[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/improve-create-custom-field-message, repushed
Maureen Mirville
maureen at bestpractical.com
Wed Aug 30 12:24:46 EDT 2017
The branch 4.4/improve-create-custom-field-message was deleted and repushed:
was 92bf402a117a3c2d42aab512aa1c6e0010d65b8a
now ee061039b08fb2c3b72a9d535e10b7e5156d2f4e
1: a8840bb = 1: a8840bb Apply unset-field when cfs do not have a count
2: 51ebb5f = 2: 51ebb5f Add an option to treat attached email messages as normal file attachments
3: cb464b4 = 3: cb464b4 Restore attached email parsing when $TreatAttachedEmailAsFiles is not set
4: 5e5aa50 = 4: 5e5aa50 Tests for email file attachments
5: 733c523 = 5: 733c523 Initial test warning string updates
6: 6ba420c = 6: 6ba420c Document queue template name override
7: ac62f5d = 7: ac62f5d Forbid merging non-ticket objects
8: 09806ea = 8: 09806ea Verify default queue
9: 92bf402 ! 9: ee06103 Improve message for adding a value to a custom field
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
When user is creating a custom field and adding values as options,
previous message after adding a value, "Object created" was unclear.
- Message updated to make it clear user added a value to a custom field.
+ Message updated to make it clear user added a value to a custom
+ field.
Fixes: I#32695
@@ -20,3 +21,16 @@
$added_cfv = 1 if $id;
my $cfv = RT::CustomFieldValue->new( $session{CurrentUser} );
+diff --git a/t/web/cf_select_one.t b/t/web/cf_select_one.t
+--- a/t/web/cf_select_one.t
++++ b/t/web/cf_select_one.t
+ },
+ button => 'Update',
+ );
+- $m->content_contains('Object created', 'added a value to the CF' ); # or diag $m->content;
++ $m->content_contains('custom field value added', 'added a value to the CF' ); # or diag $m->content;
+ my $v = $value;
+ $v =~ s/^\s+$//;
+ $v =~ s/\s+$//;
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