[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/dashboard-subscription-user-group, repushed

Dustin Graves dustin at bestpractical.com
Fri Dec 11 14:56:44 EST 2015

The branch 4.4/dashboard-subscription-user-group was deleted and repushed:
       was 00fbc49051c3c532d681d822d852e3ba53bf2ac3
       now 4113f4c65136af2badcba93bec31dba06a7b3135

1:  44f4599 ! 1:  4113f4c change dashboard subscription recipient input to robust user/group search
    @@ -31,15 +31,13 @@
     +            if ($recipient) {
     +                for ( RT::EmailParser->ParseEmailAddress($recipient) ) {
    -+                    my $addr = $_->address;
    -+                    my $user = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser);
    -+                    $user->LoadByEmail($addr);
    -+                    unless ($user->id) { # we need to create user
    -+                        my $principal = RT::System->CanonicalizePrincipal(User => $addr);
    -+                        $user->Load($principal->Object->id);
    -+                    }
    ++                    my ( $email, $name ) = ( $_->address, $_->name );
    ++                    $user->LoadOrCreateByEmail(
    ++                        EmailAddress => $email,
    ++                        RealName     => $name,
    ++                        Comments     => 'Autocreated when added as a dashboard subscription recipient',
    ++                    );
     +                    push @users, $user->id;
     +                }
    @@ -266,42 +264,56 @@
    -+% if ($UserString || $GroupString) {
    -+<strong><&|/l&>Search Results</&>:</strong>
    -+% if ($Users) {
    -+% while (my $u = $Users->Next ) {
    ++<&|/l&>Add New Recipients</&>:
    ++% if ( $Users && $Users->Count ) {
    ++% while ( my $u = $Users->Next ) {
     +<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="Dashboard-Subscription-Users-<%$u->id%>" value="1" />
     +<input type="hidden" name="Dashboard-Subscription-Users-<%$u->id%>" value="0" />
     +<& '/Elements/ShowUser', User => $u, style=>'verbose' &>
    -+% }
    -+% }
    -+% if ($Groups) {
    -+% while (my $g = $Groups->Next ) {
    ++% }
    ++% }
    ++% if ( $Groups && $Groups->Count ) {
    ++% while ( my $g = $Groups->Next ) {
     +<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="Dashboard-Subscription-Groups-<%$g->id%>" value="1" />
     +<input type="hidden" name="Dashboard-Subscription-Groups-<%$g->id%>" value="0" />
     +<%$g->Name%> (<%$g->Description%>)
    -+% }
    -+% }
    -+% unless (($Users && $Users->Count) || ($Groups && $Groups->Count)) {
    -+% }
    -+% }
    ++% }
    ++% }
    ++% for my $i (1 .. 3) {
    ++<& /Elements/EmailInput, Name => 'Dashboard-Subscription-Email-' . $i, Size => '20' &>
    ++% }
     +<td class="current-recipients">
    -+<strong><&|/l&>Current Recipients</&>:</strong>
    ++<&|/l&>Current Recipients</&>:
     +% my $current_user_id = $session{CurrentUser}->id;
     +% my $current_user_subscribed = $recipients_users && grep { $_ == $current_user_id } @$recipients_users;
    @@ -392,6 +404,14 @@
    + </form>
    + <%INIT>
    ++use List::MoreUtils 'uniq';
    + my ($title, @results);
    + my $Loaded = 0;
          Dow         => 'Monday',
          Dom         => 1,
          Rows        => 20,
    @@ -404,30 +424,9 @@
              if defined($ARGS{$field}) || $ARGS{$field.'-Magic'};
    -+# update recipients
    -+for my $key (keys %ARGS) {
    -+    next unless $key =~ /^Dashboard-Subscription-(Users|Groups)-(\d+)$/;
    -+    my ($mode, $type, $id) = ('', $1, $2);
    -+    # find out proper value for user/group checkbox
    -+    my $add_keep_recipient = ref $ARGS{$key} eq 'ARRAY' ?
