[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.0/base64-in-rescue-outlook, created. rt-4.0.5-116-g736d274

Jim Brandt jbrandt at bestpractical.com
Thu Aug 16 12:34:17 EDT 2012

The branch, 4.0/base64-in-rescue-outlook has been created
        at  736d274b856d1e99de0e1e7fab13a1ec60b25b33 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 237245d3362ea1ce4d24e1b6f3c6c436f1d372c4
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Sun Feb 26 19:51:57 2012 +0800

    remove css3pie stuff as it brings more harm than good.
    it has z-index and background issues that bother us(#19044 and #19455)
    and also may lock up ie8(#17896)
    we use css3pie is for round corners on ie7 and ie8, maybe creating an
    extension for this is more right.

diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/aileron/InHeader b/share/html/NoAuth/css/aileron/InHeader
index aff24d8..e6d4cb3 100644
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/css/aileron/InHeader
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/css/aileron/InHeader
@@ -45,9 +45,6 @@
 %# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<!--[if (lt IE 9)&(gt IE 6)]>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/NoAuth/css/aileron/msie-pie.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
 <!--[if lt IE 8]>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/NoAuth/css/aileron/msie.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/aileron/msie-pie.css b/share/html/NoAuth/css/aileron/msie-pie.css
deleted file mode 100644
index baa9ebe..0000000
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/css/aileron/msie-pie.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2012 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
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-.ticket-transaction div.metadata span.actions,
-div#ticket-history div.downloadattachment, 
-.ticket-transaction div.metadata  span.type,
-.titlebox .titlebox-title .right,
-.titlebox .titlebox-title .left,
-div#body {
-    behavior: url(<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/NoAuth/css/images/PIE.htc);
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/images/PIE.htc b/share/html/NoAuth/css/images/PIE.htc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a40cef..0000000
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/css/images/PIE.htc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-PIE: CSS3 rendering for IE
-Version 1.0beta2
-Dual-licensed for use under the Apache License Version 2.0 or the General Public License (GPL) Version 2.
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-function cleanup(){var a,b;if(K){a=0;for(b=K.length;a<b;a++)K[a].h();K=null}L=null;if(M){a=0;for(b=M.length;a<b;a++){M[a].detachEvent("onpropertychange",N);M[a].detachEvent("onmouseenter",mouseEntered);M[a].detachEvent("onmouseleave",mouseLeft)}M=null}D.oa===8&&D.Ca.remove(update)}
-function init(){if(!K){var a=element;a.runtimeStyle.zoom=1;L={I:new D.mb(a),$:new D.qb(a),z:new D.ob(a),s:new D.sa(a),A:new D.tb(a),eb:new D.xb(a)};var b=new D.vb(a,L);K=[b,new D.sb(a,L,b),new D.lb(a,L,b),new D.rb(a,L,b),new D.pb(a,L,b),new D.nb(a,L,b)];var c=element;if(a=c.currentStyle.getAttribute(D.T+"watch-ancestors")){M=[];a=parseInt(a,10);b=0;for(c=c.parentNode;c&&(a==="NaN"||b++<a);){M.push(c);c.attachEvent("onpropertychange",N);c.attachEvent("onmouseenter",mouseEntered);c.attachEvent("onmouseleave",
-    </script>
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/InHeader b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/InHeader
index 408a541..a083eec 100644
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/InHeader
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/InHeader
@@ -73,6 +73,3 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function(){
     jQuery("#prefs-menu").addClass("sf-menu sf-js-enabled").supersubs().superfish().supposition({ speed: 'fast' });
-<!--[if (lt IE 9)&(gt IE 6)]>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/NoAuth/css/web2/msie-pie.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/msie-pie.css b/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/msie-pie.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 73d76d0..0000000
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/msie-pie.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2012 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
-%#                                          <sales at bestpractical.com>
-%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
-%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
-%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
-%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
-%# from www.gnu.org.
-%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-%# General Public License for more details.
-%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
-%# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
-%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
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-%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
-%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
-%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
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-.ticket-transaction div.metadata span.actions,
-div#ticket-history div.downloadattachment, 
-.ticket-transaction div.metadata  span.type,
-.titlebox .titlebox-title .right,
-.titlebox .titlebox-title .left,
-div#body {
-    behavior: url(<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/NoAuth/css/images/PIE.htc);

commit a0872aea268662d85c9aabe13968ac263cca9fdf
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Feb 27 23:57:21 2012 +0800

    forgot to delete devel/third-party/PIE_uncompressed.htc

diff --git a/devel/third-party/PIE_uncompressed.htc b/devel/third-party/PIE_uncompressed.htc
deleted file mode 100644
index 78b2a36..0000000
--- a/devel/third-party/PIE_uncompressed.htc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3064 +0,0 @@
-PIE: CSS3 rendering for IE
-Version 1.0beta2
-Dual-licensed for use under the Apache License Version 2.0 or the General Public License (GPL) Version 2.
-<PUBLIC:COMPONENT lightWeight="true">
-    <PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onresize" FOR="element" ONEVENT="update()" />
-    <PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onresize" FOR="window" ONEVENT="update()" />
-    <PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onmove" FOR="element" ONEVENT="update()" />
-    <PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onpropertychange" FOR="element" ONEVENT="propChanged()" />
-    <PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onmouseenter" FOR="element" ONEVENT="mouseEntered()" />
-    <PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onmouseleave" FOR="element" ONEVENT="mouseLeft()" />
-    <PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="oncontentready" FOR="element" ONEVENT="update()" />
-    <PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="ondocumentready" FOR="element" ONEVENT="update()" />
-    <PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="ondetach" FOR="element" ONEVENT="cleanup()" />
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-var PIE = window['PIE'];
-if( !PIE ) {
-    PIE = window['PIE'] = {
-        CSS_PREFIX: '-pie-',
-        STYLE_PREFIX: 'Pie',
-        CLASS_PREFIX: 'pie_'
-    };
-    // Detect IE6
-    if( !window.XMLHttpRequest ) {
-        PIE.isIE6 = true;
-        // IE6 can't access properties with leading dash, but can without it.
-        PIE.CSS_PREFIX = PIE.CSS_PREFIX.replace( /^-/, '' );
-    }
-    // Detect IE8
-    PIE.ie8DocMode = element.document.documentMode;
-    PIE.isIE8 = !!PIE.ie8DocMode;
-    // Set up polling - this is a brute-force workaround for issues in IE8 caused by it not
-    // always firing the onmove and onresize events when elements are moved or resized.
-    if( PIE.ie8DocMode === 8 ) {
-        PIE.ie8Poller = {
-            fns: {},
-            add: function( fn ) {
-                var id = fn.id || ( fn.id = '' + new Date().getTime() + Math.random() );
-                this.fns[ id ] = fn;
-            },
-            remove: function( fn ) {
-                delete this.fns[ fn.id ];
-            },
-            fire: function() {
-                var fns = this.fns, id;
-                for( id in fns ) {
-                    if( fns.hasOwnProperty( id ) ) {
-                        fns[ id ]();
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        setInterval( function() { PIE.ie8Poller.fire() }, 250 )
-    }
- * Utility functions
- */
-PIE.Util = {
-    /**
-     * To create a VML element, it must be created by a Document which has the VML
-     * namespace set. Unfortunately, if you try to add the namespace programatically
-     * into the main document, you will get an "Unspecified error" when trying to
-     * access document.namespaces before the document is finished loading. To get
-     * around this, we create a DocumentFragment, which in IE land is apparently a
-     * full-fledged Document. It allows adding namespaces immediately, so we add the
-     * namespace there and then have it create the VML element.
-     * @param {string} tag The tag name for the VML element
-     * @return {Element} The new VML element
-     */
-    createVmlElement: function( tag ) {
-        var vmlPrefix = 'css3vml',
-            vmlDoc = PIE._vmlCreatorDoc;
-        if( !vmlDoc ) {
-            vmlDoc = PIE._vmlCreatorDoc = element.document.createDocumentFragment();
-            vmlDoc.namespaces.add( vmlPrefix, 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml' );
-        }
-        return vmlDoc.createElement( vmlPrefix + ':' + tag );
-    },
-    /**
-     * Simple utility for merging objects
-     * @param {Object} obj1 The main object into which all others will be merged
-     * @param {...Object} var_args Other objects which will be merged into the first, in order
-     */
-    merge: function( obj1 ) {
-        var i, len, p, objN, args = arguments;
-        for( i = 1, len = args.length; i < len; i++ ) {
-            objN = args[i];
-            for( p in objN ) {
-                if( objN.hasOwnProperty( p ) ) {
-                    obj1[ p ] = objN[ p ];
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return obj1;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Execute a callback function, passing it the dimensions of a given image once
-     * they are known.
-     * @param {string} src The source URL of the image
-     * @param {function({w:number, h:number})} func The callback function to be called once the image dimensions are known
-     * @param {Object} ctx A context object which will be used as the 'this' value within the executed callback function
-     */
-    withImageSize: function( src, func, ctx ) {
-        var sizes = PIE._imgSizes || ( PIE._imgSizes = {} ),
-            size = sizes[ src ], img;
-        if( size ) {
-            func.call( ctx, size );
-        } else {
-            img = new Image();
-            img.onload = function() {
-                size = sizes[ src ] = { w: img.width, h: img.height };
-                func.call( ctx, size );
-                img.onload = null;
-            };
-            img.src = src;
-        }
-    }
- * Wrapper for length and percentage style values
- * @constructor
- * @param {string} val The CSS string representing the length. It is assumed that this will already have
- *                 been validated as a valid length or percentage syntax.
- */
-PIE.Length = (function() {
-    function Length( val ) {
-        this.val = val;
-    }
-    Length.prototype = {
-        /**
-         * Regular expression for matching the length unit
-         * @private
-         */
-        unitRE: /(px|em|ex|mm|cm|in|pt|pc|%)$/,
-        /**
-         * Get the numeric value of the length
-         * @return {number} The value
-         */
-        getNumber: function() {
-            var num = this._number;
-            if( num === undefined ) {
-                num = this._number = parseFloat( this.val );
-            }
-            return num;
-        },
-        /**
-         * Get the unit of the length
-         * @return {string} The unit
-         */
-        getUnit: function() {
-            var unit = this._unit, m;
-            if( !unit ) {
-                m = this.val.match( this.unitRE );
-                unit = this._unit = ( m && m[0] ) || 'px';
-            }
-            return unit;
-        },
-        /**
-         * Determine whether this is a percentage length value
-         * @return {boolean}
-         */
-        isPercentage: function() {
-            return this.getUnit() === '%';
-        },
-        /**
-         * Resolve this length into a number of pixels.
-         * @param {Element} el - the context element, used to resolve font-relative values
-         * @param {(function():number|number)=} pct100 - the number of pixels that equal a 100% percentage. This can be either a number or a
-         *                  function which will be called to return the number.
-         */
-        pixels: function( el, pct100 ) {
-            var num = this.getNumber(),
-                unit = this.getUnit();
-            switch( unit ) {
-                case "px":
-                    return num;
-                case "%":
-                    return num * ( typeof pct100 === 'function' ? pct100() : pct100 ) / 100;
-                case "em":
-                    return num * this.getEmPixels( el );
-                case "ex":
-                    return num * this.getEmPixels( el ) / 2;
-                default:
-                    return num * Length.conversions[ unit ];
-            }
-        },
-        /**
-         * The em and ex units are relative to the font-size of the current element,
-         * however if the font-size is set using non-pixel units then we get that value
-         * rather than a pixel conversion. To get around this, we keep a floating element
-         * with width:1em which we insert into the target element and then read its offsetWidth.
-         * But if the font-size *is* specified in pixels, then we use that directly to avoid
-         * the expensive DOM manipulation.
-         * @param el
-         */
-        getEmPixels: function( el ) {
-            var fs = el.currentStyle.fontSize,
-                tester, s, px;
-            if( fs.indexOf( 'px' ) > 0 ) {
-                return parseFloat( fs );
-            } else {
-                tester = this._tester;
-                if( !tester ) {
-                    tester = this._tester = el.document.createElement( 'length-calc' );
-                    s = tester.style;
-                    s.width = '1em';
-                    s.position = 'absolute';
-                    s.top = s.left = -9999;
-                }
-                el.appendChild( tester );
-                px = tester.offsetWidth;
-                el.removeChild( tester );
-                return px;
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    Length.conversions = (function() {
-        var units = [ 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'pt', 'pc' ],
-            vals = {},
-            parent = element.parentNode,
-            i = 0, len = units.length, unit, el, s;
-        for( ; i < len; i++ ) {
-            unit = units[i];
-            el = element.document.createElement( 'length-calc' );
-            s = el.style;
-            s.position = 'absolute';
-            s.top = s.left = -9999;
-            s.width = '100' + unit;
-            parent.appendChild( el );
-            vals[ unit ] = el.offsetWidth / 100;
-            parent.removeChild( el );
-        }
-        return vals;
-    })();
-    Length.ZERO = new Length( '0' );
-    return Length;
- * Wrapper for a CSS3 bg-position value. Takes up to 2 position keywords and 2 lengths/percentages.
- * @constructor
- * @param {Array.<PIE.Tokenizer.Token>} tokens The tokens making up the background position value.
- */
-PIE.BgPosition = (function() {
-    function BgPosition( tokens ) {
-        this.tokens = tokens;
-    }
-    BgPosition.prototype = {
-        /**
-         * Normalize the values into the form:
-         * [ xOffsetSide, xOffsetLength, yOffsetSide, yOffsetLength ]
-         * where: xOffsetSide is either 'left' or 'right',
-         *        yOffsetSide is either 'top' or 'bottom',
-         *        and x/yOffsetLength are both PIE.Length objects.
