[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.0-trunk, updated. rt-4.0.8-119-g6b82917

Alex Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Fri Nov 2 20:44:23 EDT 2012

The branch, 4.0-trunk has been updated
       via  6b8291741a2ae4aa0221b9d03a2247058410fac0 (commit)
       via  fc85bf6444ff5a7d53e9ffd1613ec54d28b05661 (commit)
       via  52f78e5fe9de91a53eb403a5c869a5296000a164 (commit)
       via  0377588e0b08be82903374573990fd489d6f2b4d (commit)
       via  366d8f4b26595edecebac281f8e2f10df09118fd (commit)
       via  c3d8654da94a8aca36ce62b72cdae220c1d5c38d (commit)
      from  e5e3fdf14557fd83ec643e0680f3c8f2e84b2941 (commit)

Summary of changes:
 lib/RT/Interface/Web/Menu.pm | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/api/menu.t                 | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 92 insertions(+)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 6b8291741a2ae4aa0221b9d03a2247058410fac0
Merge: e5e3fdf fc85bf6
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Fri Nov 2 20:44:03 2012 -0400

    Merge branch '4.0/menu-convenience-methods' into 4.0-trunk

diff --cc t/api/menu.t
index 13472f1,aeda26a..b9a7b78
--- a/t/api/menu.t
+++ b/t/api/menu.t
@@@ -2,47 -2,40 +2,84 @@@ use strict
  use warnings;
  use RT::Test tests => undef;
+ use RT::Interface::Web::Menu;
 +sub child_path_is($$$) {
 +    my ($menu, $child, $expected) = @_;
 +    my $c = $menu->child($child->[0], path => $child->[1]);
 +    is $c->path, $expected, "'$child->[1]' normalizes to '$expected'";
 +    return $c;
 +    package FakeRequest;
 +    sub new { bless {}, shift }
 +    sub path_info { "" }
 +    package FakeInterp;
 +    require CGI;
 +    sub new { bless {}, shift }
 +    sub cgi_object { CGI->new }
 +local $HTML::Mason::Commands::r = FakeRequest->new;
 +local $HTML::Mason::Commands::m = FakeInterp->new;
 +my $menu = RT::Interface::Web::Menu->new;
 +ok $menu, "Created top level menu";
 +child_path_is $menu, [search    => "Search/Simple.html"],   "/Search/Simple.html";
 +child_path_is $menu, [absolute  => "/Prefs/Other.html"],    "/Prefs/Other.html";
 +child_path_is $menu, [scheme    => "http://example.com"],   "http://example.com";
 +my $tools =
 +    child_path_is $menu,    [tools      => "/Tools/"],              "/Tools/";
 +    child_path_is $tools,   [myday      => "MyDay.html"],           "/Tools/MyDay.html";
 +    child_path_is $tools,   [activity   => "/Activity.html"],       "/Activity.html";
 +    my $ext =
 +        child_path_is $tools,   [external   => "http://example.com"],   "http://example.com";
 +        child_path_is $ext,     [wiki       => "wiki/"],                "http://example.com/wiki/";
 +# Pathological case of multiplying slashes
 +my $home =
 +    child_path_is $menu, [home  => "/"], "/";
 +    child_path_is $home, [slash => "/"], "/";
 +    child_path_is $home, [empty => ""],  "/";
+ sub order_ok($$;$) {
+     my ($menu, $expected, $name) = @_;
+     my @children = $menu->children;
+     is scalar @children, scalar @$expected, "correct number of children";
+     is_deeply [map { $_->key } @children], $expected, $name;
+     my $last_child = shift @children; # first child's sort doesn't matter
+     for (@children) {
+         ok $_->sort_order > $last_child->sort_order, sprintf "%s order higher than %s's", $_->key, $last_child->key;
+         $last_child = $_;
+     }
+ }
+ my $menu = RT::Interface::Web::Menu->new;
+ ok $menu->child("foo", title => "foo"), "added child foo";
+ order_ok $menu, [qw(foo)], "sorted";
+ ok $menu->child("foo")->add_after("bar", title => "bar"), "added child bar after foo";
+ order_ok $menu, [qw(foo bar)], "sorted after";
+ ok $menu->child("bar")->add_before("baz", title => "baz"), "added child baz before bar";
+ order_ok $menu, [qw(foo baz bar)], "sorted before (in between)";
+ ok $menu->child("bat", title => "bat", sort_order => 2.2), "added child bat between baz and bar";
+ order_ok $menu, [qw(foo baz bat bar)], "sorted between manually";
+ ok $menu->child("bat")->add_before("pre", title => "pre"), "added child pre before bat";
+ order_ok $menu, [qw(foo baz pre bat bar)], "sorted between (before)";
+ ok $menu->child("bat")->add_after("post", title => "post"), "added child post after bat";
+ order_ok $menu, [qw(foo baz pre bat post bar)], "sorted between (after)";


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