[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.0/allow-times-for-ical-feeds, created. rt-4.0.6-252-gb3b3e22
Jim Brandt
jbrandt at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 28 16:43:35 EDT 2012
The branch, 4.0/allow-times-for-ical-feeds has been created
at b3b3e22fe31a42d9b193efb838149c554cace2ce (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 964e41061d2c15f1e017a3b6745884dad91d5ba0
Author: Jim Brandt <jbrandt at bestpractical.com>
Date: Tue Aug 28 10:45:03 2012 -0400
Add time as an option for iCal feed entries
Allow time to be optionally included in iCal feed events
so these events will show up in the calendar at the specific
start or due time from the ticket rather than being all-day
events. This is a global config option which can also be
set individually by users.
diff --git a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
index 784d76c..435bdb9 100755
--- a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
+++ b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
@@ -2039,6 +2039,20 @@ minutes. Note that this only effects entry, not display.
Set($DefaultTimeUnitsToHours, 0);
+=item C<$TimeInICal>
+By default, events in the iCal feed on the ticket search page
+contain only dates, making them all day calendar events. Set
+C<$TimeInICal> if you have start or due dates on tickets that
+have significant time values and you want those times to be
+included in the events in the iCal feed.
+This option can also be set as an individual user preference.
+Set($TimeInICal, 0);
diff --git a/lib/RT/Config.pm b/lib/RT/Config.pm
index ba338bb..e9b655a 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Config.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Config.pm
@@ -215,6 +215,16 @@ our %META = (
$self->Set('WebDefaultStylesheet', 'aileron');
+ TimeInICal => {
+ Section => 'General',
+ Overridable => 1,
+ SortOrder => 5,
+ Widget => '/Widgets/Form/Boolean',
+ WidgetArguments => {
+ Description => 'Include time in iCal feed events?', # loc
+ Hints => 'Formats iCal feed events with date and time' #loc
+ }
+ },
UseSideBySideLayout => {
Section => 'Ticket composition',
Overridable => 1,
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/iCal/dhandler b/share/html/NoAuth/iCal/dhandler
index c86f4cf..e850ef5 100644
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/iCal/dhandler
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/iCal/dhandler
@@ -101,16 +101,24 @@ while (my $t = $tickets->Next) {
'last-modified' => $t->LastUpdatedObj->iCal,
) for $start, $end;
+ my %time = ( Time => 0 );
+ my %ical_value = ( value => 'DATE' );
+ if ( RT->Config->Get('TimeInICal', $user) ){
+ $time{Time} = 1;
+ $ical_value{value} = 'DATE-TIME';
+ }
- summary => "Start: ".$t->Subject,
- dtstart => [$starttime->iCal( Time => 0 ) => { value => 'DATE' }],
- dtend => [$starttime->iCal( Time => 0 ) => { value => 'DATE'}],
- );
+ summary => "Start: ".$t->Subject,
+ dtstart => [$starttime->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
+ dtend => [$starttime->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
+ );
- summary => "Due: ".$t->Subject,
- dtstart => [$t->DueObj->iCal( Time => 0 ) => { value => 'DATE' }],
- dtend => [$t->DueObj->iCal( Time => 0 ) => { value => 'DATE' }],
- );
+ summary => "Due: ".$t->Subject,
+ dtstart => [$t->DueObj->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
+ dtend => [$t->DueObj->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
+ );
diff --git a/t/web/search_ical.t b/t/web/search_ical.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..841ac35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/web/search_ical.t
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+use strict;
+use Data::ICal;
+use RT::Test tests => 44;
+my $start_obj = RT::Date->new( RT->SystemUser );
+my $start = $start_obj->iCal( Time => 1);
+my $due_obj = RT::Date->new( RT->SystemUser );
+my $due = $due_obj->iCal( Time => 1);
+diag 'Test iCal with date only';
+ my ($baseurl, $agent) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+ my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new(RT->SystemUser);
+ for ( 1 .. 5 ) {
+ $ticket->Create(
+ Subject => 'Ticket ' . $_,
+ Queue => 'General',
+ Owner => 'root',
+ Requestor => 'ical at localhost',
+ Starts => $start_obj->ISO,
+ Due => $due_obj->ISO,
+ );
+ }
+ ok $agent->login('root', 'password'), 'logged in as root';
+ $agent->get_ok('/Search/Build.html');
+ $agent->form_name('BuildQuery');
+ $agent->field('idOp', '>');
+ $agent->field('ValueOfid', '0');
+ $agent->submit('DoSearch');
