[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.2/asset-bulk-cf, updated. rt-4.2.13-75-g3d389d5

Dave Goehrig dave at bestpractical.com
Fri Jan 13 14:25:30 EST 2017

The branch, 4.2/asset-bulk-cf has been updated
       via  3d389d501086fa6a51acd3d893f55f8c7aa5345f (commit)
      from  0cf934de1da1cea2433c9da3946357bda9c16c7f (commit)

Summary of changes:
 t/web/cf_parse.t | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 80 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 t/web/cf_parse.t

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 3d389d501086fa6a51acd3d893f55f8c7aa5345f
Author: Dave Goehrig <dave at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Fri Jan 13 14:25:16 2017 -0500

    adding _ParseObjectCustomFieldArgs unit tests

diff --git a/t/web/cf_parse.t b/t/web/cf_parse.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a5e2a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/web/cf_parse.t
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use RT::Test tests => undef;
+use RT::Interface::Web;
+#my ($baseurl,$m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+# ok $m->login, 'logged in';
+use Data::Dumper;
+diag "ParseObjectCustomFieldArgs";
+    my %test1;
+    my %test2;
+    my %test3;
+    my @values = qw( a b c d e f );
+    my @ObjectCustomFields = qw( 
+        Object-RT::Wicket-44-CustomField:Grouping-123-Snarf
+        Object-RT::Wicket-45-CustomField:Grouping-456-Frobnicate
+        Object-RT::Ticket-46-CustomField-789-Shizzle
+    );
+    my @BulkCustomFields = qw( 
+        Bulk-Add-CustomField:Grouping-123-Snarf
+        Bulk-Delete-CustomField:Grouping-456-Frobnicate
+        Bulk-Add-CustomField-789-Shizzle
+    );
+    # structure returned
+    my $test1Values = {
+        'RT::Ticket' => { '46' => { '789' => { '' => { 'Shizzle' => 'c' } } } },
+        'RT::Wicket' => {
+            '45' => { '456' => { 'Grouping' => { 'Frobnicate' => 'b' } } },
+            '44' => { '123' => { 'Grouping' => { 'Snarf' => 'a' } } } }
+    };
+    my $test2Values = {
+        '' => {
+            '0' => {
+                '123' => { 'Grouping' => { 'Snarf' => 'd' } },
+                '789' => { '' => { 'Shizzle' => 'f' } },
+                '456' => { 'Grouping' => { 'Frobnicate' => 'e' } } 
+            } 
+        }
+    };
+    # assemble the union of the two prior test sets
+    my $test3Values = { %$test2Values, %$test1Values };
+    @test1{@ObjectCustomFields} = @values[0..2];
+    @test2{@BulkCustomFields} = @values[3 .. $#values ];
+    @test3{@ObjectCustomFields, at BulkCustomFields} = @values;
+    # parse Object w/o IncludeBulkUpdate
+    my $ref1 = HTML::Mason::Commands::_ParseObjectCustomFieldArgs( \%test1 );
+    is_deeply $ref1, $test1Values, 'Object CustomField parsing';
+    # parse Bulk w/o IncludeBulkUpdate
+    my $ref2 = HTML::Mason::Commands::_ParseObjectCustomFieldArgs( \%test2 );
+    is_deeply $ref2, {}, 'ObjectCustomField paring with no Object- fields';
+    # parse only Bulk Fields w/ IncludeBulkupdate
+    $ref2 = HTML::Mason::Commands::_ParseObjectCustomFieldArgs( \%test2, IncludeBulkUpdate => 1  );
+    is_deeply $ref2, $test2Values, 'Bulk CustomField parsing';
+    # include both Object and Bulk CustomField args
+    my $ref3 = HTML::Mason::Commands::_ParseObjectCustomFieldArgs( \%test3, IncludeBulkUpdate => 1 );
+    is_deeply $ref3, $test3Values, 'Object and Bulk CustomField parsing';
+    # test want array return values
+    my (@arr1) = HTML::Mason::Commands::_ParseObjectCustomFieldArgs( \%test1 );
+    is_deeply \@arr1, [ %$test1Values ], 'test want array'; 


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