[Rt-commit] rt annotated tag, rt-4.1.7, created. rt-4.1.7
Alex Vandiver
alexmv at bestpractical.com
Mon Apr 8 14:36:15 EDT 2013
The annotated tag, rt-4.1.7 has been created
at af48658864ed7546ae99594e5904959b4b8066fa (tag)
tagging 0eebf4c1f4e3328a6f9c7c377593c3a8204bf48c (commit)
replaces rt-4.1.6
tagged by Alex Vandiver
on Mon Apr 8 14:35:52 2013 -0400
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
tag 4.1.7 development release
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Alex Vandiver (149):
Remove unimplemented user override of DefaultSummaryRows
Remove even deleted Personal groups
Make messages more verbose and actionable
Remove the trailing newline from the msgid before logging using it
Refactor RemoveInappropriateRecipients to use a callback interface
Use RecipientFilter to provide a log message when NotifyActor kicks in
Rewrite test to use terser RT::Test::Email mail_ok method
Ensure that no warnings are generated during the tests
Add a test to ensure that RTAddressRegexps are always squelched, even when CC'd
Mention and encourage use of @CSSFiles
Minor wording, consistency, and content changes
Merge branch '4.0/add-styling-rt-docs' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/fix-admin-delete-cf-values' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/search-tickets-by-queue' into 4.0-trunk
Remove CreateUserCalled; last callsite removed in RT 1.3
Remove QueueRightsForUser; last callsite removed in RT 1.3
Remove SelectLinkType; last callsite removed in RT 1.3
Remove SelectModifyGroup; last callsite removed in RT 1.3
Remove SelectModifyQueue and SelectModifyUser; last callsite removed in RT 1.3
Remove ShowDependencies; last callsite removed in RT 1.3
Remove BevelBoxRaised{Start,End}; last callsite removed in RT 2.1
Remove ListGlobalCustomFields; last callsite removed in RT 2.1
Remove SelectSingleOrMultiple; last callsite removed in RT 2.1
Remove SelectTicketTypes; last callsite removed in RT 2.1
Remove SelectSortOrder and SelectTicketSortBy; last callsite removed in RT 3.1
Remove EditUserComments; last callsite removed in RT 3.3
Remove ShowUserEntry; last callsite removed in RT 3.7
Remove PickCustomFields; last callsite removed in RT 3.8.8
Remove PickObjects; last callsite removed in RT 3.8.8
Remove SelectRights; last callsite removed during RTFM merge
Remove /NoAuth/Reminder.html; never implemented, last linked in RT 1.3
Remove /Search/Graph.html, which has never been linked to
Add tests for changing language to the default
Add tests to ensure that page language is correct
Merge branch '4.0/refresh-lang-pref-fix' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/mobile-login' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/add-lifecycle-docs' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/images-in-docs' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/restore-queue-history-link' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/update-doc-path-article-upgrade' into 4.0-trunk
Broaden loc_qw parsing to parse "for (qw(a b c)) {\n"
Move role-related methods into a role
Merge branch '4.2/role-inspection' into 4.2/role-roles
Strip out "bundling" support effectively removed in 3.7.1
Remove unnecessary explicit empty SUBCLAUSE
Allow providing a more explit controlled message to RT->Deprecated
Rename Limit in RT::Tickets to LimitField, so ->Limit acts as elsewhere
Merge branch '4.2/ticket-limit' into 4.2/role-roles
Remove ClassifySQLOperation
Factor out role/watcher methods on tickets into a role
Be consistent about ->{looking_at_foo} vs ->{_sql_looking_at}{foo}
Merge remaining functions from Tickets_SQL.pm into Tickets.pm
The Join method ignores SUBCLAUSE; deprecate _SQLJoin in favor of Join
Restrict SUBCLAUSE lexically during parsing, and switch to simple Limit
Remove unused Restriction-related methods
TicketAliases was removed when TicketSQL came in, in f4ef4bb
->{'rows'} has not been used since DBIx::SB 1.27
LoadOrCreateByEmail does not parse non-email-addresses
Allow ->RoleLimit( VALUE => 12 ) without having to spcify FIELD => "id"
Remove hard tab characters wherever possible
Replace hard tabs with \t in test strings
Add a policy test to enforce lack of tabs for BPS files
Pass our PassArguments down to the header
Allow SelectCustomFieldValue to take a default value
Fix copyright check to run against content, not $_
Factor out other copyright check to only apply to css and js files
Only skip tab detection if there was a different copyright, regardless of if we require our own
Switch to using done_testing
Merge branch '4.0-trunk'
Merge branch '4.2/unregister-role'
Merge branch '4.2/ordered-roles'
Merge branch '4.2/link-validity-refactoring'
Merge branch '4.2/rename-role-classes'
Ignore bare disabled queues in the simple search.