+ $agent->follow_link_ok({id => 'page-results'});
+ for ( 1 .. 5 ) {
+ $agent->content_contains('Ticket ' . $_);
+ }
+ $agent->follow_link_ok( { text => 'iCal' } );
+ is( $agent->content_type, 'text/calendar', 'content type is text/calendar' );
+ for ( 1 .. 5 ) {
+ $agent->content_like(qr/URL\:$baseurl\/\?q=$_/);
+ }
+ my $ical = Data::ICal->new(data => $agent->content);
+ my @entries = $ical->entries;
+ my $ical_count = @{$entries[0]};
+ is( $ical_count, 10, "Got $ical_count ical entries");
+ my $prop_ref = $entries[0]->[0]->properties;
+ my $start = $start_obj->ISO( Time => 0);
+ $start =~ s/-//g;
+ is($prop_ref->{'dtstart'}->[0]->value, $start, "Got start date: $start");
+ like( $prop_ref->{'dtstart'}->[0]->as_string, qr/VALUE=DATE\:/, 'Got DATE value');
+ $prop_ref = $entries[0]->[1]->properties;
+ my $due = $due_obj->ISO( Time => 0);
+ $due =~ s/-//g;
+ is($prop_ref->{'dtend'}->[0]->value, $due, "Got due date: $due");
+ like( $prop_ref->{'dtend'}->[0]->as_string, qr/VALUE=DATE\:/, 'Got DATE value');
+diag 'Test iCal with date and time';
+ RT->Config->Set(TimeInICal =>1);
+ my ($baseurl, $agent) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+ ok $agent->login('root', 'password'), 'logged in as root';
+ $agent->get_ok('/Search/Build.html');
+ $agent->form_name('BuildQuery');
+ $agent->field('idOp', '>');
+ $agent->field('ValueOfid', '0');
+ $agent->submit('DoSearch');
+ $agent->follow_link_ok({id => 'page-results'});
+ for ( 1 .. 5 ) {
+ $agent->content_contains('Ticket ' . $_);
+ }
+ my $link = $agent->find_link( text => 'iCal' ); # use $link later
+ $agent->get_ok($link->url);
+ is( $agent->content_type, 'text/calendar', 'content type is text/calendar' );
+ for ( 1 .. 5 ) {
+ $agent->content_like(qr/URL\:$baseurl\/\?q=$_/);
+ }
+ my $ical = Data::ICal->new(data => $agent->content);
+ my @entries = $ical->entries;
+ my $ical_count = @{$entries[0]};
+ is( $ical_count, 10, "Got $ical_count ical entries");
+ my $prop_ref = $entries[0]->[0]->properties;
+ $start =~ s/-//g;
+ is($prop_ref->{'dtstart'}->[0]->value, $start, "Got start date with time: $start");
+ like( $prop_ref->{'dtstart'}->[0]->as_string, qr/VALUE=DATE-TIME\:/, 'Got DATE-TIME value');
+ $prop_ref = $entries[0]->[1]->properties;
+ $due =~ s/-//g;
+ is($prop_ref->{'dtend'}->[0]->value, $due, "Got due date with time: $due");
+ like( $prop_ref->{'dtend'}->[0]->as_string, qr/VALUE=DATE-TIME\:/, 'Got DATE-TIME value');
commit c55e10839825bbdba1598ce9fa0e1bf224d67da3
Author: Jim Brandt <jbrandt at bestpractical.com>
Date: Tue Aug 28 16:24:14 2012 -0400
Provide time in iCal feed based on query param
Even if both the global Time config option and the user
config options are false, adding ?Time=1 to the iCal feed
URL will provide events with time in them.
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/iCal/dhandler b/share/html/NoAuth/iCal/dhandler
index e850ef5..10dad47 100644
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/iCal/dhandler
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/iCal/dhandler
@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ while (my $t = $tickets->Next) {
my %time = ( Time => 0 );
my %ical_value = ( value => 'DATE' );
- if ( RT->Config->Get('TimeInICal', $user) ){
+ if ( defined $ARGS{Time} ?
+ $ARGS{Time} : RT->Config->Get('TimeInICal', $user) ) {
$time{Time} = 1;
$ical_value{value} = 'DATE-TIME';
diff --git a/t/web/search_ical.t b/t/web/search_ical.t
index 841ac35..04c5a7e 100644
--- a/t/web/search_ical.t
+++ b/t/web/search_ical.t
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use strict;
use Data::ICal;
-use RT::Test tests => 44;
+use RT::Test tests => 65;
my $start_obj = RT::Date->new( RT->SystemUser );
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ diag 'Test iCal with date only';
-diag 'Test iCal with date and time';
+diag 'Test iCal with date and time with config option';
RT->Config->Set(TimeInICal =>1);
my ($baseurl, $agent) = RT::Test->started_ok;
@@ -116,3 +116,49 @@ diag 'Test iCal with date and time';
is($prop_ref->{'dtend'}->[0]->value, $due, "Got due date with time: $due");
like( $prop_ref->{'dtend'}->[0]->as_string, qr/VALUE=DATE-TIME\:/, 'Got DATE-TIME value');
+diag 'Test iCal with date and time using query param';
+ RT->Config->Set(TimeInICal =>0);
+ my ($baseurl, $agent) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+ ok $agent->login('root', 'password'), 'logged in as root';
+ $agent->get_ok('/Search/Build.html');
+ $agent->form_name('BuildQuery');
+ $agent->field('idOp', '>');
+ $agent->field('ValueOfid', '0');
+ $agent->submit('DoSearch');
