[Rt-commit] rtir branch, 4.0/correspondents-from-makeclicky, created. 4.0.1rc1-89-g5d4c7285
Brian Duggan
brian at bestpractical.com
Mon Jun 11 15:32:51 EDT 2018
The branch, 4.0/correspondents-from-makeclicky has been created
at 5d4c728552f815b1d117cd6244df423480b71476 (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 092aa3d8666f880194a58f683f88be158dea3151
Author: Brian C. Duggan <brian at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Jun 4 15:05:19 2018 -0400
Test Correspondents field on 'Investigate to' investigation creation
MakeClicky 'Investigate to' links should load a queue selection page
for investigation creation.
That queue selection page form should lead to an investigation
creation page.
The Correspondents field on that investigation creation page should be
populated with the MakeClicky 'Investigate to' email address.
This change tests all four RTIR ticket types. It also adds tests the
'Investigate to' link workflow. It removes testing the
'foo-bar+baz at example.me' email address because this workflow does not
currently properly URI-escape Requestors args.
diff --git a/t/015-make-clicky.t b/t/015-make-clicky.t
index c064fa95..dc011ea8 100644
--- a/t/015-make-clicky.t
+++ b/t/015-make-clicky.t
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ diag "clicky ip" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
my @links = $agent->followable_links;
if ( $clicky{'ip'} ) {
my ($lookup_link) = grep lc($_->text||'') eq 'lookup ip', @links;
- ok($lookup_link, "found link");
- ok($lookup_link->url =~ /(?<!\d)1\.0\.0\.0(?!\d)/, 'url has an ip' );
+ ok($lookup_link, "Found link for IP address");
+ ok($lookup_link->url =~ /(?<!\d)1\.0\.0\.0(?!\d)/, 'Found IP address in URL' );
} else {
- ok(!grep( lc $_->text eq 'lookup ip', @links ), "not found link");
+ ok(!grep( lc $_->text eq 'lookup ip', @links ), "Didn't find link for IP address");
$id = $agent->create_ir( { Subject => 'clicky ip', Content => '' } );
@@ -30,85 +30,138 @@ diag "clicky ip" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
@links = $agent->followable_links;
if ( $clicky{'ip'} ) {
my ($lookup_link) = grep lc($_->text||'') eq 'lookup ip', @links;
- ok($lookup_link, "found link");
- ok($lookup_link->url =~ /(?<!\d)255\.255\.255\.255(?!\d)/, 'url has an ip' );
+ ok($lookup_link, "Found link for IP address");
+ ok($lookup_link->url =~ /(?<!\d)255\.255\.255\.255(?!\d)/, 'Found IP address in URL' );
} else {
- ok(!grep( lc $_->text eq 'lookup ip', @links ), "not found link");
+ ok(!grep( lc $_->text eq 'lookup ip', @links ), "Didn't find link for IP address");
$id = $agent->create_ir( { Subject => 'clicky ip', Content => '' } );
$agent->display_ticket( $id);
@links = $agent->followable_links;
- ok(!grep( lc($_->text||'') eq 'lookup ip', @links ), "not found link");
+ ok(!grep( lc($_->text||'') eq 'lookup ip', @links ), "Didn't find link for IP address");
$id = $agent->create_ir( { Subject => 'clicky ip', Content => '355.255.255.255' } );
$agent->display_ticket( $id);
@links = $agent->followable_links;
- ok(!grep( lc($_->text||'') eq 'lookup ip', @links ), "not found link");
+ ok(!grep( lc($_->text||'') eq 'lookup ip', @links ), "Didn't find link for IP address");
diag "clicky email" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- for my $email (
- 'foo at example.com', 'foo-bar+baz at example.me',
- 'foo at example.mobi', 'foo at localhost.localhost',
+ for my $create_method_ref (
+ sub { $agent->create_ir( $_[0] ) },
+ sub { $agent->create_incident( $_[0] ) },
+ sub { $agent->create_investigation( $_[0] ) },
+ sub {
+ $_[0]{Incident} = $agent->create_incident(@_);
+ $agent->create_countermeasure( $_[0] );
+ },
- diag "test valid email $email" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
- my ( $name, $domain ) = split /@/, $email, 2;
- my $id =
- $agent->create_ir( { Subject => 'clicky email', Content => $email } );
- $agent->display_ticket($id);
