[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/style-custom-field-name, repushed

Maureen Mirville maureen at bestpractical.com
Fri Aug 10 06:48:09 EDT 2018

The branch 4.4/style-custom-field-name was deleted and repushed:
       was 6b600ca3e34a733ccf73df660f9a5c7998ce6cf0
       now 58f5b5fb9053a7ae2cb58dade5270a1d37ee4398

1: 6713f24f6 ! 1: af71ccfd1 Target style at custom field name
    @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
      % my $count = $Values->Count;
      % next if $HideEmpty and not $count;
     +% my $CustomFieldName = $CustomField->Name;
    -+%# The following line ensures invalid characters are removed (supports world languages).
    ++%#The following substitution replaces all non-ID_Continue characters with a dash character. The ID_Continue Unicode property was chosen because it (combined with ID_Start) is meant for variable names. ID_Continue includes characters suitable for use in CSS-class names (even non-Latin ones, to support non-English custom field names) and excludes syntactic characters that are not (such as whitespace characters).
     +% $CustomFieldName =~ s/\P{ID_Continue}+/-/g;
      % my @classes = (
      %   'custom-field',
      %   'custom-field-'.$CustomField->id,
    -+%   'custom-field-'.$CustomFieldName
    ++%   'custom-field-'.$CustomFieldName,
      % );
      % push @classes, 'unset-field' if not $count;
      % $m->callback( CallbackName => 'ModifyFieldClasses', CustomField => $CustomField,
2: 6b600ca3e < -:  ------- Add tests for CF class selector
-:  ------- > 2: 58f5b5fb9 Add tests for CF class selector

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