-         * @return {Array}
-         */
-        getValues: function() {
-            if( !this._values ) {
-                var tokens = this.tokens,
-                    len = tokens.length,
-                    length_zero = PIE.Length.ZERO,
-                    length_fifty = new PIE.Length( '50%' ),
-                    type_ident = PIE.Tokenizer.Type.IDENT,
-                    type_length = PIE.Tokenizer.Type.LENGTH,
-                    type_percent = PIE.Tokenizer.Type.PERCENT,
-                    type, value,
-                    vert_idents = { 'top': 1, 'center': 1, 'bottom': 1 },
-                    horiz_idents = { 'left': 1, 'center': 1, 'right': 1 },
-                    vals = [ 'left', length_zero, 'top', length_zero ];
-                // If only one value, the second is assumed to be 'center'
-                if( len === 1 ) {
-                    tokens.push( { type: type_ident, value: 'center' } );
-                    len++;
-                }
-                // Two values - CSS2
-                if( len === 2 ) {
-                    // If both idents, they can appear in either order, so switch them if needed
-                    if( type_ident & ( tokens[0].type | tokens[1].type ) &&
-                        tokens[0].value in vert_idents && tokens[1].value in horiz_idents ) {
-                        tokens.push( tokens.shift() );
-                    }
-                    if( tokens[0].type & type_ident ) {
-                        if( tokens[0].value === 'center' ) {
-                            vals[1] = length_fifty;
-                        } else {
-                            vals[0] = tokens[0].value;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else if( tokens[0].isLengthOrPercent() ) {
-                        vals[1] = new PIE.Length( tokens[0].value );
-                    }
-                    if( tokens[1].type & type_ident ) {
-                        if( tokens[1].value === 'center' ) {
-                            vals[3] = length_fifty;
-                        } else {
-                            vals[2] = tokens[1].value;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else if( tokens[1].isLengthOrPercent() ) {
-                        vals[3] = new PIE.Length( tokens[1].value );
-                    }
-                }
-                // Three or four values - CSS3
-                else {
-                    // TODO
-                }
-                this._values = vals;
-            }
-            return this._values;
-        },
-        /**
-         * Find the coordinates of the background image from the upper-left corner of the background area
-         * @param {Element} el
-         * @param {number} width - the width for percentages (background area width minus image width)
-         * @param {number} height - the height for percentages (background area height minus image height)
-         * @return {Object} { x: Number, y: Number }
-         */
-        coords: function( el, width, height ) {
-            var vals = this.getValues(),
-                pxX = vals[1].pixels( el, width ),
-                pxY = vals[3].pixels( el, height );
-            return {
-                x: Math.round( vals[0] === 'right' ? width - pxX : pxX ),
-                y: Math.round( vals[2] === 'bottom' ? height - pxY : pxY )
-            };
-        }
-    };
-    return BgPosition;
- * Wrapper for angle values; handles conversion to degrees from all allowed angle units
- * @constructor
- * @param {string} val The raw CSS value for the angle. It is assumed it has been pre-validated.
- */
-PIE.Angle = (function() {
-    function Angle( val ) {
-        this.val = val;
-    }
-    Angle.prototype = {
-        unitRE: /[a-z]+$/i,
-        /**
-         * @return {string} The unit of the angle value
-         */
-        getUnit: function() {
-            return this._unit || ( this._unit = this.val.match( this.unitRE )[0].toLowerCase() );
-        },
-        /**
-         * Get the numeric value of the angle in degrees.
-         * @return {number} The degrees value
-         */
-        degrees: function() {
-            var deg = this._deg, u, n;
-            if( deg === undefined ) {
-                u = this.getUnit();
-                n = parseFloat( this.val, 10 );
-                deg = this._deg = ( u === 'deg' ? n : u === 'rad' ? n / Math.PI * 180 : u === 'grad' ? n / 400 * 360 : u === 'turn' ? n * 360 : 0 );
-            }
-            return deg;
-        }
-    };
-    return Angle;
- * Abstraction for colors values. Allows detection of rgba values.
- * @constructor
- * @param {string} val The raw CSS string value for the color
- */
-PIE.Color = (function() {
-    function Color( val ) {
-        this.val = val;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Regular expression for matching rgba colors and extracting their components
-     * @type {RegExp}
-     */
-    Color.rgbaRE = /\s*rgba\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d+|\d*\.\d+)\s*\)\s*/;
-    Color.prototype = {
-        /**
-         * @private
-         */
-        parse: function() {
-            if( !this._color ) {
-                var v = this.val,
-                    m = v.match( Color.rgbaRE );
-                if( m ) {
-                    this._color = 'rgb(' + m[1] + ',' + m[2] + ',' + m[3] + ')';
-                    this._alpha = parseFloat( m[4] );
-                } else {
-                    this._color = v;
-                    this._alpha = 1;
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        /**
-         * Retrieve the value of the color in a format usable by IE natively. This will be the same as
-         * the raw input value, except for rgba values which will be converted to an rgb value.
-         * @param {Element} el The context element, used to get 'currentColor' keyword value.
-         * @return {string} Color value
-         */
-        value: function( el ) {
-            this.parse();
-            return this._color === 'currentColor' ? el.currentStyle.color : this._color;
-        },
-        /**
-         * Retrieve the alpha value of the color. Will be 1 for all values except for rgba values
-         * with an alpha component.
-         * @return {number} The alpha value, from 0 to 1.
-         */
-        alpha: function() {
-            this.parse();
-            return this._alpha;
-        }
-    };
-    return Color;
- * A tokenizer for CSS value strings.
- * @constructor
- * @param {string} css The CSS value string
- */
-PIE.Tokenizer = (function() {
-    function Tokenizer( css ) {
-        this.css = css;
-        this.ch = 0;
-        this.tokens = [];
-        this.tokenIndex = 0;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Enumeration of token type constants.
-     * @enum {number}
-     */
-    var Type = Tokenizer.Type = {
-        ANGLE: 1,
-        CHARACTER: 2,
-        COLOR: 4,
-        DIMEN: 8,
-        FUNCTION: 16,
-        IDENT: 32,
-        LENGTH: 64,
-        NUMBER: 128,
-        OPERATOR: 256,
-        PERCENT: 512,
-        STRING: 1024,
-        URL: 2048
-    };
-    /**
-     * A single token
-     * @constructor
-     * @param {number} type The type of the token - see PIE.Tokenizer.Type
-     * @param {string} value The value of the token
-     */
-    Tokenizer.Token = function( type, value ) {
-        this.type = type;
-        this.value = value;
-    };
-    Tokenizer.Token.prototype = {
-        isLength: function() {
-            return this.type & Type.LENGTH || ( this.type & Type.NUMBER && this.value === '0' );
-        },
-        isLengthOrPercent: function() {
-            return this.isLength() || this.type & Type.PERCENT;
-        }
-    };
-    Tokenizer.prototype = {
-        whitespace: /\s/,
-        number: /^[\+\-]?(\d*\.)?\d+/,
-        url: /^url\(\s*("([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'|([!#$%&*-~]*))\s*\)/i,
-        ident: /^\-?[_a-z][\w-]*/i,
-        string: /^("([^"]*)"|'([^']*)')/,
-        operator: /^[\/,]/,
-        hash: /^#[\w]+/,
-        hashColor: /^#([\da-f]{6}|[\da-f]{3})/i,
-        unitTypes: {
-            'px': Type.LENGTH, 'em': Type.LENGTH, 'ex': Type.LENGTH,
-            'mm': Type.LENGTH, 'cm': Type.LENGTH, 'in': Type.LENGTH,
-            'pt': Type.LENGTH, 'pc': Type.LENGTH,
-            'deg': Type.ANGLE, 'rad': Type.ANGLE, 'grad': Type.ANGLE
-        },
-        colorNames: {
-            'aqua':1, 'black':1, 'blue':1, 'fuchsia':1, 'gray':1, 'green':1, 'lime':1, 'maroon':1,
-            'navy':1, 'olive':1, 'purple':1, 'red':1, 'silver':1, 'teal':1, 'white':1, 'yellow': 1,
-            'currentColor': 1
-        },
-        colorFunctions: {
-            'rgb': 1, 'rgba': 1, 'hsl': 1, 'hsla': 1
-        },
-        /**
-         * Advance to and return the next token in the CSS string. If the end of the CSS string has
-         * been reached, null will be returned.
-         * @param {boolean} forget - if true, the token will not be stored for the purposes of backtracking with prev().
-         * @return {PIE.Tokenizer.Token}
-         */
-        next: function( forget ) {
-            var css, ch, firstChar, match, type, val,
-                me = this;
-            function newToken( type, value ) {
-                var tok = new Tokenizer.Token( type, value );
-                if( !forget ) {
-                    me.tokens.push( tok );
-                    me.tokenIndex++;
-                }
-                return tok;
-            }
-            function failure() {
-                me.tokenIndex++;
-                return null;
-            }
-            // In case we previously backed up, return the stored token in the next slot
-            if( this.tokenIndex < this.tokens.length ) {
-                return this.tokens[ this.tokenIndex++ ];
-            }
-            // Move past leading whitespace characters
-            while( this.whitespace.test( this.css.charAt( this.ch ) ) ) {
-                this.ch++;
-            }
-            if( this.ch >= this.css.length ) {
-                return failure();
-            }
-            ch = this.ch;
-            css = this.css.substring( this.ch );
-            firstChar = css.charAt( 0 );
-            switch( firstChar ) {
-                case '#':
-                    if( match = css.match( this.hashColor ) ) {
-                        this.ch += match[0].length;
-                        return newToken( Type.COLOR, match[0] );
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case '"':
-                case "'":
-                    if( match = css.match( this.string ) ) {
-                        this.ch += match[0].length;
-                        return newToken( Type.STRING, match[2] || match[3] || '' );
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case "/":
-                case ",":
-                    this.ch++;
-                    return newToken( Type.OPERATOR, firstChar );
-                case 'u':
-                    if( match = css.match( this.url ) ) {
-                        this.ch += match[0].length;
-                        return newToken( Type.URL, match[2] || match[3] || match[4] || '' );
-                    }
-            }
-            // Numbers and values starting with numbers
-            if( match = css.match( this.number ) ) {
-                val = match[0];
-                this.ch += val.length;
-                // Check if it is followed by a unit
-                if( css.charAt( val.length ) === '%' ) {
-                    this.ch++;
-                    return newToken( Type.PERCENT, val + '%' );
-                }
-                if( match = css.substring( val.length ).match( this.ident ) ) {
-                    val += match[0];
-                    this.ch += match[0].length;
-                    return newToken( this.unitTypes[ match[0].toLowerCase() ] || Type.DIMEN, val );
-                }
-                // Plain ol' number
-                return newToken( Type.NUMBER, val );
-            }
-            // Identifiers
-            if( match = css.match( this.ident ) ) {
-                val = match[0];
-                this.ch += val.length;
-                // Named colors
-                if( val.toLowerCase() in this.colorNames ) {
-                    return newToken( Type.COLOR, val );
-                }
-                // Functions
-                if( css.charAt( val.length ) === '(' ) {
-                    this.ch++;
-                    // Color values in function format: rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla
-                    if( val.toLowerCase() in this.colorFunctions ) {
-                        function isNum( tok ) {
-                            return tok && tok.type & Type.NUMBER;
-                        }
-                        function isNumOrPct( tok ) {
-                            return tok && ( tok.type & ( Type.NUMBER | Type.PERCENT ) );
-                        }
-                        function isValue( tok, val ) {
-                            return tok && tok.value === val;
-                        }
-                        function next() {
-                            return me.next( 1 );
-                        }
-                        if( ( val.charAt(0) === 'r' ? isNumOrPct( next() ) : isNum( next() ) ) &&
-                            isValue( next(), ',' ) &&
-                            isNumOrPct( next() ) &&
-                            isValue( next(), ',' ) &&
-                            isNumOrPct( next() ) &&
-                            ( val === 'rgb' || val === 'hsa' || (
-                                isValue( next(), ',' ) &&
-                                isNum( next() )
-                            ) ) &&
-                            isValue( next(), ')' ) ) {
-                            return newToken( Type.COLOR, this.css.substring( ch, this.ch ) );
-                        }
-                        return failure();
-                    }
-                    return newToken( Type.FUNCTION, val + '(' );
-                }
-                // Other identifier
-                return newToken( Type.IDENT, val );
-            }
-            // Standalone character
-            this.ch++;
-            return newToken( Type.CHARACTER, firstChar );
-        },
-        /**
-         * Determine whether there is another token
-         * @return {boolean}
-         */
-        hasNext: function() {
-            var next = this.next();
-            this.prev();
-            return !!next;
-        },
-        /**
-         * Back up and return the previous token
-         * @return {PIE.Tokenizer.Token}
-         */
-        prev: function() {
-            return this.tokens[ this.tokenIndex-- - 2 ];
-        },
-        /**
-         * Retrieve all the tokens in the CSS string
-         * @return {Array.<PIE.Tokenizer.Token>}
-         */
-        all: function() {
-            while( this.next() ) {}
-            return this.tokens;
-        },
-        /**
-         * Return a list of tokens from the current position until the given function returns
-         * true. The final token will not be included in the list.
-         * @param {function():boolean} func - test function
-         * @param {boolean} require - if true, then if the end of the CSS string is reached
-         *        before the test function returns true, null will be returned instead of the
-         *        tokens that have been found so far.
-         * @return {Array.<PIE.Tokenizer.Token>}
-         */
-        until: function( func, require ) {
-            var list = [], t, hit;
-            while( t = this.next() ) {
-                if( func( t ) ) {
-                    hit = true;
-                    this.prev();
-                    break;
-                }
-                list.push( t );
-            }
-            return require && !hit ? null : list;
-        }
-    };
-    return Tokenizer;
-})();PIE.StyleInfoBase = {
-    /**
-     * Create a new StyleInfo class, with the standard constructor, and augmented by
-     * the StyleInfoBase's members.
-     * @param proto
-     */
-    newStyleInfo: function( proto ) {
-        function StyleInfo( el ) {
-            this.element = el;
-        }
-        PIE.Util.merge( StyleInfo.prototype, PIE.StyleInfoBase, proto );
-        return StyleInfo;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Get an object representation of the target CSS style, caching it as long as the
-     * underlying CSS value hasn't changed.
-     * @return {Object}
-     */
-    getProps: function() {
-        if( this.changed() ) {
-            this._props = this.parseCss( this._css = this.getCss() );
-        }
-        return this._props;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Get the raw CSS value for the target style
-     * @return {string}
-     */
-    getCss: function() {
-        var el = this.element,
-            s = el.style,
-            cs = el.currentStyle,
-            cssProp = this.cssProperty,
-            styleProp = this.styleProperty,
-            prefixedCssProp = this._prefixedCssProp || ( this._prefixedCssProp = PIE.CSS_PREFIX + cssProp ),
-            prefixedStyleProp = this._prefixedStyleProp || ( this._prefixedStyleProp = PIE.STYLE_PREFIX + styleProp.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + styleProp.substring(1) );
-        return s[ prefixedStyleProp ] || cs.getAttribute( prefixedCssProp ) || s[ styleProp ] || cs.getAttribute( cssProp );
-    },
-    /**
-     * Determine whether the target CSS style is active.
-     * @return {boolean}
-     */
-    isActive: function() {
-        return !!this.getProps();
-    },
-    /**
-     * Determine whether the target CSS style has changed since the last time it was parsed.
-     * @return {boolean}
-     */
-    changed: function() {
-        return this._css !== this.getCss();
-    }
- * Handles parsing, caching, and detecting changes to background (and -pie-background) CSS
- * @constructor
- * @param {Element} el the target element
- */
-PIE.BackgroundStyleInfo = PIE.StyleInfoBase.newStyleInfo( {
-    cssProperty: PIE.CSS_PREFIX + 'background',
-    styleProperty: PIE.STYLE_PREFIX + 'Background',
-    attachIdents: { 'scroll':1, 'fixed':1, 'local':1 },
-    repeatIdents: { 'repeat-x':1, 'repeat-y':1, 'repeat':1, 'no-repeat':1 },
-    originIdents: { 'padding-box':1, 'border-box':1, 'content-box':1 },
-    clipIdents: { 'padding-box':1, 'border-box':1 },
-    positionIdents: { 'top':1, 'right':1, 'bottom':1, 'left':1, 'center':1 },
-    sizeIdents: { 'contain':1, 'cover':1 },
-    /**
-     * For background styles, we support the -pie-background property but fall back to the standard
-     * backround* properties.  The reason we have to use the prefixed version is that IE natively
-     * parses the standard properties and if it sees something it doesn't know how to parse, for example
-     * multiple values or gradient definitions, it will throw that away and not make it available through
-     * currentStyle.
