[Rt-commit] [rtir] 03/03: remove constituency propagation tests
Dustin Graves
dustin at bestpractical.com
Fri May 13 19:11:34 EDT 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dustin pushed a commit to branch 3.4/rewrite-constituency-tests
in repository rtir.
commit a36dc209abc61943a07aeb145bb7110010abd131
Author: Dustin Graves <dustin at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri May 13 23:10:22 2016 +0000
remove constituency propagation tests
this behavior is handled by the different queues available in the queue
dropdown, which will be in a js modal and cannot be tested by the
testing frameworks
t/constituency/propagation-inherit.t | 279 -------------------------------
t/constituency/propagation-no.t | 193 ----------------------
t/constituency/propagation-reject.t | 310 -----------------------------------
3 files changed, 782 deletions(-)
diff --git a/t/constituency/propagation-inherit.t b/t/constituency/propagation-inherit.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 6256b49..0000000
--- a/t/constituency/propagation-inherit.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More skip_all => 'constituencies being rebuilt';
-use RT::IR::Test tests => undef;
-RT->Config->Set('_RTIR_Constituency_Propagation' => 'inherit');
-my $cf;
-diag "load the field" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $cfs = RT::CustomFields->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $cfs->Limit( FIELD => 'Name', VALUE => 'Constituency', CASESENSITIVE => 0 );
- $cf = $cfs->First;
- ok $cf, 'have a field';
- ok $cf->id, 'with some ID';
-my $agent = default_agent();
-my $rtir_user = rtir_user();
-diag "create an IR with GOVNET constituency and create a new "
- . "incident for the IR, we want it to inherit by default"
- my $ir_id = $agent->create_ir(
- { Subject => "test" }, { Constituency => 'GOVNET' }
- );
- ok $ir_id, "created IR #$ir_id";
- $agent->display_ticket( $ir_id);
- my $inc_id = $agent->create_incident_for_ir(
- $ir_id, { Subject => "test" },
- );
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $inc_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
-diag "create an IR and check that we couldn't change constituency"
- ." value during creation of new linked incident" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- # create an IR
- my $ir_id = $agent->create_ir(
- { Subject => "test" }, { Constituency => 'GOVNET' }
- );
- ok $ir_id, "created ticket #$ir_id";
- $agent->display_ticket( $ir_id);
- $agent->content_like( qr/GOVNET/, "value on the page" );
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $ir_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->Name, 'Incident Reports', 'correct value';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'), 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
- # click [new] near 'incident', set another constituency and create
- $agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'New'}, "go to 'New Incident' page");
- $agent->form_number(3);
- my $form = $agent->form_number(3);
- ok $form->find_input( $form->value('Constituency'), 'hidden'), 'constituency field is hidden';
- $agent->click('CreateIncident');
- is $agent->status, 200, "Attempted to create the ticket";
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- # Incident has the same value
- my $inc_id = $agent->get_ticket_id();
- $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $inc_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->Name, 'Incidents', 'correct value';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
- # And the report too
- $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $ir_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->Name, 'Incident Reports', 'correct value';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
-diag "create an incident with EDUNET, then create children using Incident input field."