Merge branch '4.0/customfieldlookupid-acl-regression' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/new-links-element'
Merge branch '4.0/update-from-launchpad' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/grant-rights-to-roles-on-cfs'
Don't show the New reminder box on deleted tickets
Don't show the "Save" button if there are no reminders and new ones can't be created
Fix tests for no longer giving a useless "New reminder" box on deleted tickets
Move action list to after the appropriately named callback
Merge branch '4.0-trunk'
Ensure that ->_Accessible builds attributes when called as a class method
Make Module::Refresh a core dependency
Rename --devel-mode to --developer, to make break in meaning clear
Sort dependencies and remove duplicates
Merge core dependencies into one list, and eliminate duplicates
Rename --with-postgresql to --with-pg, which is what the makefile calls
Minor reformatting of options and POD
Merge branch '4.2/access-to-generic-column-map'
Merge branch '4.2/acl-cache-handlers'
Merge branch '4.2/custom-field-lookup-type-class-method'
Merge branch '4.2/restore-queue-watcher-clauses'
Fix version parsing in rt-setup-database
Let the standard "id" column be handled by the generic ColumnMap
The generic ColumnMap handles CreatedRelative and LastUpdatedRelative just fine
Merge branch '4.2/cf-display-in-searches'
Merge branch '4.0/search-by-watcher-name-email' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/clearsign-snapshots'
Merge branch '4.0/docs-rt-config-local-link' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/rename-googleish'
Merge branch '4.2/prune-dead-cloning-code'
When an explicit name or email and an = search, search by id internally
Merge branch '4.0-trunk'
Merge branch '4.2/removing-image-cf-values'
Merge branch '4.2/default-txn-description'
Merge branch '4.2/txn-reference-object-methods'
Merge branch '4.2/default-ssl-mailgate'
Merge branch '4.2/static-js'
Merge branch '4.2/more-about-requestor-extrainfo-with-tables'
Merge branch '4.2/user-ticket-list-refactor'
Note that /Elements/TitleBox and friends are deprecated
Merge branch '4.2/custom-field-callbacks'
Merge branch '4.2/link-asstring-improvements'
WebHomePath was always "/SelfService" when WebPath was defined
Merge branch '4.2/user-info-formatting'
Merge branch '4.2/include-disabled-records-in-rt-size'
Merge branch '4.2/customfieldgroupings-doc-warnings'
Mention httpurl_overwrite is now on, in docs/extending/clickable_links.pod
Merge branch '4.2/makeclicky-default-enabled'
Merge branch '4.2/update-ckeditor'
Merge branch '4.2/more-about-requestor-generalization'
Add grouping information to links on CF grouping headers
Merge branch '4.2/hash-instead-of-module-for-acl-cache'
Merge branch '4.2/remove-spaces-inside-link-labels'
Merge branch '4.2/update-jquery-and-related'
Merge branch '4.2/remove-apachectl'
Merge branch '4.2/user-ticket-list-show-header'
Merge branch '4.2/fix-jquery-ui-accordion-and-tabs'
Make stack traces optional in RT->Deprecated
Provide a simple way to note that a config option has been deprecated
Be more verbose about the Queue, Class, or what-have you that failed to load
If the custom field failed to load, prevent an undef warning once per row
Increase log level for CF load failure in ColumnMap
Allow ->CustomFields on a RT::CurrentUser to work as for RT::User objects
Load a Nobody user, not the Nobody current user
Update documentation on UsernameFormat to be correct
Call $user->Format directly, instead of using the component
Remove the no-longer-used NoEscape option
Use ShowUser in ColumnMap, to link to user summaries
Move "Modify this user" to a pagemenu on user summaries
Add a user format between concise and verbose based on Privileged
Default Domain to UserDefined, which is the only sane value
Update jsmin to fix minification bugs
Merge branch '4.2/watcher-transactions'
Merge branch '4.2/retain-default-cf-value-on-refresh'
Merge branch '4.2/consistent-time-taken'
Move upgrade into next unused version slot
Deric Crago (2):
Bump footer copyright to 2013
Bump footer copyright to 2013
Jesse Vincent (1):
Labels shouldn't have spaces between the text and the colon. Links did becase of how we built them
Jim Brandt (8):
Add docs on ways to style and theme RT
Add lifecycle docs
Tests showing incorrect BriefDescription for link transactions
Detect non-URI value for BriefDescription on transaction links
Add ProcessUpdates callback in Modify.html
Test showing cf value is lost on refresh to add attachment
Allow default CF arguments to re-populate create ticket form
On Modify, MaybeRedirectForResults rather than DefaultsFromTopArguments
Kevin Falcone (72):
Refer people to UPGRADING-4.0, not to the old UPGRADING file
Restore the link to Queues/History.html
Merge branch '4.0/avoid-devel-strack-trace-1.29' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/rest-delete-custom-field-value' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/rest-dont-call-delete-on-ocfv-directly' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/remove-disabled-personal-groups' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/user-autocomplete-oracle-fix' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/x-ua-compatible-header' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/rights-editor-tab-state' into 4.0-trunk
Bump copyright year to 2013
Document etc/upgrade/4.0.9/content
Merge branch '4.0/translation-updates' into 4.0-trunk
Pull down recent translations from launchpad.