-     *
-     * Format of return object:
-     * {
-     *     color: <PIE.Color>,
-     *     images: [
-     *         {
-     *             type: 'image',
-     *             url: 'image.png',
-     *             repeat: <'no-repeat' | 'repeat-x' | 'repeat-y' | 'repeat'>,
-     *             position: <PIE.BgPosition>,
-     *             attachment: <'scroll' | 'fixed' | 'local'>,
-     *             origin: <'border-box' | 'padding-box' | 'content-box'>,
-     *             clip: <'border-box' | 'padding-box'>,
-     *             size: <'contain' | 'cover' | { w: <'auto' | PIE.Length>, h: <'auto' | PIE.Length> }>
-     *         },
-     *         {
-     *             type: 'linear-gradient',
-     *             gradientStart: <PIE.BgPosition>,
-     *             angle: <PIE.Angle>,
-     *             stops: [
-     *                 { color: <PIE.Color>, offset: <PIE.Length> },
-     *                 { color: <PIE.Color>, offset: <PIE.Length> }, ...
-     *             ]
-     *         }
-     *     ]
-     * }
-     * @param {String} css
-     * @override
-     */
-    parseCss: function( css ) {
-        var el = this.element,
-            cs = el.currentStyle,
-            rs = el.runtimeStyle,
-            tokenizer, token, image,
-            tok_type = PIE.Tokenizer.Type,
-            type_operator = tok_type.OPERATOR,
-            type_ident = tok_type.IDENT,
-            type_color = tok_type.COLOR,
-            tokType, tokVal,
-            positionIdents = this.positionIdents,
-            gradient, stop,
-            props = null;
-        function isBgPosToken( token ) {
-            return token.isLengthOrPercent() || ( token.type & type_ident && token.value in positionIdents );
-        }
-        function sizeToken( token ) {
-            return ( token.isLengthOrPercent() && new PIE.Length( token.value ) ) || ( token.value === 'auto' && 'auto' );
-        }
-        // If the CSS3-specific -pie-background property is present, parse it
-        if( this.getCss3() ) {
-            tokenizer = new PIE.Tokenizer( css );
-            props = { images: [] };
-            image = {};
-            while( token = tokenizer.next() ) {
-                tokType = token.type;
-                tokVal = token.value;
-                if( !image.type && tokType & tok_type.FUNCTION && tokVal === 'linear-gradient(' ) {
-                    gradient = { stops: [], type: 'linear-gradient' };
-                    stop = {};
-                    while( token = tokenizer.next() ) {
-                        tokType = token.type;
-                        tokVal = token.value;
-                        // If we reached the end of the function and had at least 2 stops, flush the info
-                        if( tokType & tok_type.CHARACTER && tokVal === ')' ) {
-                            if( stop.color ) {
-                                gradient.stops.push( stop );
-                            }
-                            if( gradient.stops.length > 1 ) {
-                                PIE.Util.merge( image, gradient );
-                            }
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        // Color stop - must start with color
-                        if( tokType & type_color ) {
-                            // if we already have an angle/position, make sure that the previous token was a comma
-                            if( gradient.angle || gradient.gradientStart ) {
-                                token = tokenizer.prev();
-                                if( token.type !== type_operator ) {
-                                    break; //fail
-                                }
-                                tokenizer.next();
-                            }
-                            stop = {
-                                color: new PIE.Color( tokVal )
-                            };
-                            // check for offset following color
-                            token = tokenizer.next();
-                            if( token.isLengthOrPercent() ) {
-                                stop.offset = new PIE.Length( token.value );
-                            } else {
-                                tokenizer.prev();
-                            }
-                        }
-                        // Angle - can only appear in first spot
-                        else if( tokType & tok_type.ANGLE && !gradient.angle && !stop.color && !gradient.stops.length ) {
-                            gradient.angle = new PIE.Angle( token.value );
-                        }
-                        else if( isBgPosToken( token ) && !gradient.gradientStart && !stop.color && !gradient.stops.length ) {
-                            tokenizer.prev();
-                            gradient.gradientStart = new PIE.BgPosition(
-                                tokenizer.until( function( t ) {
-                                    return !isBgPosToken( t );
-                                }, false )
-                            );
-                        }
-                        else if( tokType & type_operator && tokVal === ',' ) {
-                            if( stop.color ) {
-                                gradient.stops.push( stop );
-                                stop = {};
-                            }
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            // Found something we didn't recognize; fail without adding image
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else if( !image.type && tokType & tok_type.URL ) {
-                    image.url = tokVal;
-                    image.type = 'image';
-                }
-                else if( isBgPosToken( token ) && !image.size ) {
-                    tokenizer.prev();
-                    image.position = new PIE.BgPosition(
-                        tokenizer.until( function( t ) {
-                            return !isBgPosToken( t );
-                        }, false )
-                    );
-                }
-                else if( tokType & type_ident ) {
-                    if( tokVal in this.repeatIdents ) {
-                        image.repeat = tokVal;
-                    }
-                    else if( tokVal in this.originIdents ) {
-                        image.origin = tokVal;
-                        if( tokVal in this.clipIdents ) {
-                            image.clip = tokVal;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else if( tokVal in this.attachIdents ) {
-                        image.attachment = tokVal;
-                    }
-                }
-                else if( tokType & type_color && !props.color ) {
-                    props.color = new PIE.Color( tokVal );
-                }
-                else if( tokType & type_operator ) {
-                    // background size
-                    if( tokVal === '/' ) {
-                        token = tokenizer.next();
-                        tokType = token.type;
-                        tokVal = token.value;
-                        if( tokType & type_ident && tokVal in this.sizeIdents ) {
-                            image.size = tokVal;
-                        }
-                        else if( tokVal = sizeToken( token ) ) {
-                            image.size = {
-                                w: tokVal,
-                                h: sizeToken( tokenizer.next() ) || ( tokenizer.prev() && tokVal )
-                            };
-                        }
-                    }
-                    // new layer
-                    else if( tokVal === ',' && image.type ) {
-                        props.images.push( image );
-                        image = {};
-                    }
-                }
-                else {
-                    // Found something unrecognized; chuck everything
-                    return null;
-                }
-            }
-            // leftovers
-            if( image.type ) {
-                props.images.push( image );
-            }
-        }
-        // Otherwise, use the standard background properties; let IE give us the values rather than parsing them
-        else {
-            this.withActualBg( function() {
-                var posX = cs.backgroundPositionX,
-                    posY = cs.backgroundPositionY,
-                    img = cs.backgroundImage,
-                    color = cs.backgroundColor;
-                props = {};
-                if( color !== 'transparent' ) {
-                    props.color = new PIE.Color( color )
-                }
-                if( img !== 'none' ) {
-                    props.images = [ {
-                        type: 'image',
-                        url: new PIE.Tokenizer( img ).next().value,
-                        repeat: cs.backgroundRepeat,
-                        position: new PIE.BgPosition( new PIE.Tokenizer( posX + ' ' + posY ).all() )
-                    } ];
-                }
-            } );
-        }
-        return props;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Execute a function with the actual background styles (not overridden with runtimeStyle
-     * properties set by the renderers) available via currentStyle.
-     * @param fn
-     */
-    withActualBg: function( fn ) {
-        var rs = this.element.runtimeStyle,
-            rsImage = rs.backgroundImage,
-            rsColor = rs.backgroundColor,
-            ret;
-        rs.backgroundImage = rs.backgroundColor = '';
-        ret = fn.call( this );
-        rs.backgroundImage = rsImage;
-        rs.backgroundColor = rsColor;
-        return ret;
-    },
-    getCss: function() {
-        var cs = this.element.currentStyle;
-        return this.getCss3() ||
-               this.withActualBg( function() {
-                   return cs.backgroundColor + ' ' + cs.backgroundImage + ' ' + cs.backgroundRepeat + ' ' +
-                   cs.backgroundPositionX + ' ' + cs.backgroundPositionY;
-               } );
-    },
-    getCss3: function() {
-        var el = this.element;
-        return el.style[ this.styleProperty ] || el.currentStyle.getAttribute( this.cssProperty );
-    },
-    /**
-     * The isActive logic is slightly different, because getProps() always returns an object
-     * even if it is just falling back to the native background properties.  But we only want
-     * to report is as being "active" if the -pie-background override property is present and
-     * parses successfully.
-     */
-    isActive: function() {
-        return this.getCss3() && !!this.getProps();
-    }
-} );/**
- * Handles parsing, caching, and detecting changes to border CSS
- * @constructor
- * @param {Element} el the target element
- */
-PIE.BorderStyleInfo = PIE.StyleInfoBase.newStyleInfo( {
-    sides: [ 'Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'Left' ],
-    namedWidths: {
-        thin: '1px',
-        medium: '3px',
-        thick: '5px'
-    },
-    parseCss: function( css ) {
-        var w = {},
-            s = {},
-            c = {},
-            active = false,
-            colorsSame = true,
-            stylesSame = true,
-            widthsSame = true;
-        this.withActualBorder( function() {
-            var el = this.element,
-                cs = el.currentStyle,
-                i = 0,
-                style, color, width, lastStyle, lastColor, lastWidth, side, ltr;
-            for( ; i < 4; i++ ) {
-                side = this.sides[ i ];
-                ltr = side.charAt(0).toLowerCase();
-                style = s[ ltr ] = cs[ 'border' + side + 'Style' ];
-                color = cs[ 'border' + side + 'Color' ];
-                width = cs[ 'border' + side + 'Width' ];
-                if( i > 0 ) {
-                    if( style !== lastStyle ) { stylesSame = false; }
-                    if( color !== lastColor ) { colorsSame = false; }
-                    if( width !== lastWidth ) { widthsSame = false; }
-                }
-                lastStyle = style;
-                lastColor = color;
-                lastWidth = width;
-                c[ ltr ] = new PIE.Color( color );
-                width = w[ ltr ] = new PIE.Length( s[ ltr ] === 'none' ? '0' : ( this.namedWidths[ width ] || width ) );
-                if( width.pixels( this.element ) > 0 ) {
-                    active = true;
-                }
-            }
-        } );
-        return active ? {
-            widths: w,
-            styles: s,
-            colors: c,
-            widthsSame: widthsSame,
-            colorsSame: colorsSame,
-            stylesSame: stylesSame
-        } : null;
-    },
-    getCss: function() {
-        var el = this.element,
-            cs = el.currentStyle,
-            css;
-        this.withActualBorder( function() {
-            css = cs.borderWidth + '|' + cs.borderStyle + '|' + cs.borderColor;
-        } );
-        return css;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Execute a function with the actual border styles (not overridden with runtimeStyle
-     * properties set by the renderers) available via currentStyle.
-     * @param fn
-     */
-    withActualBorder: function( fn ) {
-        var rs = this.element.runtimeStyle,
-            rsWidth = rs.borderWidth,
-            rsStyle = rs.borderStyle,
-            rsColor = rs.borderColor,
-            ret;
-        rs.borderWidth = rs.borderStyle = rs.borderColor = '';
-        ret = fn.call( this );
-        rs.borderWidth = rsWidth;
-        rs.borderStyle = rsStyle;
-        rs.borderColor = rsColor;
-        return ret;
-    }
-} );
- * Handles parsing, caching, and detecting changes to border-radius CSS
- * @constructor
- * @param {Element} el the target element
- */
-(function() {
-PIE.BorderRadiusStyleInfo = PIE.StyleInfoBase.newStyleInfo( {
-    cssProperty: 'border-radius',
-    styleProperty: 'borderRadius',
-    parseCss: function( css ) {
-        var p = null, x, y,
-            tokenizer, token, length,
-            hasNonZero = false;
-        function newLength( v ) {
-            return new PIE.Length( v );
-        }
-        if( css ) {
-            tokenizer = new PIE.Tokenizer( css );
-            function collectLengths() {
-                var arr = [], num;
-                while( ( token = tokenizer.next() ) && token.isLengthOrPercent() ) {
-                    length = newLength( token.value );
-                    num = length.getNumber();
-                    if( num < 0 ) {
-                        return null;
-                    }
-                    if( num > 0 ) {
-                        hasNonZero = true;
-                    }
-                    arr.push( length );
-                }
-                return arr.length > 0 && arr.length < 5 ? {
-                        'tl': arr[0],
-                        'tr': arr[1] || arr[0],
-                        'br': arr[2] || arr[0],
-                        'bl': arr[3] || arr[1] || arr[0]
-                    } : null;
-            }
-            // Grab the initial sequence of lengths
-            if( x = collectLengths() ) {
-                // See if there is a slash followed by more lengths, for the y-axis radii
-                if( token ) {
-                    if( token.type & PIE.Tokenizer.Type.OPERATOR && token.value === '/' ) {
-                        y = collectLengths();
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    y = x;
-                }
-                // Treat all-zero values the same as no value
-                if( hasNonZero && x && y ) {
-                    p = { x: x, y : y };
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return p;
-    }
-} );
-var ZERO = PIE.Length.ZERO,
-    zeros = { 'tl': ZERO, 'tr': ZERO, 'br': ZERO, 'bl': ZERO };
-PIE.BorderRadiusStyleInfo.ALL_ZERO = { x: zeros, y: zeros };
- * Handles parsing, caching, and detecting changes to border-image CSS
- * @constructor
- * @param {Element} el the target element
- */
-PIE.BorderImageStyleInfo = PIE.StyleInfoBase.newStyleInfo( {
-    cssProperty: 'border-image',
-    styleProperty: 'borderImage',
-    repeatIdents: { 'stretch':1, 'round':1, 'repeat':1, 'space':1 },
-    parseCss: function( css ) {
-        var p = null, tokenizer, token, type, value,
-            slices, widths, outsets,
-            slashCount = 0, cs,
-            Type = PIE.Tokenizer.Type,
-            IDENT = Type.IDENT,
-            NUMBER = Type.NUMBER,
-            LENGTH = Type.LENGTH,
-            PERCENT = Type.PERCENT;
-        if( css ) {
-            tokenizer = new PIE.Tokenizer( css );
-            p = {};
-            function isSlash( token ) {
-                return token && ( token.type & Type.OPERATOR ) && ( token.value === '/' );
-            }
-            function isFillIdent( token ) {
-                return token && ( token.type & IDENT ) && ( token.value === 'fill' );
-            }
-            function collectSlicesEtc() {
-                slices = tokenizer.until( function( tok ) {
-                    return !( tok.type & ( NUMBER | PERCENT ) );
-                } );
-                if( isFillIdent( tokenizer.next() ) && !p.fill ) {
-                    p.fill = true;
-                } else {
-                    tokenizer.prev();
-                }
-                if( isSlash( tokenizer.next() ) ) {
-                    slashCount++;
-                    widths = tokenizer.until( function( tok ) {
-                        return !( token.type & ( NUMBER | PERCENT | LENGTH ) ) && !( ( token.type & IDENT ) && token.value === 'auto' );
-                    } );
-                    if( isSlash( tokenizer.next() ) ) {
-                        slashCount++;
-                        outsets = tokenizer.until( function( tok ) {
-                            return !( token.type & ( NUMBER | LENGTH ) );
-                        } );
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    tokenizer.prev();
-                }
-            }
-            while( token = tokenizer.next() ) {
-                type = token.type;
-                value = token.value;
-                // Numbers and/or 'fill' keyword: slice values. May be followed optionally by width values, followed optionally by outset values
-                if( type & ( NUMBER | PERCENT ) && !slices ) {
-                    tokenizer.prev();
-                    collectSlicesEtc();
-                }
-                else if( isFillIdent( token ) && !p.fill ) {
-                    p.fill = true;
-                    collectSlicesEtc();
-                }
-                // Idents: one or values for 'repeat'
-                else if( ( type & IDENT ) && this.repeatIdents[value] && !p.repeat ) {
-                    p.repeat = { h: value };
-                    if( token = tokenizer.next() ) {
-                        if( ( token.type & IDENT ) && this.repeatIdents[token.value] ) {
-                            p.repeat.v = token.value;
-                        } else {
-                            tokenizer.prev();
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                // URL of the image
-                else if( ( type & Type.URL ) && !p.src ) {
-                    p.src =  value;
-                }
-                // Found something unrecognized; exit.
