[Rt-commit] [rtir] 01/03: update constituency basics test to support constituencies rewrite in RTIR 3.4
Dustin Graves
dustin at bestpractical.com
Fri May 13 19:11:33 EDT 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dustin pushed a commit to branch 3.4/rewrite-constituency-tests
in repository rtir.
commit 5c2be4f76d6eb92a2cf2e0bb94e6cd30a63f4302
Author: Dustin Graves <dustin at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri May 13 23:06:54 2016 +0000
update constituency basics test to support constituencies rewrite in RTIR 3.4
t/constituency/basics.t | 261 ++++++++++++------------------------------------
1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 197 deletions(-)
diff --git a/t/constituency/basics.t b/t/constituency/basics.t
index c309df8..03a5abb 100644
--- a/t/constituency/basics.t
+++ b/t/constituency/basics.t
@@ -1,108 +1,49 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More skip_all => 'constituencies being rebuilt';
use RT::IR::Test tests => undef;
my ($baseurl) = RT::Test->started_ok;
my $agent = default_agent();
+my $rtir_user = RT::CurrentUser->new( rtir_user() );
my $cf;
diag "load and check basic properties of the CF" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $cfs = RT::CustomFields->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $cfs->Limit( FIELD => 'Name', VALUE => 'Constituency', CASESENSITIVE => 0 );
+ my $cfs = RT::CustomFields->new( RT->SystemUser );
+ $cfs->Limit( FIELD => 'Name', VALUE => 'RTIR Constituency', CASESENSITIVE => 0 );
is( $cfs->Count, 1, "found one CF with name 'Constituency'" );
$cf = $cfs->First;
is( $cf->Type, 'Select', 'type check' );
- is( $cf->LookupType, 'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket', 'lookup type check' );
+ is( $cf->LookupType, 'RT::Queue', 'lookup type check' );
is( $cf->MaxValues, 1, "single value" );
ok( !$cf->Disabled, "not disabled" );
diag "check that CF applies to all RTIR's queues" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- foreach ( 'Incidents', 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations', 'Blocks' ) {
- my $queue = RT::Queue->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $queue->Load( $_ );
- ok( $queue->id, 'loaded queue '. $_ );
- my $cfs = $queue->TicketCustomFields;
+ my $queues = RT::Queues->new( RT->SystemUser );
+ $queues->Limit(
+ FIELD => 'Lifecycle',
+ VALUE => [RT::IR->Lifecycles],
+ );
+ while ( my $queue = $queues->Next ) {
+ ok( $queue->id, 'loaded queue '. $queue->id );
+ my $cfs = $queue->CustomFields;
$cfs->Limit( FIELD => 'id', VALUE => $cf->id, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'AND' );
is( $cfs->Count, 1, 'field applies to queue' );
-my @constituencies;
-diag "fetch list of constituencies and check that groups exist" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+diag "create constituencies EDUNET and GOVNET" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- @constituencies = map $_->Name, @{ $cf->Values->ItemsArrayRef };
- ok( scalar @constituencies, "field has some predefined values" );
- foreach ( @constituencies ) {
- my $group = RT::Group->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $group->LoadUserDefinedGroup( 'DutyTeam '. $_ );
- ok( $group->id, "loaded group for $_ constituency" );
- }
-diag "check that there is no option to set 'no value' on create" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $default = RT->Config->Get('RTIR_CustomFieldsDefaults')->{'Constituency'};
- foreach my $queue( 'Incidents', 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations', 'Blocks' ) {
- diag "'$queue' queue" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- $agent->goto_create_rtir_ticket( $queue );
- my $value = $agent->form_number(3)->value("Object-RT::Ticket--CustomField-". $cf->id ."-Values");
- is lc $value, lc $default, 'correct value is selected';
- my @values = $agent->current_form->find_input("Object-RT::Ticket--CustomField-". $cf->id ."-Values")->possible_values;
- ok !grep( $_ eq '', @values ), 'have no empty value for selection';
- }
-diag "create a ticket via web and set field" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- # we skip blocks here, as they are always connected to
- # an incident and constituency inheritance comes into game
- foreach my $queue( 'Incidents', 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations' ) {
- diag "create a ticket in the '$queue' queue" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $val = 'GOVNET';
- my $id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- $queue,
- { Subject => "test ip" },
- { Constituency => $val },
- );
- $agent->display_ticket( $id);
- $agent->content_like( qr/\Q$val/, "value on the page" );
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $id );
- ok( $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket' );
- is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'), $val, 'correct value' );
