[Rt-commit] [rtir] 02/22: This old constituency test verified the functionality of the old RTIR constituency ACL system. That's now gone, so we no longer need to test it
Jesse Vincent
jesse at bestpractical.com
Sun Mar 29 02:50:57 EDT 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
jesse pushed a commit to branch 3.4/remove_old_constituencies
in repository rtir.
commit 8d87945f5c87e026d48337ce0d40f6d7ec698487
Author: Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>
Date: Sat Mar 28 14:39:47 2015 -0700
This old constituency test verified the functionality of the old
RTIR constituency ACL system. That's now gone, so we no longer
need to test it
t/constituency/visibility.t | 205 --------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 205 deletions(-)
diff --git a/t/constituency/visibility.t b/t/constituency/visibility.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 63aa615..0000000
--- a/t/constituency/visibility.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More skip_all => 'constituencies being rebuilt';
-use RT::IR::Test tests => undef;
-my @constituencies = qw(EDUNET GOVNET third);
-my $constituency_cf = RT::CustomField->new(RT->SystemUser);
- my ($ok, $msg) = $constituency_cf->LoadByName(Queue => 'Incident Reports', Name => 'Constituency');
- ok($ok, "Loaded Constituency CF: $msg");
-# users who will have limited access to the system
-# the default_agent user is a member of the DutyTeam and as such
-# can see any/all constituencies.
-my $eduhandler = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'eduhandler', Password => 'eduhandler' );
-ok $eduhandler->id, "Created eduhandler";
-my $govhandler = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'govhandler', Password => 'govhandler' );
-ok $govhandler->id, "Created govhandler";
-# this user has read only access to the GOVNET constituency
-my $rogovhandler = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'rogovhandler', Password => 'rogovhandler' );
-ok $rogovhandler->id, "Created rogovhandler";
- my $path = RT::Plugin->new( name => 'RT::IR' )->Path( 'bin' ) . "/add_constituency";
- diag("running $path to set up EDUNET and GOVNET constituencies");
- for my $constituency (@constituencies) {
- my ($exit_code, $output) = RT::Test->run_and_capture(
- command => $path,
- name => $constituency,
- force => 1,
- quiet => 1,
- );
- ok(!$exit_code, "created constituency $constituency");
- diag "output: $output";
- }
-# Actually use the newly created Queues/Groups that come from add_constituency
-# This means that eduhandler should be able to see/change EDUNET tickets
-# but not GOVNET tickets and vice versa.
-# Neither should be able to see the third constituency
- my $edugroup = RT::Group->new(RT->SystemUser);
- my ($ok, $msg) = $edugroup->LoadUserDefinedGroup('DutyTeam EDUNET');
- ok($ok, "Loaded DutyTeam EDUNET: $msg");
- ($ok,$msg) = $edugroup->AddMember($eduhandler->PrincipalObj->Id);
- ok($ok, "Added eduhandler to DutyTeam EDUNET: $msg");
- my $govgroup = RT::Group->new(RT->SystemUser);
- ($ok, $msg) = $govgroup->LoadUserDefinedGroup('DutyTeam GOVNET');
- ok($ok, "Loaded DutyTeam GOVNET: $msg");
- ($ok,$msg) = $govgroup->AddMember($govhandler->PrincipalObj->Id);
- ok($ok, "Added govhandler to DutyTeam GOVNET: $msg");
- my $rogovgroup = RT::Group->new(RT->SystemUser);
- ($ok, $msg) = $rogovgroup->LoadUserDefinedGroup('ReadOnly GOVNET');
- ok($ok, "Loaded ReadOnly GOVNET: $msg");
- ($ok,$msg) = $rogovgroup->AddMember($rogovhandler->PrincipalObj->Id);
- ok($ok, "Added rogovhandler to ReadOnly GOVNET: $msg");
-my ($baseurl) = RT::Test->started_ok;
-my $agent = default_agent();
-diag("Ensure that DutyTeam members can see all the constituencies");
- foreach my $queue( 'Incidents', 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations', 'Blocks' ) {
- diag "'$queue' queue";
- $agent->goto_create_rtir_ticket( $queue );
- my @values = $agent->current_form->find_input("Object-RT::Ticket--CustomField-". $constituency_cf->id ."-Values")->possible_values;
- is_deeply([sort @values],[sort @constituencies],"All the expected constituencies are available to DutyTeam on $queue");
- }
-my %constituency_tickets;
-diag("Create tickets in the different constituencies so we can test visibility");