-                else {
-                    return null;
-                }
-            }
-            // Validate what we collected
-            if( !p.src || !slices || slices.length < 1 || slices.length > 4 ||
-                ( widths && widths.length > 4 ) || ( slashCount === 1 && widths.length < 1 ) ||
-                ( outsets && outsets.length > 4 ) || ( slashCount === 2 && outsets.length < 1 ) ) {
-                return null;
-            }
-            // Fill in missing values
-            if( !p.repeat ) {
-                p.repeat = { h: 'stretch' };
-            }
-            if( !p.repeat.v ) {
-                p.repeat.v = p.repeat.h;
-            }
-            function distributeSides( tokens, convertFn ) {
-                return {
-                    t: convertFn( tokens[0] ),
-                    r: convertFn( tokens[1] || tokens[0] ),
-                    b: convertFn( tokens[2] || tokens[0] ),
-                    l: convertFn( tokens[3] || tokens[1] || tokens[0] )
-                };
-            }
-            p.slice = distributeSides( slices, function( tok ) {
-                return new PIE.Length( ( tok.type & NUMBER ) ? tok.value + 'px' : tok.value );
-            } );
-            p.width = widths && widths.length > 0 ?
-                    distributeSides( widths, function( tok ) {
-                        return tok.type & ( LENGTH | PERCENT ) ? new PIE.Length( tok.value ) : tok.value;
-                    } ) :
-                    ( cs = this.element.currentStyle ) && {
-                        t: new PIE.Length( cs.borderTopWidth ),
-                        r: new PIE.Length( cs.borderRightWidth ),
-                        b: new PIE.Length( cs.borderBottomWidth ),
-                        l: new PIE.Length( cs.borderLeftWidth )
-                    };
-            p.outset = distributeSides( outsets || [ 0 ], function( tok ) {
-                return tok.type & LENGTH ? new PIE.Length( tok.value ) : tok.value;
-            } );
-        }
-        return p;
-    }
-} );/**
- * Handles parsing, caching, and detecting changes to box-shadow CSS
- * @constructor
- * @param {Element} el the target element
- */
-PIE.BoxShadowStyleInfo = PIE.StyleInfoBase.newStyleInfo( {
-    cssProperty: 'box-shadow',
-    styleProperty: 'boxShadow',
-    parseCss: function( css ) {
-        var props,
-            Length = PIE.Length,
-            Type = PIE.Tokenizer.Type,
-            tokenizer;
-        if( css ) {
-            tokenizer = new PIE.Tokenizer( css );
-            props = { outset: [], inset: [] };
-            function parseItem() {
-                var token, type, value, color, lengths, inset, len;
-                while( token = tokenizer.next() ) {
-                    value = token.value;
-                    type = token.type;
-                    if( type & Type.OPERATOR && value === ',' ) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    else if( token.isLength() && !lengths ) {
-                        tokenizer.prev();
-                        lengths = tokenizer.until( function( token ) {
-                            return !token.isLength();
-                        } );
-                    }
-                    else if( type & Type.COLOR && !color ) {
-                        color = value;
-                    }
-                    else if( type & Type.IDENT && value === 'inset' && !inset ) {
-                        inset = true;
-                    }
-                    else { //encountered an unrecognized token; fail.
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                }
-                len = lengths && lengths.length;
-                if( len > 1 && len < 5 ) {
-                    ( inset ? props.inset : props.outset ).push( {
-                        xOffset: new Length( lengths[0].value ),
-                        yOffset: new Length( lengths[1].value ),
-                        blur: new Length( lengths[2] ? lengths[2].value : '0' ),
-                        spread: new Length( lengths[3] ? lengths[3].value : '0' ),
-                        color: new PIE.Color( color || 'currentColor' )
-                    } );
-                    return true;
-                }
-                return false;
-            }
-            while( parseItem() ) {}
-        }
-        return props && ( props.inset.length || props.outset.length ) ? props : null;
-    }
-} );
- * Retrieves the state of the element's visibility and display
- * @constructor
- * @param {Element} el the target element
- */
-PIE.VisibilityStyleInfo = PIE.StyleInfoBase.newStyleInfo( {
-    getCss: function() {
-        var cs = this.element.currentStyle;
-        return cs.visibility + '|' + cs.display;
-    },
-    parseCss: function() {
-        var el = this.element,
-            rs = el.runtimeStyle,
-            cs = el.currentStyle,
-            rsVis = rs.visibility,
-            csVis;
-        rs.visibility = '';
-        csVis = cs.visibility;
-        rs.visibility = rsVis;
-        return {
-            visible: csVis !== 'hidden',
-            displayed: cs.display !== 'none'
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Always return false for isActive, since this property alone will not trigger
-     * a renderer to do anything.
-     */
-    isActive: function() {
-        return false;
-    }
-} );
-PIE.RendererBase = {
-    /**
-     * Create a new Renderer class, with the standard constructor, and augmented by
-     * the RendererBase's members.
-     * @param proto
-     */
-    newRenderer: function( proto ) {
-        function Renderer( el, styleInfos, parent ) {
-            this.element = el;
-            this.styleInfos = styleInfos;
-            this.parent = parent;
-        }
-        PIE.Util.merge( Renderer.prototype, PIE.RendererBase, proto );
-        return Renderer;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Determine if the renderer needs to be updated
-     * @return {boolean}
-     */
-    needsUpdate: function() {
-        return false;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Tell the renderer to update based on modified properties
-     */
-    updateProps: function() {
-    },
-    /**
-     * Tell the renderer to update based on modified element position
-     */
-    updatePos: function() {
-    },
-    /**
-     * Tell the renderer to update based on modified element dimensions
-     */
-    updateSize: function() {
-    },
-    /**
-     * Add a layer element, with the given z-order index, to the renderer's main box element. We can't use
-     * z-index because that breaks when the root rendering box's z-index is 'auto' in IE8+ standards mode.
-     * So instead we make sure they are inserted into the DOM in the correct order.
-     * @param {number} index
-     * @param {Element} el
-     */
-    addLayer: function( index, el ) {
-        this.removeLayer( index );
-        for( var layers = this._layers || ( this._layers = [] ), i = index + 1, len = layers.length, layer; i < len; i++ ) {
-            layer = layers[i];
-            if( layer ) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        layers[index] = el;
-        this.getBox().insertBefore( el, layer || null );
-    },
-    /**
-     * Retrieve a layer element by its index, or null if not present
-     * @param {number} index
-     * @return {Element}
-     */
-    getLayer: function( index ) {
-        var layers = this._layers;
-        return layers && layers[index] || null;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Remove a layer element by its index
-     * @param {number} index
-     */
-    removeLayer: function( index ) {
-        var layer = this.getLayer( index ),
-            box = this._box;
-        if( layer && box ) {
-            box.removeChild( layer );
-            this._layers[index] = null;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Get a VML shape by name, creating it if necessary.
-     * @param {string} name A name identifying the element
-     * @param {string=} subElName If specified a subelement of the shape will be created with this tag name
-     * @param {Element} parent The parent element for the shape; will be ignored if 'group' is specified
-     * @param {number=} group If specified, an ordinal group for the shape. 1 or greater. Groups are rendered
-     *                  using container elements in the correct order, to get correct z stacking without z-index.
-     */
-    getShape: function( name, subElName, parent, group ) {
-        var shapes = this._shapes || ( this._shapes = {} ),
-            shape = shapes[ name ],
-            s;
-        if( !shape ) {
-            shape = shapes[ name ] = PIE.Util.createVmlElement( 'shape' );
-            if( subElName ) {
-                shape.appendChild( shape[ subElName ] = PIE.Util.createVmlElement( subElName ) );
-            }
-            if( group ) {
-                parent = this.getLayer( group );
-                if( !parent ) {
-                    this.addLayer( group, this.element.document.createElement( 'group' + group ) );
-                    parent = this.getLayer( group );
-                }
-            }
-            parent.appendChild( shape );
-            s = shape.style;
-            s.position = 'absolute';
-            s.left = s.top = 0;
-            s['behavior'] = 'url(#default#VML)';
-        }
-        return shape;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Delete a named shape which was created by getShape(). Returns true if a shape with the
-     * given name was found and deleted, or false if there was no shape of that name.
-     * @param {string} name
-     * @return {boolean}
-     */
-    deleteShape: function( name ) {
-        var shapes = this._shapes,
-            shape = shapes && shapes[ name ];
-        if( shape ) {
-            shape.parentNode.removeChild( shape );
-            delete shapes[ name ];
-        }
-        return !!shape;
-    },
-    /**
-     * For a given set of border radius length/percentage values, convert them to concrete pixel
-     * values based on the current size of the target element.
-     * @param {Object} radii
-     * @return {Object}
-     */
-    getRadiiPixels: function( radii ) {
-        var el = this.element,
-            w = el.offsetWidth,
-            h = el.offsetHeight,
-            tlX, tlY, trX, trY, brX, brY, blX, blY, f;
-        tlX = radii.x['tl'].pixels( el, w );
-        tlY = radii.y['tl'].pixels( el, h );
-        trX = radii.x['tr'].pixels( el, w );
-        trY = radii.y['tr'].pixels( el, h );
-        brX = radii.x['br'].pixels( el, w );
-        brY = radii.y['br'].pixels( el, h );
-        blX = radii.x['bl'].pixels( el, w );
-        blY = radii.y['bl'].pixels( el, h );
-        // If any corner ellipses overlap, reduce them all by the appropriate factor. This formula
-        // is taken straight from the CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders spec.
-        f = Math.min(
-            w / ( tlX + trX ),
-            h / ( trY + brY ),
-            w / ( blX + brX ),
-            h / ( tlY + blY )
-        );
-        if( f < 1 ) {
-            tlX *= f;
-            tlY *= f;
-            trX *= f;
-            trY *= f;
-            brX *= f;
-            brY *= f;
-            blX *= f;
-            blY *= f;
-        }
-        return {
-            x: {
-                'tl': tlX,
-                'tr': trX,
-                'br': brX,
-                'bl': blX
-            },
-            y: {
-                'tl': tlY,
-                'tr': trY,
-                'br': brY,
-                'bl': blY
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Return the VML path string for the element's background box, with corners rounded.
-     * @param {Object.<{t:number, r:number, b:number, l:number}>} shrink - if present, specifies number of
-     *        pixels to shrink the box path inward from the element's four sides.
-     * @param {number=} mult If specified, all coordinates will be multiplied by this number
-     * @param {Object=} radii If specified, this will be used for the corner radii instead of the properties
-     *        from this renderer's borderRadiusInfo object.
-     * @return {string} the VML path
-     */
-    getBoxPath: function( shrink, mult, radii ) {
-        mult = mult || 1;
-        var r, str,
-            el = this.element,
-            w = el.offsetWidth * mult,
-            h = el.offsetHeight * mult,
-            radInfo = this.styleInfos.borderRadiusInfo,
-            floor = Math.floor, ceil = Math.ceil,
-            shrinkT = shrink ? shrink.t * mult : 0,
-            shrinkR = shrink ? shrink.r * mult : 0,
-            shrinkB = shrink ? shrink.b * mult : 0,
-            shrinkL = shrink ? shrink.l * mult : 0,
-            tlX, tlY, trX, trY, brX, brY, blX, blY;
-        if( radii || radInfo.isActive() ) {
-            r = this.getRadiiPixels( radii || radInfo.getProps() );
-            tlX = r.x['tl'] * mult;
-            tlY = r.y['tl'] * mult;
-            trX = r.x['tr'] * mult;
-            trY = r.y['tr'] * mult;
-            brX = r.x['br'] * mult;
-            brY = r.y['br'] * mult;
-            blX = r.x['bl'] * mult;
-            blY = r.y['bl'] * mult;
-            str = 'm' + floor( shrinkL ) + ',' + floor( tlY ) +
-                'qy' + floor( tlX ) + ',' + floor( shrinkT ) +
-                'l' + ceil( w - trX ) + ',' + floor( shrinkT ) +
-                'qx' + ceil( w - shrinkR ) + ',' + floor( trY ) +
-                'l' + ceil( w - shrinkR ) + ',' + ceil( h - brY ) +
-                'qy' + ceil( w - brX ) + ',' + ceil( h - shrinkB ) +
-                'l' + floor( blX ) + ',' + ceil( h - shrinkB ) +
-                'qx' + floor( shrinkL ) + ',' + ceil( h - blY ) + ' x e';
-        } else {
-            // simplified path for non-rounded box
-            str = 'm' + floor( shrinkL ) + ',' + floor( shrinkT ) +
-                  'l' + ceil( w - shrinkR ) + ',' + floor( shrinkT ) +
-                  'l' + ceil( w - shrinkR ) + ',' + ceil( h - shrinkB ) +
-                  'l' + floor( shrinkL ) + ',' + ceil( h - shrinkB ) +
-                  'xe';
-        }
-        return str;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Get the container element for the shapes, creating it if necessary.
-     */
-    getBox: function() {
-        var box = this.parent.getLayer( this.zIndex ), s;
-        if( !box ) {
-            box = this.element.document.createElement( this.boxName );
-            s = box.style;
-            s.position = 'absolute';
-            s.top = s.left = 0;
-            this.parent.addLayer( this.zIndex, box );
-        }
-        return box;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Destroy the rendered objects. This is a base implementation which handles common renderer
-     * structures, but individual renderers may override as necessary.
