[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.2/upgrading-indexes-and-review, created. rt-4.1.19-44-g5d75726
Alex Vandiver
alexmv at bestpractical.com
Wed Sep 4 16:21:33 EDT 2013
The branch, 4.2/upgrading-indexes-and-review has been created
at 5d7572669a04236f0c2a2d2af933db0721864e01 (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 80563163c604a03128aae2f890c6d0d68d453127
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed Apr 10 16:31:06 2013 +0400
a few functions to explore DB indexes
diff --git a/lib/RT/Handle.pm b/lib/RT/Handle.pm
index ccc24ed..e707002 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Handle.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Handle.pm
@@ -1257,6 +1257,275 @@ sub FillIn {
return $sql;
+sub Indexes {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %res;
+ my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+ my $dbh = $self->dbh;
+ my $list;
+ if ( $db_type eq 'mysql' ) {
+ $list = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+ 'select distinct table_name, index_name from information_schema.statistics where table_schema = ?',
+ undef, scalar RT->Config->Get('DatabaseName')
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ( $db_type eq 'Pg' ) {
+ $list = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+ 'select tablename, indexname from pg_indexes where schemaname = ?',
+ undef, 'public'
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ( $db_type eq 'SQLite' ) {
+ $list = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+ 'select tbl_name, name from sqlite_master where type = ?',
+ undef, 'index'
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ( $db_type eq 'Oracle' ) {
+ $list = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+ 'select table_name, index_name from dba_indexes where index_name NOT LIKE ? AND lower(Owner) = ?',
+ undef, 'SYS_%$$', lc RT->Config->Get('DatabaseUser'),
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Not implemented";
+ }
+ push @{ $res{ lc $_->[0] } ||= [] }, lc $_->[1] foreach @$list;
+ return %res;
+sub IndexesThatBeginWith {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (Table => undef, Columns => [], @_);
+ my %indexes = $self->Indexes;
+ my @check = @{ $args{'Columns'} };
+ my @list;
+ foreach my $index ( @{ $indexes{ lc $args{'Table'} } || [] } ) {
+ my %info = $self->IndexInfo( Table => $args{'Table'}, Name => $index );
+ next if @{ $info{'Columns'} } < @check;
+ my $check = join ',', @check;
+ next if join( ',', @{ $info{'Columns'} } ) !~ /^\Q$check\E(?:,|$)/i;
+ push @list, \%info;
+ }
+ return sort { @{ $a->{'Columns'} } <=> @{ $b->{'Columns'} } } @list;
+sub IndexInfo {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (Table => undef, Name => undef, @_);
+ my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+ my $dbh = $self->dbh;
+ my %res = (
+ Table => lc $args{'Table'},
+ Name => lc $args{'Name'},
+ );
+ if ( $db_type eq 'mysql' ) {
+ my $list = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+ from information_schema.statistics
+ where table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND index_name = ?
+ undef, scalar RT->Config->Get('DatabaseName'), $args{'Table'}, $args{'Name'},
+ );
+ return () unless $list && @$list;
+ $res{'Unique'} = $list->[0][0]? 0 : 1;
+ $res{'Functional'} = 0;
+ $res{'Columns'} = [ map $_->[1], @$list ];
+ }
+ elsif ( $db_type eq 'Pg' ) {
+ my $index = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
+ 'select ix.*, pg_get_expr(ix.indexprs, ix.indrelid) as functions
+ from
+ pg_class t, pg_class i, pg_index ix
+ where
+ t.relname ilike ?
+ and t.relkind = ?
+ and i.relname ilike ?
+ and ix.indrelid = t.oid
+ and ix.indexrelid = i.oid
+ ',
+ undef, $args{'Table'}, 'r', $args{'Name'},
+ );
+ return () unless $index && keys %$index;
+ $res{'Unique'} = $index->{'indisunique'};
+ $res{'Functional'} = (grep $_ == 0, split ' ', $index->{'indkey'})? 1 : 0;
+ $res{'Columns'} = [ map int($_), split ' ', $index->{'indkey'} ];
+ my $columns = $dbh->selectall_hashref(
+ 'select a.attnum, a.attname
+ from pg_attribute a where a.attrelid = ?',
+ 'attnum', undef, $index->{'indrelid'}
+ );
+ if ($index->{'functions'}) {
+ # XXX: this is good enough for us
+ $index->{'functions'} = [ split /,\s+/, $index->{'functions'} ];
+ }
+ foreach my $e ( @{ $res{'Columns'} } ) {
+ if (exists $columns->{$e} ) {
+ $e = $columns->{$e}{'attname'};
+ }
+ elsif ( !$e ) {
+ $e = shift @{ $index->{'functions'} };
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $column ( @{$res{'Columns'}} ) {
+ next unless $column =~ s/^lower\( \s* \(? (\w+) \)? (?:::text)? \s* \)$/$1/ix;
+ $res{'CaseInsensitive'}{ lc $1 } = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $db_type eq 'SQLite' ) {
+ my $list = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("pragma index_info('$args{'Name'}')");
+ return () unless $list && @$list;
+ $res{'Functional'} = 0;
+ $res{'Columns'} = [ map $_->[2], @$list ];
+ $list = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("pragma index_list('$args{'Table'}')");
+ $res{'Unique'} = (grep lc $_->[1] eq lc $args{'Name'}, @$list)[0][2]? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ elsif ( $db_type eq 'Oracle' ) {
+ my $index = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
+ 'select uniqueness, funcidx_status from dba_indexes
+ where lower(table_name) = ? AND lower(index_name) = ? AND LOWER(Owner) = ?',
+ undef, lc $args{'Table'}, lc $args{'Name'}, lc RT->Config->Get('DatabaseUser'),
+ );
+ return () unless $index && keys %$index;
+ $res{'Unique'} = $index->{'uniqueness'} eq 'UNIQUE'? 1 : 0;
+ $res{'Functional'} = $index->{'funcidx_status'}? 1 : 0;
+ my %columns = map @$_, @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+ 'select column_position, column_name from dba_ind_columns