- . " incident's constituency is prefered even if another value's been selected"
- my $incident_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- 'Incidents',
- { Subject => "test" },
- { Constituency => 'EDUNET' },
- );
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'correct value';
- }
- foreach my $queue( 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations', 'Blocks' ) {
- diag "create a ticket in the '$queue' queue" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- $queue,
- {
- Subject => "test constituency",
- Incident => $incident_id,
- },
- { Constituency => 'GOVNET' },
- );
- $agent->display_ticket( $id);
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'value has been changed';
- } {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'incident still has the same value';
- }
- }
-diag "check that constituency propagates from a child to a parent after 'Edit', and back"
- foreach my $queue( 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations', 'Blocks' ) {
- diag "create an incident for linking" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $incident_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- 'Incidents', { Subject => "test" }, { Constituency => 'GOVNET' },
- );
- diag "create a ticket in the '$queue' queue" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $child_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- $queue,
- {
- Subject => "test constituency",
- Incident => $incident_id,
- },
- { Constituency => 'GOVNET' },
- );
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- diag "check that both have the same correct constituency" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
- } {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $child_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
- }
- diag "edit constituency on the child" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- $agent->display_ticket( $child_id);
- $agent->follow_link( text => 'Edit' );
- $agent->form_number(3);
- $agent->select("Object-RT::Ticket-$child_id-CustomField-". $cf->id ."-Values" => 'EDUNET' );
- $agent->click('SaveChanges');
- $agent->content_like(qr/Constituency .* changed to EDUNET/mi, 'field is changed');
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- diag "check that constituency propagates from the child to the parent" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $child_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'correct value';
- } {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', "incident's constituency has been changed";
- }
- diag "edit constituency on the incident" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- $agent->display_ticket( $incident_id);
- $agent->follow_link( text => 'Edit' );
- $agent->form_number(3);
- $agent->select("Object-RT::Ticket-$incident_id-CustomField-". $cf->id ."-Values" => 'GOVNET' );
- $agent->click('SaveChanges');
- $agent->content_like(qr/Constituency .* changed to GOVNET/mi, 'field is changed');
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- diag "check that constituency propagatesi from the parent to the child" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $child_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
- } {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', "incident's constituency has been changed";
- }
- }
-diag "check that constituency propagates from a child to a parent after 'Edit', and back"
- # can not test this for blocks as those require incident on create
- foreach my $queue( 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations' ) {
- diag "create an incident for linking" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $incident_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- 'Incidents', { Subject => "test" }, { Constituency => 'EDUNET' },
- );
- diag "create a ticket in the '$queue' queue" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $child_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- $queue,
- { Subject => "test constituency" },
- { Constituency => 'GOVNET' },
- );
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- diag "check that both have the same correct constituency" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'correct value';
- } {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $child_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
- }
- diag "link the child to parent" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- $agent->LinkChildToIncident( $child_id, $incident_id );
- diag "check that constituency propagates from parent to child on linking" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $child_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', "child's constituency has been changed";
- } {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'correct value';
- }
- }
-undef $agent;
diff --git a/t/constituency/propagation-no.t b/t/constituency/propagation-no.t
deleted file mode 100644
index defba31..0000000
--- a/t/constituency/propagation-no.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More skip_all => 'constituencies being rebuilt';
-use RT::IR::Test tests => undef;
-RT->Config->Set('_RTIR_Constituency_Propagation' => 'no');
-my $cf;
-diag "load the field" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $cfs = RT::CustomFields->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $cfs->Limit( FIELD => 'Name', VALUE => 'Constituency', CASESENSITIVE => 0 );
- $cf = $cfs->First;
- ok $cf, 'have a field';
- ok $cf->id, 'with some ID';
-my $agent = default_agent();
-my $rtir_user = rtir_user();
-diag "create an incident with EDUNET and then linked tickets with GOVNET,"
- . " constituency shouldn't propagate back to tickets"
- my $incident_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- 'Incidents',
- { Subject => "test" },
- { Constituency => 'EDUNET' },
- );
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'correct value';
- }
- foreach my $queue( 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations', 'Blocks' ) {
- diag "create a ticket in the '$queue' queue" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- $queue,
- {
- Subject => "test ip",
- Incident => $incident_id,
- },
- { Constituency => 'GOVNET' },
- );
- $agent->display_ticket( $id);
