[Rt-commit] rt branch, master, updated. rt-4.1.17-193-g7d89c0a

Alex Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Fri Aug 2 16:08:47 EDT 2013

The branch, master has been updated
       via  7d89c0ae80779a47fa8a537e082c1462cff66b75 (commit)
       via  c1cb057074b570c624497de6e29666180343ddd2 (commit)
       via  c284c9e639c10e763aae404f26960be66bd8a8ce (commit)
       via  a3acf475a0a3826ef27a9fe753d517428b825c64 (commit)
       via  3e68ccb5a43023591dfbac90ab9973d24eb613c9 (commit)
       via  84a5f6aade33cf0d97f3c48a6c21b01ca8d77bad (commit)
       via  20a0e56b06599494d58847d433d69b62ca797f98 (commit)
       via  49b8a89b932afdccefa6133b28a6ad238a881681 (commit)
       via  fd08e7ef219917eeb6789186ab9ea3cc310d336f (commit)
       via  b727acba32609725ab28d9994968c62ce67a22cd (commit)
       via  152c24ed3510c78076549bddeb93f325c37eafe9 (commit)
       via  3758840df908ec874754fbcf4bd3634ccc256f87 (commit)
       via  494f4eeac35caae3bfaf75a3ce275e11cb830d79 (commit)
      from  ef1ae4474494daccb80ff5e44dbe3fc06db155b7 (commit)

Summary of changes:
 etc/RT_Config.pm.in          |  8 +++++---
 lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm    | 18 ++++++++++++------
 sbin/rt-setup-database.in    | 10 ++++++----
 sbin/rt-test-dependencies.in |  1 +
 t/99-policy.t                | 11 +++++++----
 5 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 7d89c0ae80779a47fa8a537e082c1462cff66b75
Merge: ef1ae44 c1cb057
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Fri Aug 2 16:07:28 2013 -0400

    Merge branch '4.0-trunk'
    t/99-policy had grown a compile test on both 4.0-trunk and master, for
    s?bin/ and etc/upgrade/*/content respectively.  Use the run3()
    implementation from master, but change the name to compile_perl from
    4.0-trunk for greater specificity.

diff --cc sbin/rt-test-dependencies.in
index 82b108d,efa35fe..bf9b690
--- a/sbin/rt-test-dependencies.in
+++ b/sbin/rt-test-dependencies.in
@@@ -257,33 -266,36 +257,34 @@@ Pod::Usag
  $deps{'CLI'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ];
  Getopt::Long 2.24
 -$deps{'DEV'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ];
 +$deps{'DEVELOPER'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ];
 -WWW::Mechanize 1.52
 -Test::WWW::Mechanize 1.30
 -Module::Refresh 0.03
 -Test::Expect 0.31
 -Test::Deep 0 # needed for shredder tests
 -String::ShellQuote 0 # needed for gnupg-incoming.t
 -Test::Builder 0.90 # needed for is_passing
  Plack::Middleware::Test::StashWarnings 0.06
 +String::ShellQuote 0 # needed for gnupg-incoming.t
 +Test::Builder 0.90 # needed for is_passing
 +Test::Deep 0 # needed for shredder tests
 +Test::Expect 0.31
 +Test::WWW::Mechanize 1.30
 +WWW::Mechanize 1.52
  $deps{'FASTCGI'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ];
diff --cc t/99-policy.t
index f4745b4,01c4091..2b2e848
--- a/t/99-policy.t
+++ b/t/99-policy.t
@@@ -1,9 -1,8 +1,9 @@@
  use strict;
  use warnings;
- use RT::Test nodb => 1, tests => undef;
 -use RT::Test;
++use RT::Test tests => undef;
  use File::Find;
 +use IPC::Run3;
  my @files;
  find( sub { push @files, $File::Find::name if -f },
@@@ -87,32 -78,29 +87,35 @@@ sub check 
          ok( !$executable, "$file permission is u-x" );
-     if ($check{compile}) {
+     if ($check{compile_perl}) {
 -        my $output = `$^X -c $file 2>&1`;
 -        ok( !$?, "$file compiles OK with perl ($^X)" )
 -            or diag $output;
 +        my ($input, $output, $error) = ('', '', '');
 +        run3(
 +            [$^X, '-Ilib', '-Mstrict', '-Mwarnings', '-c', $file],
 +            \$input, \$output, \$error,
 +        );
 +        is $error, "$file syntax OK\n", "$file syntax is OK";
 -check( $_, shebang => -1, exec => -1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => 1 )
 +check( $_, shebang => -1, exec => -1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => 1, no_tabs => 1 )
      for grep {m{^lib/.*\.pm$}} @files;
 -check( $_, shebang => -1, exec => -1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => -1 )
 +check( $_, shebang => -1, exec => -1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => -1, no_tabs => 1 )
      for grep {m{^t/.*\.t$}} @files;
 -check( $_, shebang => 1, exec => 1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => 1 )
 +check( $_, shebang => 1, exec => 1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => 1, no_tabs => 1 )
      for grep {m{^s?bin/}} @files;
+ check( $_, compile_perl => 1 )
+     for grep { -f $_ } map { s/\.in$//; $_ } grep {m{^s?bin/}} @files;
 -check( $_, shebang => 1, exec => 1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => 1 )
 +check( $_, shebang => 1, exec => 1, warnings => 1, strict => 1, bps_tag => 1, no_tabs => 1 )
      for grep {m{^devel/tools/} and not m{/(localhost\.(crt|key)|mime\.types)$}} @files;
 -check( $_, exec => -1, bps_tag => not m{\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$} )
 +check( $_, exec => -1 )
 +    for grep {m{^share/static/}} @files;
 +check( $_, exec => -1, bps_tag => 1, no_tabs => 1 )
      for grep {m{^share/html/}} @files;
  check( $_, exec => -1 )
@@@ -123,8 -111,3 +126,8 @@@ check( $_, exec => -1 
  check( $_, exec => -1, bps_tag => -1 )
      for grep {m{^etc/upgrade/[^/]+/}} @files;
- check( $_, warnings => 1, strict => 1, compile => 1, no_tabs => 1 )
++check( $_, warnings => 1, strict => 1, compile_perl => 1, no_tabs => 1 )
 +    for grep {m{^etc/upgrade/.*/content$}} @files;


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