[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/sla, repushed

? sunnavy sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Sun Aug 2 15:17:57 EDT 2015

The branch 4.4/sla was deleted and repushed:
       was acbe9d8cd3be526fd644a6e5e40979bb91e5ee74
       now 8bfb984257cd45a4ef9811a4ba10607b4e3b570a

1:  e19d40d ! 1:  c0b308e import sla extension
    @@ -500,16 +500,6 @@
     +        .' to ticket #'. $ticket->id .' is txn #'. $last_reply->id
     +    );
    -+    my $meta =
    -+        $RT::ServiceAgreements{ 'Levels' }{ $level }
    -+      ? $RT::ServiceAgreements{ 'Levels' }{ $level }{ $is_outside ? 'Response' : 'KeepInLoop' }
    -+      : undef;
    -+    if ( $meta && $meta->{IgnoreOnStatuses} && $meta->{RecalculateDueOnIgnoredStatusChange} ) {
    -+        my $last_ignored_status_txn = $self->LastIgnoredStatusAct(@{$meta->{IgnoreOnStatuses}});
    -+        $last_reply = $last_ignored_status_txn
    -+          if $last_ignored_status_txn && $last_reply->Created lt $last_ignored_status_txn->Created;
    -+    }
     +    my $response_due = $self->Due(
     +        Ticket => $ticket,
     +        Level => $level,
    @@ -574,19 +564,6 @@
     +        $res = $txn;
     +    }
     +    return ($res, 1);
    -+sub LastIgnoredStatusAct {
    -+    my $self = shift;
    -+    my @statuses = @_;
    -+    my $txns = $self->TicketObj->Transactions;
    -+    $txns->Limit( FIELD => 'FIELD', VALUE => 'Status' );
    -+    $txns->Limit( FIELD => 'OldValue', OPERATOR => 'IN', VALUE => \@statuses );
    -+    $txns->OrderByCols(
    -+        { FIELD => 'Created', ORDER => 'DESC' },
    -+        { FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC' },
    -+    );
    -+    return $txns->First;
    @@ -1366,18 +1343,16 @@
     +scrip, therefore ensuring there's a new reply to calculate Due from.  The
     +overall effect is that ignored statuses don't let the Due date drift
     +arbitrarily, which could wreak havoc on your SLA performance.
    -+The option C<RecalculateDueOnIgnoredStatusChange> could get around the
    -+"probably be overdue" issue by considering the last ignored status date too.
    -+    'level x' => {
    -+        KeepInLoop => {
    -+            BusinessMinutes => 60,
    -+            RecalculateDueOnIgnoredStatusChange => 1,
    -+            IgnoreOnStatuses => ['stalled'],
    ++C<ExcludeTimeOnIgnoredStatuses> option could get around the "probably be
    ++overdue" issue by excluding the time spent on ignored statuses.
    ++        'level x' => {
    ++            KeepInLoop => {
    ++                BusinessMinutes => 60,
    ++                ExcludeTimeOnIgnoredStatuses => 1,
    ++                IgnoreOnStatuses => ['stalled'],
    ++            },
     +        },
    -+    },
     +=head2 Configuring business hours
    @@ -1553,6 +1528,52 @@
     +            foreach ( qw(RealMinutes BusinessMinutes) ) {
     +                next unless my $mod = $agreement->{'OutOfHours'}{ $_ };
     +                ($agreement->{ $_ } ||= 0) += $mod;
    ++            }
    ++        }
    ++        if (   $args{ Ticket }
    ++            && $agreement->{ IgnoreOnStatuses }
    ++            && $agreement->{ ExcludeTimeOnIgnoredStatuses } )
    ++        {
    ++            my $txns = RT::Transactions->new( RT->SystemUser );
    ++            $txns->LimitToTicket($args{Ticket}->id);
    ++            $txns->Limit(
    ++                FIELD => 'Field',
    ++                VALUE => 'Status',
    ++            );
    ++            my $date = RT::Date->new( RT->SystemUser );
    ++            $date->Set( Value => $args{ Time } );
    ++            $txns->Limit(
    ++                FIELD    => 'Created',
    ++                OPERATOR => '>=',
    ++                VALUE    => $date->ISO( Timezone => 'UTC' ),
    ++            );
    ++            my $last_time = $args{ Time };
    ++            while ( my $txn = $txns->Next ) {
