[Rt-commit] rt annotated tag, rt-4.4.0rc1, created. rt-4.4.0rc1
Shawn Moore
shawn at bestpractical.com
Tue Nov 3 15:26:54 EST 2015
The annotated tag, rt-4.4.0rc1 has been created
at e2c0f9583776beb52b8e4e421ec026bce78d6d77 (tag)
tagging 3a80169a9a5d47d189184f70c81705f02a2fb41a (commit)
replaces rt-4.2.12
tagged by Shawn M Moore
on Tue Nov 3 12:42:17 2015 -0500
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 4.4.0rc1
Version: GnuPG v1
Alex Vandiver (119):
Merge branch '4.2-trunk'
Remove unused Value argument to SelectDate
Merge branch '4.4/date-input-keep-value'
Merge branch '4.4/hide-unset-fields-in-display'
Merge branch '4.2-trunk'
Merge branch '4.2-trunk'
Merge branch '4.4/minify-css-js'
Merge branch '4.4/remove-SetFieldsOnce'
Merge branch '4.4/cf-entry-hint'
Show queue name in title of ticket creation page
Revert "Show queue name in title of ticket creation page"
Make queue name more salient by including it in title during ticket create
Merge branch '4.2-trunk'
Merge branch '4.4/login-password-auto-complete'
Default to placing tmpfiles generated during email parsing under /tmp
Merge branch '4.2-trunk'
Merge branch '4.4/siteconfig.d'
Pass the just-submitted squelching information to the first AJAX request
Sync the ckeditor output before updating messages
Roll back on failure to Comment, as Correspond does
DryRun now wraps in a rollback, and records all transactions
Display all scrips which are triggered
Re-use squelching information for future updates to a ticket in same request
Remove mostly-duplicate code for Rules which can never trigger
Merge branch '4.4/extend-execmodule-support'
Merge branch '4.4/squelching-all'
Remove the unnecessary "on merge" lifecycle property
Merge branch '4.4/default-values'
Don't clone TimeWorked and friends when creating child tickets
Merge branch '4.4/select-cf-hide-invalid-empty-values'
Merge branch '4.2-trunk'
Ensure that preview is kept in sync with one-time-cc checkboxes
Increase MaxInlineBody
Merge branch '4.4/drop-ticket-disabled-column'
Merge branch '4.4/ocfv-disabled-flag'
Merge branch '4.4/migrate-cgi-env'
Update license tag for 2015
Merge branch '4.2-trunk'
Update the documentation to show the Apache 2.4 config
Compat for Apache 2.4 in devel/tools/rt-apache
Adjust tests to run under Apache 2.4
RT::Interface::Email doesn't need to be an Exporter
Reorder functions to more obviously split sending and receiving mail
Adjust POD headers to reflect split
Update MailPlugins to only reference existant modules
Move MailPlugins documentation out of rt-mailgate, where is is mostly irrelevant
Remove duplicate ParseCcAddressesFromHead in RT::EmailParser
Use Scope::Upper to allow returns from Gateway from nested subs
Add a base email plugin role, which provides TMPFAIL/FAILURE/SUCCESS
Check if each named mail plugin DOES the mail plugin role
Return values of ApplyBeforeDecode plugins' GetCurrentUser are irrelevant
Push bounce short-circuiting down into _HandleMachineGeneratedMail
$IsALoop is now unused in Gateway
Stop moving RT-Squelch-Replies-To aside
Simplify _HandleMachineGeneratedMail logic
Use different method names rather than an ApplyBeforeDecode method
Use FAILURE to abort from GetCurrentUser, rather than a magic -1 value
Remove the unused $error variable
Move $Right to where it is used
Move SystemTicket definition to where it is first used
Move NewSubject to where it is used
Remove CreateUser, merging to form a more featureful LoadOrCreateByEmail
Always create the user; this simplifies ACL checking greatly
Split authentication from authorization
Remove no-longer-used _NoAuthorizedUserFound
Remove now-unused $Right variable, previously used by _NoAuthorizedUserFound
Fail if the first action is unauthenticated
Notify the owner on common mis-configurations
Remove extra error in mail-gateway
Add back a warning that is now lacking
Stop passing mail plugins around; load them lazily in one Plugins() method
Split action handling into plugin classes
Plugins may alter @actions; ensure action is valid prior to calling
Split default authentication from default authorization
Local'ize MailErrors to avoid having to pass $ErrorsTo everywhere
Remove the warning about the deprecated Auth::GnuPG/Auth::SMIME plugins
Allow lazy adding of Auth::MailFrom if no other GetCurrentUser plugins exist
There is no reason to not always enable Auth::Crypt
Make Crypt not an Auth:: plugin, but hardcoded
Move RejectOnUnencrypted to being a mail plugin
Merge ParseAddressFromHeader and RT::EmailParser->ParseEmailAddress