+ where lower(table_name) = ? AND lower(index_name) = ? AND LOWER(index_owner) = ?',
+ undef, lc $args{'Table'}, lc $args{'Name'}, lc RT->Config->Get('DatabaseUser'),
+ ) };
+ $columns{ $_->[0] } = $_->[1] foreach @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+ 'select column_position, column_expression from dba_ind_expressions
+ where lower(table_name) = ? AND lower(index_name) = ? AND LOWER(index_owner) = ?',
+ undef, lc $args{'Table'}, lc $args{'Name'}, lc RT->Config->Get('DatabaseUser'),
+ ) };
+ $res{'Columns'} = [ map $columns{$_}, sort { $a <=> $b } keys %columns ];
+ foreach my $column ( @{$res{'Columns'}} ) {
+ next unless $column =~ s/^lower\( \s* " (\w+) " \s* \)$/$1/ix;
+ $res{'CaseInsensitive'}{ lc $1 } = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Not implemented";
+ }
+ $_ = lc $_ foreach @{ $res{'Columns'} };
+ return %res;
+sub DropIndex {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (Table => undef, Name => undef, @_);
+ my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+ my $dbh = $self->dbh;
+ local $dbh->{'PrintError'} = 0;
+ local $dbh->{'RaiseError'} = 0;
+ my $res;
+ if ( $db_type eq 'mysql' ) {
+ $res = $dbh->do(
+ 'drop index '. $dbh->quote_identifier($args{'Name'}) ." on $args{'Table'}",
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ( $db_type eq 'Pg' ) {
+ $res = $dbh->do("drop index $args{'Name'} CASCADE");
+ }
+ elsif ( $db_type eq 'SQLite' ) {
+ $res = $dbh->do("drop index $args{'Name'}");
+ }
+ elsif ( $db_type eq 'Oracle' ) {
+ my $user = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseUser');
+ $res = $dbh->do("drop index $user.$args{'Name'}");
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Not implemented";
+ }
+ my $desc = $self->IndexDescription( %args );
+ return ($res, $res? "Dropped $desc" : "Couldn't drop $desc: ". $dbh->errstr);
+sub DropIndexIfExists {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (Table => undef, Name => undef, @_);
+ my %indexes = $self->Indexes;
+ return (1, ucfirst($self->IndexDescription( %args )) ." doesn't exists")
+ unless grep $_ eq lc $args{'Name'},
+ @{ $indexes{ lc $args{'Table'} } || []};
+ return $self->DropIndex(%args);
+sub CreateIndex {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( Table => undef, Name => undef, Columns => [], CaseInsensitive => {}, @_ );
+ my $name = $args{'Name'};
+ unless ( $name ) {
+ my %indexes = $self->Indexes;
+ %indexes = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $indexes{ lc $args{'Table'} } || [] };
+ my $i = 1;
+ $i++ while $indexes{ lc($args{'Table'}).$i };
+ $name = lc($args{'Table'}).$i;
+ }
+ my @columns = @{ $args{'Columns'} };
+ if ( $self->CaseSensitive ) {
+ foreach my $column ( @columns ) {
+ next unless $args{'CaseInsensitive'}{ lc $column };
+ $column = "LOWER($column)";
+ }
+ }
+ my $sql = "CREATE"
+ . ($args{'Unique'}? ' UNIQUE' : '')
+ ." INDEX $name ON $args{'Table'}"
+ ."(". join( ', ', @columns ) .")"
+ ;
+ my $res = $self->dbh->do( $sql );
+ unless ( $res ) {
+ return (
+ undef, "Failed to create ". $self->IndexDescription( %args )
+ ." (sql: $sql): ". $self->dbh->errstr
+ );
+ }
+ return ($name, "Created ". $self->IndexDescription( %args ) );
+sub IndexDescription {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ my $desc =
+ ($args{'Unique'}? 'unique ' : '')
+ .'index'
+ . ($args{'Name'}? " $args{'Name'}" : '')
+ . ( @{$args{'Columns'}||[]}?
+ " ("
+ . join(', ', @{$args{'Columns'}})
+ . (@{$args{'Optional'}||[]}? '['. join(', ', '', @{$args{'Optional'}}).']' : '' )
+ .")"
+ : ''
+ )
+ . ($args{'Table'}? " on $args{'Table'}" : '')
+ ;
+ return $desc;
# log a mason stack trace instead of a Carp::longmess because it's less painful
# and uses mason component paths properly
sub _LogSQLStatement {
diff --git a/t/api/db_indexes.t b/t/api/db_indexes.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8453804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/api/db_indexes.t
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::Warn;
+use RT::Test tests => undef;
+my $handle = $RT::Handle;
+my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+# Pg,Oracle needs DBA
+RT::Test::__reconnect_rt('as dba');
+ok( $handle->dbh->do("ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA=". RT->Config->Get('DatabaseUser') ) )
+ if $db_type eq 'Oracle';
+note "test handle->Indexes method";
+ my %indexes = $handle->Indexes;
+ ok grep $_ eq 'tickets1', @{ $indexes{'tickets'} };
+ ok grep $_ eq 'tickets2', @{ $indexes{'tickets'} };
+ if ($db_type eq 'Oracle') {
+ ok grep $_ eq 'users2', @{ $indexes{'users'} };
+ } else {
+ ok grep $_ eq 'users1', @{ $indexes{'users'} };
+ }
+ ok grep $_ eq 'users4', @{ $indexes{'users'} };
+note "test handle->DropIndex method";
+ my ($status, $msg) = $handle->DropIndex( Table => 'Tickets', Name => 'Tickets1' );
+ ok $status, $msg;
+ my %indexes = $handle->Indexes;
+ ok !grep $_ eq 'tickets1', @{ $indexes{'tickets'} };
+ ($status, $msg) = $handle->DropIndex( Table => 'Tickets', Name => 'Tickets1' );
+ ok !$status, $msg;
+note "test handle->DropIndexIfExists method";
+ my ($status, $msg) = $handle->DropIndexIfExists( Table => 'Tickets', Name => 'Tickets2' );
+ ok $status, $msg;
+ my %indexes = $handle->Indexes;
+ ok !grep $_ eq 'tickets2', @{ $indexes{'tickets'} };
+ ($status, $msg) = $handle->DropIndexIfExists( Table => 'Tickets', Name => 'Tickets2' );
+ ok $status, $msg;
+note "test handle->IndexInfo method";
+ if ($db_type ne 'Oracle' && $db_type ne 'mysql') {
+ my %res = $handle->IndexInfo( Table => 'Attachments', Name => 'Attachments1' );
+ is_deeply(
+ \%res,
+ {
+ Table => 'attachments', Name => 'attachments1',
+ Unique => 0, Functional => 0,
+ Columns => ['parent']
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ my %res = $handle->IndexInfo( Table => 'Attachments', Name => 'Attachments2' );
+ is_deeply(
+ \%res,
+ {
+ Table => 'attachments', Name => 'attachments2',
