[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/remove-user-info, repushed
Craig Kaiser
craig at bestpractical.com
Mon Dec 31 15:36:28 EST 2018
The branch 4.4/remove-user-info was deleted and repushed:
was 59a381ff103cedfc8c277c27869ee1d1e468210b
now ead39d9fc44284fd245bd2c6939cb9d2c6f9421c
1: 7683adbe21 = 1: 7683adbe21 Remove user related data download links on "About Me" page of priviged users
2: a73494e8e6 = 2: a73494e8e6 Allow TSVExport filename to be set through Filename arg
3: 5a8673412f = 3: 5a8673412f Set filename of downloaded user related tsv data
4: 20e809325a = 4: 20e809325a Add Timezone info to user related data
5: fca10a9820 = 5: fca10a9820 Update title of ObjectId in $UserTransactionDataResultFormat
6: a4d10d41cb = 6: a4d10d41cb No need to show "Download User ..." buttons on user create page
7: 4f8878effb = 7: 4f8878effb Move User related info portlet into side column
8: eaca3ea66d = 8: eaca3ea66d Create method AnonymizeUser in User.pm
9: 1ceeab2d0a = 9: 1ceeab2d0a Create modal mason component
10: c8ebf4ef65 ! 10: 7da3d8c4d2 Enhance "User related info" with actions of clearing user info
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
shredder page with a pre formatted search.
With added actions, "Manage user data" is a more appropriate name.
+ Portlet
diff --git a/share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html b/share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html
--- a/share/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html
@@ -91,6 +92,10 @@
+ <a class="button" href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/Admin/Tools/Shredder/index.html?Plugin=Users&Users%3Astatus=<% $UserObj->Disabled ? 'disabled' : 'enabled' %>&Users%3Aname=<% $UserObj->Name %>&Users%3Areplace_relations=Nobody&Search=Search" name="replace-user"><&|/l&>Replace User</&></a>
+ <i class="label"><&|/l&>Replace user links in the database with "Nobody" user</&></i>
+ </div>
++ <div class="inline-cell">
++ <a class="button" href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/Admin/Tools/Shredder/index.html?Plugin=Users&Users%3Astatus=<% $UserObj->Disabled ? 'disabled' : 'enabled' %>&Users%3Aname=<% $UserObj->Name %>&Users&Search=Search" name="replace-user"><&|/l&>Replace User</&></a>
++ <i class="label"><&|/l&>Remove all references to user (Tickets linked to this user must be shredded first)</&></i>
++ </div>
+% }
+ </div>
+% }
11: fce1361c56 = 11: 2386dcf9ff Create test for remove user information
12: 59a381ff10 = 12: ead39d9fc4 Update download user info tests
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