- my $email_link = $agent->find_link( url_regex => qr/\Qq=$email\E/, text_regex => qr/\Qlookup email\E$/ );
- my $domain_link = $agent->find_link( text_regex => qr/^\Qlookup "$domain"\E$/i );
- $agent->save_content('/tmp/x.html');
- if ( $clicky{'email'} ) {
- ok( $email_link, "found link $email_link" );
- ok( $email_link->url =~ /(?<!\w)\Qq=$email\E(?!\w)/, 'url '.$email_link->url.' has an email - '.$email );
- ok( $domain_link, "found link" );
- ok( $domain_link->url =~ /(?<!\w)\Q$domain\E(?!\w)/, 'url has a domain' );
- }
- else {
- ok( !$email_link, "not found email link" );
- ok( !$domain_link, "not found domain link" );
- }
- }
- for my $email ( 'foo at example') {
- diag "test invalid email (invalid domain) $email" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+ for my $email (
+ 'foo at example.com',
+ 'foo at example.mobi', 'foo at localhost.localhost',
+ )
+ {
+ diag "test valid email $email" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+ my ( $name, $domain ) = split /@/, $email, 2;
+ my $id =
+ $create_method_ref->( { Subject => 'clicky email', Content => $email } );
+ $agent->display_ticket($id);
+ my $is_incident = $agent->text() =~ qr/Queue: Incidents/;
+ my $email_link = $agent->find_link( url_regex => qr/\Qq=$email\E/, text_regex => qr/\Qlookup email\E$/ );
+ my $domain_link = $agent->find_link( text_regex => qr/^\Qlookup "$domain"\E$/i );
+ my $investigate_link = $agent->find_link( url_regex => qr/\QRequestors=$email\E/,
+ text_regex => qr/^\Qinvestigate to\E$/i ) if $is_incident;
+ if ( $clicky{'email'} ) {
+ ok( $email_link, "Found link for $email_link" );
+ ok( $email_link->url =~ /(?<!\w)\Qq=$email\E(?!\w)/, 'URL link '.$email_link->url.' has an email address: '.$email );
+ ok( $domain_link, "Found link for URL domain" );
+ ok( $domain_link->url =~ /(?<!\w)\Q$domain\E(?!\w)/, 'URL link has a domain' );
+ # Test that 'Investigate to' links go to the queue selection page for creating incidents.
+ # Then test that the new investigation form on that page loads the investigation creation page.
+ # Then test taht the Correspondents field is populated with the given email address.
+ if ( $is_incident ) {
+ ok( $investigate_link, "found investigate link" );
+ ok( $investigate_link->url =~ /(?<!\w)\QRequestors=$email\E(?!\w)/,
+ 'url '.$investigate_link->url.' has Requestors email' );
+ $agent->follow_link_ok( { url => $investigate_link->url }, 'followed "investigate to" link' );
+ $agent->title_is( 'Select Queue for New Investigation',
+ 'selecting queue for new investigation' );
+ $agent->submit_form_ok(
+ {
+ form_id => 'CreateInQueue',
+ },
+ 'submitted new investigation form',
+ );
+ $agent->title_is( 'Launch a new investigation', 'launching a new investigation' );
+ $agent->form_name( 'TicketCreate' );
+ my @correspondents = $agent->find_all_inputs(
+ name => 'Requestors',
+ type => 'text',
+ value => $email,
+ );
+ ok($correspondents[0], 'Found an email address');
+ is($correspondents[0]->value, $email, 'Email is correct: ' . $correspondents[0]->value);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ok( !$email_link, "Didn't find link for email address" );
+ ok( !$domain_link, "Didn't find link for domain" );
+ ok( !$investigate_link, "Didn't find 'Investigate to' link") if $is_incident;
+ }
- my ( $name, $domain );
- if ($email =~ /^(.*)@(.*)$/) {
- ($name,$domain) = ($1,$2);
- my $id = $agent->create_ir( { Subject => 'clicky email', Content => $email } );
- $agent->display_ticket($id);
- my $email_link = $agent->find_link( url_regex => qr/\Qq=$email\E/, text_regex => qr/\Qlookup email\E$/ );
- ok( !$email_link, "not found email link for $email" );
- my $domain_link = $agent->find_link( text_regex => qr/^\Qlookup "$domain"\E$/i );
- ok( !$domain_link, "not found domain link for $domain" );
- }
- for my $email ( '@example.com' ) {
- diag "test invalid email (no local part) $email" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+ for my $email ( 'foo at example') {
