[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/compress-ipv6, created. rt-4.2.11-237-gfdd4ca8
? sunnavy
sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Fri Oct 9 12:41:57 EDT 2015
The branch, 4.4/compress-ipv6 has been created
at fdd4ca845d3b624c9ea0b01de8a5cfaf2c3add50 (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit fdd4ca845d3b624c9ea0b01de8a5cfaf2c3add50
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date: Sat Oct 10 00:34:57 2015 +0800
show compressed ipv6, which is shorter and more clear
diff --git a/lib/RT/ObjectCustomFieldValue.pm b/lib/RT/ObjectCustomFieldValue.pm
index 92a0e02..4579a38 100644
--- a/lib/RT/ObjectCustomFieldValue.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/ObjectCustomFieldValue.pm
@@ -228,9 +228,13 @@ sub Content {
|| $self->CustomFieldObj->Type eq 'IPAddressRange' )
+ require Net::IP;
if ( $content =~ /^\s*($re_ip_serialized)\s*$/o ) {
$content = sprintf "%d.%d.%d.%d", split /\./, $1;
+ if ( $content =~ /^\s*($IPv6_re)\s*$/o ) {
+ $content = Net::IP::ip_compress_address($1, 6);
+ }
return $content if $self->CustomFieldObj->Type eq 'IPAddress';
@@ -245,7 +249,7 @@ sub Content {
elsif ( $large_content =~ /^\s*($IPv6_re)\s*$/o ) {
- my $eIP = $1;
+ my $eIP = Net::IP::ip_compress_address($1, 6);
if ( $content eq $eIP ) {
return $content;
diff --git a/sbin/rt-test-dependencies.in b/sbin/rt-test-dependencies.in
index b16bae3..210dbec 100644
--- a/sbin/rt-test-dependencies.in
+++ b/sbin/rt-test-dependencies.in
@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ MIME::Entity 5.504
Module::Refresh 0.03
Module::Versions::Report 1.05
Plack 1.0002
diff --git a/t/customfields/iprangev6.t b/t/customfields/iprangev6.t
index 445df33..896be52 100644
--- a/t/customfields/iprangev6.t
+++ b/t/customfields/iprangev6.t
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ diag "check that CF applies to queue General" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
my %valid = (
'abcd:' x 7 . 'abcd' => 'abcd:' x 7 . 'abcd',
- '034:' x 7 . '034' => '0034:' x 7 . '0034',
- 'abcd::' => 'abcd:' . '0000:' x 6 . '0000',
- '::abcd' => '0000:' x 7 . 'abcd',
- 'abcd::034' => 'abcd:' . '0000:' x 6 . '0034',
- 'abcd::' => 'abcd:' . '0000:' x 5 . 'c0a8:0101',
- '::' => '0000:' x 6 . 'c0a8:0101',
- '::' => '0000:' x 7 . '0000',
+ '034:' x 7 . '034' => '34:' x 7 . '34',
+ 'abcd::' => 'abcd::',
+ '::abcd' => '::abcd',
+ 'abcd::034' => 'abcd::34',
+ 'abcd::' => 'abcd::c0a8:101',
+ '::' => '::c0a8:101',
+ '::' => '::',
diag "create a ticket via web and set IP" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ diag "create a ticket via web with CIDR" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
ok( $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket' );
'correct value'
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ diag "create a ticket and edit IP field using Edit page" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}
"Followed 'Basics' link" );
is( $agent->value($cf_field), $val, 'IP is in input box' );
- $val = 'abcd' . ':0000' x 7 . '-' . 'abcd' . ':ffff' x 7;
+ $val = 'abcd::' . '-' . 'abcd' . ':ffff' x 7;
$agent->field( $cf_field => 'abcd::/16' );
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ diag "create a ticket and edit IP field using Edit page" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'}
"Followed 'Basics' link" );
is( $agent->value($cf_field), $val, 'IP is in input box' );
- $val = 'bb00' . ':0000' x 7 . '-' . 'bbff' . ':ffff' x 7;
+ $val = 'bb::' . '-' . 'bbff' . ':ffff' x 7;
$agent->field( $cf_field => $val );
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ diag "search tickets by IP" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
ok( $tickets->Count, "found tickets" );
'correct value'
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ diag "search tickets by IP range" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
'correct value'
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@ diag "create two tickets with different IPs and check several searches" if $ENV{
ok $agent->goto_create_ticket($q), "go to create ticket";
my $cf_field = "Object-RT::Ticket--CustomField-$cf_id-Values";
- my $first_ip = 'cbcd' . ':0000' x 7;
- my $second_ip = 'cbdd' . ':0000' x 7;
+ my $first_ip = 'cbcd::';