+ Unique => 0, Functional => 0,
+ Columns => ['transactionid']
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ my %res = $handle->IndexInfo( Table => 'GroupMembers', Name => 'GroupMembers1' );
+ is_deeply(
+ \%res,
+ {
+ Table => 'groupmembers', Name => 'groupmembers1',
+ Unique => 1, Functional => 0,
+ Columns => ['groupid', 'memberid']
+ }
+ );
+ if ( $db_type eq 'Pg' || $db_type eq 'Oracle' ) {
+ %res = $handle->IndexInfo( Table => 'Queues', Name => 'Queues1' );
+ is_deeply(
+ \%res,
+ {
+ Table => 'queues', Name => 'queues1',
+ Unique => 1, Functional => 1,
+ Columns => ['name'],
+ CaseInsensitive => { name => 1 },
+ }
+ );
+ }
+note "test ->CreateIndex and ->IndexesThatBeginWith methods";
+ {
+ my ($name, $msg) = $handle->CreateIndex(
+ Table => 'Users', Name => 'test_users1',
+ Columns => ['Organization'],
+ );
+ ok $name, $msg;
+ }
+ {
+ my ($name, $msg) = $handle->CreateIndex(
+ Table => 'Users', Name => 'test_users2',
+ Columns => ['Organization', 'Name'],
+ );
+ ok $name, $msg;
+ }
+ my @list = $handle->IndexesThatBeginWith( Table => 'Users', Columns => ['Organization'] );
+ is_deeply([sort map $_->{Name}, @list], [qw(test_users1 test_users2)]);
+ my ($status, $msg) = $handle->DropIndex( Table => 'Users', Name => 'test_users1' );
+ ok $status, $msg;
+ ($status, $msg) = $handle->DropIndex( Table => 'Users', Name => 'test_users2' );
+ ok $status, $msg;
commit 5c53e589b11d80f35e183c37eb944c2a9f4e9a7c
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Apr 12 12:54:48 2013 +0400
GroupMembers(GroupId, MemberId) index for SQLite
diff --git a/etc/schema.SQLite b/etc/schema.SQLite
index b494dfe..04b23e1 100755
--- a/etc/schema.SQLite
+++ b/etc/schema.SQLite
@@ -206,6 +206,8 @@ CREATE TABLE GroupMembers (
) ;
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX GroupMembers1 ON GroupMembers(GroupId, MemberId);
--- }}}
--- {{{ CachedGroupMembers
commit 943d5e6e2d2c02d33029b92563ae4faf2cfc5fc7
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Apr 15 15:01:07 2013 +0400
indexes action in rt-setup-database
This is a separate file that is excuted as perl code
with $dbh connected as DBA. Goal is to give rope to
explore existing indexes during upgrade.
diff --git a/lib/RT/Handle.pm b/lib/RT/Handle.pm
index e707002..29b3694 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Handle.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Handle.pm
@@ -531,6 +531,33 @@ sub InsertSchema {
return (1);
+sub InsertIndexes {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $base_path = shift || $RT::EtcPath;
+ my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+ $dbh = $self->dbh if !$dbh && ref $self;
+ return (0, "No DBI handle provided") unless $dbh;
+ return (0, "'$base_path' doesn't exist") unless -e $base_path;
+ my $path;
+ if ( -d $base_path ) {
+ $path = File::Spec->catfile( $base_path, "indexes");
+ return (0, "Couldn't find indexes file")
+ unless -e $path;
+ } else {
+ $path = $base_path;
+ }
+ local $@;
+ eval { require $path; 1 }
+ or return (0, "Couldn't execute '$path': " . $@);
+ return (1);
=head1 GetVersionFile
Takes base name of the file as argument, scans for <base name>-<version> named
diff --git a/sbin/rt-setup-database.in b/sbin/rt-setup-database.in
index b115125..8ae023e 100644
--- a/sbin/rt-setup-database.in
+++ b/sbin/rt-setup-database.in
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ if ( @actions > 1 && $args{'datafile'} ) {
foreach ( @actions ) {
- unless ( /^(?:init|create|drop|schema|acl|coredata|insert|upgrade)$/ ) {
+ unless ( /^(?:init|create|drop|schema|acl|indexes|coredata|insert|upgrade)$/ ) {
print STDERR "$0 called with an invalid --action parameter.\n";
@@ -250,6 +250,17 @@ sub action_acl {
return RT::Handle->InsertACL( $dbh, $args{'datafile'} || $args{'datadir'} );
+sub action_indexes {
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $dbh = get_admin_dbh();
+ $RT::Handle = RT::Handle->new;
+ $RT::Handle->dbh( $dbh );
+ RT::InitLogging();
+ print "Now inserting database indexes.\n";
+ return RT::Handle->InsertIndexes( $dbh, $args{'datafile'} || $args{'datadir'} );
sub action_coredata {
my %args = @_;
$RT::Handle = RT::Handle->new;
@@ -438,6 +449,10 @@ sub action_upgrade {
( $ret, $msg ) = action_acl( %tmp );
return ( $ret, $msg ) unless $ret;
+ if ( -e "$base_dir/$v/indexes" ) {
+ ( $ret, $msg ) = action_indexes( %tmp );
+ return ( $ret, $msg ) unless $ret;
+ }
if ( -e "$base_dir/$v/content" ) {
( $ret, $msg ) = action_insert( %tmp );
return ( $ret, $msg ) unless $ret;
commit 3d10b4d9c197091e2188925a229d5c765d9a2966
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Thu May 2 16:13:29 2013 +0400
indexes on Groups table
All queries on Groups table should involve Domain column.
If Domain is not filtered then something is wrong.
We decided to go with case insensitive searches even on
columns where case is "controlled" - it's easier to implement
and isn't slower with proper indexes, so indexes are wrapped
into LOWER() functions for case sensitive DBs.
Type is deprecated and Name should be used, so we index it after
Domain. This covers loading of user defined (Instantless) groups
that were not covered before by any index longer than (Domain).
Log of all queries from an active instance showed that we do queries
Name = A AND ((Domain = B AND Instance = C) OR (Domain = D))
For such queries (Domain, Name) index doesn't provide enough
selectivity. Index on (Instance) can not be used. After all the query
is very selective as Domain = D is part that selects system role group
(4 records top). With (Domain, Name) index DB spends a lot of time
switching between the index and the table to re-check Instance = C
condition. If we have (Domain, Name, Instance) index then, at least
mysql, can skip jumping and just use index to check all conditions
without looking into table data.