Flag the @JSFiles change for users who copied RT_Config to RT_SiteConfig
Now that SubjectTag is a column, you should be able to sort by it
Merge branch '4.0/error-titlebox-styles-in-aileron' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0.9-releng' into 4.0-trunk
Ensure that Custom Fields submitted are saved to the database.
Check the id from the table and by loading the Object.
Merge branch '4.0/one-time-recipient-suggestion-headers' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/rt-class-modifyacl-label' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch 'pull/45' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.2-on-4.0/rest-just-call-add-custom-field-value'
Merge branch '4.2/queue-cache'
Rename the Googleish search to Simple
Switch to ascii armored sig files
Merge branch '4.0/version-words-not-mandatory-in-upgrade' into 4.0-trunk
Explicitly call out a few limits in what you can rearrange.
Merge branch '4.2/self-service-autocomplete'
Bump copyright on files added before we updated license_tag
Break the format out into columns
Merge branch '4.2/collection-list-in-about-requestor-box'
Refactor ShowRequestorExtraInfo off into a /User/Elements component
Switch from divs/spans to tables
Allow ListMenu to show 2 levels of menus
Refactor ShowRequestorTickets
Rename a callback we added to master in 225eb0970a85
Allow extensions to modify what kind and which Users we search for.
Allow the ticket list to optionally be in a Title Box
Pull format out into MoreAboutRequestorTicketListFormat
Rejigger Tickets and Articles under a Search tab
Merge branch '4.2/admin-article-cf-links'
Convert from convoluted code to using AsString
Add some AsString sugar
Switch to using the shorter and nicer proxied methods in RT::URI
Support __Link.{Object}__
Import Scalar::Util::blessed globally
Stop using UNIVERSAL::isa
Stop checking for Name
We don't really care if this is local or not
AsString on Tickets and Articles now includes the Name
Render as Ticket #42 instead of ticket #42
Fix up failing tests
Make ShowHeader configurable
Tell admins what __CustomField.{ }__ they typoed
We totally use this
Refector the user searching logic from the Autocompleter into RT::Users
Convert Exclude to a list of ids rather than a comma separated list
Limit the excludes list by AND
Exclude Nobody and RT_System in SQL
Provide a simple, publicly accessible, user search
Rename UserAutocompleteFields to UserSearchFields
Make user search "sticky"
Focus the search box by default when loading the User Search
Factor out the user searching widget
Add a User Summary page
Jump directly to a user if selected by autocomplete
Add an ExtraInfo User portlet
Add user portlets for Active and Inactive tickets
Add a simple Create Ticket user portlet
Show Titles for ticket lists on the User Summary
Link user summary in "More About Requestor"
Ruslan Zakirov (37):
use collection list in ShowRequestor box
failing tests for "Queue != 'Missing'" searches
use 0 instead of NULL in object based _EnumLimit
save lengthy call into a variable
don't use split for addresses, use parser
turn blacklist into a hash with reasons
explain in logs why email is in blacklist
REST: delete CF value rather than add when value is empty
call DeleteCustomFieldValue instead of OCFV->Delete
drop OCFV->Delete, AddCustomFieldValue takes care
test CF changes via REST
just call AddCustomField value
make it possible to add a new TicketSQL keyword
on search by watcher load user when possible
Merge branch '4.2/remove-unused-mason'
Merge branch '4.2/logging-summary'
Merge branch '4.0/check-record-note-results-in-correspond' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/sort-by-queue-subjecttag' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/expose-version-words' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/sendmail-action-logs'
Merge branch '4.0/reminders-of-deleted-tickets' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/not-escape-in-build-format-string' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/validate-user-name' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/record-and-collection-class-methods'
Merge branch '4.2/search-by-watcher-name-email'
Merge branch '4.2/clean-up-columnmap'
call local methods instead of SUPER
set TimeTaken on txn when TimeWorked changed on Ticket
test TimeWorked changes and TimeTaken on txns
on upgrade set TimeTaken on (Set, TimeWorked) txns
use hash for ACL_CACHE instead of TimedExpiry