    ++                if ( grep( { $txn->OldValue eq $_ } @{ $agreement->{ IgnoreOnStatuses } } ) ) {
    ++                    if ( !grep( { $txn->NewValue eq $_ } @{ $agreement->{ IgnoreOnStatuses } } ) ) {
    ++                        if ( defined $agreement->{ 'BusinessMinutes' } ) {
    ++                            # re-init $bhours to make sure we don't have a cached start/end,
    ++                            # so the time here is not outside the calculated business hours
    ++                            my $bhours = $self->BusinessHours( $agreement->{ 'BusinessHours' } );
    ++                            my $time = $bhours->between( $last_time, $txn->CreatedObj->Unix );
    ++                            if ( $time > 0 ) {
    ++                                $res = $bhours->add_seconds( $res, $time );
    ++                            }
    ++                        }
    ++                        else {
    ++                            my $time = $txn->CreatedObj->Unix - $last_time;
    ++                            $res += $time;
    ++                        }
    ++                        $last_time = $txn->CreatedObj->Unix;
    ++                    }
    ++                }
    ++                else {
    ++                    $last_time = $txn->CreatedObj->Unix;
    ++                }
     +            }
     +        }
2:  0b4a9d1 < -:  ------- make cf "SLA" configurable and don't create it by default
-:  ------- > 2:  25a0ac4 use SLA column in Tickets table instead
-:  ------- > 3:  6e30149 allow to disable SLA for some queues
3:  93d4f6f ! 4:  f1cd8c1 update doc/config and move it to RT_Config.pm
    @@ -1,24 +1,22 @@
     Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
    -    migrate ServiceAgreements/BusinessHours and doc to standard config
    +    update doc/config and move it to RT_Config.pm
     diff --git a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
     --- a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
     +++ b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
    - Set( $SLACustomField, 'SLA' );
    +     },
    + );
    ++=head1 SLA
    ++=over 4
     +=item C<%ServiceAgreements>
    -+It's possible to define different set of levels for different
    -+queues. You can create several CFs with the same name and
    -+different set of values. But if you move tickets between
    -+queues a lot then it's going to be a problem and it's preferred
    -+to use B<ONE> SLA custom field.
     +There is no WebUI in the current version. Almost everything is controlled in
    -+the RT's config C<%ServiceAgreements> and C<%ServiceBusinessHours>. For example:
    ++the C<%ServiceAgreements> and C<%ServiceBusinessHours>. For example:
     +    Set( %ServiceAgreements = (
     +        Default => '4h',
    @@ -29,7 +27,7 @@
     +            '2h' => { Resolve => { RealMinutes => 60*2 } },
     +            '4h' => { Resolve => { RealMinutes => 60*4 } },
     +        },
    -+    );
    ++    ));
     +In this example I<Incident> is the name of the queue, and I<2h> is the name of
     +the SLA which will be applied to this queue by default.
    @@ -201,11 +199,11 @@
     +        KeepInLoop => { RealMinutes => 60*2 }, # two hours
     +        Resolve    => { RealMinutes => 60*24 }, # 24 real hours
     +    },
     +In the above example Due is set to one hour after creation, reply
     +of a inside actor moves Due date two hours forward, outside actors'
     +replies move Due date to one hour and resolve deadine is 24 hours.
     +=item Modifying Agreements
     +=over 4
    @@ -253,14 +251,13 @@
     +scrip, therefore ensuring there's a new reply to calculate Due from.  The
     +overall effect is that ignored statuses don't let the Due date drift
     +arbitrarily, which could wreak havoc on your SLA performance.
    -+The option C<RecalculateDueOnIgnoredStatusChange> could get around the
    -+"probably be overdue" issue by considering the last ignored status date too.