Test were performed with SQL from 4.0 instance, but in master (4.2 to be)
we widened use of 1 as Instance value for system groups. This means
that in above query Instance is defined for every ORed branch and more
DBs can use full length of the index.
Instance is very selective column and short (like id), so we just index
it for situations when Type/Name is not defined, but instance is.
Domain, Type, Instance is kept for backwards compatibility and will go
away with Type column.
diff --git a/etc/schema.Oracle b/etc/schema.Oracle
index 35b81d9..8e61998 100755
--- a/etc/schema.Oracle
+++ b/etc/schema.Oracle
@@ -88,8 +88,9 @@ CREATE TABLE Groups (
LastUpdated DATE
-- Instance VARCHAR2(64)
-CREATE INDEX Groups1 ON Groups (LOWER(Domain), Instance, LOWER(Type), id);
-CREATE INDEX Groups2 ON Groups (LOWER(Type), Instance, LOWER(Domain));
+CREATE INDEX Groups1 ON Groups (LOWER(Domain), LOWER(Type), Instance);
+CREATE INDEX Groups2 ON Groups (LOWER(Domain), LOWER(Name), Instance);
+CREATE INDEX Groups3 ON Groups (Instance);
diff --git a/etc/schema.Pg b/etc/schema.Pg
index fbb97b9..3cec9d5 100755
--- a/etc/schema.Pg
+++ b/etc/schema.Pg
@@ -144,8 +144,9 @@ CREATE TABLE Groups (
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Groups1 ON Groups (Domain,Instance,Type,id, Name);
-CREATE INDEX Groups2 On Groups (Type, Instance, Domain);
+CREATE INDEX Groups1 ON Groups (LOWER(Domain), LOWER(Type), Instance);
+CREATE INDEX Groups2 ON Groups (LOWER(Domain), LOWER(Name), Instance);
+CREATE INDEX Groups3 On Groups (Instance);
diff --git a/etc/schema.SQLite b/etc/schema.SQLite
index 04b23e1..a9f8420 100755
--- a/etc/schema.SQLite
+++ b/etc/schema.SQLite
@@ -92,7 +92,9 @@ CREATE TABLE Groups (
) ;
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Groups1 ON Groups (Name,Domain,Type,Instance) ;
+CREATE INDEX Groups1 ON Groups (Domain,Type,Instance);
+CREATE INDEX Groups2 ON Groups (Domain,Name,Instance);
+CREATE INDEX Groups3 ON Groups (Instance);
--- }}}
diff --git a/etc/schema.mysql b/etc/schema.mysql
index bec3eec..f86bb71 100755
--- a/etc/schema.mysql
+++ b/etc/schema.mysql
@@ -88,10 +88,9 @@ CREATE TABLE Groups (
-CREATE INDEX Groups1 ON Groups (Domain,Instance,Type,id);
-CREATE INDEX Groups2 On Groups (Type, Instance);
+CREATE INDEX Groups1 ON Groups (Domain, Type, Instance);
+CREATE INDEX Groups2 ON Groups (Domain, Name, Instance);
+CREATE INDEX Groups3 On Groups (Instance);
CREATE TABLE ScripConditions (
diff --git a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04342bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# groups table
+ foreach my $name ( qw(Groups1 Groups2 Groups3) ) {
+ my ($status, $msg) = $RT::Handle->DropIndexIfExists(
+ Table => 'Groups', Name => $name,
+ );
+ RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ }
+ my ($name, $msg) = $RT::Handle->CreateIndex(
+ Table => 'Groups',
+ Columns => [qw(Domain Type Instance)],
+ CaseInsensitive => { domain => 1, type => 1 },
+ );
+ RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ ($name, $msg) = $RT::Handle->CreateIndex(
+ Table => 'Groups',
+ Columns => [qw(Domain Name Instance)],
+ CaseInsensitive => { domain => 1, name => 1 },
+ );
+ RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ ($name, $msg) = $RT::Handle->CreateIndex(
+ Table => 'Groups',
+ Columns => [qw(Instance)],
+ );
+ RT->Logger->info($msg);
commit ede2c6597c3ba7400e667a2b10665546b27218c6
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Thu May 2 16:22:14 2013 +0400
unique case insensitive indexes on Queues and Users
make sure we have indexes on Queues(Name) and Users(Name)
and those are unique and are set up for case insensitive
searches (LOWER(...)).
diff --git a/etc/schema.Oracle b/etc/schema.Oracle
index 8e61998..cfb5eba 100755
--- a/etc/schema.Oracle
+++ b/etc/schema.Oracle
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ CREATE TABLE Queues (
LastUpdated DATE,
- CREATE INDEX Queues1 ON Queues (LOWER(Name));
CREATE INDEX Queues2 ON Queues (Disabled);
@@ -249,9 +249,8 @@ CREATE TABLE Users (
LastUpdatedBy NUMBER(11,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
LastUpdated DATE
--- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Users1 ON Users (Name);
-CREATE INDEX Users2 ON Users( LOWER(Name));
CREATE INDEX Users4 ON Users (LOWER(EmailAddress));
diff --git a/etc/schema.Pg b/etc/schema.Pg
index 3cec9d5..ff177f4 100755
--- a/etc/schema.Pg
+++ b/etc/schema.Pg
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ CREATE TABLE Queues (
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Queues1 ON Queues (Name) ;
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Queues1 ON Queues (LOWER(Name)) ;
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ CREATE TABLE Users (
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Users1 ON Users (Name) ;
CREATE INDEX Users3 ON Users (id, EmailAddress);
CREATE INDEX Users4 ON Users (EmailAddress);
diff --git a/etc/schema.SQLite b/etc/schema.SQLite
index a9f8420..7075858 100755
--- a/etc/schema.SQLite
+++ b/etc/schema.SQLite
@@ -275,7 +275,6 @@ CREATE TABLE Users (
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Users1 ON Users (Name) ;
-CREATE INDEX Users2 ON Users (Name);
CREATE INDEX Users3 ON Users (id, EmailAddress);
CREATE INDEX Users4 ON Users (EmailAddress);
diff --git a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
index 04342bb..d0a7133 100644
--- a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
+++ b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
@@ -31,4 +31,38 @@ use warnings;
+# a few case insensitive and unique indexes
+ my @list = (
+ { Table => 'Queues', Column => 'Name' },
+ { Table => 'Users', Column => 'Name' },
+ );
+ foreach my $e (@list) {
+ RT->Logger->info("Checking index on ". $e->{'Column'} ." in ". $e->{'Table'} );
+ my ($index) = $RT::Handle->IndexesThatBeginWith(
+ Table => $e->{'Table'}, Columns => [$e->{'Column'}]
+ );
+ $index = undef if $index && @{$index->{'Columns'}}>1;
+ if (
+ $index && $index->{'Unique'}
+ && ($RT::Handle->CaseSensitive? $index->{'CaseInsensitive'}{ lc $e->{'Column'} } : 1 )
+ ) {
+ RT->Logger->info("Required index exists. Skipping.");
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( $index ) {
+ my ($status, $msg) = $RT::Handle->DropIndex(
+ Table => $e->{'Table'}, Name => $index->{'Name'},
+ );
+ RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ }
+ my ($status, $msg) = $RT::Handle->CreateIndex(
+ Table => $e->{'Table'}, Columns => [$e->{'Column'}],
+ Unique => 1, CaseInsensitive => { lc $e->{'Column'} => 1 },
+ );
+ RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ }
commit cab37e949a96e06de5fef553092f07a1700dc8cd
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri May 3 19:16:35 2013 +0400
indexes on cached group members
CachedGroupMembers (CGM) table is mostly pass through
table when we either have GroupId and need MemberId or
have MemberId and need GroupId.