delete dependency on Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry
Merge branch '4.2/cf-grouping-link'
Merge branch '4.2/deprecate-elements-titlebox'
Merge branch '4.2/columnmap-cf-warnings'
handle strings during upgrade of (Set,TimeWorked) txns
Merge branch '4.2/initialdata-group-domain'
Thomas Sibley (118):
Force IE to use the latest renderer available and disable compat mode
Default to the previously selected user/group in the rights editor
Stay on the same rights subtab when switching between principals
Preserve the selected rights category tab across page reloads
Don't let the NotMobile query param trigger CSRF
Preserve page anchors on the mobile login as well
Inform the user logging in about potential side-effects on mobile login too
Merge branch '4.0/preserve-leading-template-newlines' into 4.0-trunk
Only preserve the next and mobile query params on mobile login
Move /m/login into /m/_elements/ for consistency with /Elements/Login
Copy documentation images into the destination directory
Correct relative paths to docs/images/ in POD
Fix Article custom fields links in menu
Summarize the logging configuration on the System Config page
Only bust the queue cache if the grant/revoke succeeds
Bust the queue cache when CreateTicket is granted/revoked
Remove misleading ShowTicket rights check in search queue selector
Remove unused arguments from SelectLang, mistakenly copied from SelectQueue
Warn during tests if role consumers override a role method silently
Document the Single and Column attributes of roles
Store the original role attributes as a shallow copy
Ensure any class returned by RT::Group->RoleClass does the Roles role
Provide a method to access role attributes rather than using _ROLES directly
Optionally filter returned role names by the presence or lack of role flags
Introduce the ACLOnly and ACLOnlyInEquiv flags to role metadata
Merge branch '4.2/role-roles'
Merge branch '4.2/selectcustomfieldvalue-default'
Fix rollup arrows on error titleboxes under aileron
Provide a method to unregister roles at runtime
Merge branch '4.2/passarguments-to-collection-as-table'
Merge branch '4.2/untabify'
Restore a </form> tag mistakenly removed in 260239e
Optional explicit sorting of role group names
Disallow linking to deleted objects of any kind that do the Status role
Refactor and generalize StrictLinkACL checking into RT::Record
Remove RT::Ticket->__GetTicketFromURI
Remove duplicate link validation checks from RT::Record subclasses
Refactor link processing on create, AddLink, and DeleteLink into a role
Merge branch '4.0/display-link-strings-in-transaction-brief-description' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/tickets-cleanup'
Rename roles to be under RT::Record::Role:: or RT::SearchBuilder::Role::
Remove the indent from a non-code block in POD
Let list of headers used for one-time recipient suggestions be adjusted
Use the same "add links" form for both creating and editing tickets
Merge branch '4.0/simple-search-ignore-disabled-queues' into 4.0-trunk
Expose the ability to grant rights to roles on custom fields
Pass the formatted user string to the ShowUser callback
Support using ->_Accessible as a class method too
Support calling RT::SearchBuilder->_SingularClass as a class method
Restore QueueWatcher conditions to TicketSQL and the collection API
Display CF values in searches using the standard display components
Scrub HTML from the spreadsheet view of ticket searches
Split the CustomField column map into multiple functions
Move substitution of newlines with <br>s into ProcessColumnMapValue()
Separate image CF filenames from thumbnails with a visible newline
Remove the "signature" paragraph from the README's explanation of RT
Allow CustomFieldLookupType to be called as a class method
Remove an incorrect ColumnMap callback which fires every time
Provide record-specific column maps with access to the generic column map
Only invalidate the ACL cache on RT::ACE creation if successful
Add ability to register invalidation handlers for caches relying on ACLs
Switch to run-time loading of classes in RT::ACE
Register the RT::Principal ACL cache invalidation handler through RT::ACE
Register the queue cache invalidation handler with RT::ACE
Merge branch '4.2/accessible-class-method'
Merge branch '4.0/delete-default-summary-rows-pref' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/devel-mode-and-testdeps'
Merge branch '4.0/test-installer-drop-database' into 4.0-trunk
Support ordering tickets by queue watchers