- $agent->content_like( qr/GOVNET/i, "value on the page" );
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
- } {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'incident still has the same value';
- }
-diag "check that if we edit value twice then incident's constituency is still the same"
- $agent->follow_link( text => 'Edit' );
- $agent->form_number(3);
- $agent->select("Object-RT::Ticket-$id-CustomField-". $cf->id ."-Values" => 'EDUNET' ) or diag $agent->content;
- $agent->click('SaveChanges');
- $agent->content_like(qr/Constituency .* changed to EDUNET/mi, 'field is changed');
- $agent->follow_link( text => 'Edit' );
- $agent->form_number(3);
- $agent->select("Object-RT::Ticket-$id-CustomField-". $cf->id ."-Values" => 'GOVNET' );
- $agent->click('SaveChanges');
- $agent->content_like(qr/Constituency .* changed to GOVNET/mi, 'field is changed');
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
- } {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'incident still has the same value';
- }
- }
-diag "create an IR with GOVNET constituency and create a new "
- . "incident for the IR, we want it to inherit"
- my $ir_id = $agent->create_ir(
- { Subject => "test" }, { Constituency => 'GOVNET' }
- );
- ok $ir_id, "created IR #$ir_id";
- $agent->display_ticket( $ir_id);
- my $inc_id = $agent->create_incident_for_ir(
- $ir_id, { Subject => "test" },
- );
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $inc_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
-diag "inheritance should be soft, so user can change constituency using ui"
- my $ir_id = $agent->create_ir(
- { Subject => "test" }, { Constituency => 'GOVNET' }
- );
- ok $ir_id, "created IR #$ir_id";
- $agent->display_ticket( $ir_id);
- my $inc_id = $agent->create_incident_for_ir(
- $ir_id, { Subject => "test" }, { Constituency => 'EDUNET' }
- );
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $inc_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'correct value';
-diag "create an incident under GOVNET and create a new IR "
- ."linked to the incident with different constituency"
- diag "first of all create the incident" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $inc_id = $agent->create_incident(
- { Subject => "test" }, { Constituency => 'GOVNET' }
- );
- ok( $inc_id, "created ticket #$inc_id" );
- $agent->display_ticket( $inc_id );
- $agent->content_like( qr/GOVNET/, "value on the page" );
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $inc_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
- }
- diag "then create the report" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $ir_id = $agent->create_ir(
- { Subject => "test", Incident => $inc_id }, { Constituency => 'EDUNET' },
- );
- $agent->ticket_is_linked_to_inc( $ir_id => $inc_id );
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $ir_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'correct value';
- } {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $inc_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
- }
-undef $agent;
diff --git a/t/constituency/propagation-reject.t b/t/constituency/propagation-reject.t
deleted file mode 100644
index d4605d7..0000000
--- a/t/constituency/propagation-reject.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More skip_all => 'constituencies being rebuilt';
-use RT::IR::Test tests => undef;
-RT->Config->Set('RTIR_StrictConstituencyLinking'=> 1);
-for my $constituency ('EDUNET','GOVNET') {
- my $path = RT::Plugin->new( name => 'RT::IR' )->Path( 'bin' ) . "/add_constituency";
- diag("running $path to set up EDUNET and GOVNET constituencies");
- my ($exit_code, $output) = RT::Test->run_and_capture(
- command => $path,
- name => $constituency,
- force => 1,
- quiet => 1,
- );
- ok(!$exit_code, "created constituency $constituency");
- diag "output: $output";
-my $cf;
-diag "load the field" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $cfs = RT::CustomFields->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $cfs->Limit( FIELD => 'Name', VALUE => 'RTIR Constituency', CASESENSITIVE => 0 );
- $cf = $cfs->First;
- ok $cf, 'have a field';
- ok $cf->id, 'with some ID';
-my $rtir_user = rtir_user();
-my $agent = default_agent();
-diag "create an IR with GOVNET constituency and create a new "
- . "incident for the IR, we want it to inherit by default"
- my $ir_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- 'Incident Reports - GOVNET',
- { Subject => "test" },
- );
- ok $ir_id, "created IR #$ir_id";
- $agent->display_ticket( $ir_id);
- my $inc_id = $agent->create_incident_for_ir(
- $ir_id, { Subject => "test" },
- );
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $inc_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->Name,
- 'Incidents - GOVNET', 'correct value';
-diag "create an IR and check that we couldn't change constituency"
- ." value during creation of new linked incident" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- # create an IR
- my $ir_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok('Incident Reports - GOVNET',
- { Subject => "test" },
- );
- ok $ir_id, "created ticket #$ir_id";
- $agent->display_ticket( $ir_id);
- $agent->content_like( qr/GOVNET/, "value on the page" );
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $ir_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->Name, 'Incident Reports - GOVNET', 'correct value';
- # click [new] near 'incident', set another constituency and create
- $agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'New'}, "go to 'New Incident' page");
- my $form = $agent->form_number(3);
- $agent->click('CreateIncident');
- is $agent->status, 200, "Attempted to create the ticket";
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- # Incident has the same value
- my $inc_id = $agent->get_ticket_id( );
- $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $inc_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->Name, 'Incidents - GOVNET', 'correct value';
- # And the report too
- $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $ir_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->Name, 'Incident Reports - GOVNET', 'correct value';
-diag "create an incident with EDUNET, then try to create children using"
- ." Incident input field and different constituency. Should be rejected."