    -+        grep { $_ } @{ $ARGS{$key} } :
    -+        $ARGS{$key};
    -+    my $record; # hold user/group object
    -+    if ($type eq 'Users') {
    -+        my $user = RT::User->new($session{CurrentUser});
    -+        $user->Load( $id );
    -+        $record = $user;
    -+    } elsif ($type eq 'Groups') {
    -+        my $group = RT::Group->new($session{CurrentUser});
    -+        $group->Load( $id );
    -+        $record = $group;
    -+    }
    --# this'll be defined on submit
    --if (defined $ARGS{Save}) {
    + # this'll be defined on submit
    + if (defined $ARGS{Save}) {
     -    my $ok = 1;
     -    # validation
    @@ -436,16 +435,62 @@
     -        if (@addresses == 0) {
     -            push @results, loc('Recipient must be an email address');
     -            $ok = 0;
    --        }
    -+    my @recipients = @{ $fields{Recipients}->{$type} };
    -+    my $is_prev_recipient = grep { $_ == $id } @recipients;
    -+    if ($add_keep_recipient and not $is_prev_recipient) { # Add User/Group
    -+        push @recipients, $id;
    -+        push @results, loc("[_1] added to dashboard subscription recipients.", $record->Name);
    -+    } elsif (not $add_keep_recipient and $is_prev_recipient) { # Remove User/Group
    -+        @recipients = grep { $_ != $id } @recipients;
    -+        push @results, loc("[_1] removed from dashboard subscription recipients.", $record->Name);
    ++    # update recipients
    ++    for my $key (keys %ARGS) {
    ++        my $val = $ARGS{$key};
    ++        if ( $key =~ /^Dashboard-Subscription-Email-\d+$/ && $val ) {
    ++            my @recipients = @{ $fields{Recipients}->{Users} };
    ++            for ( RT::EmailParser->ParseEmailAddress( $val ) ) {
    ++                my ( $email, $name ) = ( $_->address, $_->name );
    ++                my $user = RT::User->new($session{CurrentUser});
    ++                $user->LoadOrCreateByEmail(
    ++                    EmailAddress => $email,
    ++                    RealName     => $name,
    ++                    Comments     => 'Autocreated when added as a dashboard subscription recipient',
    ++                );
    ++                my $is_prev_recipient = grep { $_ == $user->id } @recipients;
    ++                if ( not $is_prev_recipient ) {
    ++                    push @recipients, $user->id;
    ++                    push @results, loc("[_1] added to dashboard subscription recipients", $email);
    ++                }
    ++            }
    ++            @{ $fields{Recipients}->{Users} } = uniq @recipients;
    ++        } elsif ($key =~ /^Dashboard-Subscription-(Users|Groups)-(\d+)$/) {
    ++            my ($mode, $type, $id) = ('', $1, $2);
    ++            my @recipients = @{ $fields{Recipients}->{$type} };
    ++            # find out proper value for user/group checkbox
    ++            my $add_keep_recipient = ref $ARGS{$key} eq 'ARRAY' ?
