[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.2/saved-chart-show-partly, repushed
? sunnavy
sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Sun Jan 11 14:19:11 EST 2015
The branch 4.2/saved-chart-show-partly was deleted and repushed:
was b2a3f09c43aada35951c367e1f3e5044d2216178
now 4020550dd8282b33b975ec7864e31e2c10a1656a
1: b2a3f09 ! 1: 8befa8d allow user to customize the visibility of image/table/sql in chart
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
- pie/bar/table only chart styles
+ allow user to customize the visibility of image/table/sql in chart
sometimes users want to show part of it.
- (e.g. when the charts are added to a dashboard)
+ (e.g. when a chart is added to a dashboard)
diff --git a/share/html/Search/Chart b/share/html/Search/Chart
--- a/share/html/Search/Chart
@@ -13,19 +13,90 @@
s/\D//g for grep defined, $Width, $Height;
$Width ||= 600;
-$Height ||= ($ChartStyle eq 'pie' ? $Width : 400);
-+$Height ||= ($ChartStyle =~ /pie/ ? $Width : 400);
- $Height = $Width if $ChartStyle eq 'pie';
+-$Height = $Width if $ChartStyle eq 'pie';
++$Height ||= ($ChartStyle =~ /\bpie\b/ ? $Width : 400);
++$Height = $Width if $ChartStyle =~ /\bpie\b/;
my $plot_error = sub {
+ my $text = shift;
+ $ChartStyle = 'bar' if @data > 2;
+ my $chart_class;
+-if ($ChartStyle eq 'pie') {
++if ($ChartStyle =~ /\bpie\b/) {
+ require GD::Graph::pie;
+ $chart_class = "GD::Graph::pie";
+ } else {
+diff --git a/share/html/Search/Chart.html b/share/html/Search/Chart.html
+--- a/share/html/Search/Chart.html
++++ b/share/html/Search/Chart.html
+ </&>
+ <&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('Picture'), class => "chart-picture" &>
+-<label><% loc('Style') %>: <& Elements/SelectChartType, Default => $query{ChartStyle}[0], Name => 'ChartStyle' &></label>
++<input name="ChartStyle" type="hidden" value="<% $query{ChartStyle}[0] %>" />
++<label><% loc('Style') %>: <& Elements/SelectChartType, Default => $query{ChartStyle}[0] =~ /^(pie|bar|table)\b/ ? $1 : undef &></label>
++<span class="width">
+ <label><% loc("Width") %>: <input type="text" name="Width" value="<% $query{'Width'} || q{} %>"> <% loc("px") %></label>
+ <span class="height">
+ ×
+ <label><% loc("Height") %>: <input type="text" name="Height" value="<% $query{'Height'} || q{} %>"> <% loc("px") %></label>
+ </span>
++<div class="include-table">
++ <input type="checkbox" name="ChartStyleIncludeTable" <% $query{ChartStyle}[0] =~ /\btable\b/ ? 'checked="checked"' : '' |n %>> <% loc('Include data table') %>
++<div class="include-sql">
++ <input type="checkbox" name="ChartStyleIncludeSQL" <% $query{ChartStyle}[0] =~ /\bsql\b/ ? 'checked="checked"' : '' |n %>> <% loc('Include TicketSQL query') %>
+ </&>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+-jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartStyle]").change(function(){
++var updateChartStyle = function() {
++ var val = jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartType]").val();
++ if ( val != 'table' && jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartStyleIncludeTable]").is(':checked') ) {
++ val += '+table';
++ }
++ if ( jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartStyleIncludeSQL]").is(':checked') ) {
++ val += '+sql';
++ }
++ jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartStyle]").val(val);
++jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartType]").change(function(){
+ var t = jQuery(this);
+- t.closest("form").find("[name=Height]").closest(".height").toggle( t.val() !== "pie" );
++ t.closest("form").find("[name=Height]").closest(".height").toggle( t.val() == 'bar' );
++ t.closest("form").find("[name=Width]").closest(".width").toggle( t.val() !== 'table' );
++ t.closest("form .chart-picture").find("div.include-table").toggle( t.val() !== 'table' );
++ updateChartStyle();
+ }).change();
++jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartStyleIncludeTable]").change( updateChartStyle );
++jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartStyleIncludeSQL]").change( updateChartStyle );
+ </script>
+ <& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc('Update Chart'), Name => 'Update' &>
diff --git a/share/html/Search/Elements/Chart b/share/html/Search/Elements/Chart
--- a/share/html/Search/Elements/Chart
+++ b/share/html/Search/Elements/Chart
+ <%args>
+ $Query => "id > 0"
+ @GroupBy => ()
+-$ChartStyle => 'bar'
++$ChartStyle => 'bar+table+sql'
+ @ChartFunction => 'COUNT'
+ </%args>
+ <%init>
my $query_string = $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', %ARGS, GroupBy => \@GroupBy );
<div class="chart-wrapper">
-+% if ( ($ChartStyle || '') ne 'table only' ) {
++% if ( ($ChartStyle || '') =~ /\b(?:pie|bar)\b/ ) {
<span class="chart image">
% if (RT->Config->Get('DisableGD')) {
<% loc('Graphical charts are not available.') %><br />
@@ -35,11 +106,11 @@
+% }
-+% if ( ($ChartStyle || '') !~ /^(?:pie|bar) only$/ ) {
++% if ( ($ChartStyle || '') =~ /\btable\b/ ) {
<& ChartTable, %ARGS, Table => { $report->FormatTable( %columns ) } &>
+% }
-+% if ( ($ChartStyle || '') !~ / only$/ ) {
++% if ( ($ChartStyle || '') =~ /\bsql\b/ ) {
<div class="query"><span class="label"><% loc('Query') %>:</span><span class="value"><% $Query %></span></div>
+% }
@@ -52,12 +123,10 @@
<select id="<%$Name%>" name="<%$Name%>">
-% foreach my $option (qw(bar pie)) {
-+% foreach my $option ('bar', 'bar only', 'pie', 'pie only', 'table only') {
++% foreach my $option ('bar', 'pie', 'table') {
% # 'bar' # loc
-+% # 'bar only' # loc
% # 'pie' # loc
-+% # 'pie only' # loc
-+% # 'table only' # loc
++% # 'table' # loc
<option value="<%$option%>"<% $option eq $Default ? qq[ selected="selected"] : '' |n %>><%loc($option)%></option>
% }
@@ -109,3 +178,16 @@
.chart-meta .chart-type {
+diff --git a/t/mail/dashboard-chart-with-utf8.t b/t/mail/dashboard-chart-with-utf8.t
+--- a/t/mail/dashboard-chart-with-utf8.t
++++ b/t/mail/dashboard-chart-with-utf8.t
+ fields => {
+ SavedSearchDescription => 'chart foo',
+ SavedSearchOwner => 'RT::User-' . $root->id,
++ ChartStyle => 'bar',
+ },
+ button => 'SavedSearchSave',
+ );
-: ------- > 2: 32827ec only bars need to be lifted up a bit
-: ------- > 3: 4020550 upgrade step as old "bar" or "pie" implies "bar+table+sql" or "pie+table+sql"
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