[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.6/configurable-linked-queue-portlets, repushed
Maureen Mirville
maureen at bestpractical.com
Wed Dec 12 18:15:46 EST 2018
The branch 4.6/configurable-linked-queue-portlets was deleted and repushed:
was b2ee2d7a5b929cafec4e33d1fc9f7bef8ee81f83
now 9c6a4cac981f915a06d44884e5591757f96c0fc3
1: 0f387a635 ! 1: 5f0c212bd Add a configurable queue portlet to ticket display page
@@ -89,17 +89,21 @@
+my $query = "Queue = '" . $QueueName . "' AND ". $ExtraQuery;
-+if ( grep /All/, @LinkTypes ) {
++if ( grep { lc $_ eq 'all' } @LinkTypes ) {
+ $linked_tickets->FromSQL( "$query AND ( LinkedTo = $ticket_id OR LinkedFrom = $ticket_id )" );
+} else {
+ my @link_relations = map { $_ . " = $ticket_id" } @LinkTypes;
+ my $link_query = join ( ' OR ', @link_relations );
-+ $query = $query . ' AND ( ' . $link_query . ' )' if $link_query;
++ if ( $link_query ) {
++ $query = $query . ' AND ( ' . $link_query . ' )';
++ } else {
++ $query = 'id=0';
++ }
+ $linked_tickets->FromSQL( $query );
+$Format = RT->Config->Get( 'LinkedQueuesPortletFormat' );
-+$FullList = "/Ticket/ModifyLinks.html?id=" . $TicketObj->id . "&Queue=" . $QueueId;
++$FullList = RT->Config->Get( 'WebPath' ) . "/Ticket/ModifyLinks.html?id=" . $TicketObj->id . "&Queue=" . $QueueName;
+$m->callback( CallbackName => 'MassagePortlets', ARGSRef => \%ARGS, Format => \$Format, FullList => \$FullList );
@@ -174,19 +178,19 @@
-+my ( $title_href, $titleright_raw, $title_class, $class );
-+foreach my $on_queue ( @show_portlet_on_queues ) {
-+ if ( $on_queue eq $TicketObj->QueueObj->Name ) {
-+ foreach my $queues ( @{ $portlet_config{ $on_queue } } ) {
-+ foreach my $queue_name ( keys %{ $queues } ) {
-+ my $queue_obj = RT::Queue->new( $session{ CurrentUser } );
-+ my ( $ret, $msg ) = $queue_obj->Load( $queue_name );
-+ RT::Logger->error( $msg ) unless $ret;
-+ next unless $ret;
-+ foreach my $link_types ( $queues->{ $queue_name } ) {
-+ $title_class = 'inverse';
-+ $class = "ticket-info-links";
++my ( $title_href, $titleright_raw, $title_class, $class ) = ('')x4;
++foreach my $queues ( @{ $portlet_config{ $queue } } ) {
++ foreach my $queue_name ( keys %{ $queues } ) {
++ my $queue_obj = RT::Queue->new( $session{ CurrentUser } );
++ my ( $ret, $msg ) = $queue_obj->Load( $queue_name );
++ unless ( $ret ) {
++ RT::Logger->error( $msg );
++ next;
++ }
++ my $link_types = $queues->{ $queue_name };
++ $title_class = 'inverse';
++ $class = "ticket-info-links";
+$m->callback( CallbackName => 'MassageTitleBox',
+ ARGSRef => \%ARGS,
@@ -196,6 +200,12 @@
+ title_class => \$title_class,
+ class => \$class,
++$m->callback( CallbackName => '',
++ ARGSRef => \%ARGS,
++ OrderBy => \$OrderBy,
++ Rows => \$Rows,
+<&| /Widgets/TitleBox,
@@ -225,15 +235,13 @@
+ QueueId => $queue_obj->id,
-+% }
-+% }
-+% }
+% }
+my %portlet_config = RT->Config->Get( 'LinkedQueuePortlets' );
+return unless %portlet_config;
-+my @show_portlet_on_queues = sort keys %portlet_config;
++my $queue = $TicketObj->QueueObj->Name;
++return unless $portlet_config{ $queue };
2: b2ee2d7a5 = 2: 9c6a4cac9 Add docs for the new Linked Queue Portlets configs
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