[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.0/joins-bundling, created. rt-4.0.11rc1-24-ge85706e
Ruslan Zakirov
ruz at bestpractical.com
Mon Apr 8 13:15:03 EDT 2013
The branch, 4.0/joins-bundling has been created
at e85706e96533e5b2755263028b857ea279edb34a (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit bf5cd6adcbe857ed6ef5b6c2b3fa16effe174b80
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Thu Apr 4 20:03:48 2013 +0400
bundle together watcher searches
it's first attempt at wide bundling of watcher searches.
So far it supports:
* bundling of positive conditions (=, like, is null)
* conditions can be mixed with conditions on other fields:
(Cc.foo = a AND Subject = s) OR (Cc.foo = b AND Subject = s)
The following cases are not bundled while in theory they could:
* Cc = 'foo' OR Requestor = 'bar'
* Cc != 'foo' AND Cc != 'bar'
diff --git a/lib/RT/Tickets.pm b/lib/RT/Tickets.pm
index 3b834e0..416b4a8 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Tickets.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Tickets.pm
@@ -939,13 +939,18 @@ sub _WatcherLimit {
$rest{SUBKEY} ||= 'EmailAddress';
- my $groups = $self->_RoleGroupsJoin( Type => $type, Class => $class, New => !$type );
+ my ($groups, $group_members, $users);
+ if ( $rest{'BUNDLE'} ) {
+ ($groups, $group_members, $users) = @{ $rest{'BUNDLE'} };
+ } else {
+ $groups = $self->_RoleGroupsJoin( Type => $type, Class => $class, New => !$type );
+ }
if ( $op =~ /^IS(?: NOT)?$/i ) {
# is [not] empty case
- my $group_members = $self->_GroupMembersJoin( GroupsAlias => $groups );
+ $group_members ||= $self->_GroupMembersJoin( GroupsAlias => $groups );
# to avoid joining the table Users into the query, we just join GM
# and make sure we don't match records where group is member of itself
@@ -983,7 +988,7 @@ sub _WatcherLimit {
my @users = @{ $users_obj->ItemsArrayRef };
- my $group_members = $self->_GroupMembersJoin( GroupsAlias => $groups );
+ $group_members ||= $self->_GroupMembersJoin( GroupsAlias => $groups );
if ( @users <= 1 ) {
my $uid = 0;
$uid = $users[0]->id if @users;
@@ -1008,7 +1013,7 @@ sub _WatcherLimit {
VALUE => "$group_members.MemberId",
- my $users = $self->Join(
+ $users ||= $self->Join(
ALIAS1 => $group_members,
FIELD1 => 'MemberId',
@@ -1034,10 +1039,10 @@ sub _WatcherLimit {
} else {
# positive condition case
- my $group_members = $self->_GroupMembersJoin(
+ $group_members ||= $self->_GroupMembersJoin(
GroupsAlias => $groups, New => 1, Left => 0
- my $users = $self->Join(
+ $users ||= $self->Join(
ALIAS1 => $group_members,
FIELD1 => 'MemberId',
@@ -1054,6 +1059,7 @@ sub _WatcherLimit {
+ return ($groups, $group_members, $users);
sub _RoleGroupsJoin {
diff --git a/lib/RT/Tickets_SQL.pm b/lib/RT/Tickets_SQL.pm
index 608862a..bd71ece 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Tickets_SQL.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Tickets_SQL.pm
@@ -171,19 +171,40 @@ sub _parser {
my @bundle;
my $ea = '';
+ my %sub_tree;
+ my $depth = 0;
my %callback;
$callback{'OpenParen'} = sub {
$self->_close_bundle(@bundle); @bundle = ();
- $self->_OpenParen
+ $self->_OpenParen;
+ $depth++;
+ push @$_, '(' foreach values %sub_tree;
$callback{'CloseParen'} = sub {
$self->_close_bundle(@bundle); @bundle = ();
+ $depth--;
+ foreach my $list ( values %sub_tree ) {
+ if ( $list->[-1] eq '(' ) {
+ pop @$list;
+ pop @$list if $list->[-1] =~ /^(?:AND|OR)$/i;
+ }
+ else {
+ pop @$list while $list->[-2] ne '(';
+ $list->[-1] = pop @$list;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $callback{'EntryAggregator'} = sub {
+ $ea = $_[0] || '';
+ push @$_, $ea foreach values %sub_tree;
- $callback{'EntryAggregator'} = sub { $ea = $_[0] || '' };
$callback{'Condition'} = sub {
my ($key, $op, $value) = @_;
+ my ($negative_op, $null_op, $inv_op, $range_op)
+ = $self->ClassifySQLOperation( $op );
# key has dot then it's compound variant and we have subkey
my $subkey = '';
($key, $subkey) = ($1, $2) if $key =~ /^([^\.]+)\.(.+)$/;
@@ -225,10 +246,23 @@ sub _parser {
else {
$self->_close_bundle(@bundle); @bundle = ();
- $sub->( $self, $key, $op, $value,
+ my @res; my $bundle_with;
+ if ( $class eq 'WATCHERFIELD' && $key ne 'Owner' && !$negative_op && (!$null_op || $subkey) ) {
+ if ( !$sub_tree{$key} ) {
+ $sub_tree{$key} = [ ('(')x$depth, \@res ];
+ } else {
+ $bundle_with = $self->_check_bundling_possibility( @{ $sub_tree{$key} } );
+ if ( !$bundle_with && $sub_tree{$key}[-1] eq '(' ) {
+ push @{ $sub_tree{$key} }, \@res;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pop @$_ foreach grep @$_ && $_->[-1] =~ /^(?:AND|OR)$/i, values %sub_tree;
+ @res = $sub->( $self, $key, $op, $value,
SUBCLAUSE => '', # don't need anymore
SUBKEY => $subkey,
+ BUNDLE => $bundle_with,
$self->{_sql_looking_at}{lc $key} = 1;
@@ -238,6 +272,24 @@ sub _parser {
$self->_close_bundle(@bundle); @bundle = ();
+sub _check_bundling_possibility {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @list = reverse @_;
+ while (my $e = shift @list) {
+ next if $e eq '(';
+ if ( lc($e) eq 'and' ) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ elsif ( lc($e) eq 'or' ) {
+ return shift @list;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "boo";
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
=head2 ClausesToSQL
commit e85706e96533e5b2755263028b857ea279edb34a
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Apr 8 21:10:25 2013 +0400
uncomment heavy tests and put them under ENV variable
instroduce $ENV{RT_TEST_HEAVY} that enables heavy tests.
