[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.0/utf8-reckoning, repushed
Alex Vandiver
alexmv at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 19 18:55:56 EDT 2014
The branch 4.0/utf8-reckoning was deleted and repushed:
was 2fe55fa5bee157244efd4352773da8f6ea81409d
now 48c019ea97b8b617b0dcfcde4efe2b1235d1a697
1: f2324d1 = 1: f2324d1 Re-indent _EncodeLOB and _DecodeLOB
2: 1827f6c = 2: 1827f6c Respect the database Content-Type header in decoding textual parts
3: 8dbaf2c = 3: 8dbaf2c Stop needlessly frobbing utf8 internals
4: 820c7d9 = 4: 820c7d9 Decoding content, and returning characters, is incorrect
5: 05ce431 ! 5: 38920a2 Stop assuming the data in the database is utf8
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Stop assuming the data in the database is utf8
- As noted in 1827f6c, not all content we currently call "texual" was
+ As noted in 1827f6c, not all content we currently call "textual" was
always treated as such. When re-encoding, do not assume that the
encoding in the database is UTF-8 -- rather, read the Content-Type
header, and examine the charset stated there. Convert from that to the
6: 5998508 = 6: f2b0db6 Modernize and condense t/mail/sendmail.t
7: 4c5a64b = 7: 1acfacb Always log bytes, not characters
8: f298717 = 8: e9e7e96 The alluded-to deficiency is not a concern in perl ≥ 5.8.3
9: 63e5afb = 9: 0c028fc Ensure all MIME::Entity bodies are UTF-8 encoded bytes
10: f4da5b5 ! 10: c84d3ab Ensure all MIME::Entity headers are UTF-8 encoded bytes
@@ -28,6 +28,15 @@
return (@addresses);
+ # ability to pass @_ to a 'post' routine.
+ my ( $self, $MIMEObj ) = @_;
+- my $msgid = $MIMEObj->head->get('Message-ID');
++ my $msgid = Encode::decode( "UTF-8", $MIMEObj->head->get('Message-ID') );
+ chomp $msgid;
+ $self->ScripActionObj->{_Message_ID}++;
my $success = $msgid . " sent ";
@@ -36,6 +45,15 @@
$success .= " $_: " . $recipients if $recipients;
+ $type = 'EmailRecord';
+ }
+- my $msgid = $MIMEObj->head->get('Message-ID');
++ my $msgid = Encode::decode( "UTF-8", $MIMEObj->head->get('Message-ID') );
+ chomp $msgid;
+ my ( $id, $msg ) = $transaction->Create(
# Have to get the list of addresses directly from the MIME header
@@ -46,6 +64,15 @@
next unless $rcpt;
my $user_obj = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser);
+ # If there are no recipients, don't try to send the message.
+ # If the transaction has content and has the header RT-Squelch-Replies-To
+- my $msgid = $self->TemplateObj->MIMEObj->head->get('Message-Id');
++ my $msgid = Encode::decode( "UTF-8", $self->TemplateObj->MIMEObj->head->get('Message-Id') );
+ if ( my $attachment = $self->TransactionObj->Attachments->First ) {
+ if ( $attachment->GetHeader('RT-DetectedAutoGenerated') ) {
my $head = $self->TemplateObj->MIMEObj->head;
if ( lc($field) eq 'from' and RT->Config->Get('SMTPFrom') ) {
@@ -87,7 +114,7 @@
#Get the Message-ID
- my $MessageId = $Attachment->head->get( 'Message-ID', 0 );
-+ my $MessageId = $Attachment->head->get( 'Message-ID' );
++ my $MessageId = Encode::decode( "UTF-8", $Attachment->head->get( 'Message-ID' ) );
defined($MessageId) or $MessageId = '';
chomp ($MessageId);
$MessageId =~ s/^<(.*?)>$/$1/o;
@@ -204,6 +231,15 @@
my $entity = MIME::Entity->build(%entity_args);
+ return 0;
+ }
+- my $msgid = $args{'Entity'}->head->get('Message-ID') || '';
++ my $msgid = Encode::decode( "UTF-8", $args{'Entity'}->head->get('Message-ID') || '' );
+ chomp $msgid;
+ # If we don't have any recipients to send to, don't send a message;
require RT::Date;
my $date = RT::Date->new( RT->SystemUser );
@@ -238,6 +274,15 @@
foreach keys %{ $args{ExtraHeaders} };
SetInReplyTo( Message => $mail, InReplyTo => $args{'InReplyTo'} );
+ );
+ return 1 unless $args{'Sign'} || $args{'Encrypt'};
+- my $msgid = $args{'Entity'}->head->get('Message-ID') || '';
++ my $msgid = Encode::decode( "UTF-8", $args{'Entity'}->head->get('Message-ID') || '' );