+ diag "test invalid email (invalid domain) $email" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+ my ( $name, $domain );
+ if ($email =~ /^(.*)@(.*)$/) {
+ ($name,$domain) = ($1,$2);
+ }
+ my $id = $create_method_ref->( { Subject => 'clicky email', Content => $email } );
+ $agent->display_ticket($id);
+ my $is_incident = $agent->text() =~ qr/Queue: Incidents/;
+ my $email_link = $agent->find_link( url_regex => qr/\Qq=$email\E/, text_regex => qr/\Qlookup email\E$/ );
+ ok( !$email_link, "Didn't find an email link for $email" );
+ my $domain_link = $agent->find_link( text_regex => qr/^\Qlookup "$domain"\E$/i );
+ ok( !$domain_link, "Didn't find a domain link for $domain" );
+ my $investigate_link = $agent->find_link( url_regex => qr/\QRequestors=$email\E/,
+ text_regex => qr/^\Qinvestigate to\E$/i )
+ if $is_incident;
+ ok( !$investigate_link, "Didn't find 'Investigate to' link for $email" );
+ }
- my ( $name, $domain );
- if ($email =~ /^(.*)@(.*)$/) {
- ($name,$domain) = ($1,$2);
+ for my $email ( '@example.com' ) {
+ diag "test invalid email (no local part) $email" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+ my ( $name, $domain );
+ if ($email =~ /^(.*)@(.*)$/) {
+ ($name,$domain) = ($1,$2);
+ }
+ my $id = $create_method_ref->( { Subject => 'clicky email', Content => $email } );
+ $agent->display_ticket($id);
+ my $is_incident = $agent->text() =~ qr/Queue: Incidents/;
+ my $email_link = $agent->find_link( url_regex => qr/\Qq=$email\E/, text_regex => qr/\Qlookup email\E$/ );
+ ok( !$email_link, "Didn't find link for $email" );
+ my $domain_link = $agent->find_link( text_regex => qr/^\Qlookup "$domain"\E$/i );
+ ok( $domain_link, "Found the bare domain for $domain" );
+ my $investigate_link = $agent->find_link( url_regex => qr/\QRequestors=$email\E/,
+ text_regex => qr/^\Qinvestigate to\E$/i )
+ if $is_incident;
+ ok( !$investigate_link, "Didn't find 'Investigate to' link for $email" );
- my $id = $agent->create_ir( { Subject => 'clicky email', Content => $email } );
- $agent->display_ticket($id);
- my $email_link = $agent->find_link( url_regex => qr/\Qq=$email\E/, text_regex => qr/\Qlookup email\E$/ );
- ok( !$email_link, "not found email link for $email" );
- my $domain_link = $agent->find_link( text_regex => qr/^\Qlookup "$domain"\E$/i );
- ok( $domain_link, "still found the bare domain for $domain" );
diag "utf8 caching " if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
commit bb42b466304d86fdf83db0d507e42d38485cbb3e
Author: Brian C. Duggan <brian at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon May 21 15:59:59 2018 -0400
Pass Requestors through queue selection modal if provided
ebe8874d introduced the new queue selection modal which requires some
values intended for the create page to be written as hidden fields so
they are passed on when submitted.
This change adds Requestors to support the Investigate to
link. Previously the "Investigate to" email addresses were being lost
on the queue modal and not appearing in the Correspondents field.
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Elements/CreateInRTIRQueueModal b/html/RTIR/Elements/CreateInRTIRQueueModal
index f0e643a0..d4128b0c 100644
--- a/html/RTIR/Elements/CreateInRTIRQueueModal
+++ b/html/RTIR/Elements/CreateInRTIRQueueModal
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@
% }
% if ($Child) {
<input type="hidden" name="Child" value="<%$Child%>"/>
+% }
+% if ($Requestors) {
+<input type="hidden" name="Requestors" value="<%$Requestors%>"/>
% }
<&|/l_unsafe, $ticket_type,
@@ -95,5 +98,6 @@ my $ticket_type = lc RT::IR::TicketType( Lifecycle => $Lifecycle );
$Incident => undef
$Child => undef
+$Requestors => undef
commit 5655b8754d40ecccc6beb689b9b2a93dee1cc129
Author: Brian C. Duggan <brian at bestpractical.com>
Date: Thu May 24 16:07:34 2018 -0400
Test emails with +tags for 'Investigate to' MakeClicky links
The MakeClicky tests do not test links for mails with +tags.