    ++                grep { $_ } @{ $ARGS{$key} } :
    ++                $ARGS{$key};
    ++            my $record; # hold user/group object
    ++            if ($type eq 'Users') {
    ++                my $user = RT::User->new($session{CurrentUser});
    ++                $user->Load( $id );
    ++                $record = $user;
    ++            } elsif ($type eq 'Groups') {
    ++                my $group = RT::Group->new($session{CurrentUser});
    ++                $group->Load( $id );
    ++                $record = $group;
    ++            }
    ++            my $is_prev_recipient = grep { $_ == $id } @recipients;
    ++            if ($add_keep_recipient and not $is_prev_recipient) { # Add User/Group
    ++                push @recipients, $id;
    ++                push @results, loc("[_1] added to dashboard subscription recipients", $record->Name);
    ++            } elsif (not $add_keep_recipient and $is_prev_recipient) { # Remove User/Group
    ++                @recipients = grep { $_ != $id } @recipients;
    ++                push @results, loc("[_1] removed from dashboard subscription recipients", $record->Name);
    ++            }
    ++            @{ $fields{Recipients}->{$type} } = uniq @recipients;
    +         }
     -    if ($ok) {
    @@ -454,20 +499,14 @@
     -            $id = delete $fields{'DashboardId'}; # immutable
     -            ($ok, $msg) = $SubscriptionObj->SetSubValues(%fields);
     -            $fields{'DashboardId'} = $id;
    -+    use List::MoreUtils 'uniq';
    -+    @{ $fields{Recipients}->{$type} } = uniq @recipients;
    --            $msg = loc("Subscription updated") if $ok;
    --            push @results, $msg;
    -+# this'll be defined on submit
    -+if (defined $ARGS{Save}) {
     +    # update
     +    if ($SubscriptionObj) {
     +        $id = delete $fields{'DashboardId'}; # immutable
     +        ($ok, $msg) = $SubscriptionObj->SetSubValues(%fields);
     +        $fields{'DashboardId'} = $id;
    +-            $msg = loc("Subscription updated") if $ok;
    +-            push @results, $msg;
     +        $msg = loc("Subscription updated") if $ok;
     +        push @results, $msg;
     +    }
    @@ -551,5 +590,191 @@
     +td.current-recipients {
     +    vertical-align: top;
    ++    padding-left: 50px;
    +diff --git a/t/web/dashboards-basics.t b/t/web/dashboards-basics.t
    +--- a/t/web/dashboards-basics.t
    ++++ b/t/web/dashboards-basics.t
    + use strict;
    + use warnings;
    +-use RT::Test tests => 122;
    ++use RT::Test tests => 105;
    + my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
    + my $url = $m->rt_base_url;
    +     'only dashboard queries show up' );
    + $m->content_contains("dashboard test", "ticket subject");
    +-$m->click_button(name => 'Save');
    +-$m->content_contains("Permission Denied");
    +-$m->warning_like(qr/Unable to subscribe to dashboard.*Permission Denied/, "got a permission denied warning when trying to subscribe to a dashboard");
    +-is($user_obj->Attributes->Named('Subscription'), 0, "no subscriptions");
    +-$user_obj->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'SubscribeDashboard', Object => $RT::System);
    +-$m->follow_link_ok({text => "Subscription"});
    +-$m->content_contains("Subscribe to dashboard different dashboard");
    +-$m->content_contains("Unowned Tickets");
    +-$m->content_contains("My Tickets");
    +-$m->content_unlike( qr/Bookmarked Tickets.*Bookmarked Tickets/s,
    +-    'only dashboard queries show up' );
    +-$m->click_button(name => 'Save');
    +-$m->content_lacks("Permission Denied");
    +-$m->content_contains("Subscribed to dashboard different dashboard");
    +-is($user_obj->Attributes->Named('Subscription'), 1, "we have a subscription");
    +-$m->follow_link_ok({text => "Subscription"});
    +-$m->content_contains("Modify the subscription to dashboard different dashboard");
    + $m->get_ok("/Dashboards/Modify.html?id=$id&Delete=1");
    + $m->content_contains("Permission Denied", "unable to delete dashboard because we lack DeleteOwnDashboard");
    +diff --git a/t/web/dashboards-subscription.t b/t/web/dashboards-subscription.t
    +new file mode 100644
    +--- /dev/null
    ++++ b/t/web/dashboards-subscription.t
    ++use strict;
    ++use warnings;
    ++use RT::Test tests => undef;
    ++my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
    ++my $url = $m->rt_base_url;
    ++# Create User
    ++my $user = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser);
    ++my ($ret, $msg) = $user->LoadOrCreateByEmail('customer at example.com');
    ++ok($ret, 'ACL test user creation');
    ++($ret, $msg) = $user->SetPassword('customer');
