[Rt-commit] rtir branch, 4.0.0/fix-charting, created. 4.0.0-8-g84672d0
Dave Goehrig
dave at bestpractical.com
Thu Oct 20 16:47:44 EDT 2016
The branch, 4.0.0/fix-charting has been created
at 84672d0cfea5a511c1ae2d66569b850861ac7d8e (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 84672d0cfea5a511c1ae2d66569b850861ac7d8e
Author: Dave Goehrig <dave at bestpractical.com>
Date: Thu Oct 20 16:47:07 2016 -0400
updated charts page to be inline with RT 4.4.1
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Search/Reporting.html b/html/RTIR/Search/Reporting.html
index 9ba8ce0..6c7f948 100644
--- a/html/RTIR/Search/Reporting.html
+++ b/html/RTIR/Search/Reporting.html
@@ -45,42 +45,123 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+my $default_value = {
+ Query => RT::IR->ActiveQuery( Lifecycle => $ARGS{Lifecycle} ) || RT::IR->Query( Lifecycle => $ARGS{Lifecycle}) || 'id > 0',
+ GroupBy => ['Status'],
+ ChartStyle => 'bar+table+sql',
+ ChartFunction => ['COUNT'],
+$m->callback( ARGSRef => \%ARGS, CallbackName => 'Initial' );
+my $title = loc( "Grouped search results");
+my @search_fields = qw(Query GroupBy ChartStyle ChartFunction Width Height);
+my $saved_search = $m->comp( '/Widgets/SavedSearch:new',
+ SearchType => 'Chart',
+ SearchFields => [@search_fields],
+my @actions = $m->comp( '/Widgets/SavedSearch:process',
+ args => \%ARGS,
+ defaults => $default_value,
+ self => $saved_search,
+my %query;
+ if ($saved_search->{'CurrentSearch'}->{'Object'}) {
+ foreach my $search_field (@{ $saved_search->{'SearchFields'} }) {
+ $query{$search_field} = $saved_search->{'CurrentSearch'}->{'Object'}->Content->{$search_field};
+ }
+ }
+ my $current = $session{'CurrentSearchHash'};
+ my @session_fields = qw(
+ Lifecycle
+ Query
+ SavedChartSearchId
+ SavedSearchDescription
+ SavedSearchLoad
+ SavedSearchLoadButton
+ SavedSearchOwner
+ );
+ for(@session_fields) {
+ $query{$_} = $DECODED_ARGS->{$_} unless defined $query{$_};
+ $query{$_} = $current->{$_} unless defined $query{$_};
+ }
+ if ($DECODED_ARGS->{'SavedSearchLoadSubmit'}) {
+ $query{'SavedChartSearchId'} = $DECODED_ARGS->{'SavedSearchLoad'};
+ }
+ if ($DECODED_ARGS->{'SavedSearchSave'}) {
+ $query{'SavedChartSearchId'} = $saved_search->{'SearchId'};
+ }
+foreach (@search_fields) {
+ if ( ref $default_value->{$_} ) {
+ $query{$_} = ref $ARGS{$_} ? $ARGS{$_} : [ $ARGS{$_} ];
+ $query{$_} = $default_value->{$_}
+ unless defined $query{$_} && defined $query{$_}[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ $query{$_} = ref $ARGS{$_} ? $ARGS{$_} : $ARGS{$_};
+ $query{$_} = $default_value->{$_}
+ unless defined $query{$_};
+ }
+RT->Logger->debug("query is " . $query{Query});
+$m->callback( ARGSRef => \%ARGS, QueryArgsRef => \%query );
<& /Elements/Header, Title => $title &>
-<& /Elements/Tabs &>
-<& /Elements/ListActions &>
+<& /Elements/Tabs, QueryArgs => \%query &>
+<& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@actions &>
+% $m->callback( ARGSRef => \%ARGS, CallbackName => 'BeforeChart' );
-% if ( $ShowChart ) {
<& /Search/Elements/Chart, %ARGS &>
-% }
-<form method="get" action="<% RT::IR->HREFTo("Search/Reporting.html")%>">
-% my %hiddens = (Lifecycle => $Lifecycle, Query => $Query, Format => $Format, Rows => $Rows, OrderBy => $OrderBy, Order => $Order);
-% while ( my ($key, $val) = each %hiddens ) {
-% next unless defined $val;
-<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="<% $key %>" value="<% $val %>" />
-% }
+% $m->callback( ARGSRef => \%ARGS, CallbackName => 'AfterChart' );
+<div class="chart-meta">
+<div class="chart-type">
+<form method="get" action="<% RT->Config->Get('WebPath') %>/RTIR/Search/Reporting.html">
+<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="Lifecycle" value="<% $query{Lifecycle} %>" />
+<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="Query" value="<% $query{Query} %>" />
+<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="SavedChartSearchId" value="<% $saved_search->{SearchId} || 'new' %>" />
<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('Group by'), class => "chart-group-by" &>
<fieldset><legend><% loc('Group tickets by') %></legend>
<& /Search/Elements/SelectGroupBy,
Name => 'GroupBy',
- Query => $ARGS{Query},
- Default => $GroupBy[0],
+ Query => $query{Query},
+ Default => $query{'GroupBy'}[0],
<fieldset><legend><% loc('and then') %></legend>
<& /Search/Elements/SelectGroupBy,
Name => 'GroupBy',
- Query => $ARGS{Query},
- Default => $GroupBy[1],
+ Query => $query{Query},
+ Default => $query{'GroupBy'}[1] // q{},
ShowEmpty => 1,
<fieldset><legend><% loc('and then') %></legend>
