[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.0/document-initialdata, updated. rt-4.0.6-252-g7d09593
Thomas Sibley
trs at bestpractical.com
Fri Jul 20 20:17:02 EDT 2012
The branch, 4.0/document-initialdata has been updated
via 7d0959370c9fe1192dab55c4f3f605477b6fc653 (commit)
via ce74339e86496da7b18adbd1e85e426e7b0c1a2a (commit)
from 6c64eba7be4779f1e516526a3d82934702f84507 (commit)
Summary of changes:
docs/initialdata.pod | 198 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
lib/RT/CustomField.pm | 1 +
2 files changed, 193 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit ce74339e86496da7b18adbd1e85e426e7b0c1a2a
Author: Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Jul 20 17:15:31 2012 -0700
Finish documenting all other data structures in initialdata files
diff --git a/docs/initialdata.pod b/docs/initialdata.pod
index 8284656..46415fc 100644
--- a/docs/initialdata.pod
+++ b/docs/initialdata.pod
@@ -69,19 +69,174 @@ straight into C<< RT::User->Create >>. All of the normal user fields are
available, as well as C<Privileged> and C<Disabled> (both booleans) which will
do the appropriate internal group/flag handling.
-For a full list of fields, look at C<_CoreAccessible> near the bottom of
-C<lib/RT/User.pm> or run:
+For a full list of fields, read the documentation for L<RT::User/Create>.
- perl -I/opt/rt4/lib -MRT -e 'RT->LoadConfig; RT->Init; print "$_\n" for sort keys RT::User->_CoreAccessible;'
+=head2 C<@Groups>
-Or look at the schema of the C<Users> in your database.
+ push @Groups, {
+ Domain => 'UserDefined',
+ Name => 'Example Employees',
+ Description => 'All of the employees of my company',
+ };
-=head2 C<@Groups>
+Creates a new L<RT::Group> for each hashref. In almost all cases you'll want
+to follow the example above to create a group just as if you had done it from
+the admin interface. B<Do not> omit the C<< Domain => 'UserDefined' >> line.
+Additionally, the C<MemberOf> field is specially handled to make it easier to
+add the new group to other groups. C<MemberOf> may be a single value or an
+array ref. Each value should be a user-defined group name or hashref to pass
+into L<< RT::Group->LoadByCols >>. Each group found will have the new group
+added as a member.
=head2 C<@Queues>
+ push @Queues, {
+ Name => 'Helpdesk',
+ CorrespondAddress => 'help at example.com',
+ CommentAddress => 'help-comment at example.com',
+ };
+Creates a new L<RT::Queue> for each hashref. Refer to the documentation of
+L<RT::Queue/Create> for the fields you can use.
=head2 C<@CustomFields>
+ push @CustomFields, {
+ Queue => 0,
+ Name => 'Favorite color',
+ Type => 'FreeformSingle',
+ LookupType => 'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket',
+ };
+Creates a new L<RT::CustomField> for each hashref. It is the most complex of
+the initialdata structures. The most commonly used fields are:
+=over 4
+=item C<Name>
+The name of this CF as displayed in RT.
+=item C<Description>
+A short summary of what this CF is for.
+=item C<Queue>
+May be a Name or ID. The single queue or array ref of queues to apply this CF
+to. This does not apply when C<LookupType> does not start with C<RT::Queue>.
+=item C<Type>
+One of the following on the left hand side:
+ SelectSingle # Select one value
+ SelectMultiple # Select multiple values
+ FreeformSingle # Enter one value
+ FreeformMultiple # Enter multiple values
+ Text # Fill in one text area
+ Wikitext # Fill in one wikitext area
+ BinarySingle # Upload one file
+ BinaryMultiple # Upload multiple files
+ ImageSingle # Upload one image
+ ImageMultiple # Upload multiple images
+ Combobox # Combobox: Select or enter one value
+ AutocompleteSingle # Enter one value with autocompletion
+ AutocompleteMultiple # Enter multiple values with autocompletion
+ Date # Select date
+ DateTime # Select datetime
+ IPAddressSingle # Enter one IP address
+ IPAddressMultiple # Enter multiple IP addresses
+ IPAddressRangeSingle # Enter one IP address range
+ IPAddressRangeMultiple # Enter multiple IP address ranges
+If you don't specify "Single" or "Multiple" in the type, you must specify
+=item C<LookupType>
+Labeled in the CF admin page as "Applies to". This determines whether your CF
+is for Tickets, Transactions, Users, Groups, or Queues. Possible values:
+ RT::Queue-RT::Ticket # Tickets
+ RT::Queue-RT::Ticket-RT::Transaction # Transactions
+ RT::User # Users
+ RT::Group # Groups
+ RT::Queue # Queues
+Ticket CFs are the most common, meaning C<RT::Queue-RT::Ticket> is the most
+common C<LookupType>.