In this case these are 70k+ tests that test searches by
watchers combined in different ways.
diff --git a/lib/RT/Tickets_SQL.pm b/lib/RT/Tickets_SQL.pm
index bd71ece..bc3e8cc 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Tickets_SQL.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Tickets_SQL.pm
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ sub _parser {
$callback{'EntryAggregator'} = sub {
$ea = $_[0] || '';
- push @$_, $ea foreach values %sub_tree;
+ push @$_, $ea foreach grep @$_ && $_->[-1] ne '(', values %sub_tree;
$callback{'Condition'} = sub {
my ($key, $op, $value) = @_;
diff --git a/t/ticket/search_by_watcher.t b/t/ticket/search_by_watcher.t
index a6800bb..4fbc261 100644
--- a/t/ticket/search_by_watcher.t
+++ b/t/ticket/search_by_watcher.t
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
-use RT::Test nodata => 1, tests => 2108;
+use RT::Test nodata => 1, tests => undef;
use RT::Ticket;
my $q = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue( Name => 'Regression' );
@@ -101,40 +101,41 @@ sub run_auto_tests {
run_test( $query, %checks );
} }
-# XXX: It
-# @queries = (
-# '? AND ? AND ?' => sub { $_[0] and $_[1] and $_[2] },
-# '(? OR ?) AND ?' => sub { return (($_[0] or $_[1]) and $_[2]) },
-# '? OR (? AND ?)' => sub { $_[0] or ($_[1] and $_[2]) },
-# '(? AND ?) OR ?' => sub { ($_[0] and $_[1]) or $_[2] },
-# '? AND (? OR ?)' => sub { $_[0] and ($_[1] or $_[2]) },
-# '? OR ? OR ?' => sub { $_[0] or $_[1] or $_[2] },
-# );
-# while ( my ($template, $t_cb) = splice @queries, 0, 2 ) {
-# my @atmp = @conditions;
-# while ( my ($a, $a_cb) = splice @atmp, 0, 2 ) {
-# my @btmp = @conditions;
-# while ( my ($b, $b_cb) = splice @btmp, 0, 2 ) {
-# next if $a eq $b;
-# my @ctmp = @conditions;
-# while ( my ($c, $c_cb) = splice @ctmp, 0, 2 ) {
-# next if $a eq $c;
-# next if $b eq $c;
-# my %checks = ();
-# foreach my $ticket ( @tickets ) {
-# my $s = $ticket->Subject;
-# $checks{ $s } = $t_cb->( scalar $a_cb->($s), scalar $b_cb->($s), scalar $c_cb->($s) );
-# }
-# my $query = $template;
-# foreach my $tmp ($a, $b, $c) {
-# $query =~ s/\?/$tmp/;
-# }
-# run_test( $query, %checks );
-# } } }
-# }
+ return unless $ENV{'RT_TEST_HEAVY'};
+ @queries = (
+ '? AND ? AND ?' => sub { $_[0] and $_[1] and $_[2] },
+ '(? OR ?) AND ?' => sub { return (($_[0] or $_[1]) and $_[2]) },
+ '? OR (? AND ?)' => sub { $_[0] or ($_[1] and $_[2]) },
+ '(? AND ?) OR ?' => sub { ($_[0] and $_[1]) or $_[2] },
+ '? AND (? OR ?)' => sub { $_[0] and ($_[1] or $_[2]) },
+ '? OR ? OR ?' => sub { $_[0] or $_[1] or $_[2] },
+ );
+ while ( my ($template, $t_cb) = splice @queries, 0, 2 ) {
+ my @atmp = @conditions;
+ while ( my ($a, $a_cb) = splice @atmp, 0, 2 ) {
+ my @btmp = @conditions;
+ while ( my ($b, $b_cb) = splice @btmp, 0, 2 ) {
+ next if $a eq $b;
+ my @ctmp = @conditions;
+ while ( my ($c, $c_cb) = splice @ctmp, 0, 2 ) {
+ next if $a eq $c;
+ next if $b eq $c;
+ my %checks = ();
+ foreach my $ticket ( @tickets ) {
+ my $s = $ticket->Subject;
+ $checks{ $s } = $t_cb->( scalar $a_cb->($s), scalar $b_cb->($s), scalar $c_cb->($s) );
+ }
+ my $query = $template;
+ foreach my $tmp ($a, $b, $c) {
+ $query =~ s/\?/$tmp/;
+ }
+ run_test( $query, %checks );
+ } } }
+ }
@@ -266,4 +267,4 @@ my $nobody = RT::Nobody();
@tickets = ();
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