We also filter by Disabled column in most cases and don't
in some, but selectivity of Disabled column is very small,
so we put it as last.
Some DBs (mysql, newer Pg, most probably Oracle) can use
index to complete select without looking into table itself,
so we create index for both case mentioned above with Disabled
on the tail.
Also, we make sure (MemberId, ImmediateParentId) is indexed
which is used when we delete members from Groups.
diff --git a/etc/schema.Oracle b/etc/schema.Oracle
index cfb5eba..ed852ba 100755
--- a/etc/schema.Oracle
+++ b/etc/schema.Oracle
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ CREATE TABLE CachedGroupMembers (
CREATE INDEX DisGrouMem ON CachedGroupMembers (GroupId, MemberId, Disabled);
-CREATE INDEX GrouMem ON CachedGroupMembers (GroupId, MemberId);
+CREATE INDEX CachedGroupMembers2 ON CachedGroupMembers (MemberId, GroupId, Disabled);
CREATE INDEX CachedGroupMembers3 on CachedGroupMembers (MemberId, ImmediateParentId);
diff --git a/etc/schema.Pg b/etc/schema.Pg
index ff177f4..1995d21 100755
--- a/etc/schema.Pg
+++ b/etc/schema.Pg
@@ -335,9 +335,9 @@ CREATE TABLE CachedGroupMembers (
-CREATE INDEX CachedGroupMembers2 on CachedGroupMembers (MemberId);
-CREATE INDEX CachedGroupMembers3 on CachedGroupMembers (GroupId);
-CREATE INDEX DisGrouMem on CachedGroupMembers (GroupId,MemberId,Disabled);
+CREATE INDEX CachedGroupMembers2 on CachedGroupMembers (MemberId, GroupId, Disabled);
+CREATE INDEX DisGrouMem on CachedGroupMembers (GroupId,MemberId,Disabled);
+CREATE INDEX CachedGroupMembers3 on CachedGroupMembers (MemberId,ImmediateParentId);
diff --git a/etc/schema.SQLite b/etc/schema.SQLite
index 7075858..a2d6878 100755
--- a/etc/schema.SQLite
+++ b/etc/schema.SQLite
@@ -229,6 +229,10 @@ create table CachedGroupMembers (
) ;
+CREATE INDEX CachedGroupMembers1 ON CachedGroupMembers (GroupId, MemberId, Disabled);
+CREATE INDEX CachedGroupMembers2 ON CachedGroupMembers (MemberId, GroupId, Disabled);
+CREATE INDEX CachedGroupMembers3 ON CachedGroupMembers (MemberId, ImmediateParentId);
--- }}}
--- {{{ Users
diff --git a/etc/schema.mysql b/etc/schema.mysql
index f86bb71..f71507a 100755
--- a/etc/schema.mysql
+++ b/etc/schema.mysql
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ create table CachedGroupMembers (
CREATE INDEX DisGrouMem on CachedGroupMembers (GroupId,MemberId,Disabled);
+CREATE INDEX CachedGroupMembers2 on CachedGroupMembers (MemberId, GroupId, Disabled);
CREATE INDEX CachedGroupMembers3 on CachedGroupMembers (MemberId, ImmediateParentId);
diff --git a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
index d0a7133..0a7ed2e 100644
--- a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
+++ b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
@@ -65,4 +65,90 @@ use warnings;
+# cached group members
+ MakeSureIndexExists(
+ Table => 'CachedGroupMembers',
+ Columns => ['MemberId', 'ImmediateParentId'],
+ );
+ MakeSureIndexExists(
+ Table => 'CachedGroupMembers',
+ Columns => ['MemberId', 'GroupId'],
+ Optional => ['Disabled'],
+ );
+ DropIndexesThatArePrefix(
+ Table => 'CachedGroupMembers',
+ Columns => ['MemberId', 'GroupId', 'Disabled'],
+ );
+ MakeSureIndexExists(
+ Table => 'CachedGroupMembers',
+ Columns => ['GroupId', 'MemberId'],
+ Optional => ['Disabled'],
+ );
+ DropIndexesThatArePrefix(
+ Table => 'CachedGroupMembers',
+ Columns => ['GroupId', 'MemberId', 'Disabled'],
+ );
+sub MakeSureIndexExists {
+ my %args = ( Table => undef, Columns => [], Optional => [], @_ );
+ my @list = $RT::Handle->IndexesThatBeginWith(
+ Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
+ );
+ if (@list) {
+ RT->Logger->info( ucfirst $RT::Handle->IndexDescription(
+ Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
+ ). ' exists.' );
+ return;
+ }
+ @list = $RT::Handle->IndexesThatBeginWith(
+ Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => $args{'Columns'},
+ );
+ if ( !@list ) {
+ my ($status, $msg) = $RT::Handle->CreateIndex(
+ Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
+ );
+ RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ }
+ else {
+ RT->Logger->info(
+ ucfirst $RT::Handle->IndexDescription(
+ %{$list[0]}
+ )
+ .' exists, you may consider replacing it with '
+ . $RT::Handle->IndexDescription(
+ Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
+ )
+ );
+ }
+sub DropIndexesThatArePrefix {
+ my %args = ( Table => undef, Columns => [], @_ );
+ my @list = $RT::Handle->IndexesThatBeginWith(
+ Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [$args{'Columns'}[0]],
+ );
+ my $checking = join ',', map lc $_, @{ $args{'Columns'} }, '';
+ foreach my $i ( splice @list ) {
+ my $columns = join ',', @{ $i->{'Columns'} }, '';
+ next unless $checking =~ /^\Q$columns/i;
+ push @list, $i;
+ }
+ pop @list;
+ foreach my $i ( @list ) {
+ my ($status, $msg) = $RT::Handle->DropIndex(
+ Table => $i->{'Table'}, Name => $i->{'Name'},
+ );
+ RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ }
commit 6d1a0b71e31ba7e4dd2a474767d8b76a3fcfbf49
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon May 6 16:17:46 2013 +0400
drop indexes that start from id
indexes that start from PK are very useless.