Fix callsites of ParseSenderAddressFromHead to be slightly less incomprehensible
$MessageId is only used in IsMachineGeneratedMail; move it in there
Merge CheckForSuspiciousSender, CheckForAutoGenerated, and CheckForBounce
Reduce repetition by making MailError handle throwing the FAILURE, as well
Move ACL checking for Take and Resolve into their own plugins
Update POD for new methods and functionality
Move upgrade to next version
Merge branch '4.4/drop-cf-self-category-select'
Merge branch '4.4/better-already-has-right-error'
Merge branch '4.4/cf-chosen-select'
Switch old upgrade steps to cope with indexes already existing
Remove a use of defined-or that crept in; 4.0 only requires perl 5.8.3
Merge branch '4.0/shred-object-custom-fields' into 4.0-trunk
More changes for Date and Datetime CF values being in their input box
Don't round large nubers of hours worked into days
Use consistent number of significant figures on hour rounding
Roll TimeWorked and TimeEstimated up in to hours, like TimeLeft
Mark RT_SiteConfig.pm as encoded in UTF-8 by default
Trim trailing whitespace
Anchor inline GPG regular expressions, to prevent false-positives
Increase the bcrypt cost by a factor of two
Merge branch '4.2/file-which-fix' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.2-trunk'
Update shredder's "find_disabled_rows" to the non-deprecated form
Add security tests that are no longer embargo'd
Temporarily remove bundling code; it will be replaced by an optimizer
Switch to parsing into a parse tree as an IR
Bundling as an optimization pass
Document format strings
Add Undup and ShowElem params to query log tool
Provide a ColumnMap for transactions
Resolution and IssueStatement have never been used in core RT; drop them
EmailEncoding and WebEncoding have never been used in core RT
Drop all "external contact" columns from users
Drop never-used PGPKey column on users
Replace remaining locations which use ObjectId with id
Drop the deprecated "ObjectId" column from Principals
Replace remaining locations which use Type with Name
Christian Loos (14):
add a new MassageCloneArgs callback
add more callbacks to modify ticket display
consistent "now" value on ticket create
show update button only if the user has sufficient rights
add some callbacks to Ticket/Graphs/index.html
Sort charts numerically when possible
show the queue id if the user can't see the queue name
record transactions for queue changes
Avoid warnings if users don't have sufficient rights on reminders
slightly change label string and mark for translation
display translated ticket properties and status values
use MiB instead of MB for attachment config options
avoid 'new ticket in' button width changes on focus
new $PreferDateTimeFormatNatural config option
Derek Schrock (1):
Fix "use of localtime without parentheses" warning
Dominic Hargreaves (2):
Pass a scalar to File::Which::which rather than a list
Skip tests which relate to old behaviour in t/mail/html-outgoing.t
Dustin Graves (42):
adjust wording of "otherwise your internal links may be broken"
added label container for standard boolean radio buttons
hide transactions with 'Transaction has no content' from extract article
add CSRF whitelist for component parameters
Remove Search/Results.rdf and relevant tests in t/web/search_rss.t
Gray out custom fields with "(no value)"
Merge branch '4.2/readme-improvements' into 4.2-trunk
Improve applying a custom field to a queue message
Merge branch '4.4/fix-timeworked-per-user-tests'
remove redundant Apache::DBI dependencies
Mention principal and right in granted and revoked messages
Change Custom Field disable/enable message to be friendlier
Show ticket number when pending on 1 ticket
add min-width style to selection boxes to prevent 1px wide empty boxes
explain that RT::Test::Web must be destroyed before done_testing
fix t/approval/admincc.t not properly destroying m_ceo and m_coo
fix t/web/squish.t needing 'undef '
Merge branch '4.4/move-user-prefs-page-to-prefs-aboutme'
Merge branch '4.4/queue-sort-order'
add global / page-specific keyboard shortcuts
Merge branch '4.4/ckeditor-4.5.3'
Merge branch '4.2/show-queue-name-link' into 4.2-trunk
add infinite scrolling option to ticket display transaction history
Merge branch '4.4/new-paging'
increase loadDistanceFromBottom on infinite scroll for better experience
add border to ticket update ckeditor
Merge branch '4.4/ckeditor-border'
Merge branch '4.4/layout-changes'
fix border on ckeditor for create ticket and any other ckeditors