-     */
-    destroy: function() {
-        this.parent.removeLayer( this.zIndex );
-        delete this._shapes;
-        delete this._layers;
-    }
- * Root renderer; creates the outermost container element and handles keeping it aligned
- * with the target element's size and position.
- * @param {Element} el The target element
- * @param {Object} styleInfos The StyleInfo objects
- */
-PIE.RootRenderer = PIE.RendererBase.newRenderer( {
-    isActive: function() {
-        var infos = this.styleInfos;
-        for( var i in infos ) {
-            if( infos.hasOwnProperty( i ) && infos[ i ].isActive() ) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    },
-    needsUpdate: function() {
-        return this.styleInfos.visibilityInfo.changed();
-    },
-    updatePos: function() {
-        if( this.isActive() ) {
-            var el = this.element,
-                par = el,
-                docEl,
-                elRect, parRect,
-                s = this.getBox().style, cs,
-                x = 0, y = 0;
-            // Get the element's offsets from its nearest positioned ancestor. Uses
-            // getBoundingClientRect for accuracy and speed.
-            do {
-                par = par.offsetParent;
-            } while( par && par.currentStyle.position === 'static' );
-            elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
-            if( par ) {
-                parRect = par.getBoundingClientRect();
-                cs = par.currentStyle;
-                x = elRect.left - parRect.left - ( parseFloat(cs.borderLeftWidth) || 0 );
-                y = elRect.top - parRect.top - ( parseFloat(cs.borderTopWidth) || 0 );
-            } else {
-                docEl = el.document.documentElement;
-                x = elRect.left + docEl.scrollLeft - docEl.clientLeft;
-                y = elRect.top + docEl.scrollTop - docEl.clientTop;
-            }
-            s.left = x;
-            s.top = y;
-            s.zIndex = el.currentStyle.position === 'static' ? -1 : el.currentStyle.zIndex;
-        }
-    },
-    updateSize: function() {
-        // NO-OP
-    },
-    updateVisibility: function() {
-        var vis = this.styleInfos.visibilityInfo.getProps();
-        this.getBox().style.display = ( vis.visible && vis.displayed ) ? '' : 'none';
-    },
-    updateProps: function() {
-        if( this.isActive() ) {
-            this.updateVisibility();
-        } else {
-            this.destroy();
-        }
-    },
-    getBox: function() {
-        var box = this._box, el, s;
-        if( !box ) {
-            el = this.element;
-            box = this._box = el.document.createElement( 'css3-container' );
-            s = box.style;
-            s.position = el.currentStyle.position === 'fixed' ? 'fixed' : 'absolute';
-            this.updateVisibility();
-            el.parentNode.insertBefore( box, el );
-        }
-        return box;
-    },
-    destroy: function() {
-        var box = this._box;
-        if( box && box.parentNode ) {
-            box.parentNode.removeChild( box );
-        }
-        delete this._box;
-        delete this._layers;
-    }
-} );
- * Renderer for element backgrounds.
- * @constructor
- * @param {Element} el The target element
- * @param {Object} styleInfos The StyleInfo objects
- * @param {PIE.RootRenderer} parent
- */
-PIE.BackgroundRenderer = PIE.RendererBase.newRenderer( {
-    zIndex: 2,
-    boxName: 'background',
-    needsUpdate: function() {
-        var si = this.styleInfos;
-        return si.backgroundInfo.changed() || si.borderRadiusInfo.changed();
-    },
-    isActive: function() {
-        var si = this.styleInfos,
-            el = this.element;
-        return el.offsetWidth && el.offsetHeight && (
-               si.borderImageInfo.isActive() ||
-               si.borderRadiusInfo.isActive() ||
-               si.backgroundInfo.isActive() ||
-               ( si.boxShadowInfo.isActive() && si.boxShadowInfo.getProps().inset ) );
-    },
-    updateSize: function() {
-        if( this.isActive() ) {
-            this.draw();
-        }
-    },
-    updateProps: function() {
-        this.destroy();
-        if( this.isActive() ) {
-            this.draw();
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Draw the shapes
-     */
-    draw: function() {
-        this.drawBgColor();
-        this.drawBgImages();
-    },
-    /**
-     * Draw the background color shape
-     */
-    drawBgColor: function() {
-        var props = this.styleInfos.backgroundInfo.getProps(),
-            el = this.element,
-            color = props && props.color && props.color.value( el ),
-            shape, w, h, s, alpha;
-        if( color && color !== 'transparent' ) {
-            this.hideBackground();
-            shape = this.getShape( 'bgColor', 'fill', this.getBox(), 1 );
-            w = el.offsetWidth;
-            h = el.offsetHeight;
-            shape.stroked = false;
-            shape.coordsize = w * 2 + ',' + h * 2;
-            shape.coordorigin = '1,1';
-            shape.path = this.getBoxPath( null, 2 );
-            s = shape.style;
-            s.width = w;
-            s.height = h;
-            shape.fill.color = color;
-            alpha = props.color.alpha();
-            if( alpha < 1 ) {
-                shape.fill.opacity = alpha;
-            }
-        } else {
-            this.deleteShape( 'bgColor' );
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Draw all the background image layers
-     */
-    drawBgImages: function() {
-        var props = this.styleInfos.backgroundInfo.getProps(),
-            images = props && props.images,
-            img, el, shape, w, h, s, i;
-        if( images ) {
-            this.hideBackground();
-            el = this.element;
-            w = el.offsetWidth,
-            h = el.offsetHeight,
-            i = images.length;
-            while( i-- ) {
-                img = images[i];
-                shape = this.getShape( 'bgImage' + i, 'fill', this.getBox(), 2 );
-                shape.stroked = false;
-                shape.fill.type = 'tile';
-                shape.fillcolor = 'none';
-                shape.coordsize = w * 2 + ',' + h * 2;
-                shape.coordorigin = '1,1';
-                shape.path = this.getBoxPath( 0, 2 );
-                s = shape.style;
-                s.width = w;
-                s.height = h;
-                if( img.type === 'linear-gradient' ) {
-                    this.addLinearGradient( shape, img );
-                }
-                else {
-                    shape.fill.src = img.url;
-                    this.positionBgImage( shape, i );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Delete any bgImage shapes previously created which weren't used above
-        i = images ? images.length : 0;
-        while( this.deleteShape( 'bgImage' + i++ ) ) {}
-    },
-    /**
-     * Set the position and clipping of the background image for a layer
-     * @param {Element} shape
-     * @param {number} index
-     */
-    positionBgImage: function( shape, index ) {
-        PIE.Util.withImageSize( shape.fill.src, function( size ) {
-            var fill = shape.fill,
-                el = this.element,
-                elW = el.offsetWidth,
-                elH = el.offsetHeight,
-                cs = el.currentStyle,
-                si = this.styleInfos,
-                border = si.borderInfo.getProps(),
-                bw = border && border.widths,
-                bwT = bw ? bw['t'].pixels( el ) : 0,
-                bwR = bw ? bw['r'].pixels( el ) : 0,
-                bwB = bw ? bw['b'].pixels( el ) : 0,
-                bwL = bw ? bw['l'].pixels( el ) : 0,
-                bg = si.backgroundInfo.getProps().images[ index ],
-                bgPos = bg.position ? bg.position.coords( el, elW - size.w - bwL - bwR, elH - size.h - bwT - bwB ) : { x:0, y:0 },
-                repeat = bg.repeat,
-                pxX, pxY,
-                clipT = 0, clipL = 0,
-                clipR = elW + 1, clipB = elH + 1, //make sure the default clip region is not inside the box (by a subpixel)
-                clipAdjust = PIE.isIE8 ? 0 : 1; //prior to IE8 requires 1 extra pixel in the image clip region
-            // Positioning - find the pixel offset from the top/left and convert to a ratio
-            // The position is shifted by half a pixel, to adjust for the half-pixel coordorigin shift which is
-            // needed to fix antialiasing but makes the bg image fuzzy.
-            pxX = bgPos.x + bwL + 0.5;
-            pxY = bgPos.y + bwT + 0.5;
-            fill.position = ( pxX / elW ) + ',' + ( pxY / elH );
-            // Repeating - clip the image shape
-            if( repeat && repeat !== 'repeat' ) {
-                if( repeat === 'repeat-x' || repeat === 'no-repeat' ) {
-                    clipT = pxY + 1;
-                    clipB = pxY + size.h + clipAdjust;
-                }
-                if( repeat === 'repeat-y' || repeat === 'no-repeat' ) {
-                    clipL = pxX + 1;
-                    clipR = pxX + size.w + clipAdjust;
-                }
-                shape.style.clip = 'rect(' + clipT + 'px,' + clipR + 'px,' + clipB + 'px,' + clipL + 'px)';
-            }
-        }, this );
-    },
-    /**
-     * Draw the linear gradient for a gradient layer
-     * @param {Element} shape
-     * @param {Object} info The object holding the information about the gradient
-     */
-    addLinearGradient: function( shape, info ) {
-        var el = this.element,
-            w = el.offsetWidth,
-            h = el.offsetHeight,
-            fill = shape.fill,
-            angle = info.angle,
-            startPos = info.gradientStart,
-            stops = info.stops,
-            stopCount = stops.length,
-            PI = Math.PI,
-            startX, startY,
-            endX, endY,
-            startCornerX, startCornerY,
-            endCornerX, endCornerY,
-            vmlAngle, vmlGradientLength, vmlColors,
-            deltaX, deltaY, lineLength,
-            stopPx, vmlOffsetPct,
-            p, i, j, before, after;
-        /**
-         * Find the point along a given line (defined by a starting point and an angle), at which
-         * that line is intersected by a perpendicular line extending through another point.
-         * @param x1 - x coord of the starting point
-         * @param y1 - y coord of the starting point
-         * @param angle - angle of the line extending from the starting point (in degrees)
-         * @param x2 - x coord of point along the perpendicular line
-         * @param y2 - y coord of point along the perpendicular line
-         * @return [ x, y ]
-         */
-        function perpendicularIntersect( x1, y1, angle, x2, y2 ) {
-            // Handle straight vertical and horizontal angles, for performance and to avoid
-            // divide-by-zero errors.
-            if( angle === 0 || angle === 180 ) {
-                return [ x2, y1 ];
-            }
-            else if( angle === 90 || angle === 270 ) {
-                return [ x1, y2 ];
-            }
-            else {
-                // General approach: determine the Ax+By=C formula for each line (the slope of the second
-                // line is the negative inverse of the first) and then solve for where both formulas have
-                // the same x/y values.
-                var a1 = Math.tan( -angle * PI / 180 ),
-                    c1 = a1 * x1 - y1,
-                    a2 = -1 / a1,
-                    c2 = a2 * x2 - y2,
-                    d = a2 - a1,
-                    endX = ( c2 - c1 ) / d,
-                    endY = ( a1 * c2 - a2 * c1 ) / d;
-                return [ endX, endY ];
-            }
-        }
-        // Find the "start" and "end" corners; these are the corners furthest along the gradient line.
-        // This is used below to find the start/end positions of the CSS3 gradient-line, and also in finding
-        // the total length of the VML rendered gradient-line corner to corner.
-        function findCorners() {
-            startCornerX = ( angle >= 90 && angle < 270 ) ? w : 0;
-            startCornerY = angle < 180 ? h : 0;
-            endCornerX = w - startCornerX;
-            endCornerY = h - startCornerY;
-        }
-        // Normalize the angle to a value between [0, 360)
-        function normalizeAngle() {
-            if( angle < 0 ) {
-                angle += 360;
-            }
-            angle = angle % 360;
-        }
-        // Find the distance between two points
-        function distance( p1, p2 ) {
-            var dx = p2[0] - p1[0],
-                dy = p2[1] - p1[1];
-            return Math.abs(
-                dx === 0 ? dy :
-                dy === 0 ? dx :
-                Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy )
-            );
-        }
-        // Find the start and end points of the gradient
-        if( startPos ) {
-            startPos = startPos.coords( el, w, h );
-            startX = startPos.x;
-            startY = startPos.y;
-        }
-        if( angle ) {
-            angle = angle.degrees();
-            normalizeAngle();
-            findCorners();
-            // If no start position was specified, then choose a corner as the starting point.
-            if( !startPos ) {
-                startX = startCornerX;
-                startY = startCornerY;
-            }
-            // Find the end position by extending a perpendicular line from the gradient-line which
-            // intersects the corner opposite from the starting corner.
-            p = perpendicularIntersect( startX, startY, angle, endCornerX, endCornerY );
-            endX = p[0];
-            endY = p[1];
-        }
-        else if( startPos ) {
-            // Start position but no angle specified: find the end point by rotating 180deg around the center
-            endX = w - startX;
-            endY = h - startY;
-        }
-        else {
-            // Neither position nor angle specified; create vertical gradient from top to bottom
-            startX = startY = endX = 0;
-            endY = h;
-        }
-        deltaX = endX - startX;
-        deltaY = endY - startY;
-        if( angle === undefined ) {
-            angle = -Math.atan2( deltaY, deltaX ) / PI * 180;
-            normalizeAngle();
-            findCorners();
-        }
-        // In VML land, the angle of the rendered gradient depends on the aspect ratio of the shape's
-        // bounding box; for example specifying a 45 deg angle actually results in a gradient
-        // drawn diagonally from one corner to its opposite corner, which will only appear to the
-        // viewer as 45 degrees if the shape is equilateral.  We adjust for this by taking the x/y deltas
-        // between the start and end points, multiply one of them by the shape's aspect ratio,
-        // and get their arctangent, resulting in an appropriate VML angle.
-        vmlAngle = Math.atan2( deltaX * w / h, deltaY ) / PI * 180;
-        // VML angles are 180 degrees offset from CSS angles
-        vmlAngle += 180;
-        vmlAngle = vmlAngle % 360;
-        // Add all the stops to the VML 'colors' list, including the first and last stops.
-        // For each, we find its pixel offset along the gradient-line; if the offset of a stop is less
-        // than that of its predecessor we increase it to be equal. We then map that pixel offset to a
-        // percentage along the VML gradient-line, which runs from shape corner to corner.
-        lineLength = distance( [ startX, startY ], [ endX, endY ] );
-        vmlGradientLength = distance( [ startCornerX, startCornerY ], perpendicularIntersect( startCornerX, startCornerY, angle, endCornerX, endCornerY ) );
-        vmlColors = [];
-        vmlOffsetPct = distance( [ startX, startY ], perpendicularIntersect( startX, startY, angle, startCornerX, startCornerY ) ) / vmlGradientLength * 100;
-        // Find the pixel offsets along the CSS3 gradient-line for each stop.