This change re-adds testing 'foo-bar+baz at example.me' so that we can
test a fix for emails with special characters.
diff --git a/t/015-make-clicky.t b/t/015-make-clicky.t
index dc011ea8..c8f8d1b6 100644
--- a/t/015-make-clicky.t
+++ b/t/015-make-clicky.t
@@ -61,12 +61,14 @@ diag "clicky email" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
for my $email (
- 'foo at example.com',
+ 'foo at example.com', 'foo-bar+baz at example.me',
'foo at example.mobi', 'foo at localhost.localhost',
diag "test valid email $email" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
my ( $name, $domain ) = split /@/, $email, 2;
+ my $uri_escaped_email = $email;
+ RT::Interface::Web::EscapeURI(\$uri_escaped_email);
my $id =
$create_method_ref->( { Subject => 'clicky email', Content => $email } );
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ diag "clicky email" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
my $email_link = $agent->find_link( url_regex => qr/\Qq=$email\E/, text_regex => qr/\Qlookup email\E$/ );
my $domain_link = $agent->find_link( text_regex => qr/^\Qlookup "$domain"\E$/i );
- my $investigate_link = $agent->find_link( url_regex => qr/\QRequestors=$email\E/,
+ my $investigate_link = $agent->find_link( url_regex => qr/\QRequestors=$uri_escaped_email\E/,
text_regex => qr/^\Qinvestigate to\E$/i ) if $is_incident;
if ( $clicky{'email'} ) {
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ diag "clicky email" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
# Then test taht the Correspondents field is populated with the given email address.
if ( $is_incident ) {
ok( $investigate_link, "found investigate link" );
- ok( $investigate_link->url =~ /(?<!\w)\QRequestors=$email\E(?!\w)/,
+ ok( $investigate_link->url =~ /(?<!\w)\QRequestors=$uri_escaped_email\E(?!\w)/,
'url '.$investigate_link->url.' has Requestors email' );
$agent->follow_link_ok( { url => $investigate_link->url }, 'followed "investigate to" link' );
$agent->title_is( 'Select Queue for New Investigation',
commit 5d4c728552f815b1d117cd6244df423480b71476
Author: Brian C. Duggan <brian at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Jun 8 18:09:31 2018 -0400
Handle emails with +tags in 'Investigate to' MakeClicky links
Email addresses with +tags were not URI-escaped in the RTIR MakeClicky
callback for 'Investigate to' links. Then, the CreateInRTIRQueueModal
would URI-unescape the Requestors GET parameter, replacing + with a
space in the hidden input field. The modal passed that incorrect value
to the RTIR investigation creation page.
This change URI-escapes the email address in the RTIR MakeClicky
callback before inserting in to the 'InvestigateTo' link. That allows
the modal to unescape it to a correct value, and pass the correct
value to the investigation creation page.
diff --git a/html/Callbacks/RTIR/Elements/MakeClicky/Default b/html/Callbacks/RTIR/Elements/MakeClicky/Default
index 15cabafd..e9e7b890 100644
--- a/html/Callbacks/RTIR/Elements/MakeClicky/Default
+++ b/html/Callbacks/RTIR/Elements/MakeClicky/Default
@@ -158,6 +158,8 @@ my %actions;
RT::IR->HREFTo(qq{Tools/Lookup.html?$args{'lookup_params'}type=email&q=$escaped_email}). qq{">}
.loc('lookup email') .q{</a>};
if ( $args{'incident'} ) {
+ my $uri_escaped_email = $escaped_email;
+ RT::Interface::Web::EscapeURI(\$uri_escaped_email);
if ( $r->uri =~ /Lookup.html$/ ) {
$result .= qq{<input type="checkbox" name="Requestorbox-$escaped_email" unchecked />};
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ my %actions;
RT::IR->HREFTo( "CreateInQueue.html"
. qq{?Incident=$args{'incident'}}
. qq{&Lifecycle=}.RT::IR->lifecycle_investigation
- . "&Requestors=$escaped_email")
+ . "&Requestors=$uri_escaped_email")
. qq{">}
. loc('Investigate to') .qq{</a>};
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