<& /Search/Elements/SelectGroupBy,
Name => 'GroupBy',
- Query => $ARGS{Query},
- Default => $GroupBy[2],
+ Query => $query{Query},
+ Default => $query{'GroupBy'}[2] // q{},
ShowEmpty => 1,
@@ -89,66 +170,62 @@
<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc("Calculate"), class => "chart-calculate" &>
<fieldset><legend><% loc('Calculate values of') %></legend>
-<& /Search/Elements/SelectChartFunction, Default => $ChartFunction[0] &>
+<& /Search/Elements/SelectChartFunction, Default => $query{'ChartFunction'}[0] &>
<fieldset><legend><% loc('and then') %></legend>
-<& /Search/Elements/SelectChartFunction, Default => $ChartFunction[1], ShowEmpty => 1 &>
+<& /Search/Elements/SelectChartFunction, Default => $query{'ChartFunction'}[1] // q{}, ShowEmpty => 1 &>
<fieldset><legend><% loc('and then') %></legend>
-<& /Search/Elements/SelectChartFunction, Default => $ChartFunction[2], ShowEmpty => 1 &>
+<& /Search/Elements/SelectChartFunction, Default => $query{'ChartFunction'}[2] // q{}, ShowEmpty => 1 &>
<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('Picture'), class => "chart-picture" &>
-<label><% loc('Style') %>: <& /Search/Elements/SelectChartType, Default => $ChartStyle, Name => 'ChartStyle' &></label>
-<label><% loc("Width") %>: <input type="text" name="Width" value="<% $Width || "" %>"> <% loc("px") %></label>
+<input name="ChartStyle" type="hidden" value="<% $query{ChartStyle} %>" />
+<label><% loc('Style') %>: <& /Search/Elements/SelectChartType, Default => $query{ChartStyle} =~ /^(pie|bar|table)\b/ ? $1 : undef &></label>
+<span class="width">
+<label><% loc("Width") %>: <input type="text" name="Width" value="<% $query{'Width'} || q{} %>"> <% loc("px") %></label>
<span class="height">
- <label><% loc("Height") %>: <input type="text" name="Height" value="<% $Height || "" %>"> <% loc("px") %></label>
+ <label><% loc("Height") %>: <input type="text" name="Height" value="<% $query{'Height'} || q{} %>"> <% loc("px") %></label>
+<div class="include-table">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="ChartStyleIncludeTable" <% $query{ChartStyle} =~ /\btable\b/ ? 'checked="checked"' : '' |n %>> <% loc('Include data table') %>
+<div class="include-sql">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="ChartStyleIncludeSQL" <% $query{ChartStyle} =~ /\bsql\b/ ? 'checked="checked"' : '' |n %>> <% loc('Include TicketSQL query') %>
<script type="text/javascript">
-jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartStyle]").change(function(){
+var updateChartStyle = function() {
+ var val = jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartType]").val();
+ if ( val != 'table' && jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartStyleIncludeTable]").is(':checked') ) {
+ val += '+table';
+ }
+ if ( jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartStyleIncludeSQL]").is(':checked') ) {
+ val += '+sql';
+ }
+ jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartStyle]").val(val);
+jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartType]").change(function(){
var t = jQuery(this);
- t.closest("form").find("[name=Height]").closest(".height").toggle( t.val() !== "pie" );
+ t.closest("form").find("[name=Height]").closest(".height").toggle( t.val() == 'bar' );
+ t.closest("form").find("[name=Width]").closest(".width").toggle( t.val() !== 'table' );
+ t.closest("form .chart-picture").find("div.include-table").toggle( t.val() !== 'table' );
+ updateChartStyle();
+jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartStyleIncludeTable]").change( updateChartStyle );
+jQuery(".chart-picture [name=ChartStyleIncludeSQL]").change( updateChartStyle );
<& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc('Update Chart'), Name => 'Update' &>
-my $title = loc('Reporting');
-my $FullQuery;
-if ( $BaseQuery && $Query ) {
- $FullQuery = join ' AND ', map "( $_ )", $BaseQuery, $Query;
-else {
- $FullQuery = $BaseQuery || $Query;
-$ShowChart => 1
- at GroupBy => 'Status'
-$ChartStyle => 'bar'
- at ChartFunction => ('COUNT')
-$Description => undef
-$Width => undef
-$Height => undef
-$Lifecycle => ''
-$BaseQuery => RT::IR->Query( Lifecycle => $Lifecycle )
-$Query => RT::IR->ActiveQuery( Lifecycle => $Lifecycle )
-$Format => undef
-$Rows => 50
-$Page => 1
-$OrderBy => RT->Config->Get('DefaultSearchResultOrderBy')
-$Order => RT->Config->Get('DefaultSearchResultOrder')
+<div class="saved-search">
+ <& /Widgets/SavedSearch:show, %ARGS, Action => 'Reporting.html', self => $saved_search, Title => loc('Saved charts') &>
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