
+ @values = @{ $ARGS{ 'ValueOf' . $field } };
+ }
+ else {
+ @ops = ( $ARGS{ $field . 'Op' } );
+ @values = ( $ARGS{ 'ValueOf' . $field } );
+ }
+ $RT::Logger->error("Bad Parameters passed into Query Builder")
+ unless @ops == @values;
+ for ( my $i = 0; $i < @ops; $i++ ) {
+ my ( $op, $value ) = ( $ops[$i], $values[$i] );
+ next if !defined $value || $value eq '';
+ if ( $value eq 'NULL' && $op =~ /=/ ) {
+ if ( $op eq '=' ) {
+ $op = "IS";
+ }
+ elsif ( $op eq '!=' ) {
+ $op = "IS NOT";
+ }
+ # This isn't "right", but...
+ # It has to be this way until #5182 is fixed
+ $value = "'NULL'";
+ }
+ else {
+ $value =~ s/'/\\'/g;
+ $value = "'$value'" unless $value =~ /^\d+$/;
+ }
+ my $clause = {
+ Key => $keyword,
+ Op => $op,
+ Value => $value
+ };
+ push @new_values, RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree->new($clause);
+ }
+push @actions, $m->comp('EditQuery:Process',
+ %ARGS,
+ Tree => $tree,
+ Selected => \@current_values,
+ New => \@new_values,
+# Rebuild $Query based on the additions / movements
+my $optionlist_arrayref;
+($query->{'Query'}, $optionlist_arrayref) = $tree->GetQueryAndOptionList(\@current_values);
+$$optionlist = join "\n", map { qq(<option value="$_->{INDEX}" $_->{SELECTED}>)
+ . (" " x (5 * $_->{DEPTH}))
+ . $m->interp->apply_escapes($_->{TEXT}, 'h') . qq(</option>) } @$optionlist_arrayref;
+%$cfqueues = %{ $tree->GetReferencedQueues };
+# Deal with format changes
+( $query->{'Format'}, $$AvailableColumns, $$CurrentFormat ) = $m->comp(
+ 'BuildFormatString',
+ %ARGS,
+ cfqueues => $cfqueues,
+ Format => $query->{'Format'},
+# if we're asked to save the current search, save it
+push @actions, $m->comp( 'EditSearches:Save', %ARGS, Query => $query, SavedSearch => $saved_search);
+# Push the updates into the session so we don't lose 'em
+$session{'CurrentSearchHash'} = {
+ %$query,
+ SearchId => $saved_search->{'Id'},
+ Object => $saved_search->{'Object'},
+ Description => $saved_search->{'Description'},
+# Show the results, if we were asked.
+if ( $ARGS{'DoSearch'} ) {
+ $m->comp( '/Search/Results.html', %$query, SavedChartSearchId => $$SavedChartSearchId );
+ $m->comp( '/Elements/Footer' );
+ $m->abort;
+# Build a querystring for the tabs
+my $QueryString = '';
+if ($NewQuery) {
+ $QueryString = 'NewQuery=1';
+elsif ( $query->{'Query'} ) {
+ $QueryString = $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', %$query );
+return @actions;
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