fix missing parentheses in some sample code in RT_Config
fix ckeditor styles hiding red background on ticket transaction reply
Merge pull request #162 from cloos/4.4/attachment-size-config
Merge pull request #164 from cloos/4.4/topaction-layout
added min width class to articles' 'edit topics' selection box
change keyboard shortcut help to have varying content based on context
Merge branch '4.4/unify-search-visuals'
Documentation for query builder
Merge branch '4.4/dropbox-warnings'
upgrade jQuery from 1.9.1 -> 1.11.3
upgrade jQuery UI from 1.10.0 -> 1.11.4
change oldestTransactionsFirst to optional parameter on TicketHistoryPage
properly integrate no attachment warning with reuse attachment functionality
Jesse Vincent (7):
Merge branch '4.4/preview-checkboxes-sync'
Merge branch '4.4/increase-maxinlinebody'
Merge branch '4.2/modifyticket-owner'
Merge branch '4.4/emailparser-tmpfile-path'
Add more information to the "user already has right" error.
Pull in a copy of CKEditor 4.5.3 with an updated plugin list
Install the new version of CKEditor 4.5.3
Kevin Falcone (2):
Remove SetFieldsOnce
Merge branch '4.4/create-ticket-title'
Matt Zagrabelny (5):
add "log" CLI option to rt-email-dashboards
Align plugin arguments for the form in Shredder
fix CSRF check overzealousness when using ReferrerComponents
add highlighting functionality to Edit Rights admin pages
Tidy rights highlighting functionality
Shawn M Moore (161):
Add .attachment to each tr of the attachments list
Flag mentions of "attachment" when there are none
Verbatim copy of RT::Extension::ExternalStorage
Merge pull request #140 from cloos/4.2/ticket-clone-callback
Merge branch '4.2/enable-selfservice-showattachments' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/bcrypt-cost' into 4.2-trunk
Tiny improvements to format-strings doc
Merge branch '4.2/format-strings' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/siteconfig-utf8' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/gnupg-end-of-line' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/crontool-multiple-actions' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/ipv6-width' into 4.2-trunk
Move ExternalStorage files into proper namespaces
Update ExternalStorage documentation
Cleanup pass of ExternalStorage code
Add --with-attachment-store to ./configure
New config for ExternalStorageCutoffSize
New config for ExternalStorageDirectLink
Add --verbose to rt-externalize-attachments
Filter should-store-externally? in Perl, not SQL
Merge branch '4.2/rt-email-dashboards-log-option' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/bump-encode-to-2.64' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.4/remove-lifecycle-on-merge'
Merge branch '4.2/upgrade-existing-indexes' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.4/disabled-articles'
Merge branch '4.2/referrer-comp-config' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.4/rename-quick-search-to-queue-list'
Merge branch '4.4/time-durations'
Escape principal name as we insert it into the DOM
Merge branch 'security/4.0/rights-xss' into security/4.0.24-releng
Merge branch '4.2/internal-links-wording' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/clicky-radio-labels' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/hide-no-content-extract-article' into 4.2-trunk
Factor out AttachableFromTransaction
Merge branch '4.4/attach-from-transactions'
Merge branch '4.4/remove-results-rdf'
Several improvements to README
Merge branch 'security/4.0.24-releng' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch 'security/4.2.12-releng' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.4/gray-out-no-value'
Merge branch '4.4/sla'
Merge branch '4.4/parse-date-with-datetime-format-natural'
Merge branch '4.4/timeworked-per-user'
Move attachments to below messagebox on bulk update
Merge branch '4.4/custom-field-msg'
Add user shredder option no_ticket_transactions
Merge branch '4.4/sla-fastcgi-test-fix'
Merge branch '4.4/right-granted-message'
Merge branch '4.2/search-active-inactive-status'
Merge branch '4.4/custom-field-disable-enable-msg'
Merge branch '4.4/default-class'
Add ShowHeader for controlling inclusion of header title
New bookmark star icons
Merge branch '4.4/single-pending-ticket'
Dialog for tracking and submitting time worked on tickets
Merge branch '4.4/fts-doc-in-readme'
Merge branch '4.4/dropzone-file-uploader'
Merge branch '4.4/sla-typo-and-warning-fixes'
Merge branch '4.4/sla-cookbook'
