[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/dashboard-language, repushed

Shawn Moore shawn at bestpractical.com
Fri May 13 13:38:33 EDT 2016

The branch 4.4/dashboard-language was deleted and repushed:
       was 01ec29904b891bbaf5617921a1ce784cab40f6a4
       now 9e7da569747c0d635467460888645d83c56894cc

1:  c7e5608 ! 1:  415264d Add language selector for dashboard subscriptions
    @@ -1,6 +1,46 @@
     Author: Shawn M Moore <shawn at bestpractical.com>
         Add language selector for dashboard subscriptions
    +diff --git a/lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm b/lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm
    +--- a/lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm
    ++++ b/lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm
    +             my $recipients_groups = $recipients->{Groups};
    +             my @emails;
    ++            my %recipient_language;
    +             # add users' emails to email list
    +             for my $user_id (@{ $recipients_users || [] }) {
    +                 next unless $user->id;
    +                 push @emails, $user->EmailAddress;
    ++                $recipient_language{$user->EmailAddress} = $user->Lang;
    +             }
    +             # add emails for every group's members
    +                 my $users = $group->UserMembersObj;
    +                 while (my $user = $users->Next) {
    +                     push @emails, $user->EmailAddress;
    ++                    $recipient_language{$user->EmailAddress} = $user->Lang;
    +                 }
    +             }
    +             my $email_success = 0;
    +             for my $email (uniq @emails) {
    +                 eval {
    ++                    my $lang = $subscription->SubValue('Language')
    ++                            || $recipient_language{$email}
    ++                            || 'en';
    ++                    $currentuser->{'LangHandle'} = RT::I18N->get_handle($lang);
    +                     $self->SendDashboard(
    +                         %args,
    +                         CurrentUser  => $currentuser,
     diff --git a/share/html/Dashboards/Render.html b/share/html/Dashboards/Render.html
     --- a/share/html/Dashboards/Render.html
    @@ -119,7 +159,7 @@
     -    Time    => $good_time,
     -    Subject =>  "[example.com] a Monthly b Testing! c\n",
     +    Time       => $good_time,
    -+    Subject    => "[example.com] a Monthly b Testing! c\n",
    ++    Subject    => "[example.com] a Mensuel b Testing! c\n",
     +    BodyLike   => qr/Mes tableaux de bord/,
     +    BodyUnlike => qr/My dashboards/,
2:  1c4e3cf < -:  ------- Use the recipient's language for email dashboards, not subscriber's
3:  01ec299 ! 2:  9e7da56 Add config option EmailDashboardLanguageOrder
    @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     Author: Shawn M Moore <shawn at bestpractical.com>
    -    Add config for EmailDashboardLanguage
    +    Add config option EmailDashboardLanguageOrder
     diff --git a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
     --- a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
    @@ -9,59 +9,107 @@
      Set(@EmailDashboardRemove, ());
    -+=item C<$EmailDashboardLanguage>
    ++=item C<@EmailDashboardLanguageOrder>
    -+Lets you set the default language for dashboard emails. Individual
    -+subscriptions can override this value by explicitly selecting a language on the
    -+dashboard subscribe page. If this config has no value (the default), then each
    -+recipient's configured language will be used.
    ++A list that specifies which language to use for dashboard subscription email.
    ++There are several special keys:
    ++* _subscription: the language chosen on the dashboard subscription page
    ++* _recipient: the recipient's language, as chosen on their "About Me" page
    ++* _subscriber: the subscriber's language, as chosen on their "About Me" page
    ++The first key that produces a value is used for the email. Be aware that users
    ++may not actually have a language set on their "About Me" page, since RT falls
    ++back to the language their web browser specifies (and of course in a scheduled
    ++email dashboard, there is no web browser).
    ++You may also include a specific language as a fallback when there is no
    ++language specified otherwise. Using a specific language never fails to produce
    ++a value, so subsequent values in the list will never be considered.
    ++By default, RT examines the subscription, then the recipient, then subscriber,
    ++then finally falls back to English.
    ++See also L</@LexiconLanguages>.
    -+# Set($EmailDashboardLanguage, "fr");
    ++Set(@EmailDashboardLanguageOrder, qw(_subscription _recipient _subscriber en));
    +diff --git a/lib/RT/Config.pm b/lib/RT/Config.pm
    +--- a/lib/RT/Config.pm
    ++++ b/lib/RT/Config.pm
    +     },
    +     GnuPGOptions => { Type => 'HASH' },
    +     ReferrerWhitelist => { Type => 'ARRAY' },