+ $agent->follow_link_ok({id => 'page-results'});
+ for ( 1 .. 5 ) {
+ $agent->content_contains('Ticket ' . $_);
+ }
+ my $link = $agent->find_link( text => 'iCal' );
+ $agent->get_ok($link->url . '?Time=1');
+ is( $agent->content_type, 'text/calendar', 'content type is text/calendar' );
+ for ( 1 .. 5 ) {
+ $agent->content_like(qr/URL\:$baseurl\/\?q=$_/);
+ }
+ my $ical = Data::ICal->new(data => $agent->content);
+ my @entries = $ical->entries;
+ my $ical_count = @{$entries[0]};
+ is( $ical_count, 10, "Got $ical_count ical entries");
+ my $prop_ref = $entries[0]->[0]->properties;
+ $start =~ s/-//g;
+ is($prop_ref->{'dtstart'}->[0]->value, $start, "Got start date with time: $start");
+ like( $prop_ref->{'dtstart'}->[0]->as_string, qr/VALUE=DATE-TIME\:/, 'Got DATE-TIME value');
+ $prop_ref = $entries[0]->[1]->properties;
+ $due =~ s/-//g;
+ is($prop_ref->{'dtend'}->[0]->value, $due, "Got due date with time: $due");
+ like( $prop_ref->{'dtend'}->[0]->as_string, qr/VALUE=DATE-TIME\:/, 'Got DATE-TIME value');
commit b3b3e22fe31a42d9b193efb838149c554cace2ce
Author: Jim Brandt <jbrandt at bestpractical.com>
Date: Tue Aug 28 16:39:02 2012 -0400
Add single event option to iCal feed
Add a SingleEvent mode to the iCal feed such that if you pass
SingleEvent=1 as a query parameter, each ticket in the feed will
create a single calendar event with the start and due date
rather than the default two events.
diff --git a/share/html/NoAuth/iCal/dhandler b/share/html/NoAuth/iCal/dhandler
index 10dad47..aec22bf 100644
--- a/share/html/NoAuth/iCal/dhandler
+++ b/share/html/NoAuth/iCal/dhandler
@@ -110,19 +110,28 @@ while (my $t = $tickets->Next) {
$ical_value{value} = 'DATE-TIME';
- $start->add_properties(
- summary => "Start: ".$t->Subject,
- dtstart => [$starttime->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
- dtend => [$starttime->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
- );
- $end->add_properties(
- summary => "Due: ".$t->Subject,
- dtstart => [$t->DueObj->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
- dtend => [$t->DueObj->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
- );
- $feed->add_entry($start);
- $feed->add_entry($end);
+ if( $ARGS{SingleEvent} ){
+ $start->add_properties(
+ summary => $t->Subject,
+ dtstart => [$starttime->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
+ dtend => [$t->DueObj->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
+ );
+ $feed->add_entry($start);
+ }
+ else{
+ $start->add_properties(
+ summary => "Start: ".$t->Subject,
+ dtstart => [$starttime->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
+ dtend => [$starttime->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
+ );
+ $end->add_properties(
+ summary => "Due: ".$t->Subject,
+ dtstart => [$t->DueObj->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
+ dtend => [$t->DueObj->iCal( %time ) => \%ical_value ],
+ );
+ $feed->add_entry($start);
+ $feed->add_entry($end);
+ }
diff --git a/t/web/search_ical.t b/t/web/search_ical.t
index 04c5a7e..210bb2c 100644
--- a/t/web/search_ical.t
+++ b/t/web/search_ical.t
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use strict;
use Data::ICal;
-use RT::Test tests => 65;
+use RT::Test tests => 77;
my $start_obj = RT::Date->new( RT->SystemUser );
@@ -161,4 +161,33 @@ diag 'Test iCal with date and time using query param';
$due =~ s/-//g;
is($prop_ref->{'dtend'}->[0]->value, $due, "Got due date with time: $due");
like( $prop_ref->{'dtend'}->[0]->as_string, qr/VALUE=DATE-TIME\:/, 'Got DATE-TIME value');
+ diag 'Test iCal with date and time in single events';
+ my $url = $link->url . '?SingleEvent=1&Time=1';
+ $agent->get_ok($url);
+ is( $agent->content_type, 'text/calendar', 'content type is text/calendar' );
+ for ( 1 .. 5 ) {
+ $agent->content_like(qr/URL\:$baseurl\/\?q=$_/);
+ }
+ $ical = Data::ICal->new(data => $agent->content);
+ @entries = $ical->entries;
+ $ical_count = @{$entries[0]};
+ # Only 5 entries in single event mode
+ is( $ical_count, 5, "Got $ical_count ical entries");
+ $prop_ref = $entries[0]->[0]->properties;
+ $start =~ s/-//g;
+ is($prop_ref->{'dtstart'}->[0]->value, $start, "Got start date with time: $start");
+ like( $prop_ref->{'dtstart'}->[0]->as_string, qr/VALUE=DATE-TIME\:/, 'Got DATE-TIME value');
+ $prop_ref = $entries[0]->[1]->properties;
+ $due =~ s/-//g;
+ is($prop_ref->{'dtend'}->[0]->value, $due, "Got due date with time: $due");
+ like( $prop_ref->{'dtend'}->[0]->as_string, qr/VALUE=DATE-TIME\:/, 'Got DATE-TIME value');
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