Encapsulate the role group class into a method
RT_Config is a local link too
Remove dead code that should have been removed in e871d3b
Merge branch '4.0/clean-rest-tmp-files' into 4.0-trunk
Failing tests showing that removing values for an image CF is broken
Process image/file CF uploads from "-Upload" params only
New/OldReferenceObject methods on RT::Transaction
Evaluate the default transaction description only if necessary
Remove all Mason from our (now static) JS files
Use RT.Config.WebPath in inline JS instead of interpolating from Mason
Remove a duplicate condition check
Add LWP::Simple to the core dependencies
Refactor the static middleware wrapping into a method to enable reuse
Serve individual JS files via the static handler
Clarify where AddJavaScript and AddStyleSheets expect files to live
Use a pure Plack and HTTP::Message solution for internal PSGI requests
User and custom field autocompletion for Self Service
License tag the two new self service autocomplete endpoints
Always require the mailgate SSL dependencies for simplicity
Count disabled rows in "RT size" estimation
Default to making clickable links from URLs in textual content
Merge branch '4.2/search-tab'
Merge branch '4.2/webhomepath-with-webpath'
Revert "Switch from divs/spans to tables"
Restore a crucial hyphen mistakenly dropped during the refactor in cb3b5a5
Handle special characters in values used as CSS classes
Allow HTML in the $MoreAboutRequestorsExtraInfo format string
HTML escape any user field titles provided by the configured format
Generalize the "More About Requestors" accordion styles
Adjust margins of accordion headers and content
A normal sized accordion title is better than a slightly smaller one
The need for a top margin on accordions is unnecessary for the general case
Add a $Collection->ColumnMapClassName equivalent for individual record objects
Use _SingularClass in $Collection->ColumnMapClassName
Generalize UserInfo's use of ColumnMap to display a single record object
Switch to <%perl> blocks in ShowRecord for easier reading
Don't introduce spaces in complex formats
Remove outdated check for apachectl and the corresponding make target
Require Symbol::Global::Name 0.02 so the names of references are found
Clarify what the queue dropdown contains by integrating it into the sentence
Merge branch '4.2/user-summary'
Merge branch '4.2/deprecated-config-options'
Link user references to the User Summary page
Upgrade text-only user references to their HTML versions
Merge branch '4.2/nobody-user-format'
Merge branch '4.2/link-user-summary'
Consistent transactions for all role group membership changes
Correct the documented defaults used by RT::Date->LocalizedDateTime
Merge branch '4.2/update-jsmin.c'
Todd Wade (2):
Ensure that leading newlines in templates are preserved on submit
update ModifyACL description in RT::Class
sunnavy (34):
expose verison words to do a more strict version check in rt-setup-database
don't not escape in BuildFormatString
validate user name on both "create" and "update"
fix user autocomplete for oracle because it treats empty string as NULL
Devel::StackTrace 1.28/1.29 doesn't work with RT
show mobile login on mobile clients
mimic the login error message for mobile login
basic login test
/o is wrong here since $paramtag could change
initialize LangHandle on each request to make it up to date too
redirect result page and remove the *unnesessary* LanguageHandle update code in User/Prefs.html
check/shortcircuit _RecordNote's results in case it fails
typo of Told
clean up tmp files in REST
explicitly drop database for installer test
show reminders for deleted tickets
abort reminders creation in advance if the ticket can't be loaded or is deleted
return the error message if the reminder is not created
test reminders on deleted tickets
Reminders->Add does *not* return txnid
test /Tools/MyReminders for deleted tickets
show process results for /Ticket/Reminders.html
Merge branch '4.2/showuser-callback'
update ckeditor to 4.0.1
restore our customization for ckeditor
more callbacks and callback args for Show/EditCustomFields
explicitly set toolbarCanCollapse to make toolbar collapsible
update jquery to 1.9.1
update superfish to 1.5.1 for jquery 1.9 compatibility
update jquery.modal to 0.5.2
update jquery-ui to 1.10.0
update jquery-ui-timepicker-addon to 1.2
update jquery.cookie to 1.3.1
fix missing parts in jquery ui update for accordion and tabs
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