    ++    EmailDashboardLanguageOrder  => { Type => 'ARRAY' },
    +     WebPath => {
    +         PostLoadCheck => sub {
    +             my $self  = shift;
     diff --git a/lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm b/lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm
     --- a/lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm
     +++ b/lib/RT/Dashboard/Mailer.pm
    -                 }
    -             }
    +         my $currentuser = RT::CurrentUser->new;
    +         $currentuser->LoadByName($user->Name);
    -+            my $lang;
    -+            if ($lang = $subscription->SubValue('Language')) {
    -+                $RT::Logger->debug("Using subscription's preferred language $lang");
    -+            }
    -+            elsif ($lang = RT->Config->Get('EmailDashboardLanguage')) {
    -+                $RT::Logger->debug("Using RT's preferred language $lang");
    -+            }
    -+            else {
    -+                $RT::Logger->debug("Using each user's preferred language");
    -+            }
    ++        my $subscriber_lang = $user->Lang;
    +         # look through this user's subscriptions, are any supposed to be generated
    +         # right now?
    +         for my $subscription ($user->Attributes->Named('Subscription')) {
                  my $email_success = 0;
                  for my $email (uniq @emails) {
                      eval {
    -                     my $currentuser = RT::CurrentUser->new;
    -                     $currentuser->LoadByEmail($email);
    +-                    my $lang = $subscription->SubValue('Language')
    +-                            || $recipient_language{$email}
    +-                            || 'en';
    ++                    my $lang;
    ++                    for my $langkey (RT->Config->Get('EmailDashboardLanguageOrder')) {
    ++                        if ($langkey eq '_subscription') {
    ++                            if ($lang = $subscription->SubValue('Language')) {
    ++                                $RT::Logger->debug("Using subscription's specified language '$lang'");
    ++                                last;
    ++                            }
    ++                        }
    ++                        elsif ($langkey eq '_recipient') {
    ++                            if ($lang = $recipient_language{$email}) {
    ++                                $RT::Logger->debug("Using recipient's preferred language '$lang'");
    ++                                last;
    ++                            }
    ++                        }
    ++                        elsif ($langkey eq '_subscriber') {
    ++                            if ($lang = $subscriber_lang) {
    ++                                $RT::Logger->debug("Using subscriber's preferred language '$lang'");
    ++                                last;
    ++                            }
    ++                        }
    ++                        else { # specific language name
    ++                            $lang = $langkey;
    ++                            $RT::Logger->debug("Using EmailDashboardLanguageOrder fallback language '$lang'");
    ++                            last;
    ++                        }
    ++                    }
    ++                    # use English as the absolute fallback. Though the config
    ++                    # lets you specify a site-specific fallback, it also lets
    ++                    # you not specify a fallback, and we don't want to
    ++                    # accidentally reuse whatever language the previous
    ++                    # recipient happened to have
    ++                    if (!$lang) {
    ++                        $RT::Logger->debug("Using RT's fallback language 'en'. You may specify a different fallback language in your config with EmailDashboardLanguageOrder.");
    ++                        $lang = 'en';
    ++                    }
    --                    if (my $lang = $subscription->SubValue('Language')) {
    -+                    if ($lang) {
    -                         $currentuser->{'LangHandle'} = RT::I18N->get_handle($lang);
    -                     }
    +                     $currentuser->{'LangHandle'} = RT::I18N->get_handle($lang);
    -         $currentuser->loc($frequency_display),
    -         $dashboard->Name;
    -+    $RT::Logger->debug("Localized subject: $subject");
    -     my $entity = $self->BuildEmail(
    -         %args,
    -         To      => $email,
     diff --git a/t/mail/dashboards.t b/t/mail/dashboards.t
     --- a/t/mail/dashboards.t
    @@ -70,7 +118,7 @@
      RT->Config->Set('EmailDashboardRemove' => ());
    -+RT->Config->Set('EmailDashboardLanguage' => 'fr');
    ++RT->Config->Set('EmailDashboardLanguageOrder' => qw(_subscription _recipient _subscriber fr));
      RT->Config->Set('DashboardAddress' => 'root');
      ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;

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