- # Blocks require an Incident unless we futz %RTIR_IncidentChildren and we're being lazy and just making standalone tickets
- foreach my $queue( 'Incidents', 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations', ) {
- foreach my $const ( @constituencies ) {
- my $id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- $queue,
- { Subject => "test ip", Owner => 'Nobody' },
- { Constituency => $const },
- );
- push @{$constituency_tickets{$const}}, $id;
- }
- }
-diag("Ensure that DutyTeam EDUNET members can see only one constituency ");
- $agent->login( eduhandler => 'eduhandler', logout => 1 );
- foreach my $queue( 'Incidents', 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations', 'Blocks' ) {
- diag "'$queue' queue";
- $agent->goto_create_rtir_ticket( $queue );
- my @values = $agent->current_form->find_input("Object-RT::Ticket--CustomField-". $constituency_cf->id ."-Values")->possible_values;
- is_deeply([sort @values],['EDUNET'],"Only EDUNET is available to eduhandler on $queue");
- }
-diag("Ensure that DutyTeam EDUNET members can only see tickets in their constituency");
- $agent->login( eduhandler => 'eduhandler', logout => 1 );
- for my $const (@constituencies) {
- for my $ticket (@{$constituency_tickets{$const}}) {
- $agent->display_ticket($ticket);
- if ($const eq 'EDUNET') {
- $agent->text_contains('test ip',"Can see the ticket's subject");
- } else {
- $agent->text_contains('No permission to view ticket');
- }
- }
- }
- my $current_user = RT::CurrentUser->new; $current_user->Load('eduhandler');
- my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($current_user);
- $tickets->FromSQL("Status = 'new' or Status = 'open'");
- my @ids;
- while (my $tick = $tickets->Next) {
- push @ids, $tick->Id;
- }
- is_deeply([sort @ids],[sort @{$constituency_tickets{'EDUNET'}}],"Only sees new tickets in the EDUNET constituency");
-diag("Ensure that DutyTeam GOVNET members can see only one constituency ");
- $agent->login( govhandler => 'govhandler', logout => 1 );
- foreach my $queue( 'Incidents', 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations', 'Blocks' ) {
- diag "'$queue' queue";
- $agent->goto_create_rtir_ticket( $queue );
- my @values = $agent->current_form->find_input("Object-RT::Ticket--CustomField-". $constituency_cf->id ."-Values")->possible_values;
- is_deeply([sort @values],['GOVNET'],"Only GOVNET is available to govhandler on $queue");
- }
-diag("Ensure that DutyTeam GOVNET members can only see tickets in their constituency");
- $agent->login( govhandler => 'govhandler', logout => 1 );
- for my $const (@constituencies) {
- for my $ticket (@{$constituency_tickets{$const}}) {
- $agent->display_ticket($ticket);
- if ($const eq 'GOVNET') {
- $agent->text_contains('test ip',"Can see the ticket's subject");
- ok($agent->find_link(text => 'Take'), "User can Take tickets");
- } else {
- $agent->text_contains('No permission to view ticket');
- }
- }
- }
- my $current_user = RT::CurrentUser->new; $current_user->Load('govhandler');
- my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($current_user);
- $tickets->FromSQL("Status = 'new' or Status = 'open'");
- my @ids;
- while (my $tick = $tickets->Next) {
- push @ids, $tick->Id;
- }
- is_deeply([sort @ids],[sort @{$constituency_tickets{'GOVNET'}}],"Only sees new tickets in the GOVNET constituency");
-diag("Ensure that ReadOnly GOVNET members can only see tickets in their constituency");
- $agent->login( rogovhandler => 'rogovhandler', logout => 1 );
- for my $const (@constituencies) {
- for my $ticket (@{$constituency_tickets{$const}}) {
- $agent->display_ticket($ticket);
- if ($const eq 'GOVNET') {
- $agent->text_contains('test ip',"Can see the ticket's subject");
- is($agent->find_link(text => 'Take'), undef, "No Take Link for the ReadOnly user");
- } else {
- $agent->text_contains('No permission to view ticket');
- }
- }
- }
- my $current_user = RT::CurrentUser->new; $current_user->Load('rogovhandler');
- my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($current_user);
- $tickets->FromSQL("Status = 'new' or Status = 'open'");
- my @ids;
- while (my $tick = $tickets->Next) {
- push @ids, $tick->Id;
- }
- is_deeply([sort @ids],[sort @{$constituency_tickets{'GOVNET'}}],"Only sees new tickets in the GOVNET constituency");
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