Merge branch '4.4/ticket-timer'
Fix failing tests due to ticket timer
Markup improvements in Helpers/TicketTimer
Shrink response so "Worked X minutes" doesn't wrap
Fix image borders for bookmark and ticket timer
Only show timer link if the user has ModifyTicket
Merge branch '4.4/admincc-test-fix'
Merge branch '4.4/search-builder-chosen-add-columns'
Weekday checkboxes for daily dashboard subscriptions
Merge branch '4.4/dashboard-weekdays'
Merge branch '4.2/more-about-requestor-list-default-tab' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.0/more-about-requestor-ticket-list-default-tab' into 4.0-trunk
Merge branch '4.4/attach-from-ticket'
Merge branch '4.4/search-builder-ajax-format-changes'
Merge branch '4.2/large-size-in-search-format' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.4/keyboard-shortcuts'
Merge branch '4.4/bump-html-formattext-withlinks-andtables-to-0.06'
Merge branch '4.4/ticket-history-infinite-scroll'
Merge branch '4.4/compress-ipv6'
Improve topactions layout
Tidy EmailInput and avoid including unescaped parameters
Placeholder and EntryHint for EmailInput
Support autocomplete-return for EmailInput
Support for (by default, off) autocomplete of Nobody and System
Only include one copy of "check box to delete" for queue watchers
Simplify IsManageableRoleGroupType
Switch several hardcoded lists to use ->Roles
Avoid empty results and undef warnings in bulk update
Tidy AddWatchers
Use the record we have for inspecting roles, rather than class RT::Queue
Add a CheckRight param to ->RoleGroup
Fix one-off "Administrative Cc" with "AdminCc"
Merge branch '4.4/core-assets'
Provide queue to EditBasics for new tickets (they don't have a ->QueueObj)
Provide defaults to EditBasics for "Add More Attach" etc
Factor out a CanonicalizePrincipal from AddRoleMember
Consistent error message across AddRoleMember and DeleteRoleMember
Factor out a _CreateRoleGroup
Lazily create ticket role groups if needed
Use queue to resolve roles on create since the ticket isn't created yet
Stop reimplementing placeholder with onfocus for article quicksearch
Unify ticket, asset, article topactions search UIs
Have article and asset search always be double wide
Merge branch '4.4/articles-edit-topics-min-width'
Merge branch '4.4/remove-deprecations'
Reinstate searchbuilder column deprecation warnings, but for 4.6
Fix syntax error introduced in previous commit
Merge branch '4.4/shortcut-help-conditional'
Process watcher updates from ticket Modify
Improve messaging around updating queue/ticket watchers
Additional option for roles
Tidy watcher searching in RT::Tickets
Improve comments around GetPrincipalsMap
Add Ticket->RoleAddresses($Name)
Add a Group->Label hook for when we display a group's name in the UI
Switch to ->LabelForRole
Merge branch '4.4/dropzone-webpath-fix'
Merge branch '4.4/build-format-helper-webpath-fix'
Merge branch '4.4/article-content-cf'
Suppress given/when warnings from File::Dropbox
Merge branch '4.4/highlight-rights-tabs-containing-granted-rights'
Merge branch '4.4/query-builder-documentation'
Add custom roles for queues
@CustomRoles in initialdata, support CustomRole in @ACL
Add ExternalStorage to plugins cored in 4.4
Merge branch '4.4/sla-test-use-fixed-time'
Merge branch '4.4/disable-sla-by-default'
Add custom roles to search builder
Ensure custom role name uniqueness in rt-validator
Add support for custom roles in Action::Notify
Merge branch '4.4/remove-deprecations-more'
Shred object custom roles on queue shred
Merge branch '4.4/hide-empty-value-pref'
Merge branch '4.4/assets-documentation-no-etc'
Merge branch '4.4/ticket-assets-widgets-off-by-default'
Merge branch '4.4/upgrade-jquery'
Merge branch '4.4/custom-roles'
Merge branch '4.4/ticket-history-page-optional-param'
Fix attachment warning to work with dropzone
Merge branch '4.4/attachment-warning-dropzone'
Bail out if a column we'll drop has any values
Merge branch '4.4/drop-unused-columns'
Merge branch '4.4/supress-assets-cf-search-button-for-catalogs-with-no-cfs'
Merge branch '4.2/cli-form-parse-zero-value-fix'
Merge branch '4.4/core-spawnlinkedticketinqueue'
Merge branch '4.4/add-cored-plugins'
Merge branch '4.4/ckeditor-red-reply'
Update various references to version numbers in the docs
Merge branch '4.4/add-cored-plugins'
Reorganize our upgrade steps
Merge branch '4.4/gateway-refactor'
UPGRADING-4.4 notes for admins and developers
Merge branch '4.4/reuse-attachments-warning'
Additional UPGRADING-4.4 notes
FutureMailgate is no longer "future"!