-diag "check that we can edit value" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- $agent->follow_link( text => 'Edit' );
- $agent->content_like(qr/Constituency/, 'CF on the page');
- my $value = $agent->form_number(3)->value("Object-RT::Ticket-$id-CustomField-". $cf->id ."-Values");
- is lc $value, 'govnet', 'correct value is selected';
- $val = 'EDUNET';
- $agent->select("Object-RT::Ticket-$id-CustomField-". $cf->id ."-Values" => $val );
- $agent->click('SaveChanges');
- $agent->content_like(qr/Constituency .* changed to \Q$val/mi, 'field is changed') or diag $agent->content;
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $id );
- ok( $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket' );
- is( lc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'), lc $val, 'correct value' );
+ for my $constituency_name ( qw(EDUNET GOVNET) ) {
+ ok !system("bin/add_constituency --quiet --force --name $constituency_name 2>&1"), "add_constituency $constituency_name ran successfully";
@@ -112,79 +53,27 @@ ok $eduhandler->id, "Created eduhandler";
my $govhandler = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'govhandler', Password => 'govhandler' );
ok $govhandler->id, "Created govhandler";
-my $ir_queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue(
- Name => 'Incident Reports',
-ok $ir_queue->id, "loaded or created queue";
-ok( RT::Test->add_rights(
- { Principal => 'Privileged', Right => [qw(ModifyCustomField SeeCustomField)], },
-), 'set rights');
-foreach my $name('Incident Reports', 'Incidents', 'Investigations', 'Blocks' ) {
- my $queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue(
- Name => "$name",
- CorrespondAddress => 'rt at example.com',
- );
- ok $queue->id, "loaded or created queue";
- ok( RT::Test->add_rights(
- { Principal => $eduhandler, Object => $queue, Right => [qw(SeeQueue CreateTicket)] },
- { Principal => $govhandler, Object => $queue, Right => [qw(SeeQueue CreateTicket)] },
- ), 'set rights');
- $queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue(
- Name => "$name - EDUNET",
- CorrespondAddress => 'edunet at example.com',
- );
- ok $queue->id, "loaded or created queue";
- ok( RT::Test->add_rights(
- { Principal => $eduhandler, Object => $queue, Right => [qw(ShowTicket CreateTicket OwnTicket)] },
- ), 'set rights');
- ok($queue->HasRight(Principal => $eduhandler, Right => 'ShowTicket'), "eduhnadler can see edutix");
- ok(!$queue->HasRight(Principal => $govhandler, Right => 'ShowTicket'), "govhnadler can not see edutix");
- $queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue(
- Name => "$name - GOVNET",
- CorrespondAddress => 'govnet at example.com',
- );
- ok $queue->id, "loaded or created queue";
- ok( RT::Test->add_rights(
- { Principal => $govhandler, Object => $queue, Right => [qw(ShowTicket CreateTicket OwnTicket)] },
- ), 'set rights');
- ok(!$queue->HasRight(Principal => $eduhandler, Right => 'ShowTicket'), "eduhnadler can not see edutix");
- ok($queue->HasRight(Principal => $govhandler, Right => 'ShowTicket'), "govhnadler can see edutix");
+my $edugroup = RT::Group->new( RT->SystemUser );
+$edugroup->LoadUserDefinedGroup('DutyTeam EDUNET');
+$edugroup->AddMember( $eduhandler->PrincipalId );
+$edugroup->AddMember( $rtir_user->PrincipalId );
-diag "Create an incident report with a default constituency of EDUNET" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+my $govgroup = RT::Group->new( RT->SystemUser );
+$govgroup->LoadUserDefinedGroup('DutyTeam GOVNET');
+$govgroup->AddMember( $govhandler->PrincipalId );
+$govgroup->AddMember( $rtir_user->PrincipalId );
+diag "Create an incident report in the EDUNET queue" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $val = 'EDUNET';
- my $ir_id = $agent->create_ir(
- { Subject => "test" }, { Constituency => $val }
- );
- ok( $ir_id, "created IR #$ir_id" );
- $agent->display_ticket( $ir_id);
- $agent->content_like(qr/EDUNET/, "It was created by edunet");
+my $ir_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok( 'Incident Reports - EDUNET', {
+ Subject => "test"
+ok( $ir_id, "created IR #$ir_id" );
+$agent->display_ticket( $ir_id);
+$agent->content_like(qr/EDUNET/, "It was created by edunet");
-diag "autoreply comes from the EDUNET queue address" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
-my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new(RT->SystemUser);
-$ticket->AddWatcher(Type => 'Requestor', Email => 'enduser at example.com');
-$ticket->Correspond(Content => 'Testing');
-my $txns = $ticket->Transactions;
-$txns->Limit( FIELD => 'Type', VALUE => 'EmailRecord' );
-ok $txns->Count, 'we have at least one email record';
-my $from_ok = 1;
-while ( my $txn = $txns->Next ) {
- my $from = $txn->Attachments->First->GetHeader('From');
- next if $from =~ /edunet/;
- $from_ok = 0;
- last;
-ok $from_ok, "The from address picked up the edunet address";