    ++C<ExcludeTimeOnIgnoredStatuses> option could get around the "probably be
    ++overdue" issue by excluding the time spent on ignored statuses, e.g.
     +    'level x' => {
     +        KeepInLoop => {
     +            BusinessMinutes => 60,
    -+            RecalculateDueOnIgnoredStatusChange => 1,
    ++            ExcludeTimeOnIgnoredStatuses => 1,
     +            IgnoreOnStatuses => ['stalled'],
     +        },
     +    },
    @@ -278,7 +275,7 @@
     +            ...
     +        },
     +        ...
    -+    );
    ++    ));
     +=item AssumeOutsideActor
    @@ -346,46 +343,10 @@
     +Set( %ServiceBusinessHours, );
    -+=item Access control
    -+You can totally hide SLA custom field from users and use per queue
    -+defaults, just revoke SeeCustomField and ModifyCustomField.
    -+If you want people to see the current service level ticket is assigned
    -+to then grant SeeCustomField right.
    -+You may want to allow customers or managers to escalate their tickets.
    -+Just grant them ModifyCustomField right.
    - =back
      =head1 Administrative interface
    -diff --git a/lib/RT/Action/SLA_SetDue.pm b/lib/RT/Action/SLA_SetDue.pm
    ---- a/lib/RT/Action/SLA_SetDue.pm
    -+++ b/lib/RT/Action/SLA_SetDue.pm
    -     );
    -     my $meta =
    --        $RT::ServiceAgreements{ 'Levels' }{ $level }
    --      ? $RT::ServiceAgreements{ 'Levels' }{ $level }{ $is_outside ? 'Response' : 'KeepInLoop' }
    -+        RT->Config->Get('ServiceAgreements') && RT->Config->Get('ServiceAgreements')->{ 'Levels' }{ $level }
    -+      ? RT->Config->Get('ServiceAgreements')->{ 'Levels' }{ $level }{ $is_outside ? 'Response' : 'KeepInLoop' }
    -       : undef;
    -     if ( $meta && $meta->{IgnoreOnStatuses} && $meta->{RecalculateDueOnIgnoredStatusChange} ) {
    -         my $last_ignored_status_txn = $self->LastIgnoredStatusAct(@{$meta->{IgnoreOnStatuses}});
    -     # owner is always treated as inside actor
    -     return 0 if $actor->id == $self->TicketObj->Owner;
    --    if ( $RT::ServiceAgreements{'AssumeOutsideActor'} ) {
    -+    if ( RT->Config->Get('ServiceAgreements')->{'AssumeOutsideActor'} ) {
    -         # All non-admincc users are outside actors
    -         return 0 if $self->TicketObj          ->AdminCc->HasMemberRecursively( $actor )
    -                  or $self->TicketObj->QueueObj->AdminCc->HasMemberRecursively( $actor );
     diff --git a/lib/RT/SLA.pm b/lib/RT/SLA.pm
     --- a/lib/RT/SLA.pm
    @@ -397,9 +358,9 @@
     -=head1 CONFIGURATION
     -Service level agreements of tickets is controlled by an SLA custom field (CF).
    --You need to create/apply it and specify it in config like:
    --    Set($SLACustomField, 'SLA');
    +-This field is created during C<make initdb> step (above) and applied globally.
    +-This CF MUST be of C<select one value> type. Values of the CF define the
    +-service levels.
     -It's possible to define different set of levels for different
     -queues. You can create several CFs with the same name and
    @@ -636,18 +597,16 @@
     -scrip, therefore ensuring there's a new reply to calculate Due from.  The
     -overall effect is that ignored statuses don't let the Due date drift
     -arbitrarily, which could wreak havoc on your SLA performance.
    --The option C<RecalculateDueOnIgnoredStatusChange> could get around the
    --"probably be overdue" issue by considering the last ignored status date too.
    --    'level x' => {
    --        KeepInLoop => {
    --            BusinessMinutes => 60,
    --            RecalculateDueOnIgnoredStatusChange => 1,
    --            IgnoreOnStatuses => ['stalled'],
    --        },
    --    },
    +-C<ExcludeTimeOnIgnoredStatuses> option could get around the "probably be
    +-overdue" issue by excluding the time spent on ignored statuses.