Additional UPGRADING-4.4 notes and typo fixes
Merge branch '4.4/external-auth'
Avoid upgrades warning before custom roles table is created
Fix extraneous whitespace warnings from po linter
Updated translations from Launchpad
Avoid using a stale dbh in rt-setup-database
One last missing undef $m in ldap_privileged.t
Thomas Sibley (9):
Failing tests for shredding ObjectCustomFields when a CustomField is shredded
Shred ObjectCustomFields when shredding a custom field
Add the ability to include existing attachments when responding to a transaction
Simplify the copying of RT-Attach headers from the txn into the mail
Display RT-Attach headers in history by linking the filename
Headers often come with leading spaces, which make SQLite choke on comparisons
Link to the download page for existing attachments
Don't present transaction attachments when we don't have an existing ticket
Tests for the new RT-Attach functionality
Todd Wade (17):
Merge branch '4.2.11-releng' into 4.2-trunk
Toggle attachment url based on user type in ShowAttachments component
add a FormStart callback to share/html/Admin/Queues/Modify.html
Enable for AutocompleteMultiple for SelfService Cc field
add a way for tests to get ticket pages besides the display page
Automatically update the timeworked field of a ticket's parent tickets
Break out the time worked on a ticket per user
core RT::Extension::Assets
Assets should be on NO queues by default, not ALL queues
Asset search with no CFs should not show two search boxes right next to eachother
make RT_Config.pm links consistent in assets documentation
Add Assets, ExternalAuth, LDAPImport etc to %CORED_PLUGINS
core RT-Extension-SpawnLinkedTicketInQueue
add ::ParentTimeWorked to %CORED_PLUGINS
core RT::Authen::ExternalAuth and RT::Extension::LDAPImport
failing and warning externalauth tests
skip when ::Authen::ExternalAuth can't load like other externalauth tests do
Wallace Reis (13):
Minify CSS
Minify JS
Create UPGRADING-4.4 document
I#29071: Allow auto-completion of passwords
Allow deep namespaces for ScripActions and Conditions
Add squelched recipients as preference
'Select All' checkbox for scrips correspondences/comments
Make 'select all' check/uncheck bi-directional
Merge checkbox click event handlers
Ticket update recipient checkboxes
Ticket update recipient checkboxes
Merge branch '4.4/dont-clone-time-fields'
Improve paging for large resultsets
Yevgeniy Gorodetskiy (1):
Widen IP custom fields to be wide enough for full IPv6 addresses
mkosmach (1):
fixed a "cannot decode string with wide characters" error in SMIME
sunnavy (115):
we should keep the input value for cf date/datetime
allow to delete a cf date value
keep values of ticket core date fields too
check if it's necessary to add custom field value before actually adding it.