Mysql just don't use any such index, but primary key. Pg acts
similary. It's harder to check Oracle. Even if SQLite behaves
differently (hardly so) it doesn't matter much, for we this
for consistency.
diff --git a/etc/schema.Oracle b/etc/schema.Oracle
index ed852ba..db488ca 100755
--- a/etc/schema.Oracle
+++ b/etc/schema.Oracle
@@ -286,8 +286,6 @@ CREATE TABLE Tickets (
CREATE INDEX Tickets1 ON Tickets (Queue, Status);
CREATE INDEX Tickets2 ON Tickets (Owner);
-CREATE INDEX Tickets4 ON Tickets (id, Status);
-CREATE INDEX Tickets5 ON Tickets (id, EffectiveId);
CREATE INDEX Tickets6 ON Tickets (EffectiveId, Type);
diff --git a/etc/schema.Pg b/etc/schema.Pg
index 1995d21..ef56e00 100755
--- a/etc/schema.Pg
+++ b/etc/schema.Pg
@@ -394,7 +394,6 @@ CREATE TABLE Users (
-CREATE INDEX Users3 ON Users (id, EmailAddress);
CREATE INDEX Users4 ON Users (EmailAddress);
@@ -446,13 +445,6 @@ CREATE TABLE Tickets (
CREATE INDEX Tickets1 ON Tickets (Queue, Status) ;
CREATE INDEX Tickets2 ON Tickets (Owner) ;
CREATE INDEX Tickets3 ON Tickets (EffectiveId) ;
-CREATE INDEX Tickets4 ON Tickets (id, Status) ;
-CREATE INDEX Tickets5 ON Tickets (id, EffectiveId) ;
diff --git a/etc/schema.SQLite b/etc/schema.SQLite
index a2d6878..598a429 100755
--- a/etc/schema.SQLite
+++ b/etc/schema.SQLite
@@ -279,7 +279,6 @@ CREATE TABLE Users (
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Users1 ON Users (Name) ;
-CREATE INDEX Users3 ON Users (id, EmailAddress);
CREATE INDEX Users4 ON Users (EmailAddress);
@@ -322,8 +321,6 @@ CREATE TABLE Tickets (
CREATE INDEX Tickets1 ON Tickets (Queue, Status) ;
CREATE INDEX Tickets2 ON Tickets (Owner) ;
CREATE INDEX Tickets3 ON Tickets (EffectiveId) ;
-CREATE INDEX Tickets4 ON Tickets (id, Status) ;
-CREATE INDEX Tickets5 ON Tickets (id, EffectiveId) ;
--- }}}
diff --git a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
index 0a7ed2e..8f0ce10 100644
--- a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
+++ b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
@@ -91,6 +91,21 @@ use warnings;
+# drop indexes that start with 'id' column
+foreach my $table ('Users', 'Tickets') {
+ my @list = $RT::Handle->IndexesThatBeginWith(
+ Table => $table, Columns => ['id'],
+ );
+ @list = grep @{ $_->{'Columns'} } > 1, @list;
+ foreach my $index (@list) {
+ my ($status, $msg) = $RT::Handle->DropIndex(
+ Table => $table, Name => $index->{'Name'},
+ );
+ RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ }
sub MakeSureIndexExists {
my %args = ( Table => undef, Columns => [], Optional => [], @_ );
commit 65f68e09777de4b5ce7821ced66fd88542e2f348
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date: Tue Jul 2 16:42:33 2013 -0400
Specify Instance even for RT::System groups
This allows more specific indexes to be used.
diff --git a/lib/RT/Group.pm b/lib/RT/Group.pm
index 10c3aff..43110e0 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Group.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Group.pm
@@ -330,8 +330,9 @@ sub LoadSystemRoleGroup {
Remove => "4.4",
- Domain => 'RT::System-Role',
- Name => $type
+ Domain => 'RT::System-Role',
+ Instance => RT::System->Id,
+ Name => $type
diff --git a/lib/RT/Groups.pm b/lib/RT/Groups.pm
index 813726d..cc1e8e0 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Groups.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Groups.pm
@@ -179,8 +179,7 @@ sub LimitToRolesForObject {
my $self = shift;
my $object = shift;
$self->Limit(FIELD => 'Domain', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => ref($object) . "-Role", CASESENSITIVE => 0 );
- $self->Limit(FIELD => 'Instance', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => $object->id)
- if $object->id and not ref($object) eq "RT::System";
+ $self->Limit(FIELD => 'Instance', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => $object->id);
=head2 LimitToRolesForQueue QUEUE_ID
@@ -240,6 +239,7 @@ sub LimitToRolesForSystem {
Remove => "4.4",
$self->Limit(FIELD => 'Domain', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => 'RT::System-Role', CASESENSITIVE => 0 );
+ $self->Limit(FIELD => 'Instance', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => RT::System->Id );
commit b56144f6f1309cd8ea3e945b7911433b5f5d65e3
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date: Tue Jul 2 16:46:42 2013 -0400
->id can be called as a class method on RT::System; use eval rather than ref() and can()
This mirrors the code in RT::Principal::_HasRoleRightQuery.