-        stopPx = [];
-        for( i = 0; i < stopCount; i++ ) {
-            stopPx.push( stops[i].offset ? stops[i].offset.pixels( el, lineLength ) :
-                         i === 0 ? 0 : i === stopCount - 1 ? lineLength : null );
-        }
-        // Fill in gaps with evenly-spaced offsets
-        for( i = 1; i < stopCount; i++ ) {
-            if( stopPx[ i ] === null ) {
-                before = stopPx[ i - 1 ];
-                j = i;
-                do {
-                    after = stopPx[ ++j ];
-                } while( after === null );
-                stopPx[ i ] = before + ( after - before ) / ( j - i + 1 );
-            }
-            // Make sure each stop's offset is no less than the one before it
-            stopPx[ i ] = Math.max( stopPx[ i ], stopPx[ i - 1 ] );
-        }
-        // Convert to percentage along the VML gradient line and add to the VML 'colors' value
-        for( i = 0; i < stopCount; i++ ) {
-            vmlColors.push(
-                ( vmlOffsetPct + ( stopPx[ i ] / vmlGradientLength * 100 ) ) + '% ' + stops[i].color.value( el )
-            );
-        }
-        // Now, finally, we're ready to render the gradient fill. Set the start and end colors to
-        // the first and last stop colors; this just sets outer bounds for the gradient.
-        fill['angle'] = vmlAngle;
-        fill['type'] = 'gradient';
-        fill['method'] = 'sigma';
-        fill['color'] = stops[0].color.value( el );
-        fill['color2'] = stops[stopCount - 1].color.value( el );
-        fill['colors'].value = vmlColors.join( ',' );
-    },
-    /**
-     * Hide the actual background image and color of the element.
-     */
-    hideBackground: function() {
-        var rs = this.element.runtimeStyle;
-        rs.backgroundImage = 'url(about:blank)'; //ensures the background area reacts to mouse events
-        rs.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
-    },
-    destroy: function() {
-        PIE.RendererBase.destroy.call( this );
-        var rs = this.element.runtimeStyle;
-        rs.backgroundImage = rs.backgroundColor = '';
-    }
-} );
- * Renderer for element borders.
- * @constructor
- * @param {Element} el The target element
- * @param {Object} styleInfos The StyleInfo objects
- * @param {PIE.RootRenderer} parent
- */
-PIE.BorderRenderer = PIE.RendererBase.newRenderer( {
-    zIndex: 4,
-    boxName: 'border',
-    needsUpdate: function() {
-        var si = this.styleInfos;
-        return si.borderInfo.changed() || si.borderRadiusInfo.changed();
-    },
-    isActive: function() {
-        var si = this.styleInfos;
-        return si.borderImageInfo.isActive() ||
-               si.borderRadiusInfo.isActive() ||
-               si.backgroundInfo.isActive();
-    },
-    updateSize: function() {
-        if( this.isActive() ) {
-            this.drawBorder();
-        }
-    },
-    updateProps: function() {
-        this.destroy();
-        if( this.isActive() ) {
-            this.drawBorder();
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Draw the border shape(s)
-     */
-    drawBorder: function() {
-        var el = this.element,
-            cs = el.currentStyle,
-            w = el.offsetWidth,
-            h = el.offsetHeight,
-            props = this.styleInfos.borderInfo.getProps(),
-            side, shape, stroke, bColor, bWidth, bStyle, s,
-            segments, seg, i, len;
-        if( props ) {
-            this.hideBorder();
-            segments = this.getBorderSegments( 2 );
-            for( i = 0, len = segments.length; i < len; i++) {
-                seg = segments[i];
-                shape = this.getShape( 'borderPiece' + i, seg.stroke ? 'stroke' : 'fill', this.getBox() );
-                shape.coordsize = w * 2 + ',' + h * 2;
-                shape.coordorigin = '1,1';
-                shape.path = seg.path;
-                s = shape.style;
-                s.width = w;
-                s.height = h;
-                shape.filled = !!seg.fill;
-                shape.stroked = !!seg.stroke;
-                if( seg.stroke ) {
-                    stroke = shape.stroke;
-                    stroke['weight'] = seg.weight + 'px';
-                    stroke.color = seg.color.value( el );
-                    stroke['dashstyle'] = seg.stroke === 'dashed' ? '2 2' : seg.stroke === 'dotted' ? '1 1' : 'solid';
-                    stroke['linestyle'] = seg.stroke === 'double' && seg.weight > 2 ? 'ThinThin' : 'Single';
-                } else {
-                    shape.fill.color = seg.fill.value( el );
-                }
-            }
-            // remove any previously-created border shapes which didn't get used above
-            while( this.deleteShape( 'borderPiece' + i++ ) ) {}
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Hide the actual border of the element. In IE7 and up we can just set its color to transparent;
-     * however IE6 does not support transparent borders so we have to get tricky with it. Also, some elements
-     * like form buttons require removing the border width altogether, so for those we increase the padding
-     * by the border size.
-     */
-    hideBorder: function() {
-        var el = this.element,
-            cs = el.currentStyle,
-            rs = el.runtimeStyle,
-            tag = el.tagName,
-            sides, side, i;
-        if( tag === 'BUTTON' || ( tag === 'INPUT' && el.type in { 'submit':1, 'button':1, 'reset':1 } ) ) {
-            rs.borderWidth = '';
-            sides = this.styleInfos.borderInfo.sides;
-            for( i = sides.length; i--; ) {
-                side = sides[ i ];
-                rs[ 'padding' + side ] = '';
-                rs[ 'padding' + side ] = parseInt( cs[ 'padding' + side ] ) +
-                                         parseInt( cs[ 'border' + side + 'Width' ] ) +
-                                         ( !PIE.isIE8 && i % 2 ? 1 : 0 ); //needs an extra horizontal pixel to counteract the extra "inner border" going away
-            }
-            rs.borderWidth = 0;
-        }
-        else if( PIE.isIE6 ) {
-            // Wrap all the element's children in a custom element, set the element to visiblity:hidden,
-            // and set the wrapper element to visiblity:visible. This hides the outer element's decorations
-            // (background and border) but displays all the contents.
-            // TODO find a better way to do this that doesn't mess up the DOM parent-child relationship,
-            // as this can interfere with other author scripts which add/modify/delete children. Also, this
-            // won't work for elements which cannot take children, e.g. input/button/textarea/img/etc. Look into
-            // using a compositor filter or some other filter which masks the border.
-            if( el.childNodes.length !== 1 || el.firstChild.tagName !== 'ie6-mask' ) {
-                var cont = el.document.createElement( 'ie6-mask' ),
-                    s = cont.style, child;
-                s.visibility = 'visible';
-                s.zoom = 1;
-                while( child = el.firstChild ) {
-                    cont.appendChild( child );
-                }
-                el.appendChild( cont );
-                rs.visibility = 'hidden';
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            rs.borderColor = 'transparent';
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Get the VML path definitions for the border segment(s).
-     * @param {number=} mult If specified, all coordinates will be multiplied by this number
-     * @return {Array.<string>}
-     */
-    getBorderSegments: function( mult ) {
-        var el = this.element,
-            elW, elH,
-            borderInfo = this.styleInfos.borderInfo,
-            segments = [],
-            floor, ceil, wT, wR, wB, wL,
-            borderProps, radiusInfo, radii, widths, styles, colors;
-        if( borderInfo.isActive() ) {
-            borderProps = borderInfo.getProps();
-            widths = borderProps.widths;
-            styles = borderProps.styles;
-            colors = borderProps.colors;
-            if( borderProps.widthsSame && borderProps.stylesSame && borderProps.colorsSame ) {
-                // shortcut for identical border on all sides - only need 1 stroked shape
-                wT = widths['t'].pixels( el ); //thickness
-                wR = wT / 2; //shrink
-                segments.push( {
-                    path: this.getBoxPath( { t: wR, r: wR, b: wR, l: wR }, mult ),
-                    stroke: styles['t'],
-                    color: colors['t'],
-                    weight: wT
-                } );
-            }
-            else {
-                mult = mult || 1;
-                elW = el.offsetWidth;
-                elH = el.offsetHeight;
-                wT = widths['t'].pixels( el );
-                wR = widths['r'].pixels( el );
-                wB = widths['b'].pixels( el );
-                wL = widths['l'].pixels( el );
-                var pxWidths = {
-                    't': wT,
-                    'r': wR,
-                    'b': wB,
-                    'l': wL
-                };
-                radiusInfo = this.styleInfos.borderRadiusInfo;
-                if( radiusInfo.isActive() ) {
-                    radii = this.getRadiiPixels( radiusInfo.getProps() );
-                }
-                floor = Math.floor;
-                ceil = Math.ceil;
-                function radius( xy, corner ) {
-                    return radii ? radii[ xy ][ corner ] : 0;
-                }
-                function curve( corner, shrinkX, shrinkY, startAngle, ccw, doMove ) {
-                    var rx = radius( 'x', corner),
-                        ry = radius( 'y', corner),
-                        deg = 65535,
-                        isRight = corner.charAt( 1 ) === 'r',
-                        isBottom = corner.charAt( 0 ) === 'b';
-                    return ( rx > 0 && ry > 0 ) ?
-                                ( doMove ? 'al' : 'ae' ) +
-                                ( isRight ? ceil( elW - rx ) : floor( rx ) ) * mult + ',' + // center x
-                                ( isBottom ? ceil( elH - ry ) : floor( ry ) ) * mult + ',' + // center y
-                                ( floor( rx ) - shrinkX ) * mult + ',' + // width
-                                ( floor( ry ) - shrinkY ) * mult + ',' + // height
-                                ( startAngle * deg ) + ',' + // start angle
-                                ( 45 * deg * ( ccw ? 1 : -1 ) // angle change
-                            ) : (
-                                ( doMove ? 'm' : 'l' ) +
-                                ( isRight ? elW - shrinkX : shrinkX ) * mult + ',' +
-                                ( isBottom ? elH - shrinkY : shrinkY ) * mult
-                            );
-                }
-                function line( side, shrink, ccw, doMove ) {
-                    var
-                        start = (
-                            side === 't' ?
-                                floor( radius( 'x', 'tl') ) * mult + ',' + ceil( shrink ) * mult :
-                            side === 'r' ?
-                                ceil( elW - shrink ) * mult + ',' + floor( radius( 'y', 'tr') ) * mult :
-                            side === 'b' ?
-                                ceil( elW - radius( 'x', 'br') ) * mult + ',' + floor( elH - shrink ) * mult :
-                            // side === 'l' ?
-                                floor( shrink ) * mult + ',' + ceil( elH - radius( 'y', 'bl') ) * mult
-                        ),
-                        end = (
-                            side === 't' ?
-                                ceil( elW - radius( 'x', 'tr') ) * mult + ',' + ceil( shrink ) * mult :
-                            side === 'r' ?
-                                ceil( elW - shrink ) * mult + ',' + ceil( elH - radius( 'y', 'br') ) * mult :
-                            side === 'b' ?
-                                floor( radius( 'x', 'bl') ) * mult + ',' + floor( elH - shrink ) * mult :
-                            // side === 'l' ?
-                                floor( shrink ) * mult + ',' + floor( radius( 'y', 'tl') ) * mult
-                        );
-                    return ccw ? ( doMove ? 'm' + end : '' ) + 'l' + start :
-                                 ( doMove ? 'm' + start : '' ) + 'l' + end;
-                }
-                function addSide( side, sideBefore, sideAfter, cornerBefore, cornerAfter, baseAngle ) {
-                    var vert = side === 'l' || side === 'r',
-                        sideW = pxWidths[ side ],
-                        beforeX, beforeY, afterX, afterY;
-                    if( sideW > 0 && styles[ side ] !== 'none' ) {
-                        beforeX = pxWidths[ vert ? side : sideBefore ];
-                        beforeY = pxWidths[ vert ? sideBefore : side ];
-                        afterX = pxWidths[ vert ? side : sideAfter ];
-                        afterY = pxWidths[ vert ? sideAfter : side ];
-                        if( styles[ side ] === 'dashed' || styles[ side ] === 'dotted' ) {
-                            segments.push( {
-                                path: curve( cornerBefore, beforeX, beforeY, baseAngle + 45, 0, 1 ) +
-                                      curve( cornerBefore, 0, 0, baseAngle, 1, 0 ),
-                                fill: colors[ side ]
-                            } );
-                            segments.push( {
-                                path: line( side, sideW / 2, 0, 1 ),
-                                stroke: styles[ side ],
-                                weight: sideW,
-                                color: colors[ side ]
-                            } );
-                            segments.push( {
-                                path: curve( cornerAfter, afterX, afterY, baseAngle, 0, 1 ) +
-                                      curve( cornerAfter, 0, 0, baseAngle - 45, 1, 0 ),
-                                fill: colors[ side ]
-                            } );
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            segments.push( {
-                                path: curve( cornerBefore, beforeX, beforeY, baseAngle + 45, 0, 1 ) +
-                                      line( side, sideW, 0, 0 ) +
-                                      curve( cornerAfter, afterX, afterY, baseAngle, 0, 0 ) +
-                                      ( styles[ side ] === 'double' && sideW > 2 ?
