[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/use-status-active, repushed
Shawn Moore
shawn at bestpractical.com
Wed Feb 24 13:43:44 EST 2016
The branch 4.4/use-status-active was deleted and repushed:
was ab1d6c9fa41d3b555cf3cc41eb7debb397644af1
now 170cefb09805403c952136b5015edead57c879b0
1: 41a3ff6 = 1: b215972 Fix variable name in ShowQueue
2: b583a58 = 2: 0890b14 Use Status = '__Active__' for ShowQueue
3: 458b250 = 3: df1699d Use queue name rather than queue id in ShowQueue search link
4: f8f5327 = 4: e9dcc3e Use Status = '__Active__' for queuelist links
5: f267247 = 5: 560fe2f This syntax highlighting hint is no longer relevant
6: ebd3a98 = 6: e911991 Use Status = '__Active__' for queuelist report query
7: d255389 = 7: 2513da7 Use Status = '__Active__' for ExtendedStatus dependency search link
8: d254b91 = 8: a1aa7e3 Use Status = '__Active__' for Assets->Ticket search
9: a2a6e9c ! 9: 2d20155 Use Status = '__Active__' for simple search status:active
@@ -18,3 +18,21 @@
return 'status';
} else {
+diff --git a/t/web/simple_search.t b/t/web/simple_search.t
+--- a/t/web/simple_search.t
++++ b/t/web/simple_search.t
+ is $parser->QueryToSQL('owner:root at localhost'), "( Owner.EmailAddress = 'root\@localhost' ) AND $active", "Email address as owner";
+ is $parser->QueryToSQL("resolved me"), "( Owner.id = '__CurrentUser__' ) AND ( Status = 'resolved' )", "correct parsing";
+- is $parser->QueryToSQL("resolved active me"), "( Owner.id = '__CurrentUser__' ) AND ( Status = 'resolved' OR Status = 'new' OR Status = 'open' OR Status = 'stalled' )", "correct parsing";
+- is $parser->QueryToSQL("status:active"), $active, "Explicit active search";
++ is $parser->QueryToSQL("resolved active me"), "( Owner.id = '__CurrentUser__' ) AND ( Status = 'resolved' OR Status = '__Active__' )", "correct parsing";
++ is $parser->QueryToSQL("status:active"), "( Status = '__Active__' )", "Explicit active search";
+ is $parser->QueryToSQL("status:'active'"), "( Status = 'active' )", "Quoting active makes it the actual word";
+- is $parser->QueryToSQL("inactive me"), "( Owner.id = '__CurrentUser__' ) AND $inactive", "correct parsing";
++ is $parser->QueryToSQL("inactive me"), "( Owner.id = '__CurrentUser__' ) AND ( Status = '__Inactive__' )", "correct parsing";
+ is $parser->QueryToSQL("cf.Foo:bar"), "( 'CF.{Foo}' LIKE 'bar' ) AND $active", "correct parsing of CFs";
+ is $parser->QueryToSQL(q{cf."don't foo?":'bar n\\' baz'}), qq/( 'CF.{don\\'t foo?}' LIKE 'bar n\\' baz' ) AND $active/, "correct parsing of CFs with quotes";
10: efa9852 < --: ------- Use Status = '__Active__' for OnlySearchActiveTicketsInSimpleSearch
--: ------- > 10: 81b07c7 Use Status = '__Active__' for OnlySearchActiveTicketsInSimpleSearch
11: eb3a9c5 ! 11: 0e57970 Use Status = '__Active__' for self service queries
@@ -25,8 +25,12 @@
-if ( @status ) {
- @status = map {s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; "Status = '$_'"} @status;
- $Query .= " AND ( " . join(' OR ', @status ) . " )";
-+$Query .= " AND Status = '$status'" if $status;
++if ($status) {
++ $status =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
++ $Query .= " AND Status = '$status'";
+ }
my $Format = RT->Config->Get('DefaultSelfServiceSearchResultFormat');
12: 44ad735 = 12: 276567f Use Status = '__Active__' for requestor ticket lists
13: d84afa6 = 13: ced56fb Use Status = '__Active__' for user ticket portlets
14: ab1d6c9 = 14: 170cefb Use Status = '__Active__' for reminders
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