diff --git a/lib/RT/Users.pm b/lib/RT/Users.pm
index b405e61..9181b7f 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Users.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Users.pm
@@ -458,11 +458,12 @@ sub _RoleClauses {
my @groups_clauses;
foreach my $obj ( @objects ) {
my $type = ref($obj)? ref($obj): $obj;
- my $id;
- $id = $obj->id if ref($obj) && UNIVERSAL::can($obj, 'id') && $obj->id;
my $role_clause = $RT::Handle->__MakeClauseCaseInsensitive("$groups.Domain", '=', "'$type-Role'");
- $role_clause .= " AND $groups.Instance = $id" if $id;
+ if ( my $id = eval { $obj->id } ) {
+ $role_clause .= " AND $groups.Instance = $id";
+ }
push @groups_clauses, "($role_clause)";
return @groups_clauses;
commit dac0c5d62c1e0e2589a870004c0b63477c82fd1f
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date: Tue Jul 2 16:47:12 2013 -0400
Refactor duplicated role group code
diff --git a/lib/RT/Principal.pm b/lib/RT/Principal.pm
index 813bd08..d2a31d8 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Principal.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Principal.pm
@@ -583,17 +583,7 @@ sub _HasRoleRightQuery {
) . ")";
- my (@object_clauses);
- foreach my $obj ( @{ $args{'EquivObjects'} } ) {
- my $type = ref($obj) ? ref($obj) : $obj;
- my $clause = $RT::Handle->__MakeClauseCaseInsensitive('Groups.Domain', '=', "'$type-Role'");
- if ( my $id = eval { $obj->id } ) {
- $clause .= " AND Groups.Instance = $id";
- }
- push @object_clauses, "($clause)";
- }
+ my @object_clauses = RT::Users->_RoleClauses( Groups => @{ $args{'EquivObjects'} } );
$query .= " AND (" . join( ' OR ', @object_clauses ) . ")";
return $query;
commit ec50917c092b08425f5e3ef8be720b4f563f19cd
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Jul 12 13:47:02 2013 +0300
move functions into RT::Handle from upgrade script
diff --git a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
index 8f0ce10..546a3bd 100644
--- a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
+++ b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
@@ -67,25 +67,25 @@ use warnings;
# cached group members
- MakeSureIndexExists(
+ $RT::Handle->MakeSureIndexExists(
Table => 'CachedGroupMembers',
Columns => ['MemberId', 'ImmediateParentId'],
- MakeSureIndexExists(
+ $RT::Handle->MakeSureIndexExists(
Table => 'CachedGroupMembers',
Columns => ['MemberId', 'GroupId'],
Optional => ['Disabled'],
- DropIndexesThatArePrefix(
+ $RT::Handle->DropIndexesThatArePrefix(
Table => 'CachedGroupMembers',
Columns => ['MemberId', 'GroupId', 'Disabled'],
- MakeSureIndexExists(
+ $RT::Handle->MakeSureIndexExists(
Table => 'CachedGroupMembers',
Columns => ['GroupId', 'MemberId'],
Optional => ['Disabled'],
- DropIndexesThatArePrefix(
+ $RT::Handle->DropIndexesThatArePrefix(
Table => 'CachedGroupMembers',
Columns => ['GroupId', 'MemberId', 'Disabled'],
@@ -106,64 +106,4 @@ foreach my $table ('Users', 'Tickets') {
-sub MakeSureIndexExists {
- my %args = ( Table => undef, Columns => [], Optional => [], @_ );
- my @list = $RT::Handle->IndexesThatBeginWith(
- Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
- );
- if (@list) {
- RT->Logger->info( ucfirst $RT::Handle->IndexDescription(
- Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
- ). ' exists.' );
- return;
- }
- @list = $RT::Handle->IndexesThatBeginWith(
- Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => $args{'Columns'},
- );
- if ( !@list ) {
- my ($status, $msg) = $RT::Handle->CreateIndex(
- Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
- );
- RT->Logger->info($msg);
- }
- else {
- RT->Logger->info(
- ucfirst $RT::Handle->IndexDescription(
- %{$list[0]}
- )
- .' exists, you may consider replacing it with '
- . $RT::Handle->IndexDescription(
- Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
- )
- );
- }
-sub DropIndexesThatArePrefix {
- my %args = ( Table => undef, Columns => [], @_ );
- my @list = $RT::Handle->IndexesThatBeginWith(
- Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [$args{'Columns'}[0]],
- );
- my $checking = join ',', map lc $_, @{ $args{'Columns'} }, '';
- foreach my $i ( splice @list ) {
- my $columns = join ',', @{ $i->{'Columns'} }, '';
- next unless $checking =~ /^\Q$columns/i;
- push @list, $i;
- }
- pop @list;
- foreach my $i ( @list ) {
- my ($status, $msg) = $RT::Handle->DropIndex(
- Table => $i->{'Table'}, Name => $i->{'Name'},
- );
- RT->Logger->info($msg);
- }
diff --git a/lib/RT/Handle.pm b/lib/RT/Handle.pm
index 29b3694..8727780 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Handle.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Handle.pm
@@ -1553,6 +1553,67 @@ sub IndexDescription {
return $desc;
+sub MakeSureIndexExists {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( Table => undef, Columns => [], Optional => [], @_ );
+ my @list = $self->IndexesThatBeginWith(
+ Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
+ );
+ if (@list) {
+ RT->Logger->info( ucfirst $self->IndexDescription(
+ Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
+ ). ' exists.' );
+ return;
+ }
+ @list = $self->IndexesThatBeginWith(
+ Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => $args{'Columns'},
+ );
+ if ( !@list ) {
+ my ($status, $msg) = $self->CreateIndex(
+ Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
+ );
+ RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ }
+ else {
+ RT->Logger->info(
+ ucfirst $self->IndexDescription(
+ %{$list[0]}
+ )
+ .' exists, you may consider replacing it with '
+ . $self->IndexDescription(
+ Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
+ )
+ );
+ }
+sub DropIndexesThatArePrefix {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( Table => undef, Columns => [], @_ );
+ my @list = $self->IndexesThatBeginWith(
+ Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [$args{'Columns'}[0]],
+ );
+ my $checking = join ',', map lc $_, @{ $args{'Columns'} }, '';
+ foreach my $i ( splice @list ) {
+ my $columns = join ',', @{ $i->{'Columns'} }, '';
+ next unless $checking =~ /^\Q$columns/i;
+ push @list, $i;
+ }
+ pop @list;
+ foreach my $i ( @list ) {
+ my ($status, $msg) = $self->DropIndex(
+ Table => $i->{'Table'}, Name => $i->{'Name'},
+ );
+ RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ }
# log a mason stack trace instead of a Carp::longmess because it's less painful
# and uses mason component paths properly
sub _LogSQLStatement {
commit fc62a824671eb3fa52cb8c99ddbff9c9902b7e97
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date: Thu Aug 29 14:32:49 2013 +0400
de-duplicate Name in Users/Queues
It's possible that an old setup has non unique values
in the columns, so we have to go over and get rid of
duplicates by changing Name to 'xxx-dup-#'.