- my $incident_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- 'Incidents - EDUNET',
- { Subject => "test" },
- );
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->Name, 'Incidents - EDUNET',
- 'correct value';
- }
- foreach my $queue( 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations', 'Blocks' ) {
- diag "create a ticket in the '$queue - GOVNET' queue" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket(
- $queue. ' - GOVNET',
- {
- Subject => "test constituency",
- },
- );
- ok !$id, 'ticket was not created';
- $agent->content_like(
- qr/choose the same value for a new ticket or use another Incident/mi,
- 'creation rejected because of not matching constituency'
- );
- }
-diag "create an incident with EDUNET and check that we can create children"
- . " with the same constituency and operation is not rejected"
- my $incident_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- 'Incidents - EDUNET',
- { Subject => "test" },
- );
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->Name ,
- 'Incidents - EDUNET', 'correct value';
- }
- foreach my $queue( 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations', 'Blocks' ) {
- diag "create a ticket in the '$queue - EDUNET' queue" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- $queue . ' - EDUNET',
- {
- Subject => "test constituency",
- Incident => $incident_id,
- },
- );
- $agent->display_ticket( $id);
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->QueueObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('RTIR Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'correct value';
- } {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('RTIR Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'incident still has the same value';
- }
- $agent->ticket_is_linked_to_inc( $id, $incident_id);
- }
-diag "create an IR create an Incident with different constituency"
- ." and goto [Link] IR, we shouldn't see an IR there"
- # an IR
- my $ir_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- 'Incident Reports - GOVNET',
- { Subject => "test" }
- );
- $agent->display_ticket( $ir_id);
- $agent->content_like( qr/GOVNET/, "value on the page" );
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $ir_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->Name, 'Incident Reports - GOVNET', 'correct value';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('RTIR Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
- $ticket->Subject("incident report #$ir_id");
- }
- # an IR
- my $inc_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok('Incidents - EDUNET',
- { Subject => "test" },
- );
- $agent->display_ticket( $inc_id);
- $agent->content_like( qr/EDUNET/, "value on the page" );
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $inc_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->Name, 'Incidents - EDUNET', 'correct value';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('RTIR Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'correct value';
- }
- $agent->get_ok(
- $agent->rt_base_url ."/RTIR/Link/ToIncident/?id=$inc_id&"
- ."Lifecycle=incident_report&Query=id%3D$ir_id"
- );
- $agent->content_unlike(qr/incident report #$ir_id/, 'no IR on the page');
-diag "check that we can change constituency of an unlinked ticket using 'Edit' page"
- # blocks are always linked to an incident
- foreach my $queue( 'Incidents', 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations' ) {
- my $id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- $queue .' - GOVNET',
- { Subject => "test constituency" },
- );
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('RTIR Constituency'),
- 'GOVNET', 'correct value';
- }
- $agent->display_ticket( $id);
- $agent->follow_link( text => 'Edit' );
- $agent->form_number(3);
- $agent->select("Object-RT::Ticket-$id-CustomField-". $cf->id ."-Values" => 'EDUNET' );
- $agent->click('SaveChanges');
- $agent->content_like(qr/Constituency .* changed to EDUNET/mi, 'field is changed');
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is uc $ticket->QueueObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('RTIR Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'correct value';
- }
- }
-diag "check that we can change constituency of an unlinked ticket using 'Edit' page"
- my $incident_id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- 'Incidents - EDUNET',
- { Subject => "test" },
- );
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $incident_id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('RTIR Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'correct value';
- }
- foreach my $queue( 'Blocks', 'Incident Reports', 'Investigations' ) {
- my $id = $agent->create_rtir_ticket_ok(
- $queue." - EDUNET",
- {
- Subject => "test constituency",
- Incident => $incident_id,
- },
- );
- DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
- {
- my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
- $ticket->Load( $id );
- ok $ticket->id, 'loaded ticket';
- is $ticket->QueueObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('RTIR Constituency'),
- 'EDUNET', 'correct value';
- }
- $agent->display_ticket( $id);
- $agent->follow_link( text => 'Edit' );
- my $form = $agent->form_number(3);
- ok !eval { $form->value('Constituency') }, 'no constituency hidden field';
- ok !$form->find_input( "Object-RT::Ticket-$id-CustomField-". $cf->id ."-Values" ),
- 'no constituency select box';
- }
- # check incident as it's linked now
- $agent->display_ticket( $incident_id);
- $agent->follow_link( text => 'Edit' );
- my $form = $agent->form_number(3);
- ok !eval { $form->value('Constituency') }, 'no constituency hidden field';
- ok !$form->find_input( "Object-RT::Ticket-$incident_id-CustomField-". $cf->id ."-Values" ),
- 'no constituency select box';
-undef $agent;
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