[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.2/render-menu-in-lib, created. rt-4.0.8-568-g523f879

Ruslan Zakirov ruz at bestpractical.com
Sun Nov 25 06:32:28 EST 2012

The branch, 4.2/render-menu-in-lib has been created
        at  523f879cd1bbf4a097a3395029957112153cca55 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 523f879cd1bbf4a097a3395029957112153cca55
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Sat Aug 25 21:20:25 2012 +0400

    RenderMenu in libs instead of Menu component
    code is faster and cleaner

diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
index c9928c6..f5d7d02 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
@@ -1529,7 +1529,88 @@ sub PageWidgets {
     return $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->notes('page-widgets');
+sub RenderMenu {
+    my %args = (toplevel => 1, parent_id => '', depth => 0, @_);
+    return unless $args{'menu'};
+    my ($menu, $depth, $toplevel, $id, $parent_id)
+        = @args{qw(menu depth toplevel id parent_id)};
+    my $interp = $m->interp;
+    my $web_path = RT->Config->Get('WebPath');
+    my $res = '';
+    $res .= ' ' x $depth;
+    $res .= '<ul';
+    $res .= ' id="'. $interp->apply_escapes($id, 'h') .'"'
+        if $id;
+    $res .= ' class="toplevel"' if $toplevel;
+    $res .= ">\n";
+    for my $child ($menu->children) {
+        $res .= ' 'x ($depth+1);
+        my $item_id = lc(($parent_id? "$parent_id-" : "") .$child->key);
+        $item_id =~ s/\s/-/g;
+        my $eitem_id = $interp->apply_escapes($item_id, 'h');
+        $res .= qq{<li id="li-$eitem_id"};
+        my @classes;
+        push @classes, 'has-children' if $child->has_children;
+        push @classes, 'active'       if $child->active;
+        $res .= ' class="'. join( ' ', @classes ) .'"'
+            if @classes;
+        $res .= '>';
+        if ( my $tmp = $child->raw_html ) {
+            $res .= $tmp;
+        } else {
+            $res .= qq{<a id="$eitem_id" class="menu-item};
+            if ( $tmp = $child->class ) {
+                $res .= ' '. $interp->apply_escapes($tmp, 'h');
+            }
+            $res .= '"';
+            my $path = $child->path;
+            my $url = (not $path or $path =~ m{^\w+:/}) ? $path : $web_path . $path;
+            $res .= ' href="'. $interp->apply_escapes($url, 'h') .'"'
+                if $url;
+            if ( $tmp = $child->target ) {
+                $res .= ' target="'. $interp->apply_escapes($tmp, 'h') .'"'
+            }
+            $res .= '>';
+            if ( $child->escape_title ) {
+                $res .= $interp->apply_escapes($child->title, 'h');
+            } else {
+                $res .= $child->title;
+            }
+            $res .= '</a>';
+        }
+        if ( $child->has_children ) {
+            $res .= "\n";
+            $res .= RenderMenu(
+                menu => $child,
+                toplevel => 0,
+                parent_id => $item_id,
+                depth => $depth+1,
+                return => 1,
+            );
+            $res .= "\n";
+            $res .= ' ' x ($depth+1);
+        }
+        $res .= "</li>\n";
+    }
+    $res .= ' ' x $depth;
+    $res .= '</ul>';
+    return $res if $args{'return'};
+    $m->print($res);
+    return '';
 =head2 loc ARRAY
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/Menu b/share/html/Elements/Menu
index b56bacd..ef04f1f 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/Menu
+++ b/share/html/Elements/Menu
@@ -45,36 +45,6 @@
 %# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-% return unless ($menu);
-<%" " x $depth%><ul<%$id ? ' id="'.$id.'"' : '' |n%><% $toplevel? ' class="toplevel"' : '' |n %>>
-% for my $child ($menu->children) {
-%   my $item_id = lc(($parent_id? $parent_id."-" : "") .$child->key);
-%   $item_id =~ s/\s/-/g;
-%   my @classes;
-%   push @classes, 'has-children' if $child->has_children;
-%   push @classes, 'active'       if $child->active;
-<%" " x ($depth+1)%><li id="li-<%$item_id%>"\
-% if (@classes) {
- class="<% join ' ', @classes %>"\
-% }
-% if ($child->raw_html) {
-<% $child->raw_html |n %>
-% } else {
-% my $url = (not $child->path or $child->path =~ m{^\w+:/}) ? $child->path : RT->Config->Get('WebPath').$child->path;
-<a id="<%$item_id%>" class="menu-item <% $child->class || '' %>"<% $child->path ? ' href="'.$url.'"' : '' |n%><% $child->target ? ' target="'.$child->target.'"' : '' |n %>>\
-<% $child->escape_title ? $m->interp->apply_escapes($child->title, 'h') : $child->title |n %>\
-% }
-% if ($child->has_children) {
-<& Menu, menu => $child, toplevel => 0, parent_id => ($parent_id? $parent_id."-": '').$child->key, depth=> ($depth+1) &>
-<%" " x ($depth+1)%></li>
-% } else {
-% }
-% }
-<%" " x $depth%></ul>\
 $id => undef
@@ -82,3 +52,6 @@ $toplevel => 1
 $parent_id => ''
 $depth => 0
+RenderMenu( %ARGS );


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