I've tried to use RT's API, but not all objects are
available during 'indexes' upgrade action.
diff --git a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
index 546a3bd..10a2b2f 100644
--- a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
+++ b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
@@ -31,6 +31,57 @@ use warnings;
+my $dedup = sub {
+ my ($table, $column) = (@_);
+ my $collection_class = "RT::$table";
+ my $record_class = $collection_class;
+ $record_class =~ s/s$//;
+ my $sql;
+ my $cs = $RT::Handle->CaseSensitive;
+ if ($cs) {
+ $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT LOWER(t1.$column) FROM $table t1, $table t2"
+ ." WHERE LOWER(t1.$column) = LOWER(t2.$column)"
+ .' AND t1.id != t2.id';
+ } else {
+ $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT t1.$column FROM $table t1, $table t2"
+ ." WHERE t1.$column = t2.$column"
+ .' AND t1.id != t2.id';
+ }
+ my $dbh = $RT::Handle->dbh;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+ $sth->execute;
+ my $found = 0;
+ while ( my ($value) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
+ $found = 1;
+ my $ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
+ "SELECT id FROM $table WHERE ". ($cs? "LOWER($column)" : $column) ." = LOWER(?)",
+ undef,
+ $value
+ );
+ # skip first
+ shift @$ids;
+ foreach my $id ( @$ids ) {
+ RT->Logger->debug("Changing $column of $record_class #". $id );
+ $dbh->do("UPDATE $table SET $column = ? WHERE id = ?", undef, $value . '-dup-'.$id, $id);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $found ) {
+ RT->Logger->warning(
+ "Records in $table table had non-unique values in $column column."
+ ." $column has been changed for such records, and now matches '%-dup-%'"
+ );
+ }
# a few case insensitive and unique indexes
my @list = (
@@ -50,6 +101,9 @@ use warnings;
RT->Logger->info("Required index exists. Skipping.");
+ $dedup->( $e->{'Table'}, $e->{'Column'} );
if ( $index ) {
my ($status, $msg) = $RT::Handle->DropIndex(
Table => $e->{'Table'}, Name => $index->{'Name'},
commit 5d7572669a04236f0c2a2d2af933db0721864e01
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed Sep 4 03:48:03 2013 -0400
Adjust log levels to reduce noise and not hide true errors
diff --git a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
index 10a2b2f..d76264f 100644
--- a/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
+++ b/etc/upgrade/4.1.23/indexes
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ use warnings;
my ($status, $msg) = $RT::Handle->DropIndexIfExists(
Table => 'Groups', Name => $name,
- RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ my $method = $status ? 'debug' : 'warning';
+ RT->Logger->$method($msg);
my ($name, $msg) = $RT::Handle->CreateIndex(
@@ -15,20 +16,23 @@ use warnings;
Columns => [qw(Domain Type Instance)],
CaseInsensitive => { domain => 1, type => 1 },
- RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ my $method = $name ? 'debug' : 'warning';
+ RT->Logger->$method($msg);
($name, $msg) = $RT::Handle->CreateIndex(
Table => 'Groups',
Columns => [qw(Domain Name Instance)],
CaseInsensitive => { domain => 1, name => 1 },
- RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ $method = $name ? 'debug' : 'warning';
+ RT->Logger->$method($msg);
($name, $msg) = $RT::Handle->CreateIndex(
Table => 'Groups',
Columns => [qw(Instance)],
- RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ $method = $name ? 'debug' : 'warning';
+ RT->Logger->$method($msg);
my $dedup = sub {
@@ -89,7 +93,7 @@ my $dedup = sub {
{ Table => 'Users', Column => 'Name' },
foreach my $e (@list) {
- RT->Logger->info("Checking index on ". $e->{'Column'} ." in ". $e->{'Table'} );
+ RT->Logger->debug("Checking index on ". $e->{'Column'} ." in ". $e->{'Table'} );
my ($index) = $RT::Handle->IndexesThatBeginWith(
Table => $e->{'Table'}, Columns => [$e->{'Column'}]
@@ -98,7 +102,7 @@ my $dedup = sub {
$index && $index->{'Unique'}
&& ($RT::Handle->CaseSensitive? $index->{'CaseInsensitive'}{ lc $e->{'Column'} } : 1 )
) {
- RT->Logger->info("Required index exists. Skipping.");
+ RT->Logger->debug("Required index exists. Skipping.");
@@ -108,14 +112,16 @@ my $dedup = sub {
my ($status, $msg) = $RT::Handle->DropIndex(
Table => $e->{'Table'}, Name => $index->{'Name'},
- RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ my $method = $status ? 'debug' : 'warning';
+ RT->Logger->$method($msg);
my ($status, $msg) = $RT::Handle->CreateIndex(
Table => $e->{'Table'}, Columns => [$e->{'Column'}],
Unique => 1, CaseInsensitive => { lc $e->{'Column'} => 1 },
- RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ my $method = $status ? 'debug' : 'warning';
+ RT->Logger->$method($msg);
diff --git a/lib/RT/Handle.pm b/lib/RT/Handle.pm
index 8727780..0d7440b 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Handle.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Handle.pm
@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ sub MakeSureIndexExists {
Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
if (@list) {
- RT->Logger->info( ucfirst $self->IndexDescription(
+ RT->Logger->debug( ucfirst $self->IndexDescription(
Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
). ' exists.' );
@@ -1574,7 +1574,8 @@ sub MakeSureIndexExists {
my ($status, $msg) = $self->CreateIndex(
Table => $args{'Table'}, Columns => [@{$args{'Columns'}}, @{$args{'Optional'}}],
- RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ my $method = $status ? 'debug' : 'warning';
+ RT->Logger->$method($msg);
else {
@@ -1610,7 +1611,8 @@ sub DropIndexesThatArePrefix {
my ($status, $msg) = $self->DropIndex(
Table => $i->{'Table'}, Name => $i->{'Name'},
- RT->Logger->info($msg);
+ my $method = $status ? 'debug' : 'warning';
+ RT->Logger->$method($msg);
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