diag "govhandler can't see the incident report" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
my $ticket_as_gov = RT::Ticket->new($govhandler);
@@ -198,20 +87,24 @@ $ticket_as_edu->Load($ir_id);
is($ticket_as_edu->Subject, 'test', "As the edu handler, I can see the ticket");
diag "move the incident report from EDUNET to GOVNET" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$agent->display_ticket( $ir_id);
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Edit'}, "go to Edit page");
- ok($agent->set_custom_field( 'Incident Reports', Constituency => 'GOVNET' ), "fill value in the form");
+ my $ir_govnet = RT::Queue->new( RT->SystemUser );
+ $ir_govnet->Load( 'Incident Reports - GOVNET' );
+ $agent->set_fields(
+ Queue => $ir_govnet->id,
+ );
is( $agent->status, 200, "Attempting to edit ticket #$ir_id" );
$agent->content_like( qr/GOVNET/, "value on the page" );
- $RT::IR::ConstituencyCache{$ir_id} = undef;
diag "govhandler can see the incident report" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
@@ -220,87 +113,61 @@ $ticket_as_gov->Load($ir_id);
is($ticket_as_gov->Subject, 'test',"As the gov handler, I can see the ticket");
diag "eduhandler can't see the incident report" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
$ticket_as_edu = RT::Ticket->new($eduhandler);
is($ticket_as_edu->Subject,undef , "As the edu handler, I can not see the ticket");
-diag "govhandler replies to the incident report" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
-$ticket_as_gov->Correspond(Content => 'Testing 2');
-diag "reply comes from the GOVNET queue address" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
-my $txns = $ticket->Transactions;
-my $from;
-while (my $txn = $txns->Next) {
- next unless ($txn->Type eq 'EmailRecord');
- $from = $txn->Attachments->First->GetHeader('From');
-ok($from =~ /govnet/, "The from address pciked up the gov address");
+my $edunet_suffix = ' - EDUNET';
+my $govnet_suffix = ' - GOVNET';
-diag "check defaults";
+diag "check queues names on page - eduhandler";
$agent->login('eduhandler', 'eduhandler', logout => 1 );
- my $ir_id = $agent->create_ir(
- { Subject => "test" },
- );
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
- $ticket->Load($ir_id);
- is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'), 'EDUNET', 'correct value' );
+ for my $queue_name ('Incident Reports', 'Incidents', 'Blocks', 'Investigations') {
+ $agent->content_contains($queue_name . $edunet_suffix);
+ $agent->content_lacks($queue_name . $govnet_suffix);
+ }
-diag "check defaults";
+diag "check queue names on page - govhandler";
$agent->login('govhandler', 'govhandler', logout => 1);
- my $ir_id = $agent->create_ir(
- { Subject => "test" },
- );
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
- $ticket->Load($ir_id);
- is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'), 'GOVNET', 'correct value' );
+ for my $queue_name ('Incident Reports', 'Incidents', 'Blocks', 'Investigations') {
+ $agent->content_lacks($queue_name . $edunet_suffix);
+ $agent->content_contains($queue_name . $govnet_suffix);
+ }
-diag "check defaults when creating inc with inv";
+diag "check queues when creating inc with inv - govhandler";
$agent->login('govhandler', 'govhandler', logout => 1);
my ($inc_id, $inv_id) = $agent->create_incident_and_investigation('GOVNET',
- Subject => "Incident",
+ Subject => "Incident",
InvestigationSubject => "Investigation",
InvestigationRequestors => 'requestor at example.com',
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
- $ticket->Load($inc_id);
- is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'), 'GOVNET', 'correct value' );
- } {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
- $ticket->Load($inv_id);
- is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'), 'GOVNET', 'correct value' );
- }
+ $agent->content_contains('Incidents'.$govnet_suffix);
+ $agent->content_contains('Investigations'.$govnet_suffix);
-diag "check defaults when creating inc with inv";
+diag "check queues when creating inc with inv - eduhandler";
$agent->login('eduhandler', 'eduhandler', logout => 1);
my ($inc_id, $inv_id) = $agent->create_incident_and_investigation('EDUNET',
- Subject => "Incident",
+ Subject => "Incident",
InvestigationSubject => "Investigation",
InvestigationRequestors => 'requestor at example.com',
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
- $ticket->Load($inc_id);
- is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'), 'EDUNET', 'correct value' );
- } {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
- $ticket->Load($inv_id);
- is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'), 'EDUNET', 'correct value' );
- }
+ $agent->content_contains('Incidents'.$edunet_suffix);
+ $agent->content_contains('Investigations'.$edunet_suffix);
undef $agent;
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