[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.2/refactor-rt-server, created. rt-4.1.17-43-g2234b96
Alex Vandiver
alexmv at bestpractical.com
Wed Jul 17 22:10:58 EDT 2013
The branch, 4.2/refactor-rt-server has been created
at 2234b96f58b9c26f7eca622aaf0c6dcac9636169 (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 308a9e7b31f23d4521dfb4046922fd24ec0df763
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Jun 20 21:58:30 2011 -0400
Refactor rt-server.in into RT::PlackRunner
This properly detects --port, --listen, and --socket options, and falls
back to $WebPort only when none are specified. It also provides better
handling for fastcgi, detecting when STDIN is a socket, and bailing with
a correct error message if it has no other options to listen on.
diff --git a/lib/RT/PlackRunner.pm b/lib/RT/PlackRunner.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2338b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/RT/PlackRunner.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2013 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+# <sales at bestpractical.com>
+# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from www.gnu.org.
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
+# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
+# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
+# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
+# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
+# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
+# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
+# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
+# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
+# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
+# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
+# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
+# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
+# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+package RT::PlackRunner;
+use base 'Plack::Runner';
+sub parse_options {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @args = @_;
+ # handle "rt-server 8888" for back-compat, but complain about it
+ if (@args && $args[0] =~ m/^\d+$/) {
+ warn "Deprecated: please run $0 --port $ARGV[0] instead\n";
+ unshift @args, '--port';
+ }
+ $self->SUPER::parse_options(@args);
+ $self->{app} ||= $self->app;
+ $self->{server} ||= $self->loader->guess;
+ my %args = @{$self->{options}};
+ if ($self->{server} eq "FCGI") {
+ # We deal with the possible failure modes of this in ->run
+ } elsif ($args{port}) {
+ $self->{explicit_port} = 1;
+ my $old_app = $self->{app};
+ $self->{app} = sub {
+ my $env = shift;
+ $env->{'rt.explicit_port'} = $args{port};
+ $old_app->($env, @_);
+ };
+ } else {
+ $self->set_options(port => (RT->Config->Get('WebPort') || '8080'));
+ }
+# Don't assume port 5000 with no port or socket supplied; this allows
+# the WebPort default to kick in (above), and also to provide useful
+# error messages when starting FCGI without any options.
+sub mangle_host_port_socket {
+ my($self, $host, $port, $socket, @listen) = @_;
+ return $self->SUPER::mangle_host_port_socket(@_)
+ if @listen or $port or $socket;
+ return host => $host, port => $port, socket => $socket, listen => \@listen;
+sub prepare_devel {
+ my($self, $app) = @_;
+ # Don't install the Lint, StackTrace, and AccessLog middleware
+ push @{$self->{options}}, server_ready => sub {
+ my($args) = @_;
+ my $name = $args->{server_software} || ref($args);
+ my $host = $args->{host} || RT->Config->Get('WebDomain');
+ my $proto = $args->{proto} || 'http';
+ print STDERR "$name: Accepting connections at $proto://$host:$args->{port}/\n";
+ };
+ $app;
+sub app {
+ require RT::Interface::Web::Handler;
+ my $app = RT::Interface::Web::Handler->PSGIApp;
+ if ($ENV{RT_TESTING}) {
+ my $screen_logger = $RT::Logger->remove('screen');
+ require Log::Dispatch::Perl;
+ $RT::Logger->add(
+ Log::Dispatch::Perl->new(
+ name => 'rttest',
+ min_level => $screen_logger->min_level,
+ action => {
+ error => 'warn',
+ critical => 'warn'
+ }
+ )
+ );
+ require Plack::Middleware::Test::StashWarnings;
+ $app = Plack::Middleware::Test::StashWarnings->wrap($app);
+ }
+ return $app;
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @{$self->{options}};
+ # Plack::Handler::FCGI has its own catch for this, but doesn't
+ # notice that listen is an empty list, and we can also provide a
+ # better error message.
+ if ($self->{server} eq "FCGI" and not -S STDIN and not @{$args{listen}}) {
+ print STDERR "STDIN is not a socket, and no --listen, --socket, or --port provided\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ eval { $self->SUPER::run(@_) };
+ my $err = $@;
+ exit 0 unless $err;
+ if ( $err =~ /listen/ ) {
+ print STDERR <<EOF;
+WARNING: RT couldn't start up a web server on port $args{port}.
+This is often the case if the port is already in use or you're running @{[$0]}
+as someone other than your system's "root" user. You may also specify a
+temporary port with: $0 --port <port>
+ if ($self->{explicit_port}) {
+ print STDERR
+ "Please check your system configuration or choose another port\n\n";
+ }
+ exit 1;
+ } else {
+ die
+ "Something went wrong while trying to run RT's standalone web server:\n\t"
+ . $err;
+ }
diff --git a/sbin/rt-server.in b/sbin/rt-server.in
index 902caa1..7422cf0 100644
--- a/sbin/rt-server.in
+++ b/sbin/rt-server.in
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ my ($integrity, $state, $msg) = RT::Handle->CheckIntegrity;
unless ( $integrity ) {
print STDERR <<EOF;
RT couldn't connect to the database where tickets are stored.