+=item C<RenderType>
+Only valid when C<Type> is "Select". Controls how the CF is displayed when
+editing it. Valid values are: C<Select box>, C<List>, and C<Dropdown>.
+C<List> is either a list of radio buttons or a list of checkboxes depending on
+=item C<MaxValues>
+Determines whether this CF is a Single or Multiple type. 0 means multiple. 1
+means single.
+Make sure to set the C<MaxValues> field appropriately, otherwise you can end up
+with unsupported CF types like a "Select multiple dates" (it doesn't Just
+You can also use old-style C<Type>s which end with "Single" or "Multiple", for
+example: SelectSingle, SelectMultiple, FreeformSingle, etc.
+=item C<Values>
+C<Values> should be an array ref (never a single value!) of hashrefs
+representing new L<RT::CustomFieldValue> objects to create for the new custom
+field. This only makes sense for "Select" CFs. An example:
+ my $i = 1;
+ push @CustomFields, {
+ Queue => 0, # Globally applied
+ LookupType => 'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket', # for Tickets
+ Name => 'Type of food',
+ Type => 'SelectSingle', # SelectSingle is the same as: Type => 'Select', MaxValues => 1
+ RenderType => 'Dropdown',
+ Values => [
+ { Name => 'Fruit', Description => 'Berries, peaches, tomatos, etc', SortOrder => $i++ },
+ { Name => 'Vegetable', Description => 'Asparagus, peas, lettuce, etc', SortOrder => $i++ },
+ # more values as such...
+ ],
+ };
+In order to ensure the same sorting of C<Values>, set C<SortOrder> inside each
+value. A clever way to do this easily is with a simple variable you increment
+each time (as above with C<$i>). You can use the same variable throughout the
+whole file, and don't need one per CF.
+=item C<BasedOn>
+Name or ID of another Select Custom Field. This makes the named CF the source
+of categories for your values.
+=item C<Pattern>
+The regular expression text (not C<qr//>!) used to validate values.
+Refer to the documentation and implementation of L<RT::CustomField/Create> and
+L<RT::CustomFieldValue/Create> for the full list of available fields and
+allowed values.
=head2 C<@ACL>
C<@ACL> is very useful for granting rights on your newly created records or
@@ -206,15 +361,46 @@ show up in the RT admin interface.
=head2 C<@Scrips>
+Creates a new L<RT::Scrip> for each hashref. Refer to the documentation of
+L<RT::Scrip/Create> for the fields you can use.
+Additionally, the C<Queue> field is specially handled to make it easier to
+setup the same Scrip on multiple queues:
+=over 4
+=item Globally
+ Queue => 0,
+=item Single queue
+ Queue => 'General', # Name or ID
+=item Multiple queues
+ Queue => ['General', 'Helpdesk', 13], # Array ref of Name or ID
=head2 C<@ScripActions>
+Creates a new L<RT::ScripAction> for each hashref. Refer to the documentation
+of L<RT::ScripAction/Create> for the fields you can use.
=head2 C<@ScripConditions>
+Creates a new L<RT::ScripCondition> for each hashref. Refer to the
+documentation of L<RT::ScripCondition/Create> for the fields you can use.
=head2 C<@Templates>
+Creates a new L<RT::Template> for each hashref. Refer to the documentation of
+L<RT::Template/Create> for the fields you can use.
=head2 C<@Attributes>
-An array of L<RT::Attributes> to create. You likely don't need to mess with
+An array of L<RT::Attribute>s to create. You likely don't need to mess with
this. If you do, know that the key C<Object> is expected to be an
L<RT::Record> object on which to call C<AddAttribute>. If you don't provide
C<Object> or it's undefined, C<< RT->System >> will be used.
commit 7d0959370c9fe1192dab55c4f3f605477b6fc653
Author: Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Jul 20 17:16:27 2012 -0700
Document RT::Queue as a valid LookupType in RT::CustomField
diff --git a/lib/RT/CustomField.pm b/lib/RT/CustomField.pm
index 2002d4e..121f725 100644
--- a/lib/RT/CustomField.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/CustomField.pm
@@ -1673,6 +1673,7 @@ Examples:
'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket-RT::Transaction' => "Ticket Transactions", # loc
'RT::User' => "Users", # loc
'RT::Group' => "Groups", # loc
+ 'RT::Queue' => "Queues", # loc
This is a class method.
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