[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.6/configurable-linked-queue-portlets, repushed
Maureen Mirville
maureen at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 28 08:36:26 EDT 2018
The branch 4.6/configurable-linked-queue-portlets was deleted and repushed:
was 230fabf632541d429d9965070347780c7fe37930
now 461d8bb05bf035451639ba18426df9d08510a46f
1: bc475a634 ! 1: 449f092c2 Add a configurable queue portlet to ticket display
@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@
+my $ticket_id = $TicketObj->id;
+my $query = "Queue = '" . $QueueName . "' AND ". $Status;
-+my ( $relation1, $relation2, $relation3, $relation4, $relation5, $relation6 ) = undef;
+my @link_relations;
+my $link_query;
+foreach my $type ( @$LinkTypes ) {
@@ -97,28 +96,22 @@
+ $query = $query;
+ }
+ if ( $type =~ m/Depends on/ ) {
-+ $relation1 = " DependsOn = " . $ticket_id;
-+ push @link_relations, $relation1;
++ push @link_relations, " DependsOn = " . $ticket_id;
+ }
+ if ( $type =~ m/Depended on by/ ) {
-+ $relation2 = " DependedOnBy = " . $ticket_id;
-+ push @link_relations, $relation2;
++ push @link_relations, " DependedOnBy = " . $ticket_id;
+ }
+ if ( $type =~ m/Parents/ ) {
-+ $relation3 = " HasMember = " . $ticket_id;
-+ push @link_relations, $relation3;
++ push @link_relations, " HasMember = " . $ticket_id;
+ }
+ if ( $type =~ m/Children/ ) {
-+ $relation4 = " MemberOf = " . $ticket_id;
-+ push @link_relations, $relation4;
++ push @link_relations, " MemberOf = " . $ticket_id;
+ }
+ if ( $type =~ m/Refers to/ ) {
-+ $relation5 = " RefersTo = " . $ticket_id;
-+ push @link_relations, $relation5;
++ push @link_relations, " RefersTo = " . $ticket_id;
+ }
+ if ( $type =~ m/Referred to by/ ) {
-+ $relation6 = " ReferredToBy = " . $ticket_id;
-+ push @link_relations, $relation6;
++ push @link_relations, " ReferredToBy = " . $ticket_id;
+ }
+$link_query = join ( ' OR ', @link_relations ) if scalar @link_relations;
@@ -126,7 +119,9 @@
+$linked_tickets->FromSQL( $query );
-+$Format = 'id,Subject,Status';
++$Format = q{'<b><a href="__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__id__</a></b>/TITLE:#',}.
++ q{'<b><a href="__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__Subject__</a></b>/TITLE:Subject',}.
++ q{Status};
@@ -138,10 +133,8 @@
+$FullList => undef
+$NoTicketsCaption => undef,
+$ShowHeader => 0
-+$ShowStatusesSelector => 0
+$AllowSorting => undef
+$PassArguments => undef
2: 230fabf63 = 2: 461d8bb05 Add docs for the new %LinkedQueuePortlets config
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