don't bother linking "Last Contact" if current user doesn't have the right
hide possible empty fields for people|dates|links
tests of hiding unset fields
EntryHint column for CustomFields table
set EntryHint on create and default it to FriendlyType if not define
update EntryHint accordingly when Type is updated and EntryHint matches the old FriendlyType
EntryHint field edit support on cf admin page
show EntryHint instead of FriendlyType on cf create/update
incremental upgrade steps for 4.3.1(new EntryHint column for cf)
use EntryHint instead of FriendlyType in %AdminSearchResultFormat by default
fixed failed tests caused by the new Entryhint change
support config files in RT_SiteConfig.d
no need to append "1;" to config files any more
ajaxify PrviewScrips and ShowSimplifiedRecipients on ticket update page
Merge branch '4.4/ajax-preview-scrips'
make datepicker less zealous
system level cf default values support
queue level cf default values support
clear caches after each web request for tests(thanks to chmrr++)
no need to clear these caches explicitly
queue-level default values for priority/due
queue level default value for Starts
hide "(no value)" from select cfs if it doesn't match pattern and has default values
drop Disabled column in Tickets
consistently use with_disabled_column for ObjectCustomFieldValues too
abstract usage of cgi env variables
use psgi env directly
update the mock of $m to reflect the cgi env migration
fix description since "ModifyArticle" right can't _delete_ articles
drop cf's own category select
is_hierarchical and complete_select are always true now
move cascade select event code to event-registration.js
simplify filter_cascade_select by using jQuery functions
use chosen to make long lists of cf select more friendly.
allow to search the string from anywhere in the word
support __Active__ and __Inactive__ status in ticket sql
support multiple --action and --action-arg options
add the missing Encode 2.64 dependency as described in bbd3bddc
Merge branch '4.4/external-storage'
Merge branch '4.4/missing-attachment-warning'
abstract EditLink to reduce code duplication
don't delete articles, just disable them.
hide reminders and disabled articles for REST
hide reminders and disabled articles for ticket's relationship graph
distinguish links by prefixing scheme for non-ticket ids
new config %ReferrerComponents to customize referrer checking behavior
rename Quicksearch to QueueList
respect DefaultQueue/RememberDefaultQueue configs for QuickCreate widget
Merge branch '4.2/csrf-whitelist' into 4.2-trunk
email could be multipart already before calling AddAttachmentsFromHeaders
keep attachments in session since it's just a dryrun
fix mail structure if HTML templates in use thanks to cloos++
abstract date parse by Time::ParseDate into ParseByTimeParseDate
import sla extension
use SLA column in Tickets table instead of a custom field
allow to disable SLA for some queues
set default SLA in ticket create stage directly
enhance date parse with DateTime::Format::Natural
update doc/config and move it to RT_Config.pm
upgrade-sla script to migrate old data used in SLA extension
upgrading note for core SLA
warn if we still have SLA extension enabled
better name of SLA conditions/actions/scrips
SLA tests
fix operator precedence because "&&" binds tighter than "="
new version of tabs lib uses option "active" instead of "selected"
fix operator precedence because "&&" binds tighter than "="
we changed to %.2f for hour display in f7ddacfc, update tests accordingly
check container's existance before calling it
put config set in "use RT::Test ..." to make fastcgi tests happy
ajaxify the function of attachments deletion
create 'General' class by default
initial dropzone file uploader support
document FTS setup in README to encourage people to use it
fix uninitialized warning in case $Default is undef
initial sla cookbook
Merge branch '4.4/ticket-timer-fixes'
the cf chosen's width is 20em, which is not good as a general width
use chosen for "Add Columns" select box
move /User/Prefs.html to /Prefs/AboutMe.html for consistency, and redirect old /User/Prefs.html & deprecate it
allow to attach existing attachments from the whole ticket
show more info about attachments in case there are duplicated names
take care of attachments that use external storage
ajaxify format updates in ticket search
enlarge "Show Columns" box size, 4 was too small
SortOrder column for queue
handle large size in search format
link queue name to active tickets search on ticket display page
Merge branch '4.2/apache-2.4' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/email-attachments' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/shred-notxn-users' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.2/transaction-columnmap' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.4/datetime-in-box'
show compressed ipv6, which is shorter and more clear
bump HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables to latest version(0.06)
remove 4.4 deprecations
drop Group's Type column
value 0 should be respected
Merge branch '4.0-trunk' into 4.2-trunk
Merge branch '4.2-trunk'
find_expired_rows has been deprecated, use find_disabled_rows instead
pre-define "Content" cf for articles
fix WebPath for dropzone helper urls
fix WebPath for BuildFormatString helper url
use set_fixed_time time to make sure time is accurate
SLA is not common enough to enable by default
alert when SLA is enabled but %ServiceAgreements is not set
new option HideUnsetFieldsOnDisplay
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