    +-        'level x' => {
    +-            KeepInLoop => {
    +-                BusinessMinutes => 60,
    +-                ExcludeTimeOnIgnoredStatuses => 1,
    +-                IgnoreOnStatuses => ['stalled'],
    +-            },
    +-        },
     -=head2 Configuring business hours
    @@ -715,65 +674,7 @@
     -        ...
     -    };
    --=head2 Access control
    --You can totally hide SLA custom field from users and use per queue
    --defaults, just revoke SeeCustomField and ModifyCustomField.
    --If you want people to see the current service level ticket is assigned
    --to then grant SeeCustomField right.
    --You may want to allow customers or managers to escalate thier tickets.
    --Just grant them ModifyCustomField right.
      sub BusinessHours {
    -     require Business::Hours;
    -     my $res = new Business::Hours;
    --    $res->business_hours( %{ $RT::ServiceBusinessHours{ $name } } )
    --        if $RT::ServiceBusinessHours{ $name };
    -+    $res->business_hours( %{ RT->Config->Get('ServiceBusinessHours')->{ $name } } )
    -+        if RT->Config->Get('ServiceBusinessHours') && RT->Config->Get('ServiceBusinessHours')->{ $name };
    -     return $res;
    - }
    -         @_
    -     );
    --    my $meta = $RT::ServiceAgreements{'Levels'}{ $args{'Level'} };
    -+    my $meta = RT->Config->Get('ServiceAgreements') ? RT->Config->Get('ServiceAgreements')->{'Levels'}{ $args{'Level'} } : undef;
    -     return undef unless $meta;
    -     if ( exists $meta->{'StartImmediately'} || !defined $meta->{'Starts'} ) {
    -     $res{'OutOfHours'} = $meta->{'OutOfHours'}{ $args{'Type'} };
    -     $args{'Queue'} ||= $args{'Ticket'}->QueueObj if $args{'Ticket'};
    --    if ( $args{'Queue'} && ref $RT::ServiceAgreements{'QueueDefault'}{ $args{'Queue'}->Name } ) {
    --        $res{'Timezone'} = $RT::ServiceAgreements{'QueueDefault'}{ $args{'Queue'}->Name }{'Timezone'};
    -+    if ( $args{'Queue'} && ref RT->Config->Get('ServiceAgreements')->{'QueueDefault'}{ $args{'Queue'}->Name } ) {
    -+        $res{'Timezone'} = RT->Config->Get('ServiceAgreements')->{'QueueDefault'}{ $args{'Queue'}->Name }{'Timezone'};
    -     }
    -     $res{'Timezone'} ||= $meta->{'Timezone'} || $RT::Timezone;
    -     if ( $args{'Queue'} ) {
    -         return $args{'Queue'}->SLA if $args{'Queue'}->SLA;
    --        if ( my $info = $RT::ServiceAgreements{'QueueDefault'}{ $args{'Queue'}->Name } ) {
    -+        if ( my $info = RT->Config->Get('ServiceAgreements')->{'QueueDefault'}{ $args{'Queue'}->Name } ) {
    -             return $info unless ref $info;
    --            return $info->{'Level'} || $RT::ServiceAgreements{'Default'};
    -+            return $info->{'Level'} || RT->Config->Get('ServiceAgreements')->{'Default'};
    -         }
    -     }
    --    return $RT::ServiceAgreements{'Default'};
    -+    return RT->Config->Get('ServiceAgreements')->{'Default'};
    - }
    - RT::Base->_ImportOverlays();
4:  bd668ad < -:  ------- in case users are upgrading with SLA extension installed already
5:  acbe9d8 < -:  ------- upgrading note for core sla
-:  ------- > 5:  8be9a47 upgrade-sla script to migrate SLA values from custom fields
-:  ------- > 6:  6eaad04 upgrading note for core sla
-:  ------- > 7:  8bfb984 fix uninitialized warnings to make tests happy

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