-                                              curve( cornerAfter, afterX - floor( afterX / 3 ), afterY - floor( afterY / 3 ), baseAngle - 45, 1, 0 ) +
-                                              line( side, ceil( sideW / 3 * 2 ), 1, 0 ) +
-                                              curve( cornerBefore, beforeX - floor( beforeX / 3 ), beforeY - floor( beforeY / 3 ), baseAngle, 1, 0 ) +
-                                              'x ' +
-                                              curve( cornerBefore, floor( beforeX / 3 ), floor( beforeY / 3 ), baseAngle + 45, 0, 1 ) +
-                                              line( side, floor( sideW / 3 ), 1, 0 ) +
-                                              curve( cornerAfter, floor( afterX / 3 ), floor( afterY / 3 ), baseAngle, 0, 0 )
-                                          : '' ) +
-                                      curve( cornerAfter, 0, 0, baseAngle - 45, 1, 0 ) +
-                                      line( side, 0, 1, 0 ) +
-                                      curve( cornerBefore, 0, 0, baseAngle, 1, 0 ),
-                                fill: colors[ side ]
-                            } );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                addSide( 't', 'l', 'r', 'tl', 'tr', 90 );
-                addSide( 'r', 't', 'b', 'tr', 'br', 0 );
-                addSide( 'b', 'r', 'l', 'br', 'bl', -90 );
-                addSide( 'l', 'b', 't', 'bl', 'tl', -180 );
-            }
-        }
-        return segments;
-    },
-    destroy: function() {
-        PIE.RendererBase.destroy.call( this );
-        this.element.runtimeStyle.borderColor = '';
-    }
-} );
- * Renderer for border-image
- * @constructor
- * @param {Element} el The target element
- * @param {Object} styleInfos The StyleInfo objects
- * @param {PIE.RootRenderer} parent
- */
-PIE.BorderImageRenderer = PIE.RendererBase.newRenderer( {
-    zIndex: 5,
-    pieceNames: [ 't', 'tr', 'r', 'br', 'b', 'bl', 'l', 'tl', 'c' ],
-    needsUpdate: function() {
-        var si = this.styleInfos;
-        return si.borderImageInfo.changed() || si.borderImageInfo.changed();
-    },
-    isActive: function() {
-        return this.styleInfos.borderImageInfo.isActive();
-    },
-    updateSize: function() {
-        if( this.isActive() ) {
-            var props = this.styleInfos.borderImageInfo.getProps(),
-                box = this.getBox(), //make sure pieces are created
-                el = this.element,
-                pieces = this.pieces;
-            PIE.Util.withImageSize( props.src, function( imgSize ) {
-                var elW = el.offsetWidth,
-                    elH = el.offsetHeight,
-                    widths = props.width,
-                    widthT = widths.t.pixels( el ),
-                    widthR = widths.r.pixels( el ),
-                    widthB = widths.b.pixels( el ),
-                    widthL = widths.l.pixels( el ),
-                    slices = props.slice,
-                    sliceT = slices.t.pixels( el ),
-                    sliceR = slices.r.pixels( el ),
-                    sliceB = slices.b.pixels( el ),
-                    sliceL = slices.l.pixels( el );
-                // Piece positions and sizes
-                function setSizeAndPos( piece, w, h, x, y ) {
-                    var s = pieces[piece].style;
-                    s.width = w;
-                    s.height = h;
-                    s.left = x;
-                    s.top = y;
-                }
-                setSizeAndPos( 'tl', widthL, widthT, 0, 0 );
-                setSizeAndPos( 't', elW - widthL - widthR, widthT, widthL, 0 );
-                setSizeAndPos( 'tr', widthR, widthT, elW - widthR, 0 );
-                setSizeAndPos( 'r', widthR, elH - widthT - widthB, elW - widthR, widthT );
-                setSizeAndPos( 'br', widthR, widthB, elW - widthR, elH - widthB );
-                setSizeAndPos( 'b', elW - widthL - widthR, widthB, widthL, elH - widthB );
-                setSizeAndPos( 'bl', widthL, widthB, 0, elH - widthB );
-                setSizeAndPos( 'l', widthL, elH - widthT - widthB, 0, widthT );
-                setSizeAndPos( 'c', elW - widthL - widthR, elH - widthT - widthB, widthL, widthT );
-                // image croppings
-                function setCrops( sides, crop, val ) {
-                    for( var i=0, len=sides.length; i < len; i++ ) {
-                        pieces[ sides[i] ]['imagedata'][ crop ] = val;
-                    }
-                }
-                // corners
-                setCrops( [ 'tl', 't', 'tr' ], 'cropBottom', ( imgSize.h - sliceT ) / imgSize.h );
-                setCrops( [ 'tl', 'l', 'bl' ], 'cropRight', ( imgSize.w - sliceL ) / imgSize.w );
-                setCrops( [ 'bl', 'b', 'br' ], 'cropTop', ( imgSize.h - sliceB ) / imgSize.h );
-                setCrops( [ 'tr', 'r', 'br' ], 'cropLeft', ( imgSize.w - sliceR ) / imgSize.w );
-                // edges and center
-                if( props.repeat.v === 'stretch' ) {
-                    setCrops( [ 'l', 'r', 'c' ], 'cropTop', sliceT / imgSize.h );
-                    setCrops( [ 'l', 'r', 'c' ], 'cropBottom', sliceB / imgSize.h );
-                }
-                if( props.repeat.h === 'stretch' ) {
-                    setCrops( [ 't', 'b', 'c' ], 'cropLeft', sliceL / imgSize.w );
-                    setCrops( [ 't', 'b', 'c' ], 'cropRight', sliceR / imgSize.w );
-                }
-                // center fill
-                pieces['c'].style.display = props.fill ? '' : 'none';
-            }, this );
-        } else {
-            this.destroy();
-        }
-    },
-    updateProps: function() {
-        this.destroy();
-        if( this.isActive() ) {
-            this.updateSize();
-        }
-    },
-    getBox: function() {
-        var box = this._box, s, piece, i,
-            pieceNames = this.pieceNames,
-            len = pieceNames.length;
-        if( !box ) {
-            box = this._box = this.element.document.createElement( 'border-image' );
-            s = box.style;
-            s.position = 'absolute';
-            this.pieces = {};
-            for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
-                piece = this.pieces[ pieceNames[i] ] = PIE.Util.createVmlElement( 'rect' );
-                piece.appendChild( PIE.Util.createVmlElement( 'imagedata' ) );
-                s = piece.style;
-                s['behavior'] = 'url(#default#VML)';
-                s.position = "absolute";
-                s.top = s.left = 0;
-                piece['imagedata'].src = this.styleInfos.borderImageInfo.getProps().src;
-                piece.stroked = false;
-                piece.filled = false;
-                box.appendChild( piece );
-            }
-            this.parent.addLayer( this.zIndex, box )
-        }
-        return box;
-    }
-} );
- * Renderer for outset box-shadows
- * @constructor
- * @param {Element} el The target element
- * @param {Object} styleInfos The StyleInfo objects
- * @param {PIE.RootRenderer} parent
- */
-PIE.BoxShadowOutsetRenderer = PIE.RendererBase.newRenderer( {
-    zIndex: 1,
-    boxName: 'outset-box-shadow',
-    needsUpdate: function() {
-        var si = this.styleInfos;
-        return si.boxShadowInfo.changed() || si.borderRadiusInfo.changed();
-    },
-    isActive: function() {
-        var boxShadowInfo = this.styleInfos.boxShadowInfo;
-        return boxShadowInfo.isActive() && boxShadowInfo.getProps().outset[0];
-    },
-    updateSize: function() {
-        if( this.isActive() ) {
-            var me = this,
-                el = this.element,
-                box = this.getBox(),
-                styleInfos = this.styleInfos,
-                shadowInfos = styleInfos.boxShadowInfo.getProps().outset,
-                radii = styleInfos.borderRadiusInfo.getProps(),
-                len = shadowInfos.length,
-                i = len, j,
-                w = el.offsetWidth,
-                h = el.offsetHeight,
-                clipAdjust = PIE.isIE8 ? 1 : 0, //workaround for IE8 bug where VML leaks out top/left of clip region by 1px
-                corners = [ 'tl', 'tr', 'br', 'bl' ], corner,
-                shadowInfo, shape, fill, ss, xOff, yOff, spread, blur, shrink, color, alpha, path,
-                totalW, totalH, focusX, focusY, isBottom, isRight;
-            function getShadowShape( index, corner, xOff, yOff, color, blur, path ) {
-                var shape = me.getShape( 'shadow' + index + corner, 'fill', box, len - index ),
-                    ss = shape.style,
-                    fill = shape.fill;
-                // Position and size
-                ss.left = xOff;
-                ss.top = yOff;
-                shape['coordsize'] = w * 2 + ',' + h * 2;
-                shape['coordorigin'] = '1,1';
-                // Color and opacity
-                shape['stroked'] = false;
-                shape['filled'] = true;
-                fill.color = color.value( el );
-                if( blur ) {
-                    fill['type'] = 'gradienttitle'; //makes the VML gradient follow the shape's outline - hooray for undocumented features?!?!
-                    fill['color2'] = fill.color;
-                    fill['opacity'] = 0;
-                }
-                // Path
-                shape.path = path;
-                // This needs to go last for some reason, to prevent rendering at incorrect size
-                ss.width = w;
-                ss.height = h;
-                return shape;
-            }
-            while( i-- ) {
-                shadowInfo = shadowInfos[ i ];
-                xOff = shadowInfo.xOffset.pixels( el );
-                yOff = shadowInfo.yOffset.pixels( el );
-                spread = shadowInfo.spread.pixels( el ),
-                blur = shadowInfo.blur.pixels( el );
-                color = shadowInfo.color;
-                // Shape path
-                shrink = -spread - blur;
-                if( !radii && blur ) {
-                    // If blurring, use a non-null border radius info object so that getBoxPath will
-                    // round the corners of the expanded shadow shape rather than squaring them off.
-                    radii = PIE.BorderRadiusStyleInfo.ALL_ZERO;
-                }
-                path = this.getBoxPath( { t: shrink, r: shrink, b: shrink, l: shrink }, 2, radii );
-                if( blur ) {
-                    totalW = ( spread + blur ) * 2 + w;
-                    totalH = ( spread + blur ) * 2 + h;
-                    focusX = blur * 2 / totalW;
-                    focusY = blur * 2 / totalH;
-                    if( blur - spread > w / 2 || blur - spread > h / 2 ) {
-                        // If the blur is larger than half the element's narrowest dimension, we cannot do
-                        // this with a single shape gradient, because its focussize would have to be less than
-                        // zero which results in ugly artifacts. Instead we create four shapes, each with its
-                        // gradient focus past center, and then clip them so each only shows the quadrant
-                        // opposite the focus.
-                        for( j = 4; j--; ) {
-                            corner = corners[j];
-                            isBottom = corner.charAt( 0 ) === 'b';
-                            isRight = corner.charAt( 1 ) === 'r';
-                            shape = getShadowShape( i, corner, xOff, yOff, color, blur, path );
-                            fill = shape.fill;
-                            fill['focusposition'] = ( isRight ? 1 - focusX : focusX ) + ',' +
-                                                    ( isBottom ? 1 - focusY : focusY );
-                            fill['focussize'] = '0,0';
-                            // Clip to show only the appropriate quadrant. Add 1px to the top/left clip values
-                            // in IE8 to prevent a bug where IE8 displays one pixel outside the clip region.
-                            shape.style.clip = 'rect(' + ( ( isBottom ? totalH / 2 : 0 ) + clipAdjust ) + 'px,' +
-                                                         ( isRight ? totalW : totalW / 2 ) + 'px,' +
-                                                         ( isBottom ? totalH : totalH / 2 ) + 'px,' +
-                                                         ( ( isRight ? totalW / 2 : 0 ) + clipAdjust ) + 'px)';
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        // TODO delete old quadrant shapes if resizing expands past the barrier
-                        shape = getShadowShape( i, '', xOff, yOff, color, blur, path );
-                        fill = shape.fill;
-                        fill['focusposition'] = focusX + ',' + focusY;
-                        fill['focussize'] = ( 1 - focusX * 2 ) + ',' + ( 1 - focusY * 2 );
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    shape = getShadowShape( i, '', xOff, yOff, color, blur, path );
-                    alpha = color.alpha();
-                    if( alpha < 1 ) {
-                        // shape.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + ( alpha * 100 ) + ')';
-                        // ss.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(opacity=' + ( alpha  ) + ')';
-                        shape.fill.opacity = alpha;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            this.destroy();
-        }
-    },
-    updateProps: function() {
-        this.destroy();
-        this.updateSize();
-    }
-} );
- * Renderer for inset box-shadows
- * @constructor
- * @param {Element} el The target element
- * @param {Object} styleInfos The StyleInfo objects
- * @param {PIE.RootRenderer} parent
- */
-PIE.BoxShadowInsetRenderer = PIE.RendererBase.newRenderer( {
-    zIndex: 3,
-    boxName: 'inset-box-shadow',
-    needsUpdate: function() {
-        var si = this.styleInfos;
-        return si.boxShadowInfo.changed() || si.borderRadiusInfo.changed();
-    },
-    isActive: function() {
-        var boxShadowInfo = this.styleInfos.boxShadowInfo;
-        return boxShadowInfo.isActive() && boxShadowInfo.getProps().inset[0];
-    },
-    updateSize: function() {
-        // TODO
-    },
-    updateProps: function() {
-        // TODO
-    }
-} );
-} // if( !PIE )
-var lastW, lastH, lastX, lastY,
-    renderers,
-    styleInfos,
-    ancestors;
- * Update position and/or size as necessary. Both move and resize events call
- * this rather than the updatePos/Size functions because sometimes, particularly
- * during page load, one will fire but the other won't.
- */
-function update() {
-    init();
-    /* TODO just using getBoundingClientRect may not always be accurate; it's possible that
-       an element will actually move relative to its positioning parent, but its position
-       relative to the viewport will stay the same. Need to come up with a better way to
-       track movement. The most accurate would be the same logic used in RootRenderer.updatePos()
-       but that is a more expensive operation since it does some DOM walking, and we want this
-       check to be as fast as possible. */
-    var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(),
-        x = rect.left,
-        y = rect.top,
-        w = rect.right - x,
-        h = rect.bottom - y,
-        i, len;
-    if( x !== lastX || y !== lastY ) {
-        for( i = 0, len = renderers.length; i < len; i++ ) {
-            renderers[i].updatePos();
-        }
-        lastX = x;
-        lastY = y;
-    }
-    if( w !== lastW || h !== lastH ) {
-        for( i = 0, len = renderers.length; i < len; i++ ) {
-            renderers[i].updateSize();
-        }
-        lastW = w;
-        lastH = h;
-    }
- * Handle property changes to trigger update when appropriate.
- */
-function propChanged() {
-    init();
-    var i, len,
-        toUpdate = [];
-    for( i = 0, len = renderers.length; i < len; i++ ) {
-        if( renderers[i].needsUpdate() ) {
-            toUpdate.push( renderers[i] );
-        }
-    }
-    for( i = 0, len = toUpdate.length; i < len; i++ ) {
-        toUpdate[i].updateProps();
-    }
- * Handle mouseenter events. Adds a custom class to the element to allow IE6 to add
- * hover styles to non-link elements.
- */
-function mouseEntered() {
-    var el = event.srcElement;
-    el.className += ' ' + PIE.CLASS_PREFIX + 'hover';
-    //must delay this because the mouseleave event fires before the :hover styles are added.
-    setTimeout( propChanged, 0 );
- * Handle mouseleave events
- */
-function mouseLeft() {
-    var el = event.srcElement;
-    el.className = el.className.replace( new RegExp( '\\b' + PIE.CLASS_PREFIX + 'hover\\b', 'g' ), '' );
-    //must delay this because the mouseleave event fires before the :hover styles are removed.
-    setTimeout( propChanged, 0 );
- * Handle property changes on ancestors of the element; see initAncestorPropChangeListeners()
- * which adds these listeners as requested with the -pie-watch-ancestors CSS property.
- */
-function ancestorPropChanged() {
-    var name = event.propertyName;
-    if( name === 'className' || name === 'id' ) {
-        propChanged();
-    }
- * Clean everything up when the behavior is removed from the element, or the element
- * is destroyed.
- */
-function cleanup() {
-    var i, len;
-    // destroy any active renderers
-    if( renderers ) {
-        for( i = 0, len = renderers.length; i < len; i++ ) {
-            renderers[i].destroy();
-        }
-        renderers = null;
-    }
-    styleInfos = null;
-    // remove any ancestor propertychange listeners
-    if( ancestors ) {
-        for( i = 0, len = ancestors.length; i < len; i++ ) {
-            ancestors[i].detachEvent( 'onpropertychange', ancestorPropChanged );
-            ancestors[i].detachEvent( 'onmouseenter', mouseEntered );
-            ancestors[i].detachEvent( 'onmouseleave', mouseLeft );
-        }
-        ancestors = null;
-    }
-    // Add to list of polled elements in IE8
-    if( PIE.ie8DocMode === 8 ) {
-        PIE.ie8Poller.remove( update );
-    }
- * If requested via the custom -pie-watch-ancestors CSS property, add onpropertychange listeners
- * to ancestor(s) of the element so we can pick up style changes based on CSS rules using
- * descendant selectors.