+ chomp $msgid;
+ $RT::Logger->debug("$msgid Signing message") if $args{'Sign'};
grep $_ ne $current_address && !RT::EmailParser->IsRTAddress( $_ ),
@@ -407,6 +452,15 @@
--- a/lib/RT/Ticket.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Ticket.pm
+ # internal Message-ID now, so all emails sent because of this
+ # message have a common Message-ID
+ my $org = RT->Config->Get('Organization');
+- my $msgid = $args{'MIMEObj'}->head->get('Message-ID');
++ my $msgid = Encode::decode( "UTF-8", $args{'MIMEObj'}->head->get('Message-ID') );
+ unless (defined $msgid && $msgid =~ /<(rt-.*?-\d+-\d+)\.(\d+-0-0)\@\Q$org\E>/) {
+ $args{'MIMEObj'}->head->set(
+ 'RT-Message-ID' => Encode::encode_utf8(
#Record the correspondence (write the transaction)
my ( $Trans, $msg, $TransObj ) = $self->_NewTransaction(
Type => $args{'NoteType'},
11: fe4f983 = 11: afbf935 Make RT::Action::SendEmail->SetHeader take characters, not bytes
12: 9ba06a7 = 12: 78d8e6d Add a utility method to check that an input is bytes
13: 6165b61 = 13: 160013b Verify that MIME::Entity bodies are bytes, and remove _utf8_off call
14: 4586408 = 14: d747abd Verify that MIME::Entity headers are bytes, and remove _utf8_off call
15: 4d222bd ! 15: 5e2575c Standardize on the stricter Encode::encode("UTF-8", ...) everywhere
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
- my $msgid = $args{'MIMEObj'}->head->get('Message-ID');
+ my $msgid = Encode::decode( "UTF-8", $args{'MIMEObj'}->head->get('Message-ID') );
unless (defined $msgid && $msgid =~ /<(rt-.*?-\d+-\d+)\.(\d+-0-0)\@\Q$org\E>/) {
- 'RT-Message-ID' => Encode::encode_utf8(
16: 8e9eab3 = 16: dda36a5 Remove "use utf8" from RT::I18N::fr, making NBSP explicit
17: 5a1800d = 17: 13584ff Remove remaining cases of "use utf8"
18: 5769a74 = 18: e93b44e Dashboard: decode bytes in query parameters into characters
19: f808850 = 19: ecb36fb Tests: WWW::Mechanize correctly returns characters now
20: 60e6f37 = 20: c344f5a _utf8_on in EncodeToMIME is needless and incorrect; remove it
21: 5611b32 = 21: 5653fcd Move comment from PreprocessTimeUpdates to DecodeArgs, where it belongs
22: 098d9c0 = 22: 95a67c1 Always decode data in %ARGS as UTF-8 in DecodeArgs
23: e6299de = 23: cf70d75 Add RT::Util::assert_bytes checks to _EncodeLOB and _DecodeLOB
24: 616efe5 = 24: a64df89 Update POD and comments to be clearer about characters vs bytes
25: 4556c79 = 25: cc4d303 Remove an unreachable line
26: 695a5df = 26: 8c1de22 TSV need not explicitly encode as UTF-8; all output is UTF-8 encoded
27: 2a035ec = 27: 6a729e0 Move "use Encode" calls to one central location
28: 5664624 ! 28: 97dce33 Consistent character/byte hygene allows RT to run with DBD::Pg 3.3.0
@@ -1,10 +1,25 @@
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Consistent character/byte hygene allows RT to run with DBD::Pg 3.3.0
+ This does require a version dump of the DBIx::SearchBuilder dependency
+ for PostgreSQL installs, as DBIx::SearchBuilder previous to that version
+ manually forced the "UTF8" off on all bound values before executing
+ statements. When the character/byte distinction has been intentionally
+ made, manually (and unpredictably) applying an additional layer of UTF-8
+ encoding is incorrect.
diff --git a/sbin/rt-test-dependencies.in b/sbin/rt-test-dependencies.in
--- a/sbin/rt-test-dependencies.in
+++ b/sbin/rt-test-dependencies.in
+ .
+ $deps{'POSTGRESQL'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ];
++DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.66
+ DBD::Pg 1.43
+ .
my %AVOID = (
29: 6fbabf9 = 29: abdf886 Note that HTTP output still incorrectly relies on is_utf8
30: ecfacf1 = 30: 1dcb8bd Comment the logic for database decode_utf8/is_utf8 checking
31: ec59563 = 31: a078b17 Encode characters on their way out of tests
32: 2fe55fa = 32: 48c019e Stop hiding "Wide character in..." warnings
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