[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/custom-field-msg, repushed

Dustin Graves dustin at bestpractical.com
Wed Aug 12 10:29:07 EDT 2015

The branch 4.4/custom-field-msg was deleted and repushed:
       was 5dccb8b9cee3150056d23fa03ccd05bf08c0490a
       now 9d0d0609d79a029d99d14e71f9ef6abdfb8399fc

1:  5dccb8b ! 1:  9d0d060 Improve applying a custom field to a queue message
    @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     +        $object_name = 'All Objects';
     +    }
    -+    my $msg = "Added custom field " . $self->Name . " to " . $object_name . ".";
    ++    my $msg = $self->loc( 'Added custom field [_1] to [_2].', $self->Name, $object_name );
          return ( $oid, $msg );
    @@ -52,6 +52,19 @@
    +diff --git a/t/articles/upload-customfields.t b/t/articles/upload-customfields.t
    +--- a/t/articles/upload-customfields.t
    ++++ b/t/articles/upload-customfields.t
    + my $tcf = (grep { /AddCustomField-/ } map { $_->name } $m->current_form->inputs )[0];
    + $m->tick( $tcf, 0 );         # Associate the new CF with this queue
    + $m->click('UpdateObjs');
    +-$m->content_like( qr/Object created/, 'TCF added to the queue' );
    ++$m->content_contains("Added custom field img$$ to All Objects", 'TCF added to the queue' );
    + $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Articles', url_regex => qr!^/Articles/! },
    +     'UI -> Articles' );
     diff --git a/t/customfields/api.t b/t/customfields/api.t
     --- a/t/customfields/api.t
     +++ b/t/customfields/api.t
    @@ -164,3 +177,94 @@
     +    is($msg, 'Removed custom field custom_field_2 from All Objects.', "Remove custom field from General class produces appropriate message");
    +diff --git a/t/web/cf_access.t b/t/web/cf_access.t
    +--- a/t/web/cf_access.t
    ++++ b/t/web/cf_access.t
    +     $m->tick( AddCustomField => $_  => 0 ) for @names; # ...and not any other. ;-)
    +     $m->click('UpdateCFs');
    +-    $m->content_contains('Object created', 'TCF added to the queue' );
    ++    $m->content_contains("Added custom field img to General", 'TCF added to the queue' );
    + }
    + my $tester = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'tester', Password => '123456' );
    +diff --git a/t/web/cf_date.t b/t/web/cf_date.t
    +--- a/t/web/cf_date.t
    ++++ b/t/web/cf_date.t
    +     $m->tick( "AddCustomField" => $cfid );
    +     $m->click('UpdateCFs');
    +-    $m->content_contains('Object created', 'TCF added to the queue' );
    ++    $m->content_contains("Added custom field $cf_name to General", 'TCF added to the queue' );
    + }
    + diag 'check valid inputs with various timezones in ticket create page';
    +diff --git a/t/web/cf_datetime.t b/t/web/cf_datetime.t
    +--- a/t/web/cf_datetime.t
    ++++ b/t/web/cf_datetime.t
    +     $m->tick( "AddCustomField" => $cfid );
    +     $m->click('UpdateCFs');
    +-    $m->content_contains('Object created', 'TCF added to the queue' );
    ++    $m->content_contains("Added custom field $cf_name to General", 'TCF added to the queue' );
    + }
    + diag 'check valid inputs with various timezones in ticket create page';
    +diff --git a/t/web/cf_image.t b/t/web/cf_image.t
    +--- a/t/web/cf_image.t
    ++++ b/t/web/cf_image.t
    + $m->form_with_fields( "AddCustomField-1" );
    + $m->tick( "AddCustomField-1", 0 );
    + $m->click_ok( "UpdateObjs" );
    +-$m->content_contains("Object created");
    ++$m->content_contains("Added custom field Images to All Objects");
    + $m->submit_form_ok({
    +diff --git a/t/web/cf_onqueue.t b/t/web/cf_onqueue.t
    +--- a/t/web/cf_onqueue.t
    ++++ b/t/web/cf_onqueue.t
    +     $m->tick( AddCustomField => 1 );
    +     $m->click('UpdateCFs');
    +-    $m->content_contains('Object created', 'CF QueueCFTest enabled globally' );
    ++    $m->content_contains("Added custom field QueueCFTest to All Objects", 'CF QueueCFTest enabled globally' );
    + }
    + diag "Edit the CF value for default queue";
    +diff --git a/t/web/cf_select_one.t b/t/web/cf_select_one.t
    +--- a/t/web/cf_select_one.t
    ++++ b/t/web/cf_select_one.t
    +     $m->tick( "AddCustomField" => $cfid );
    +     $m->click('UpdateCFs');
    +-    $m->content_contains('Object created', 'TCF added to the queue' );
    ++    $m->content_contains("Added custom field $cf_name to General", 'TCF added to the queue' );
    + }
    + my $tid;
    +diff --git a/t/web/ticket_preserve_basics.t b/t/web/ticket_preserve_basics.t
    +--- a/t/web/ticket_preserve_basics.t
    ++++ b/t/web/ticket_preserve_basics.t
    + $m->form_with_fields('UpdateObjs');
    + $m->tick('AddCustomField-'.$cf->id => '0'); # Make CF global
    + $m->click('UpdateObjs');
    +-$m->text_contains('Object created', 'CF applied globally');
    ++$m->text_contains("Added custom field CF1 to All Objects", 'CF applied globally');
    + # Test for preservation when a ticket is submitted and CF validation fails
    + for my $try (@form_tries) {

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