- */
-function initAncestorPropChangeListeners() {
-    var el = element,
-        watch = el.currentStyle.getAttribute( PIE.CSS_PREFIX + 'watch-ancestors' ),
-        i, a;
-    if( watch ) {
-        ancestors = [];
-        watch = parseInt( watch, 10 );
-        i = 0;
-        a = el.parentNode;
-        while( a && ( watch === 'NaN' || i++ < watch ) ) {
-            ancestors.push( a );
-            a.attachEvent( 'onpropertychange', ancestorPropChanged );
-            a.attachEvent( 'onmouseenter', mouseEntered );
-            a.attachEvent( 'onmouseleave', mouseLeft );
-            a = a.parentNode;
-        }
-    }
- * Initialize PIE for this element.
- */
-function init() {
-    if( !renderers ) {
-        var el = element;
-        // force layout so move/resize events will fire
-        el.runtimeStyle.zoom = 1;
-        // Create the style infos and renderers
-        styleInfos = {
-            backgroundInfo: new PIE.BackgroundStyleInfo( el ),
-            borderInfo: new PIE.BorderStyleInfo( el ),
-            borderImageInfo: new PIE.BorderImageStyleInfo( el ),
-            borderRadiusInfo: new PIE.BorderRadiusStyleInfo( el ),
-            boxShadowInfo: new PIE.BoxShadowStyleInfo( el ),
-            visibilityInfo: new PIE.VisibilityStyleInfo( el )
-        };
-        var rootRenderer = new PIE.RootRenderer( el, styleInfos );
-        renderers = [
-            rootRenderer,
-            new PIE.BoxShadowOutsetRenderer( el, styleInfos, rootRenderer ),
-            new PIE.BackgroundRenderer( el, styleInfos, rootRenderer ),
-            new PIE.BoxShadowInsetRenderer( el, styleInfos, rootRenderer ),
-            new PIE.BorderRenderer( el, styleInfos, rootRenderer ),
-            new PIE.BorderImageRenderer( el, styleInfos, rootRenderer )
-        ];
-        // Add property change listeners to ancestors if requested
-        initAncestorPropChangeListeners();
-        // Add to list of polled elements in IE8
-        if( PIE.ie8DocMode === 8 ) {
-            PIE.ie8Poller.add( update );
-        }
-    }
-if( element.readyState === 'complete' ) {
-    update();
-    </script>

commit 736d274b856d1e99de0e1e7fab13a1ec60b25b33
Author: Jim Brandt <jbrandt at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Tue May 1 10:57:24 2012 -0400

    Enable Outlook newline cleanup on base64 email.
    Move the RescueOutlook call to come after email is decoded.
    Allow double newline cleanup on base64 email. Trigger
    based on a config option and some headers that should
    be MS-specific.
    Email samples also have a single space on the extra lines,
    so remove trailing space while cleaning up.

diff --git a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
index 50b46c3..a97227d 100755
--- a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
+++ b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
@@ -459,6 +459,22 @@ Set($ExtractSubjectTagNoMatch, ( ${RT::EmailSubjectTagRegex}
        ? qr/\[(?:${RT::EmailSubjectTagRegex}) #\d+\]/
        : qr/\[\Q$RT::rtname\E #\d+\]/));
+=item C<$CleanMailDoubleNewlines>
+Some email clients create a plain text version of HTML-formatted
+email to help other clients that read only plain text.
+Unfortunately, the plain text parts sometimes end up with
+doubled newlines and these can then end up in RT. This
+is most often seen in MS Outlook.
+Enable this option to have RT attempt to clean up double
+newlines in email from MS Outlook. Note that it may
+clean up intentional double newlines as well.
+Set( $CleanMailDoubleNewlines, 0);
diff --git a/lib/RT/EmailParser.pm b/lib/RT/EmailParser.pm
index 4cf4184..d3b9202 100644
--- a/lib/RT/EmailParser.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/EmailParser.pm
@@ -131,8 +131,6 @@ sub SmartParseMIMEEntityFromScalar {
-    $self->RescueOutlook;
     #If for some reason we weren't able to parse the message using a temp file
     # try it with a scalar
     if ( $@ || !$self->Entity ) {
@@ -568,50 +566,84 @@ return 1 if it does find the problem in the entity and get it fixed.
 sub RescueOutlook {
     my $self = shift;
     my $mime = $self->Entity();
-    return unless $mime;
-    my $mailer = $mime->head->get('X-Mailer');
-    # 12.0 is outlook 2007, 14.0 is 2010
-    if ( $mailer && $mailer =~ /Microsoft(?:.*?)Outlook 1[2-4]\./ ) {
-        my $text_part;
-        if ( $mime->head->get('Content-Type') =~ m{multipart/mixed} ) {
-            my $first = $mime->parts(0);
-            if ( $first->head->get('Content-Type') =~ m{multipart/alternative} )
-            {
-                my $inner_first = $first->parts(0);
-                if ( $inner_first->head->get('Content-Type') =~ m{text/plain} )
-                {
-                    $text_part = $inner_first;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        elsif ( $mime->head->get('Content-Type') =~ m{multipart/alternative} ) {
-            my $first = $mime->parts(0);
-            if ( $first->head->get('Content-Type') =~ m{text/plain} ) {
-                $text_part = $first;
-            }
-        }
-        if ($text_part) {
-            # use the unencoded string
-            my $content = $text_part->bodyhandle->as_string;
-            if ( $content =~ s/\n\n/\n/g ) {
-                # only write only if we did change the content
-                if ( my $io = $text_part->open("w") ) {
-                    $io->print($content);
-                    $io->close;
-                    return 1;
-                }
-                else {
-                    $RT::Logger->error("can't write to body");
-                }
-            }
-        }
+    return unless $mime && $self->LooksLikeMSEmail($mime);
+    my $text_part;
+    if ( $mime->head->get('Content-Type') =~ m{multipart/mixed} ) {
+      my $first = $mime->parts(0);
+      if ( $first->head->get('Content-Type') =~ m{multipart/alternative} ) {
+	my $inner_first = $first->parts(0);
+	if ( $inner_first->head->get('Content-Type') =~ m{text/plain} ) {
+	  $text_part = $inner_first;
+	}
+      }
+    } elsif ( $mime->head->get('Content-Type') =~ m{multipart/alternative} ) {
+      my $first = $mime->parts(0);
+      if ( $first->head->get('Content-Type') =~ m{text/plain} ) {
+	$text_part = $first;
+      }
+    }
+    # Add base64 since we've seen examples of double newlines with
+    # this type too. Need an example of a multi-part base64 to
+    # handle that permutation if it exists.
+    elsif ( $mime->head->get('Content-Transfer-Encoding') =~ m{base64} ) {
+      $text_part = $mime;     # Assuming single part, already decoded.
+    if ($text_part) {
+      # use the unencoded string
+      my $content = $text_part->bodyhandle->as_string;
+      if ( $content =~ s/\n\n/\n/g ) {
+        # Outlook puts a space on extra newlines, remove it
+        $content =~ s/\ +$//mg;
+	# only write only if we did change the content
+	if ( my $io = $text_part->open("w") ) {
+	  $io->print($content);
+	  $io->close;
+	  $RT::Logger->debug("Removed extra newlines from MS Outlook message.");
+	  return 1;
+	} else {
+	  $RT::Logger->error("Can't write to body to fix newlines");
+	}
+      }
+    }
+=head1 LooksLikeMSEmail
+Try to determine if the current email may have
+come from MS Outlook or gone through Exchange, and therefore
+may have extra newlines added.
+sub LooksLikeMSEmail {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $mime = shift;
+  my $mailer = $mime->head->get('X-Mailer');
+  # 12.0 is outlook 2007, 14.0 is 2010
+  return 1 if ( $mailer && $mailer =~ /Microsoft(?:.*?)Outlook 1[2-4]\./ );
+  if ( RT->Config->Get('CleanMailDoubleNewlines') ){
+    # Check for some headers that might
+    # indicate this came from Outlook or through Exchange.
+    # A sample we received had the headers X-MS-Has-Attach: and
+    # X-MS-Tnef-Correlator: and both had no value.
+    my @tags = $mime->head->tags();
+    return 1 if grep { /^X-MS-/ } @tags;
+  }
+  return 0; # Doesn't look like MS email.
 sub DESTROY {
     my $self = shift;
diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm
index 909a9f4..47d0add 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm
@@ -1399,6 +1399,7 @@ sub Gateway {
     @mail_plugins = grep !$skip_plugin{"$_"}, @mail_plugins;
+    $parser->RescueOutlook;
     my $head = $Message->head;
diff --git a/t/mail/outlook.t b/t/mail/outlook.t
index 00bbc94..6d851e5 100644
--- a/t/mail/outlook.t
+++ b/t/mail/outlook.t
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Best Practical Solutions, LLC 
+# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
 #                                          <jesse.com>
 # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
 # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
 # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
 # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
 # from www.gnu.org.
 # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 # 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
 # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
 # (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
 # to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
 # the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
 # you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
 # community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
 # By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
 # derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
 # Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
@@ -44,19 +44,25 @@
 # royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
 # works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
 # those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
 =head1 NAME
-rt-mailgate - Mail interface to RT3.
+Tests for custom routines to work with email from Outlook.
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use RT::Test tests => 42;
+use RT::Test tests => 66;
+RT->Config->Set('CleanMailDoubleNewlines', 1);
 # 12.0 is outlook 2007, 14.0 is 2010
 for my $mailer ( 'Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0', 'Microsoft Outlook 14.0' ) {
@@ -199,8 +205,75 @@ EOF
         test_email( $text, $content,
             $mailer . ' with only text/plain, \n\n are not replaced' );
+    diag "Test mail with with outlook, content type is base64";
+    {
+        my $text = <<EOF;
+From: root\@localhost
+X-Mailer: $mailer
+To: rt\@@{[RT->Config->Get('rtname')]}
+Subject: outlook basic test
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+        my $content = <<EOF;
+This is the body of an email.
+It has multiple extra newlines.
+Like a mangled Outlook message might.
+John Smith
+Some Company
+        test_email( $text, $content,
+            $mailer . ' with base64, \n\n are replaced' );
+    }
+# In a sample we received, the two X-MS- headers included
+# below were both present and had no values. For now, using
+# the existence of these headers as evidence of MS Outlook
+# or Exchange.
+diag "Test mail with with outlook, no X-Mailer, content type is base64";
+        my $text = <<EOF;
+From: root\@localhost
+To: rt\@@{[RT->Config->Get('rtname')]}
+Subject: outlook basic test
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+        my $content = <<EOF;
+This is the body of an email.
+It has multiple extra newlines.
+Like a mangled Outlook message might.
+John Smith
+Some Company
+	test_email( $text, $content,
+		    ' with base64, no X-Mailer, \n\n are replaced' );
 diag "Test mail with with multipart/alternative but x-mailer is not outlook ";
     my $text = <<EOF;
@@ -234,7 +307,6 @@ Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
     my $content = <<EOF;
@@ -250,6 +322,129 @@ EOF
     test_email( $text, $content, 'without outlook, \n\n are not replaced' );
+diag "Sample multipart email with Exchange headers";
+        my $text = <<EOF;
+X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.5
+Received: by example.com 
+        id <01CD63FC.33F4C15C\@example.com>; Tue, 17 Jul 2012 10:11:51 +0100
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
+        boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01CD63FC.33F4C15C"
+Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
+Subject: outlook basic test
+Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 10:11:50 +0100
+Message-ID: <AA6CEAFB02FF244999046B2A6B6B9D6F05FF9D12\@example.com>
+Thread-Topic: Testing Outlook HTML
+Thread-Index: Ac1j/DNs7ly963bnRt63SJw9DkGwyw==
+From: root\@localhost
+To: rt\@@{[RT->Config->Get('rtname')]}
+This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
+Content-Type: text/plain;
+        charset="us-ascii"
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
+This email contains a line of text containing multiple sentences.  Where
+will RT wrap this when the text is quoted?  What about the footer below?
+This is a different line, with a blank line (paragraph) above.  Will
+there be additional blank lines when the text is quoted?
+This isthesig
+Content-Type: text/html;
+        charset="us-ascii"
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
+<html xmlns:v=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" =
+xmlns:o=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" =
+xmlns:w=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" =
+xmlns:m=3D"http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2004/12/omml" =
+xmlns=3D"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"><head><META =
+HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
+charset=3Dus-ascii"><meta name=3DGenerator content=3D"Microsoft Word 12 =
+(filtered medium)"><style><!--
+/* Font Definitions */
+        {font-family:"Cambria Math";
+        panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;}
+        {font-family:Calibri;
+        panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}
+/* Style Definitions */
+p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
+        {margin:0in;
+        margin-bottom:.0001pt;
+        font-size:11.0pt;
+        font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif";}
+a:link, span.MsoHyperlink
+        {mso-style-priority:99;
+        color:blue;
+        text-decoration:underline;}
+a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed
+        {mso-style-priority:99;
+        color:purple;
+        text-decoration:underline;}
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+        font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif";
+        color:windowtext;}
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+\@page WordSection1
+        {size:8.5in 11.0in;
+        margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;}
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+<o:shapedefaults v:ext=3D"edit" spidmax=3D"1026" />
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+<o:shapelayout v:ext=3D"edit">
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+</o:shapelayout></xml><![endif]--></head><body lang=3DEN-US link=3Dblue =
+vlink=3Dpurple><div class=3DWordSection1><p class=3DMsoNormal>This email =
+contains a line of text containing multiple sentences.  Where will =
+RT wrap this when the text is quoted?  What about the footer =
+below?<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p> </o:p></p><p =
+class=3DMsoNormal>This is a different line, with a blank line =
+(paragraph) above.  Will there be additional blank lines when the =
+text is quoted?<o:p></o:p></p><p =
+class=3DMsoNormal><o:p> </o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
+lang=3DEN-GB =
+style=3D'font-size:7.5pt;font-family:"Arial","sans-serif"'>This isthesig =
+</span><o:p></o:p></p><p =
+class=3DMsoNormal><o:p> </o:p></p></div></body></html>
+        my $content = <<EOF;
+This email contains a line of text containing multiple sentences.  Where
+will RT wrap this when the text is quoted?  What about the footer below?
+This is a different line, with a blank line (paragraph) above.  Will
+there be additional blank lines when the text is quoted?
+This isthesig
+	test_email( $text, $content,
+		    'Another sample multipart message with Exchange headers' );
 sub test_email {
     my ( $text, $content, $msg ) = @_;
     my ( $status, $id ) = RT::Test->send_via_mailgate($text);


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