If this is a new installation of RT, you should visit the URL below
to configure RT and initialize your database.
@@ -135,127 +135,20 @@ if ($RT::Handle) {
undef $RT::Handle;
-require RT::Interface::Web::Handler;
-my $app = RT::Interface::Web::Handler->PSGIApp;
-if ($ENV{RT_TESTING}) {
- my $screen_logger = $RT::Logger->remove('screen');
- require Log::Dispatch::Perl;
- $RT::Logger->add(
- Log::Dispatch::Perl->new(
- name => 'rttest',
- min_level => $screen_logger->min_level,
- action => {
- error => 'warn',
- critical => 'warn'
- }
- )
- );
- require Plack::Middleware::Test::StashWarnings;
- $app = Plack::Middleware::Test::StashWarnings->wrap($app);
+require RT::PlackRunner;
# when used as a psgi file
if (caller) {
- return $app;
-# load appropriate server
-require Plack::Runner;
-my $is_fastcgi = $0 =~ m/fcgi$/;
-my $r = Plack::Runner->new( $0 =~ /standalone/ ? ( server => 'Standalone' ) :
- $is_fastcgi ? ( server => 'FCGI' )
- : (),
- env => 'deployment' );
-# figure out the port
-my $port;
-# handle "rt-server 8888" for back-compat, but complain about it
-if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^\d+$/) {
- warn "Deprecated: please run $0 --port $ARGV[0] instead\n";
- unshift @ARGV, '--port';
+ return RT::PlackRunner->app;
-my @args = @ARGV;
-use List::MoreUtils 'last_index';
-my $last_index = last_index { $_ eq '--port' } @args;
-my $explicit_port;
-if ( $last_index != -1 && $args[$last_index+1] =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
- $explicit_port = $args[$last_index+1];
- $port = $explicit_port;
- # inform the rest of the system what port we manually chose
- my $old_app = $app;
- $app = sub {
- my $env = shift;
- $env->{'rt.explicit_port'} = $port;
- $old_app->($env, @_);
- };
-else {
- # default to the configured WebPort and inform Plack::Runner
- $port = RT->Config->Get('WebPort') || '8080';
- push @args, '--port', $port;
+my $r = RT::PlackRunner->new( RT->InstallMode ? ( server => 'Standalone' ) :
+ $0 =~ /standalone/ ? ( server => 'Standalone' ) :
+ $0 =~ /fcgi$/ ? ( server => 'FCGI', env => "deployment" )
+ : ( server => 'Starlet', env => "deployment" ) );
-push @args, '--server', 'Standalone' if RT->InstallMode;
-push @args, '--server', 'Starlet' unless $r->{server} || grep { m/--server/ } @args;
-delete $r->{options} if $is_fastcgi; ### mangle_host_port_socket ruins everything
-unless ($r->{env} eq 'development') {
- push @{$r->{options}}, server_ready => sub {
- my($args) = @_;
- my $name = $args->{server_software} || ref($args); # $args is $server
- my $host = $args->{host} || 0;
- my $proto = $args->{proto} || 'http';
- print STDERR "$name: Accepting connections at $proto://$host:$args->{port}/\n";
- };
-eval { $r->run($app) };
-if (my $err = $@) {
- handle_startup_error($err);
-exit 0;
-sub handle_startup_error {
- my $err = shift;
- if ( $err =~ /listen/ ) {
- handle_bind_error();
- } else {
- die
- "Something went wrong while trying to run RT's standalone web server:\n\t"
- . $err;
- }
-sub handle_bind_error {
- print STDERR <<EOF;
-WARNING: RT couldn't start up a web server on port @{[$port]}.
-This is often the case if the port is already in use or you're running @{[$0]}
-as someone other than your system's "root" user. You may also specify a
-temporary port with: $0 --port <port>
- if ($explicit_port) {
- print STDERR
- "Please check your system configuration or choose another port\n\n";
- }
commit 2234b96f58b9c26f7eca622aaf0c6dcac9636169
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date: Thu Jul 21 13:12:56 2011 -0400
Catch and fix var/ when rt-server is incorrectly run as root
rt-server often gets incorrectly run as root for testing, leaving the
mason cache later un-writable by the real web user (when run as fastcgi,
for example). Attempt to correct for this by chown'ing the var path to
the web user and group if we were run as root.
diff --git a/sbin/rt-server.in b/sbin/rt-server.in
index 7422cf0..2cd8ef8 100644
--- a/sbin/rt-server.in
+++ b/sbin/rt-server.in
@@ -147,8 +147,15 @@ my $r = RT::PlackRunner->new( RT->InstallMode ? ( server => 'Standalone' ) :
$0 =~ /fcgi$/ ? ( server => 'FCGI', env => "deployment" )
: ( server => 'Starlet', env => "deployment" ) );
+# Try to clean up wrong-permissions var/
+$SIG{INT} = sub {
+ local $@;
+ system("chown", "-R", "@WEB_USER@:@WEB_GROUP@", "@RT_VAR_PATH_R@");
+ exit 0;
+} if $> == 0;
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