+ my $second_ip = 'cbdd::';
form_name => 'TicketCreate',
fields => {
diff --git a/t/customfields/ipv6.t b/t/customfields/ipv6.t
index 24f7c2a..d1bca36 100644
--- a/t/customfields/ipv6.t
+++ b/t/customfields/ipv6.t
@@ -45,13 +45,14 @@ diag "check that CF applies to queue General" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
my %valid = (
'abcd:' x 7 . 'abcd' => 'abcd:' x 7 . 'abcd',
- '034:' x 7 . '034' => '0034:' x 7 . '0034',
- 'abcd::' => 'abcd:' . '0000:' x 6 . '0000',
- '::abcd' => '0000:' x 7 . 'abcd',
- 'abcd::034' => 'abcd:' . '0000:' x 6 . '0034',
- 'abcd::' => 'abcd:' . '0000:' x 5 . 'c0a8:0101',
- '::' => '0000:' x 6 . 'c0a8:0101',
- '::' => '0000:' x 7 . '0000',
+ '034:' x 7 . '034' => '34:' x 7 . '34',
+ 'abcd::' => 'abcd::',
+ '::abcd' => '::abcd',
+ 'abcd::034' => 'abcd::34',
+ 'abcd::' => 'abcd::c0a8:101',
+ '::' => '::c0a8:101',
+ '::' => '::',
+ '034:' x 7 . '034' => '34:'x7 . '34',
diag "create a ticket via web and set IP" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
@@ -117,7 +118,6 @@ diag "create a ticket and edit IP field using Edit page"
diag "set IP with spaces around" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
my $new_ip = '::3141';
- my $new_value = '0000:' x 7 . '3141';
$agent->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Basics', n => "1" },
"Followed 'Basics' link" );
@@ -126,12 +126,12 @@ diag "create a ticket and edit IP field using Edit page"
$agent->field( $cf_field => $new_ip );
- $agent->content_contains( $new_value, "IP on the page" );
+ $agent->content_contains( $new_ip, "IP on the page" );
$ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
ok( $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket' );
- is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('IP'), $new_value, 'correct value' );
+ is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('IP'), $new_ip, 'correct value' );
diag "check that we parse correct IPs only" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
@@ -191,23 +191,19 @@ diag "create two tickets with different IPs and check several searches"
$tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
$tickets->FromSQL("(id = $id1 OR id = $id2) AND CF.{IP} = 'abcd::'");
is( $tickets->Count, 1, "found one ticket" );
- is( $tickets->First->FirstCustomFieldValue('IP'),
- 'abcd' . ':0000' x 7, "correct value" );
+ is( $tickets->First->FirstCustomFieldValue('IP'), 'abcd::', "correct value" );
$tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
$tickets->FromSQL("(id = $id1 OR id = $id2) AND CF.{IP} = 'bbcd::'");
is( $tickets->Count, 1, "found one ticket" );
- is( $tickets->First->FirstCustomFieldValue('IP'),
- 'bbcd' . ':0000' x 7, "correct value" );
+ is( $tickets->First->FirstCustomFieldValue('IP'), 'bbcd::', "correct value" );
$tickets->FromSQL("(id = $id1 OR id = $id2) AND CF.{IP} <= 'abcd::'");
is( $tickets->Count, 1, "found one ticket" );
- is( $tickets->First->FirstCustomFieldValue('IP'),
- 'abcd' . ':0000' x 7, "correct value" );
+ is( $tickets->First->FirstCustomFieldValue('IP'), 'abcd::', "correct value" );
$tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
$tickets->FromSQL("(id = $id1 OR id = $id2) AND CF.{IP} >= 'bbcd::'");
is( $tickets->Count, 1, "found one ticket" );
- is( $tickets->First->FirstCustomFieldValue('IP'),
- 'bbcd' . ':0000' x 7, "correct value" );
+ is( $tickets->First->FirstCustomFieldValue('IP'), 'bbcd::', "correct value" );
$tickets->FromSQL("(id = $id1 OR id = $id2) AND CF.{IP} > 'bbcd::'");
is( $tickets->Count, 0, "no tickets found" );
@@ -217,12 +213,12 @@ diag "create two tickets with different IPs and check several searches"
$tickets->FromSQL("(id = $id1 OR id = $id2) AND CF.{IP} < 'bbcd::'");
is( $tickets->Count, 1, "found one ticket" );
is( $tickets->First->FirstCustomFieldValue('IP'),
- 'abcd' . ':0000' x 7, "correct value" );
+ 'abcd::', "correct value" );
$tickets->FromSQL("(id = $id1 OR id = $id2) AND CF.{IP} > 'abcd::'");
is( $tickets->Count, 1, "found one ticket" );
is( $tickets->First->FirstCustomFieldValue('IP'),
- 'bbcd' . ':0000' x 7, "correct value" );
+ 'bbcd::', "correct value" );
diag "create a ticket with an IP of abcd:23:: and search for doesn't match 'abcd:23'."
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