[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.0/test-warnings, updated. rt-4.0.0-180-gbe279e5
Shawn Moore
sartak at bestpractical.com
Tue May 3 13:39:01 EDT 2011
The branch, 4.0/test-warnings has been updated
via be279e5f4594a64996300070a84ad8c6d556aca4 (commit)
from c9569e64752cce0da3f1fd640301608876b06acc (commit)
Summary of changes:
t/mail/crypt-gnupg.t | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
1 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit be279e5f4594a64996300070a84ad8c6d556aca4
Author: Shawn M Moore <sartak at bestpractical.com>
Date: Tue May 3 13:36:08 2011 -0400
use Test::Warn for most of t/mail/crypt-gnupg.t
See also: http://issues.bestpractical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=17275
which shows there are warnings we aren't testing yet, since the old
style "collect all warnings into one string and do a single regex
match" was hiding them.
diff --git a/t/mail/crypt-gnupg.t b/t/mail/crypt-gnupg.t
index 7c47d51..fd75928 100644
--- a/t/mail/crypt-gnupg.t
+++ b/t/mail/crypt-gnupg.t
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ BEGIN {
use RT::Test::GnuPG tests => 96, gnupg_options => { homedir => $homedir };
+use Test::Warn;
@@ -77,17 +78,21 @@ diag 'only signing. missing passphrase';
diag 'only signing. wrong passphrase';
- my $warnings;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- $warnings .= "@_";
- };
my $entity = MIME::Entity->build(
From => 'rt at example.com',
Subject => 'test',
Data => ['test'],
- my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Encrypt => 0, Passphrase => 'wrong' );
+ my %res;
+ warning_like {
+ %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt(
+ Entity => $entity,
+ Encrypt => 0,
+ Passphrase => 'wrong',
+ );
+ } qr/bad passphrase/;
ok( $res{'exit_code'}, "couldn't sign with bad passphrase");
ok( $res{'error'} || $res{'logger'}, "error is here" );
@@ -95,8 +100,6 @@ diag 'only signing. wrong passphrase';
is( scalar @status, 1, 'one record');
is( $status[0]->{'Operation'}, 'PassphraseCheck', 'operation is correct');
is( $status[0]->{'Status'}, 'BAD', 'wrong passphrase');
- like($warnings, qr/bad passphrase/);
diag 'encryption only';
@@ -127,26 +130,27 @@ diag 'encryption only';
diag 'encryption only, bad recipient';
- my $warnings;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- $warnings .= "@_";
- };
my $entity = MIME::Entity->build(
From => 'rt at example.com',
To => 'keyless at example.com',
Subject => 'test',
Data => ['test'],
- my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Sign => 0 );
+ my %res;
+ warning_like {
+ %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt(
+ Entity => $entity,
+ Sign => 0,
+ );
+ } qr/public key not found/;
ok( $res{'exit_code'}, 'no way to encrypt without keys of recipients');
ok( $res{'logger'}, "errors are in logger" );
my @status = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::ParseStatus( $res{'status'} );
is( scalar @status, 1, 'one record');
is( $status[0]->{'Keyword'}, 'INV_RECP', 'invalid recipient');
- like($warnings, qr/public key not found/);
diag 'encryption and signing with combined method';
@@ -226,48 +230,51 @@ diag 'find signed/encrypted part deep inside';
diag 'wrong signed/encrypted parts: no protocol';
- my $warnings;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- $warnings .= "@_";
- };
my $entity = MIME::Entity->build(
From => 'rt at example.com',
To => 'rt at example.com',
Subject => 'test',
Data => ['test'],
- my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Sign => 0 );
+ my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt(
+ Entity => $entity,
+ Sign => 0,
+ );
ok( !$res{'exit_code'}, 'success' );
$entity->head->mime_attr( 'Content-Type.protocol' => undef );
- my @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity );
- is( scalar @parts, 0, 'no protected parts' );
+ my @parts;
+ warning_like {
+ @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity );
+ } qr{Entity is 'multipart/encrypted', but has no protocol defined. Skipped};
- like($warnings, qr{Entity is 'multipart/encrypted', but has no protocol defined. Skipped});
+ is( scalar @parts, 0, 'no protected parts' );
diag 'wrong signed/encrypted parts: not enought parts';
- my $warnings;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- $warnings .= "@_";
- };
my $entity = MIME::Entity->build(
From => 'rt at example.com',
To => 'rt at example.com',
Subject => 'test',
Data => ['test'],
- my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt( Entity => $entity, Sign => 0 );
+ my %res = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::SignEncrypt(
+ Entity => $entity,
+ Sign => 0,
+ );
ok( !$res{'exit_code'}, 'success' );
$entity->parts([ $entity->parts(0) ]);
- my @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity );
+ my @parts;
+ warning_like {
+ @parts = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::FindProtectedParts( Entity => $entity );
+ } qr/Encrypted or signed entity must has two subparts. Skipped/;
is( scalar @parts, 0, 'no protected parts' );
- like($warnings, qr/Encrypted or signed entity must has two subparts. Skipped/);
diag 'wrong signed/encrypted parts: wrong proto';
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