    ++$user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'ModifySelf');
    ++$user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'ModifyOwnDashboard', Object => $RT::System);
    ++$user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'CreateOwnDashboard', Object => $RT::System);
    ++$user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'SeeOwnDashboard', Object => $RT::System);
    ++$user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'SeeGroup', Object => $RT::System);
    ++my $currentuser = RT::CurrentUser->new($user);
    ++ok $m->login(customer => 'customer'), "logged in";
    ++# Create Dashboard
    ++$m->follow_link_ok({ id => 'home-dashboard_create' });
    ++$m->field("Name" => 'test dashboard');
    ++$m->click_button(value => 'Create');
    ++$m->content_contains("Saved dashboard test dashboard");
    ++# Make sure dashboard exists
    ++my $dashboard = RT::Dashboard->new($currentuser);
    ++my ($id) = $m->content =~ /name="id" value="(\d+)"/;
    ++ok($id, "got an ID, $id");
    ++is($dashboard->Name, "test dashboard");
    ++# Attempt subscription without right
    ++$m->content_lacks('id="page-subscription"', "shouldn't have Subscription link since we don't have the SubscribeDashboard right");
    ++$m->click_button(name => 'Save');
    ++$m->content_contains("Permission Denied");
    ++$m->warning_like(qr/Unable to subscribe to dashboard.*Permission Denied/, "got a permission denied warning when trying to subscribe to a dashboard");
    ++# Make sure subscription doesn't exist
    ++is($user->Attributes->Named('Subscription'), 0, "no subscriptions");
    ++# Attempt subscription with right
    ++$user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'SubscribeDashboard', Object => $RT::System);
    ++$m->content_contains('id="page-subscription"', "subscription link should be visible");
    ++$m->click_button(name => 'Save');
    ++$m->content_lacks("Permission Denied");
    ++$m->content_contains("Subscribed to dashboard test dashboard");
    ++# Verify subscription exists
    ++is($user->Attributes->Named('Subscription'), 1, "we have a subscription");
    ++# Test recipients missing warning
    ++$m->follow_link_ok({ id => 'page-subscription' });
    ++$m->click_button(name => 'Save');
    ++$m->content_contains('customer removed from dashboard subscription recipients');
    ++$m->content_contains("Warning: This dashboard has no recipients");
    ++# Create new user to search for
    ++my $search_user = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser);
    ++($ret, $msg) = $search_user->LoadOrCreateByEmail('customer2 at example.com');
    ++ok($ret, 'ACL test user creation');
    ++# Search for customer2 user and subscribe
    ++$m->field(UserString => 'customer');
    ++$m->click_button(name => 'OnlySearchForPeople');
    ++$m->content_contains('customer2 at example.com');
    ++# Subscribe customer2
    ++$m->tick("Dashboard-Subscription-Users-".$search_user->id, 1);
    ++$m->click_button(name => 'Save');
    ++$m->content_contains('customer2 added to dashboard subscription recipients');
    ++# Make sure customer2 is listed as a recipient
    ++$m->follow_link_ok({ id => 'page-subscription' });
    ++$m->content_contains('customer2 at example.com');
    ++# Create new group to search for
    ++my $search_group = RT::Group->new(RT->SystemUser);
    ++($ret, $msg) = $search_group->CreateUserDefinedGroup(Name => 'customers test group');
    ++ok($ret, 'Test customers group creation');
    ++# Search for group
    ++$m->field(GroupString => 'customers');
    ++$m->click_button(name => 'OnlySearchForGroup');
    ++$m->content_contains('customers test group');
    ++# Subscribe group
    ++$m->tick("Dashboard-Subscription-Groups-".$search_group->id, 1);
    ++$m->click_button(name => 'Save');
    ++$m->content_contains('customers test group added to dashboard subscription recipients');
    ++# Make sure customers group is listed as a recipient
    ++$m->follow_link_ok({ id => 'page-subscription' });
    ++$m->content_contains('customers test group');
    ++# Unsubscribe group
    ++$m->untick("Dashboard-Subscription-Groups-".$search_group->id, 1);
    ++$m->click_button(name => 'Save');
    ++$m->content_contains('customers test group removed from dashboard subscription recipients');
    ++# Make sure customers group is no longer listed as a recipient
    ++$m->follow_link_ok({ id => 'page-subscription' });
    ++$m->content_lacks('customers test group');
    ++undef $m;
2:  a198c0a < -:  ------- move dashboard subscription tests into own test file and expand scope of tests
3:  00fbc49 < -:  ------- incremental improvements

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